English Title: Will Power (Anniversary Series) Cantonese Title: 法外風雲 (faat ngoi fung wan) Cast: Wayne Lai 黎耀祥, Moses Chan 陳豪, Fala Chen 陳法拉, Christine Ng ä¼è© è–‡, Jason Chan 陳智燊, Sire Ma 馬賽, Yueh Hua å²³è¯, Chung King Fai é¾æ™¯è¼ Episodes: 32 Airing date: 14 October 2013 (Replacing Sniper Standoff) Themesong: Remnant (éºç‰©)- Alfred Hui (CD) […]
I felt that these episodes were pretty boring. A lot felt like filler episodes, but when I think about it..maybe it’s because I’m not that interested in the characters and relationships anymore. I want to see more Chilam and Myolie moments though, but they were minimal. I’m starting to feel that TITS2 is filled […]
These episodes focused a lot on Ron and Myolie which I didn’t mind at all : ) There were some very sweet scenes between the two and slowly I began to really like this couple. It felt very genuine and it became clear in episode 21 that Ron had feeling for Myolie as well. Did […]
I’m almost half way through the series and I feel that it’s slowly losing its momentum and I’m slightly losing interest in it. I thought episode 16 -17 were quite exciting but this doesn’t mean I fully liked the way it was developed or where the story was heading. Nancy’s story development in episode 18 […]
These episodes mainly focus on the students at PPP, Fala and Myolie. I felt there was a lot of relationship development between Fala and Francis, while Chilam was pretty much missing in action (except looking cool and flirting with Fala here and there – making the other students think Chilam is giving Fala special treatment). […]
The series continues to be enjoyable 10 episodes in. Chilam and Myolie’s storyline continues to develop and not disappoint. In order to get close to her, Chilam decides to move in as one of her housemates. Seeing Myolie’s dislike for him, her loyal team member “Teddy” (and I believe is also her secret crush) played […]
Finally started on Grand Production “Triumph in the Skies II” 😀 I haven’t seen the prequel before, but Chilam’s casting in this series was enough to get me excited to watch the series! I’ve just seen the first 5 episodes so here are some of my impressions on the characters so far: Francis Ng as […]
English Title: Triumph in the Skies II [2013 Grand Production] Cantonese Title: è¡ä¸Šé›²éœ„II (chong seung wan siu II) Cast: Francis Ng å³éŽ®å®‡, Julian Chilam Cheung 張智霖, Myolie Wu 胡æå…’, Fala Chen 陳法拉, Ron Ng å³å“ç¾², Kenneth Ma 馬國明 , Nancy Wu 胡定欣, Elena Kong 江美儀 Episodes: 43 Airing date: 15 July 2013 (replacing ‘A Change of Heart‘) […]