Triumph in the Skies 2

  • I felt that these episodes were pretty boring. A lot felt like filler episodes, but when I think about it..maybe it’s because I’m not that interested in the characters and relationships anymore. I want to see more Chilam and Myolie moments though, but they were minimal. I’m starting to feel that TITS2 is filled with lots of mini side plots and relationships and an attempt to pair up every character possible..
  • Not much has happened in these episode which I really want to comment about, so I’ll just pick a few that kind of stands out in my mind.

Triumph in the Skies 2

  • A small scene, but quite heart-warming to see Nick and Coco still friends and watching how caring Nick still is towards Coco. I hope Coco will regret the decision she made to give up such a great boyfriend!

Triumph in the Skies 2

  • Ron fails his Captain assessment the 2nd time, this time because of Josie. Third time failure would mean he can never take the test again.
  • I know all will end well with Myolie and Ron, and Josie is completely innocent and unaware of what’s between Ron and Myolie..but sometimes Josie gets on my nerves. It could just be her acting though. Ron starts feeling sorry for her when he found out about her illness (cancer?) and as a result, attempts to help fulfil her dreams and accompany her to do eveyrthing she wants on her “to do list”. I don’t know what Ron is thinking sometimes- was he just going to give up on Myolie for a girl he felt sorry for? P.s That scene where Ron slowly leaned his head on her shoulder when they went to watch the sunset was so fake! lol!!

Triumph in the Skies 2

  • Yay for more sibling love! We haven’t really seen much of Chilam in these episodes, especially after Fala broke up with him. He seems to be getting over it and spends more time with fmily. i.e Myolie. Their half sister “Alizee”, who is also a mega fan of Captain Cool, appears although he refused to acknowledge her. I loved that part where Myolie said to Chilam: “Why do you always have to be mean to your sisters?” XD When they learned of what happened to Alizee’s past (through some facebook stalking!) they started to feel sorry for her and finally took her in as part of their family.

Triumph in the Skies 2

  • I loved this  airport scene! Alizee was clinging onto Chilam’s arm while Myolie was just walking by Chilam’s side.
  • Alizee: “Such a cool and handsome brother accompanying me back for my graduation, it’s going to make all my fellow students envy!”
    Chilam to Myolie: “Look. Alizee is my sister, you’re my sister, she says things which makes me so happy…you-
    Myolie puts a huge grin of her face and grabs Chilam’s arms ^__^ hehe how cute!

Triumph in the Skies 2

  • On the other hand, things seem to be developing well between Francis and Fala, almost to the point that something was clearly there. When Francis notices this and overhears other cadet students gossiping about them, he starts to keep his distance as he does not want others  striping Fala’s credit because of their relationship. This disheartens Fala who does not believe what others think matters.

Triumph in the Skies 2

6 Responses to “[Triumph in the Skies II] Episode 26-30 Thoughts”

  • i love these episodes because holiday and sam’s chemistry is so good and sweet. I like the part when holiday put on those funny goggles and looked like a minion xP And that scene when jayden hugs both sisters that was a really sweet sibling moment xP I think the most messed up scene was when issac tried to surprise summer but annoying Josie came out and it was like “this was the surprise me with Josie” (even though he didn’t mean it that way Josie just made it feel that way and I hate how they keep spelling her name jose lol that’s a Spanish boy’s name)

    • KTVB says:

      oh that Issac scene..almost forgot it happened in these episodes!! It made me so was so stupid! How hard was to tell her then that it was for Summer and not her -_- He just started dating her after the ‘confession’ geez what in the world!??

      hahah yea TVB need to work on the English words on the subtitles!

    • Lan June says:

      Haha, I love these epi. too only because Sam and Holly have great chemistry. I never thought they could create such a great bonding together coz they don’t look match compared to Jayden. But it surprised me becoz I could feel the love in them. Holiday didn’t have any sex scene with Sam and they didn’t even kiss yet but it showed so much love in their eyes. Well, this proves sometimes having sex scene on screen isn’t necessary to show one’s love.

      • KTVB says:

        Sam and Holiday’s scenes in episode 26-30 didn’t catch much of my attention, but it was the later episode from 31 onwards until the finale which did (Unfortunately episodes I didn’t end up blogging about)

        Sam and Holiday’s relationship development and time together as a couple is probably the best one in the series.

        I love it everytime Sam expresses his feelings/love towards Holiday because it’s so rare for him to express it explicitly ^^

  • Lan June says:

    Yes, I noticed that too. I was like, why would you stop in the middle?? Where was the recap for 31-41?? Haha

    But if you rewatch these ep., you will find they have great chemistry together. To me, they already fell in love without even realized it. In ep. 26, Holly baked a cake and waited for Sam to celebrate it with her. I love how Sam pretended not knowing her birthday and said the cake was too ugly to eat, haha. But he later played a birthday song for her and Holly was so touched to the point that she almost cried. In ep. 29, Holly got mad and complained that Sam was mean to her but so nice to Josie and Sam had to comfort her for that. I love that scene coz their chemistry was just great. I guess starting from that point, they both seemed to know there was something changed between them but just couldn’t bring it out yet.

  • ART says:

    which episode is when holiday visits koashing and captain cool tries to give the bracelet back to holiday.. but holiday runs back to sam? which episode is that one?

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