January 2017

[TVB Drama] No Reserve

English Title: No Reserve (also known as Rosy Business III) Cantonese Title: 巾幗梟雄之諜血長天 (Gan Gwok Hiu Hung Ji Dip Huet Cheung Tin) Previous Installments: 2009 Rosy Business | 2010 No Regrets Cast: Wayne Lai 黎耀祥 (飾江尚紅/鈴木一雄), Myolie Wu 胡杏兒 (飾張寄生), Edwin Siu 蕭正楠 (飾周細雞), Sire Ma 馬賽 (飾金韞凌),  Lau Kong, 劉江 (飾林群), Kin Kong 金剛 (飾武田介男), […]


December 2010

[No Regrets] Wayne Lai and Sheren Tang Chibi Drawing

Hi everyone! Here is my chibi artwork of [No Regrets] for K-TVB.net featuring Wayne Lai and Sheren Tang! Lau Sing and Cheng Kau Mui are such amazing characters and their on-screen chemistry is simply mind-blowing! To me, No Regrets will always be the best TVB drama of 2010. This is just a little tribute to […]

I’ve been having quite a hectic week and with TVB Anniversary Awards revealed and a bit of time for the results to sink in, I’ve finally had the chance to put together my thoughts on the final episodes (31-32) of No Regrets 😀 *** “Let’s leave together- We’ll live together, or die together” I think […]


December 2010

[No Regrets] Parody

I’ve been watching the “Have Fun with Liza and Gods” clips and there has been quite a few parody’s from No Regrets. This one is my favourite of them all XD Wong Cho Lam is hilarious! XD Ah..I’m still suffering form Post no-Regrets Symptoms XD If you find other clips of NR worth watching, please […]


November 2010

[No Regrets] The Green Room “Today’s VIP”

I just watched this interview clip with Wayne, Sheren and Pierre on “the Green Room”. I really enjoyed the interview because it goes into more depth about what the actors think about their characters, the whole filming process and how united everyone on the crew was 🙂 I totally agreed with Carlos when he mentioned […]


November 2010

[No Regrets] Episode 26-30 Thoughts

YAY!!The Japanese were FINALLY defeated and China is once again, returned to China 😀 8 years of war is  over 😉 I kept hoping that Sheren and Wayne would finally get together in these episodes..they’ve been through so many life and death situations! There were so many opportunities and they spent a lot of alone […]


November 2010

[No Regrets] Preview for Final Episodes

This preview was shown at the end of episode 24 as a preview for the final episodes of No Regrets! SO EPIC!!


November 2010

[No Regrets] Episode 21-25 Thoughts

I was really happy for Sheren when Elliot seemed to care about her again when she returned home and is proud of her when she killed the Japanese guy 🙂 Hmm… is it just me or does Pierre seem to think that the only way he can repay Wayne is to find every opportunity to […]