February 2021


Hi, I’m K – Thanks for visiting my TVB blog [K for TVB]! 🙂 It contains an archive of my thoughts on various TVB dramas from 2006- 2014, including TVB synopsis, screen captures, themesong lyric translations & downloads. We were previously known as K-TVB.net, but since February 2021 we have migrated across to http://tvb.dearchibi.com . While I am no longer updating this blog as such, I hope it remains on the web to commemorate the good old TVB days [ and me personally on the time and dedication I spent on this blog in my younger years 😉 ] Enjoy!

10 Responses to “Welcome!”

  • Chibi says:

    Yay, welcome back 😀
    It would be a shame to see this site go. Congrats on the huge achievement for keeping this blog up and running for so many years. So much love and dedication!

  • Theresa says:

    Welcome back 😊

    It’s been a long time, over the last few years I’ve also moved away from TVB dramas orni refer watching old ones

    Glad to see you back 😊

  • Rachel says:

    I’m so glad that the website will still be here and we can revisit old memories! 💔

  • Faithict says:

    Welcome back Chibi…It is nice to see you back again ^_^
    I am glad you are still keeping this blog. I missed those good old days where I used to pen down some thoughts on the tvb series in between assignments:) And I like the way you reviewed too…
    Those are keepsake memories

    • Chibi says:

      Thanks Faithict! I don’t run this website though.. this blog always has been run by K 🙂 I’m just helping her host the website to keep it up and running.

  • Jackie says:

    Figured I swing by and drop a hello! So glad you are keeping this blog up. I kid you not — I’ve been visiting this site here and there ever since I was in 7th grade in 2007, now I am a 27-year-old working professional LOL. I’ve stopped watching TVB dramas (more in favor of Korean dramas now) but I appreciated growing up watching all of these dramas and going to your blog to read updates and thoughts about the latest episodes. I hope you’re doing well and take care!

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