Starting from October 22 Every Monday to Friday 8:30pm on Australia TVBJ Satelite (after the end of The Drive of Life)

Cast: Yuen Biao, Moses Chan, Kevin Cheng, Gigi Lai, Yoyo Mung, Maggie Shiu Mei Ki, Macro Ngai Chun Kit , Kwok Yiu Ming
Episodes: 37


Famous for his unparalleled kung-fu skills, Police Officer YUEN FO-SUN (Yuen Biao) has cracked a large number of difficult cases, which makes him very popular within the police force. Despite the recognition he has achieved, FO quits his job to become a monk. But later, as luck would have it, he gets back to Hong Kong again, where he experiences a series of mysterious, supernatural events…

With the assistance of FO, WAI TSUN-LUNG (Moses Chan), an undercover police officer, manages to solve the most complicated cases. FO believes that there is a special bond between him and LUNG. LUNG and his bosom friend KEUNG NGA-YUE (Yoyo Mung) have been very close to each other. Feeling so upset, LUNG’s girlfriend WONG CHING-YING (Gigi Lai) starts going out with her boss CHONG MAN-HEI (Kevin Cheng), which leads her to the point of no return…

To seek revenge, LUNG has shown his complete disregard for law and order. He is ready to sacrifice himself and even FO to reach his goal. Things are happening as FO predicts. Will the long-running feud between them be eventually settled? Fate will decide…


14 Responses to “[New Series]: The Ultimate Crime Fighter”

  • FaNNy says:

    to Summer: me too!! i love action movies! imma watch it over christmas vacation tho =\ very long time ah

  • Summer says:

    To Fanny: i saw the perview last yrs at TVB anniversary moment, and felt tat is quite nice, it depends, some ppl dun like action series, but some do love it.. to me, i would felt ok for me.. cos i love series fr TVB such as abt criminal crime …love to see how the get to caught the thiefs after doing so much of work on it.. haha..

  • tvbtoday says:

    hey KTVB…thanks for the sypnosis for the ultimate crime fighter..looking froward to gigi’s role…can’t believe kevin in not on the cover..he is like tvb’s hottest star!!

  • Summer says:

    KTVB : at last, tis series ” the ultimate crime fighter ” is come.. it quite long time a go, i see TVB anniversary show, they got promote tis series.. now it come good..

  • jklc says:

    Kevin will appear half way on the serie, so he is in a different poster by himself

  • FaNNy says:

    i just finished the first 2 episodes of the ultimate crime fighter and its really good!!! a lotta action =] its like way better than OTFB. cuz OTFB talks more about love while the ultimate crime fighter is more action =] omg…gigi looks so weird in that cuz of her mouth…it looks like it has braces i’m not really sure if it does or not lolz xD nerdy gigi =] very weird since she is usually very beautiful

  • cdvcddvd says:


  • 4555667 says:

    this is a good series

  • michelle says:

    i like the series too

    but not alot on crime. .

    more on the love ..

    too bad the ending is like that..

  • Steven says:

    I give 95% but very sad to end up like Jing Jing.

  • ahnonomynos says:

    very gan chiong and FULL OF SURPRISES!

    love ching ching!

    man hei’s ‘personal’ story is by far a very good one!

  • Mandy Fong says:

    One of the best, most exciting TVB series !!Not to forget with the most good looking stars!!Kevin rrocks in his acting as a bad guy!!

  • Elizabeth says:

    I just finish this whole movie,
    it was really good,but i can’t
    believe how Moses end up like.
    But it was a really good serious,
    but i still think Gigi deaths was sad,
    she was innocent and stuff but
    Moses got what he got for what
    he has done and umm…he got nicer at
    the end soo yeah and it was sad what
    Yoyo did for Moses and stufff hehehe 😀

  • stargal15 says:

    One of my favourite drama, which I watched it 3 times but still cries when Gigi dies…it’s just seriously heartbreaking when she dies, just when Moses and her are almost getting back together…D:

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