January 2012

[New Series]: L’Escargot

English Title: L’Escargot

Cantonese Title: 缺宅男女 (kuet jaak naam nui)

Cast: Michael Miu 苗僑偉 (飾關嘉安), Sonjia Kwok 郭羡妮 (飾施朗翹), Ron Ng 吳卓羲 (飾丁冠峰), Linda Chung 鍾嘉欣 (飾關嘉樂), Michael Tse 謝天華 (飾高宏瞻), 滕麗名 (飾李蔓華), Oscar Leung 梁烈唯 (飾關嘉康), Mandy Wong 黃智雯 (飾婁笑蘭), Him Law 羅仲謙 (飾關嘉榮)

Episodes: 30

Airing date: 3 January 2012 (Airring after When Heaven Burns)

Themesong: A Tale of a Wounded City (傷城記) – Linda Chung & Ron Ng (CD Version)

Official: Website | Purchase DVD @ YesAsia.com (English Subtitles)

Executive Producer: Cheung Kin Man

Scriptwriter: Lau Choi Wan



Renovation contractor KWAN KA-ON (Michael Miu Kiu Wai) is the elder of four siblings, while his wife SZE LONG-KIU (Sonija Kwok) is a typical housewife. Buying a house is their longtime dream. But when his eldest brother, KWAN KA-HONG’s business goes under, they shelve their plan to help him overcome his difficulties. KIU has to look for a job too. Unwilling to see ON shoulder the burden on his own, KWAN KA-LOK (Linda Chung), the third of the siblings, turns to her supervisor GAO WANG-CHIM (Michael Tse) for assistance, resulting in her taking part in an indecent proposal. Her boyfriend, TING KOON-FUNG (Ron Ng), breaks up angrily with her when he finds out about their affair. KWAN KA-WING (Him Law), the youngest of the four, prefers spending to saving and decides that he will in no circumstances help in the service of the mortgage. The family dream of buying a house turns out eventually to be a nightmare that never ends


Credits: TVB.com.au

12 Responses to “[New Series]: L’Escargot”

  • AC says:

    I only watched the first 3 episodes so far and the main thing I keep thinking is that I like Michael Tse with a little hair a lot more than his closely shaved hair look he has right now. haha. It’s cute so far, and Mandy’s character is really annoying!

    Also, this is like a mini E.U. reunion with Michael Miu, Laughing, and Ron!

  • Lala says:

    Yeah im liking this series.
    If i had to nip pick things…. I didnt like JJ even tho she only had like one line LOL she cant do anti social well will just have to see how she goes later on.
    I dont know if this is a good thing or bad i forever see Oscar (and Fred) as kids (late teens – early 20s) i know both are in 30s but they dont look it! So Oscar being paired with Mandy seems a little weird to me he makes her look older

  • LuvRon says:

    I love Ron and RoDa Best Couple

  • Domo says:

    does anyone knows where to watch this drama?

  • KTVB says:

    I’ve only seen bits and pieces of this drama. I was watching “Wish and Switch” instead though a few of my friends told me this is a bit better than Wish and Switch.
    From the scenes I’ve seen, Michael Miu’s character annoyed me and I felt sorry for Sonjia most of the time.

    I’ve also noticed the Linda, Michael Tse and Ron triangle. I thought Linda’s character was really dumb to “repay” Michael that way. I disliked watching how indecisive she was and it slightly reminded me of her character in MR when she was switching between boys. Other than the fact Michael tse was married, I liked how attentive etc he was to Linda compared to Ron who was just the extreme jealous type.

    And what a huge image change for Mandy Wong lol!

    • Ri says:

      I agree with you abt the Michael Tse part!! Aside from the fact that he was married (even though that’s a HUGE fact) he was by far way more likeable than Ron. He was so sweet to Linda, who I agree was an idiot for “repaying” him that way. Geez, Michael didn’t even force her!

      I watched the bulk of the series and I thought it was alright, but prolly because I expected it to be more silly and crazy and it actually turned out so serious (which is a good thing!) 🙂

  • aaron says:

    does anyone know the english translation for the theme song

  • Dorothy says:

    Ron is right when he tells linda that no one forced her to repay michael, it wasnt like he was holding a knife and making her do it

  • Emily Cheung says:

    In L’Escargot episode 11 at the end they were playing a song what was it called

  • ANGLE4 says:

    i want linda with ron!!!!

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