Niki Chow’s “A Change of Heart”, the theme song to TVB’s [A Change of Heart] has been playing in my head over and over…I’m currently loving this song and the series! I think the song sounds catchy. There’s something about the melody of it- it sounds sad and slightly haunting like someone who is experiencing depression and is breaking down. Here is my attempt at the English Translation. I’m currently up to episode 15 of the series and I have a feeling this song will relate to Joey Meng’s character the most. As Michael Miu’s character changes after his heart transplant, their relationship is starting to grow distant. Will need to watch on to find out I guess!

Feel free to share your thoughts or your interpretations. You can also find the full lyrics, pinyin and download link down below. Enjoy!
TVB A Change of Heart Themesong Lyrics

English translation of ‘A Change of Heart’

You say you are busy; on the 400th night you’re still busy
I see you are too happily busy, forgotten to try to lie
I see this door; behind the door changes too un-peacefully
Every breath, no hope

*Atmosphere changed, taste have changed, the past warmth have gradually turned cold
We used to be mutually romantic, this night has turned into vain hope

Heart- at the start naturally kind-hearted, turn around and its turned sinister
Like how you used to be able to wait for my love, later, slowly slowly decline/give up
Can always be optimistic at the start, but end up turning depressed
Who has the ability to be together, make little bits of happiness

When courage has changed into weakness, even when talking you’d worry you use the wrong words
When oxygen also turns weak, even the power to kiss is gone
I see this wall, wall looks like it has our shadows
Not taking any notice of each other, being neglected by you

Repeat *
Heart- at the start naturally kind-hearted, turn around and its turned sinister
Like how you used to be able to wait for my love, later, slowly slowly decline/give up
Can always be optimistic at the start, but end up turning depressed
Who has ability to be together again, make little bits of feelings
Feelings, love til death

Heart- at the start would be strong, turn around and it’ll only know howto bound
Like the happiness at the beginning of love, later slowly slowly close
From the start didn’t want it to change, but it changed unconsciously
Who has the fate to be together again, to make a bit more feelings
Feelings, will lose feelings quickly

Lyrics with Pinyin: 心變

nei suet nei yau si mong mong dai sei baak maan nei jung joi mong
你 說 你 有 事 忙   忙 第 四 百 晚 你 總 在 忙
ngoh hon nei taai sin mong mong gei yung jun lik dei suet fong
我 看 你 太 善 忘   忘 記 用 盡 力 地 說 謊
ngoh hon gin je do moon moon hau bin fa taai gwoh bat on
我 看 見 這 道 門   門 後 變 化 太 過 不 安
yat foo yat kap moot yau hei mong
一 呼 一 吸   沒 有 希 望
hei aat bin liu mei do woon diu gwoh hui nuen yi jim leung
* 氣 壓 變 了   味 道 換 掉   過 去 暖 意 漸 涼
chung chin si nei ngoh suen seung yat dui woo woon long maan je maan keuk bin dak mong seung
從 前 是 你 我 算 上 一 對 互 換 浪 漫   這 晚 卻 變 得 妄 想
sam yat hoi chi tin sing sin leung yat juen san goi jong dak him ok
心   一 開 始 天 性 善 良   一 轉 身 改 裝 得 險 惡
yue nei chang wai oi sau hau hau loi maan maan dei maan maan dei poh lok
如 你 曾 為 愛 守 候   後 來 慢 慢 地 慢 慢 地 破 落
yat hoi chi jung hoh hoi long git mei keuk bin dak han jui song
一 開 始 總 可 開 朗   結 尾 卻 變 得 很 沮 喪
sui yau nang noi joi yat hei hui kau yat dim yat dim faai lok
誰 有 能 耐 再 一 起   虛 構 一 點 一 點 快 樂
yung hei yi bin yeuk si taam wa ya wooi pa choh suen yung chi
勇 氣 已 變 弱 時   談 話 也 會 怕 錯 選 用 詞
yeung hei ya bin yeuk si lin man bit dung lik yik fai ji
氧 氣 也 變 弱 時   連 吻 別 動 力 亦 廢 止
ngoh hon gin je do cheung cheung seung chi yau nei ngoh ying ji
我 看 見 這 道 牆   牆 上 似 有 你 我 影 子
bat chau bat choi bei nei fat si
不 瞅 不 睬   被 你 忽 視
Repeat *
sam yat hoi chi tin sing sin leung yat juen san goi jong dak him ok
心   一 開 始 天 性 善 良   一 轉 身 改 裝 得 險 惡
yue nei chang wai oi sau hau hau loi maan maan dei maan maan dei poh lok
如 你 曾 為 愛 守 候   後 來 慢 慢 地 慢 慢 地 破 落
yat hoi chi jung hoh hoi long git mei keuk bin dak han jui song
一 開 始 總 可 開 朗   結 尾 卻 變 得 很 沮 喪
sui yau nang noi joi yat hei hui kau yat dim yat dim gam gok
誰 有 能 耐 再 一 起   虛 構 一 點 一 點 感 覺
gam gok oi do liu sei gok
感 覺   愛 到 了 死 角
sam yat hoi chi jung wooi ji keung yat juen san ji dung dak chuk bok
心   一 開 始 總 會 自 強   一 轉 身 只 懂 得 束 縛
yue oi ching yue faai hoi mok hau loi maan maan dei maan maan dei bai mok
如 愛 情 愉 快 開 幕   後 來 慢 慢 地 慢 慢 地 閉 幕
yat hoi chi bat seung juen bin yiu bin fa keuk bat ji bat gok
一 開 始 不 想 轉 變   要 變 化 卻 不 知 不 覺
sui yau yuen fan joi yat hei hui kau doh dim doh dim gam gok
誰 有 緣 分 再 一 起   虛 構 多 點 多 點 感 覺
gam gok faai song sat ji gok
感 覺   快 喪 失 知 覺

Chinese lyrics: 心變 《好心作怪》 主題曲 周麗淇

你說你有事忙 忙第四百晚你總在忙
我看你太善忘 忘記用盡力地說謊
我看見這道門 門後變化太過不安
一呼一吸 沒有希望

*氣壓變了 味道換掉 過去暖意漸涼
從前是你我算上一對互換浪漫 這晚卻變得妄想
心 一開始天性善良 一轉身改裝得險惡
如你曾為愛守候 後來慢慢地慢慢地破落
一開始總可開朗 結尾卻變得很沮喪
誰有能耐再一起 虛構一點一點快樂

勇氣已變弱時 談話也會怕錯選用詞
氧氣也變弱時 連吻別動力亦廢止
我看見這道牆 牆上似有你我影子

不瞅不睬 被你忽視

Repeat *

心 一開始天性善良 一轉身改裝得險惡
如你曾為愛守候 後來慢慢地慢慢地破落
一開始總可開朗 結尾卻變得很沮喪
誰有能耐再一起 虛構一點一點感覺
感覺 愛到了死角

心 一開始總會自強 一轉身只懂得束縛
如愛情愉快開幕 後來慢慢地慢慢地閉幕
一開始不想轉變 要變化卻不知不覺
誰有緣分再一起 虛構多點多點感覺
感覺 快喪失知覺

Download the song

Download Niki Chow CD version mp3 (right click file–> Save as”) Uploaded by Please do not direct link or distribute this link. Instead, link to this blog post, thanks! 🙂

19 Responses to “[A Change of Heart] Themesong Lyric Translations”

  • ac says:

    thankyou for translating this.Did you go to chinese school to read trad.chinese?

  • JacJac says:

    You’re such a good translator.

  • Chibi says:

    Woot awesome!! Gonna download the song now, thanks!!

  • vanessa says:

    nice! am going to dl too hehe. thank you ! ^^

  • kelly says:

    Thank you so much for translating this song. I love this song too. You’re awesome K!

  • Rin says:

    Sooo… I watched the first episode and totally like Nikki and Bosco together hench I have to ask… is she gonna end up with Michael or Bosco?? I read the very spoiley sypnosis that she starts to fall for Michael cus Bosco’s heart is in there… but then there’s also Bosco’s twin which is also play by Bosco that will have a love line with her?/ Ahhh, confused yet? I was 🙁
    This is the only reason I’m not continuing to watch it…

    & of course, thanks for the song! 😀 hehe.

    • KTVB says:

      I read the spoiler-ish synopsis too!!
      I have no idea who Niki will end up with though, I’m guessing Bosco’s twin though..Michael is a bit old for her XD

      I think you should continue watching it though. The love plot is actually qutie interesting (I’m on episode 18)

  • anonymous says:

    Hi! Thanks for the eng translation for the main theme song! Thanks to you I am able to understand the song better 😀

    Is it possible to also translate the subtheme hehe 😛

    Thanks in advance!

    Am in love with this series <3

    • KTVB says:

      I might translate the sub themesong too~~ though I personally only like the chorus of the sub themesong (other parts slightly dull..XD)

  • Nicole says:

    thanks for the links for the theme/sub-theme! i’ve been looking everywhere for them…i actually like the sub-theme better. catchy and Bosco’s singing has improved alot.

    this is one of the best shows this year (so far). slightly mysterious but light-hearted as well (thanks to Mandy LOL..but I like Vincent and Elaine’s characters as well). i ship Niki and Bosco #2 so badly! Bosco #1 was too bland and unrealistic for me…i tend to like Bosco’s bad boy characters better. 😉

    can’t wait to see how the last 10eps play out! hoping for a happy ending for Niki/Bosco. 🙂

  • Aytch says:

    Thanks for the lyrics! (Needed them so badly!)
    And of course the song for download! 😀
    Now I can listen to it without waiting for the start of every episode on TV ^^;;

    Thank you so much! :]

  • Cindy Ng says:

    Your translation is fantastic!

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