I will Wait for You– Michae Tse & Kate Tsui 谢天华&徐子珊-我等你(电视剧”洪武三十二”插曲)
Relic of an Emissary- Sub Themesong

Relic of an Emissary- Sub Themesong

bat ging yi dei jeung yat jo yeuk ding si yue dei
徐 : 不 经 意 地 像 一 早 约 定 时 与 地
ging gwoh maan wooi chin juen yeung oi chue hei
经 过 万 回 千 转 让 爱 储 起

sing yam hei mei yung ngoh joi san bin jaau do nei mei pa jung yue mong gei
谢 : 声 音 气 味   容 我 在 身 边 找 到 你   未 怕 终 于 忘 记
serng chin nin teng cheung maan lei  yik wooi seung dak hei
信千 年 遨 翔 万 里   亦 会 想 得 起
kei sat yue nei fan lei yuen chuen wai dang joi yue nei
徐 : 其 实 与 你 分 离   完 全 为 等 再 遇 你
aai gwoh fan hoi ji mei ngoh moon choi dung jan sik joi hoh yat hei
谢 : 挨 过 分 开 滋 味   我 们 才 懂 珍 惜 再 可 一 起
yuen fan jung yau fan lei wooi loi ba ngoh dang nei
合 : 缘 分 纵 有 分 离   回 来 吧   我 等 你
chin jung sai nei  maan fan dik ho kei
徐 : 千 种 细 腻   谢 : 万 分 的 好 奇
gam gok jeung kei jik je yeung mei
合 : 感 觉 像 奇 迹   这 样 美
yat jung sun nim joi fan hoi yi hau choi dui yin
徐 : 一 种 信 念   在 分 开 以 后   才 兑 现
gan nei maan haang dau juen yuet gwoh bin chin
跟 你 漫 行   兜 转   越 过 变 迁
yat jung gei nim chung sui yuet dong jung bat goi bin
谢 : 一 种 纪 念   从 岁 月 当 中   不 改 变
leung dui sau hin jeuk sin jui gaan naan si san gung min bin oi doh yat dim
两 对 手   牵 着 线   最 艰 难 时 辰 共 勉   便 爱 多 一 点
kei sat yue nei fan lei yuen chuen wai dang joi yue nei
徐 : 其 实 与 你 分 离   完 全 为 等 再 遇 你
aai gwoh fan hoi ji mei ngoh moon choi dung jan sik joi hoh yat hei
谢 : 挨 过 分 开 滋 味   我 们 才 懂 珍 惜 再 可 一 起
yuen fan jue jung yau fan lei wooi loi ba ngoh dang nei
合 : 缘 分 纵 有 分 离   回 来 吧   我 等 你
chin jung sai nei  maan fan dik ho kei
徐 : 千 种 细 腻   谢 : 万 分 的 好 奇
gam gok jeung kei jik je yeung mei
合 : 感 觉 像 奇 迹   这 样 美

English Translation by KTVB
Please credit K-TVB.net if reposted

Kate: Accidentally, like as if we’ve previously had already agreed on time and place
Passing through many events, our love is stored together
Michael: The flavour of your voice, lets me search for you; not afraid of forgetting
No matter how many years and miles; I will still remember
Kate: To separate from you, is to only wait to see you again
Michael: Only after enduring the taste of separating from you, we will know to treasure being together again
Both: Separations exist in fate, come back, I will wait for you
Kate:Thousand types of exquisiteness
Michael: extremely filled with curiousity
Both: Feeling is like a miracle- so beautiful

Kate: A belief, was truly fulfiled after separation
Walking slowly with you, encounter changes
Michael: A memory; amongst the years, won’t change
Two hands tightly holding on; mutual encouragement in the most difficult times; love will deepen
Kate: To separate from you, is to only wait to see you again

Michael: Only after enduring the taste of separating from you, we will know to treasure being together again
Both: Separations exist in fate, come back, I will wait for you

Kate: Thousand types of exquisiteness
Michael: extremely filled with curiousity
Both: Feeling is like a miracle- so beautiful

Download “I Wait for you” (right click-> “save as”)

Youtube: Making of the MV

KTVB comment: Since watching Relic of an Emissary, I’ve fallen in love with this themesong  XD I like a lot of the characters and pairings in the series. Although Kate and Michael have limited time together due to his memory loss; there’s something about the two that makes me like them as a couple (although from where things are heading- I dont’ think they’ll end up together). Maybe its due to the mystery they built up from the beginning; and the fact that she was the first woman whom he fell in love with.

Above is my attempt at translating the lyrics- forgive me if I’ve misunderstood/mistaken some of the meaning lol I tried XD please credit if you decided to repost 🙂

10 Responses to “[Relic of an Emissary] Sub Themesong Lyrics & Translations”

  • Michael says:

    Awesome, thanks!

  • Chibi says:

    Nice song and great job on the song translations =D

    i find it funny that in the music video, they show both the CHARACTERS doing the singing..XD

  • gohanDLuffy says:

    I havent watched this drama yet, but im loving the themesongs to it soo much. this one is very sweet im not fond of kate as an actress but her singing skills is not too bad.also the opening song is very catchy, sang by joe ma? however i heard there has been a few complaints because of its themes?…

    • KTVB says:

      You should really give this drama a go- I’m absoluately loving it! XD And yup, Joe Ma sings the main themesong. I reckon they should have used the song in the series too..makes it more of a themesong!

      I’ve read the article about the so-called “complaints”. I don’t really know why HK people have so much to complain about! Surely they’re more mature than that!

      • gohanDLuffy says:

        yep i definitely will! i’m a fan of ancient drams, just gotta wait for the viet dubs and sub to come out, i watch it with my family no one misses an episode of any tvb lol.!! yes i read that it themes resembled sex and zen. hell no!!! nothing like that -_-” relic is waaay low key than that what are ppl thinking!?

        • Michael says:

          They’re bored with their lives so they decide to go and spark some controversy. And for some reason, I imagine most of these complaints coming from overprotective and hypersensitive parents.

  • Marcus says:

    I like the themesong I want the lyrics haha anyway I can’t wait to watch this drama woo!

  • Linda says:

    This song is a lie. She didn’t wait for him… She rejected him and he married the Princess! Save this song for other series ughh!

  • Cherry says:

    I absolutely adore this song! Both Kate and Michael’s voices are very compatible and very harmonious. I think I fell in love with Kate a little more for this 🙂

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