January 2008

[Survivor’s Law 2] Episode 1

I liked how the characters were introduced in the series. At the start, we see some reference to Survivor’s Law 1, a small recap of Sammul’s character, Vincent. I don’t remember much of SL1 since it has been 4 years, but I do have some vague memories of Sammul taken on the wrong path and ultimately suspended from his license of being a lawyer, because he started doing illegal things. At the end, he turns into a good person. Here, Sammul has changed law firm for a new start, meaning he has left the firm where Raymond, Myolie and Bernice were..I guess that’s understandable. I think it would have been nice to have them as a guest-star in SL2 but I guess it’s not necessary. I wonder if we’d find out what happened to his relationship with Bernice.

The series is set at the new law firm as he continues being a lawyer’s assistant. The firm is owned by a couple (I got the impression they were a married couple, but I’m not 100% sure), played by Rebbecca Chan and Waise Lee who have contrasting personalities. Rebecca plays a typical lawyer as earning money matters the most, while Waise is more laid back and relaxed, with his priorities in helping others achieve justice and happiness, that Rebecca was annoyed at how he kept convincing his clients to settle disputes out of court, which is a lot less costly, meaning less money earned.

Sammul’s first encounter with Kenneth was when he went to a butcher to give the butcher a lawyer’s letter and Kenneth was acting like a gangster. We later find out that he’s actually lawyer and his first court case was against Sammul’s law firm, going against Rebecca. The first impression she got from him wasn’t very good because of the way he was dressed. After introducing himself, Kenneth expressed his interest in joining her firm, even with less pay, but she was not interested at all because her firm was only for people who had ‘class’. Kenneth asked whether she’ll accept him if he won her in the court case and she agreed that she’ll agree with anything if he does. Of course, she did not feel threated by him because he was a newbie and this was just his first case. The unexpected happens (or rather expecting for us audiences), and Kenneth wins against Rebecca and he ends up working for their firm. At first, when Kenneth arrived at the firm, Rebecca went back on her words for employing him, but after Kenneth accepted the lower pay, no pay rise for 3 years, and no other pay leaves, overtime pays or bonuses, she agrees XD

Kenneth is my favourite character so far. He’s quite funny, playful, very devoted and has a good sense of justice. We find out that Kenneth desperately wanted to join the law firm because he looked up to Waise Lee who was his representative lawyer 7 years ago. Kenneth was a poor person, and so because of his background, he was suspected and accused of drug dealing when he was in the scene. Waise had helped prove him innocent in court, giving Kenneth once again new hope, after finding out that lawyers don’t just help those who have money and there was justice in the society. Waise was his idol, he wanted to be just like him which was why Kenneth tried really hard to finally became a lawyer. He wanted to learn more from him so wanted to work for his firm.

When Kenneth finally got to meet him, he appears to be different from what he had imagined (or was that just the impression Kenneth’s got from him?). As expected, Waise did not remember him at all, not even the content of the law book he published (which Kenneth bought and cherished) . Waise seems to be spending most of his time playing sport instead of dealing with court cases ^^;

Kenneth’s first task was to go and pick up the firm’s lawyer (played by Ella Koon) from the airport as she needed to go in court that same day…hehe..of course he was not pleased at all but he reluctantly went anyway. Unlike Kenneth, Ella is rich , materialistic, spoilt and looks highly on herself and because of the way Kenneth dressed (and was taking photos with some flight-attendant while he was bored waiting for her), Ella thought the firm just hired him as a luggage/taxi delivery. Likewise, because of the way Ella dressed and acted, Kenneth was not convinced she was a lawyer. They did not like each other XD Sadly, I don’t think anyone in the law firm likes Kenneth very much..

Kenneth holding up the sign looking for the lawyer. “What kind of person is this? leaving the court case to the last minute”

Ella complains about the car. Kenneth: “What’s wrong with it?”

Through the ride, Ella constantly complained about his car, how small it was, how bad it smelt and the things she found in it (like a pair of socks ^^); before she realised that Kenneth had (accidentally) left a luggage behind at the airport XD She ended up getting him to drive somewhere far in order to buy clothes to wear in court (it was in the luggage they lost) and Kenneth was annoyed that she was still being very picky on buying clothes when she was late for the court case XD Only when Ella arrived at court did she find out Kenneth was also a lawyer at their firm. Ella wins the case, and Kenneth is unhappy with it because he felt the outcome was unfair to the other party.

Back at the firm, Ella wanted to sue Kenneth in court for losing her luggage XD..ah…geez, sometimes I think she’s being so unreasonable..I think she’s a bit snobbish ..

The series does seem to be having resemblances to SL1 which I like =) Ella and Kenneth remind me of Raymond and Myolie in SL1….but why do the female characters have to be perceived that way lol~

Can’t wait to see this arguing couple fall in love and Sammul and Kenneth become friends lol I also hope will Selena appear soon! In this episode, they dealt with 2 cases, one about the a cockroach and model, the other being the dog and taxi driver. I didn’t quite understand what happened to the point raised in the cockroach case. The model loosened the pin on her outfit herself, which caused the cockroach to run loose..so shouldn’t she be responsible in that respect..? I also feel sorry for the taxi driver..all that hard earned money..


Kenneth: “What kind of firm is this??”

5 Responses to “[Survivor’s Law 2] Episode 1”

  • jobobi says:

    Rebecca and Waise are so cute!

  • sodapop says:

    aye… Sammul’s character is still my least favourite

  • PONYBOYY says:

    omgsh, i really hate sammul…
    dammit.. i thought raymond and bernice would be in this thats why i started to watch it.. geez turns out they arnt… darn it!

  • wlee says:

    on the last epsoide when they started the trial, why the guy annouce the date is in the future but not in the past it kinda weird when they put like this since its only in january.

  • j00ky says:

    The luggage scene… wasn’t it Ella that was pulling the pink luggage?? If so, it wasn’t Kenneth’s fault then. ~_~

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