Here’s my attempt at a English translation of Fiona Sit’s “At This Moment 此時此刻”, the theme song to TVB’s [Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles]. I tried my best to translate it closely to the meaning as possible (without being too literal), but please feel free to add suggestions, and let us know what it means to you 🙂 You can find full lyrics, pinyin and download link down below.

Simply put, it’s an endearing love song about a woman in love with a man, who loves several woman.. So it’s obvious it’s from the point of view of Damian’s ladies, though I personally find it suits Tavia’s character best. But of course, I’m only up to episode 9 so my thoughts can change but that’s how it feels to me at the moment. Please keep an eye out for my thoughts on [Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles] which will be posted every few days! For now, enjoy this song!

English translation of ‘At this Moment’

Just at that moment running out at noon to the seaside, the moment with a soft sunshine
Just in a little bit of depression last night, A moment of continuous rainfall

How many days am I always alone without support, I can’t wait for you to hold an umbrella for me
It’s my own wishful thinking to have a share, I don’t dare to ask you not to kiss her at night

The era wants to thin out your future with me, So hard to be together, I don’t want to let it go.
Who wants to among the complexity of excitement, Just want a simple love with you

Within a heated argument, the situation changes drastically
With a wheezing breath of courage, I’m drooping my head alone

The day’s colour has always been unpredictable, I want to share this moment with you
The moment your hands are clenching mine, I don’t want to know you’ll soon be leaving with her

The era wants to thin out your future with me, So hard to be together, I don’t want to let it go.
Who wants to among the complexity of excitement, Just want a simple love with you

The era has too many fear and tragedy to face, Don’t let go of closeness
It’s unnecessary to be in a dilemma, At least at this very second, I’m in front of you

Just want to be loved, simply you, simply me, simply love.

Lyrics with Pinyin: 此時此刻

jau joi chut jau hoi bin dik jing ng yau woh yat jiu dik yat hak
就 在 出 走 海 邊 的 正 午   柔 和 日 照  一 刻
jau joi dim dim yik yuk dik jok maan lin min ye yue dik yat hak
就 在 點 點 抑 鬱 的 昨 晚   連 綿 夜 雨 的 一 刻
doh siu tin chi jung do duk goh ji chaang dang bat do nei tai ngoh chaang hei yue jek
多 少 天 始 終 都 獨 個 支 撐   等 不 到 你 替 我 撐 起 雨 傘
ji che saan seung chi hak hoh wai ngoh fan daam bat gam seung nei man heung ta dik mooi maan
只 奢 想 此 刻 可 為 我 分 擔   不 敢 想 你 吻 向 她 的 每 晚
si doi yiu yat tin tin fan bok nei ngoh mei loi naan dak yat hei si bit yiu fong hoi
時 代 要 一 天 天 分 薄 你 我 未 來   難 得 一 起 時 別 要 放 開
sui yuen yi juk san yue fuk jaap lui jing choi ji seung yue nei gaan daan seung oi
誰 願 意 躋 身 於 複 雜 裡 精 彩   只 想 與 你 簡 單 相 愛
jau joi jaang chui jung go seng sing giu haam si guk kek bin dik yat hak
就 在 爭 取 中 高 聲 叫 喊   時 局 劇 變 的 一 刻
jau joi chuen sik gaan foo kap yung hei sui tau duk chue dik yat hak
就 在 喘 息 間 呼 吸 勇 氣   垂 頭 獨 處 的 一 刻
dong tin sik chi jung do moot faat chaai chaak seung san bin wooi yau nei fan heung mooi saat
當 天 色 始 終 都 沒 法 猜 測   想 身 邊 會 有 你 分 享 每 剎
dong chi hak yat seung sau bei nei gan ak bat seung ji nei faai yiu gan ta jun faat
當 此 刻 一 雙 手 被 你 緊 握   不 想 知 你 快 要 跟 她 進 發
si doi yiu yat tin tin fan bok nei ngoh mei loi naan dak yat hei si bit yiu fong hoi
時 代 要 一 天 天 分 薄 你 我 未 來   難 得 一 起 時 別 要 放 開
sui yuen yi juk san yue fuk jaap lui jing choi ji seung yue nei gaan daan seung oi
誰 願 意 躋 身 於 複 雜 裡 精 彩   只 想 與 你 簡 單 相 愛
si doi lui taai doh hung gui taai doh bei kek yiu jaap loi naan dak yung gan si bit joi fong hoi
時 代 裡 太 多 恐 懼 太 多 悲 劇 要 襲 來   難 得 擁 緊 時 別 再 放 開
mo wai joi fan sam yue suen jaak lui ji siu je yat miu gan chin si ngoh
無 謂 再 分 心 於 選 擇 裡   至 少 這 一 秒   跟 前 是 我
ji kau bei oi daan sun si nei daan sun si ngoh daan sun dei oi
只 求 被 愛   單 純 是 你   單 純 是 我   單 純 地 愛

Chinese lyrics: 此時此刻

就在出走海邊的正午 柔和日照的一刻
就在點點抑鬱的昨晚 連綿夜雨的一刻

多少天始終都獨個支撐 等不到你替我撐起雨傘
只奢想此刻可為我分擔 不敢想你吻向她的每晚

時代要一天天分薄你我未來 難得一起時別要放開
誰願意躋身於複雜裡精彩 只想與你簡單相愛

就在爭取中高聲叫喊 時局劇變的一刻
就在喘息間呼吸勇氣 垂頭獨處的一刻

當天色始終都沒法猜測 想身邊會有你分享每剎
當此刻一雙手被你緊握 不想知你快要跟她進發

時代要一天天分薄你我未來 難得一起時別要放開
誰願意躋身於複雜裡精彩 只想與你簡單相愛

時代裡太多恐懼太多悲劇要襲來 難得擁緊時別再放開
無謂再分心於選擇裡 至少這一秒 跟前是我
只求被愛 單純是你 單純是我 單純地愛

Download the song

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9 Responses to “[Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles] Themesong 此時此刻 by Fiona Sit (Download, lyrics, pinyin, translations)”

  • KTVB says:

    Thanks for sharing your translations Chibi 🙂 This is actually the first time I’ve listened to the song in full (CD version), and had a closer look into hearing the actual lyrics since you posted this.

    It is a pretty sad/moving love song, where the woman appears helplessly wanting the man to love her/ be with her. There are probably a few lines I would translate a bit differently (probably more of the literal meaning and not as fancy as yours lol) but overall similar.

    就在出走海邊的正午 柔和日照的一刻
    就在點點抑鬱的昨晚 連綿夜雨的一刻
    “Just at that moment running out at noon to the seaside, the moment with a soft sunshine
    Just in a little bit of depression last night, A moment of continuous rainfall”
    I’d have instead:
    “At the seaside at noon- a moment of gentle sunlight
    In last night’s depression- a moment of continuous rainfall”

    “I can’t wait for you to hold an umbrella for me”
    I would have:
    “Unable to wait for you to hold an umbrella for me”

    “It’s my own wishful thinking to have a share”
    My interpretation is that this phrase relates to the above ‘umbrella-holding scenario’ where she has been going through everything herself without his support:
    “Only hoped that at that moment he could be there for her/share the burden”

    I don’t dare to ask you not to kiss her at night”
    I would translate as: “I don’t dare to think about you kissing her every night”

    難 得 一 起 時 別 要 放 開
    “So hard to be together, I don’t want to let it go.“, I would interpret her saying to him “When we’re together, don’t let go” (since it’s so hard for them to be together)

    Similarly: 難 å¾— 擁 ç·Š 時 別 再 放 é–‹ “Don’t let go of closeness” should be “When we’re holding each other tightly, don’t let go again” (because, again, this rarely happens)

    • Chibi says:

      haha yes, I think your translation works better and is probably more accurate ^^; When I translated it, I wasn’t listening to the song so I just pulled apart what I could from the lyrics. Your version makes more sense XD~

  • Ri says:

    Thanks for translating the song Chibi! 🙂 I feel like TVB has been coming out with a string of good theme songs this year, and I must contribute that to the fact that a lot of them are sung by actual singers rather than the actors who are in the show itself. I’ve liked this song since the start and the sub-theme by Ron is actually pretty good too! The tone of the song gives of the feeling of longing and pain, and that’s bolstered by the lyrics. Also thought it was a good idea to get a female singer to put more oomph to the lyrics and I think Fiona Sit did a good job! 🙂

    • Chibi says:

      Thanks RI! Surprisingly, I didn’t really like this song when I first heard it, and would always skip the opening credits to not only avoid spoilers, but the song didn’t attract me too much. However, I started paying more attention to the lyrics and started liking it more 😀 I haven’t heard the ending theme by Ron yet ^^;;

  • JacJac says:

    Glad this blog is still alive. I just feel like the blogging world has been quiet. I think people are too busy with their lives or just not really interested in tvb anymore.

    Nice song lyrics and looking forward to see more of your Silver Spoons recaps.

    • Chibi says:

      Thanks for dropping by JacJac 😀 I don’t really frequent other TVB blogs at all so I wouldn’t know about inactivity… Just watching SSSS at my own pace and sharing my thoughts without too much pressure 🙂

  • B0nni3 says:

    Ktvb can you please do this for Raymond’s song for highs and lows “childish ends” please please I know some of the English translation if you need it 🙂

  • Sam Chan says:

    Hi Chibi, I’m happy with your English translation of ‘At this Moment’; I hope you can translate “Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles”‘s subtheme named 有時 by Ron Ng. I think this is a good song.
    Thanks Chibi very much! ^_^

    • Patty, C says:

      Here are the lyrics to Ron Ng’s theme song Sometimes:

      Not soon visit troubled eyes
      Love wiping buried alive buried farewell still bloom
      Years as a result of your visit or will the cold
      I remember a lifetime effort to perfect condition

      Do wrong for you to have the time to spend an error
      Only acquainted with you together through the initial

      Sometimes love can be to the old
      Sometimes better to leave
      Regret having breakdown
      Voluntarily willing to fall
      Sometimes when the opportunity to
      Sometimes forced sooner
      Should not separate captive cloud mountain clouds
      Also know you will be happy in this life to the old

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