December 2013

[New Series]: Coffee Cat Mama

English Title: Coffee Cat Mama

Cantonese Title: è²“屎媽媽 (maau si ma ma)

Cast:  Bosco Wong 黃宗澤, Michelle Yim 米雪, Eliza Sam 岑麗香, Nancy Wu 胡定欣, Vincent Wong 王浩信, Koo Ming Wa 古明華 , Mimi Lo 羅敏莊, Siu Po 小寶

Episodes: 20

Airing date:  23 December 2013 (Replacing ‘Bounty Lady“)

Themesong: Speed Competition (鬥快) by Hurbert Wu  (CD)

Official: Website | Purchase DVD @ YesAsia.com (English Subtitles)

Executive Producer:  Cheung Kin Man

Scriptwriter:  Chan Kam Ling
TVB Coffee Cat Mama Official Poster

Official Synopsis

Following the breakdown of his marriage to SUNG TSAU-PO (Miki Yeung), waiter PAU CHI-TAI (Bosco Wong) has to take up the parental responsibility on his own.

In order to take better care of his son, he has been changing his job constantly until his roommates SO SICK (Koo Ming Wa) and YAM KA-CHING (Vincent Wong) recommended him to work in a Café.  Unexpectedly, he encountered three troublesome female Café owners with intricate relationships, which has completely altered his life ever since.   MA SZ-NGA (Michelle Yim) is BEAN KWAI-CHI’s (Eliza Sam) biological mother, and her late ex-husband left them and his second wife SO MEI (Nancy Wu) the ownership of the Café.  Boasting her position as the person in charge in all respects, SZ-NGA bribes CHI-TAI and makes him the informant in secret in an attempt to have a solid grasp of what’s going on with everyone.  In the meantime, she also cultivates him to become a Barista.  After seeing that CHI-TAI is willing to meet any hardship for the sake of his son, KWAI-CHI, who once disliked him, has now grown fond of him, and even offers to help take care of his son.  Having learned that, SZ-NGA strongly disapproves of them being together, fearing that her wish of her daughter becoming a doctor will bite the dust.  Not wanting KWAI-CHI to follow in her own footsteps, SO MEI surprisingly joins forces with SZ-NGA, interrupting them with high-handed approaches.

水 吧仔鮑址堤(黃宗澤)與妻子宋秋波(楊愛瑾)離異後身兼母職,為求兒子得到更好的照顧,經常轉換工作,室友蘇晰(古明華)和任家政(王浩信)引薦他到一家 咖啡店工作,誰料遇上三位關係複雜又麻煩多多的女店主,改寫了他的人生。馬思雅(米雪)是邊貴知(岑麗香)的親生母親,前夫離世後留下咖啡店給她們與第二 任妻子蘇眉(胡定欣)共同經營,思雅處處以話事人自居左右大局,暗暗收買址堤作線眼掌握各人行蹤,同時又培訓他成為專業咖啡師,本來討厭址堤的貴知眼見址 堤甘願為兒子吃盡苦頭而漸生好感,更主動幫他照顧兒子,思雅知情後極力反對二人發展感情,恐怕因而斷送多年望女成醫的心願,蘇眉亦不願貴知步自己後塵,竟 與思雅聯成一線,以高壓手段大搞破壞……

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