September 2013

[New Series]: Brother’s Keeper

English Title: Brother’s Keeper

Cantonese Title: 巨輪 (gui lun)

Cast: Ruco Chan 陳展鵬 , Linda Chung 鍾嘉欣, Edwin Siu 蕭正楠, Kristal Tin 田蕊妮 , Louis Yuen 阮兆祥, Louise Lee 李司棋 , Lau Kong 劉江, Louis Cheung 張繼聰

Episodes: 32

Airing date: 23 September 2013 (Replacing ‘Always and Ever’)

Themesong: 巨輪 (Big Wheel) by Ruco Chan & Edwin Siu (CD)

Official: Website | Purchase DVD @ YesAsia.com (English Subtitles)

Executive Producer:  Wong Sum Wai

Scriptwriter:  Ng Shiu Tung
TVB Brother's Keeper Official Poster
Official Synopsis

KIU TIN-SENG (Ruco Chan) and LAW WAI-SHUN (Edwin Siu) are half-brothers, but fate intervenes and separates them.

Apart from growing up in two different places, Hong Kong and Macau, the half-siblings have also experienced the polarizing conflicts led by drastic changes in historical events.  Their mother CHOW YUK-MUI (Louise Lee) brings along the younger brother WAI-SHUN and lands in Macau as illegal immigrants.   With his own efforts and help from his best friends, YIU MAN-YING (Kristal Tin) and LUNG FEI (Louis Yuen), WAI-SHUN endures hardships, overcomes challenges, and eventually finds the road to success.   On the other side, TIN-SENG, who stays alone in Hong Kong to earn his own living, cuts corners by being in league with a triad leader KEUNG YUNG (Louis Cheung) and having an affair with a wealthy heir.  He deeply breaks his girlfriend CHEUK CHING’s (Linda Chung) heart, ending up losing both her and fortune.  Having gone through the ordeal over time,  the future of their once closely related and interdependent brotherhood has become more and more unpredictable, leading the two to further diverge from one another.  However, there is a deep-rooted faith in the blood-related brothers.  With this faith, no matter how treacherous the tests are, they eventually reunite with each other in a new and living way……

喬 天生(陳展鵬)和羅威信(蕭正楠)是同母異父的親兄弟,因為命運令他們不單分開在香港和澳門兩地,更令他們嘗盡劇變歷史中的兩極衝突。母親周玉梅(李司 棋)帶著小兒子威信在澳門當黑市居民,威信憑著努力和好朋友姚文英(田蕊妮)與龍飛(阮兆祥)的相助,歷盡艱辛,克服挑戰,最終踏上成功之路;獨自在港自 食其力的天生卻改走捷徑,聯結黑道古惑仔姜勇(張繼聰),與富家女發生關係,令女友卓靜(鍾嘉欣)傷心欲絕,最終落得人財兩空。本是唇齒相依的手足情,經 歷時代巨輪的洗禮,前境變幻莫測,二人愈走愈遠,但一個信念深植在他們相連的血脈裡,縱然考驗再苦再難,終在一條又新又活的道路上重遇……

Credits: TVB.com

16 Responses to “[New Series]: Brother’s Keeper”

  • h.k says:

    will watch this ruco is a better actor than sum.He was good in heart road gps.KTVB will u review this?

  • Ri says:

    I just started watching this! I’m quite enjoying it so far, and glad to see Ruco in a role where he can rly flex his acting chops. Linda and him also make a really cute couple although I can’t help but feel like this is deja vu.. reminds me a lot of Raymond Lam and Linda in Heart of Greed. Not so much their characters but how much I want them to work out with the sinking feeling that it just ain’t gonna be a happy ending 🙁

  • Vicky says:

    can you put the pinyin lyrics for their theme song please!

  • mike says:

    thank you

  • Lucilla Lai says:

    Yes! Pinyin lyrics for this themesong PLEASE!
    Thank you!

  • KTVB says:

    PinYin & Lyrics to Themesong:

    lit yat ha mak lo yan jing mak moot suet wa
    烈 日 下   陌 路 人 靜 默 沒 說 話
    joi je siu do gok yau san dik fan dau tung gin lap hei mooi goh ga
    在 這 小 島 各 有 新 的 奮 鬥   同 建 立 起 每 個 家
    daai lo seung yau jeuk
    jue tung yeung si ji sun ba
    大 路 上   有 著 同 樣 是 自 信 吧
    daai koi jau dak do je nin joi gaan san do bat joi pa
    大 概 走 得 到 這 年 再 艱 辛 都 不 再 怕
    ngoh gan nei daap pin jan sam dik yau haang hui ga dik faan wa
    我 跟 你 踏 遍 真 心 的 遊 行   虛 假 的 繁 華
    fung seung cham jim dik dong maan yat hei dai dong yue da
    颱 風 想 侵 佔 的 當 晚   一 起 抵 擋 雨 打
    yik jing seung gam jung lau haang ching cho ying yin nim gwa
    疫 症 傷 感 中 流 行   情 操 仍 然 念 掛
    mong gin sing sing yiu wan lok yat hei huk gwoh nei seung gei dak ma
    望 見 星 星 要 隕 落   一 起 哭 過   你 尚 記 得 嗎
    jau suen joi jok tin go go dai dai mooi yat pin nei ngoh yuen loi jam
    moh tui bin
    * 就 算 在 昨 天 高 高 低 低 每 一 篇   你 我 原 來 怎 麼 蛻 變
    jung hoh yeuk jun dung dong si guk
    lui gan sau je pin tin
    總 可 躍 進 動 盪 時 局 裡   緊 守 這 片 天
    je gui lun yau joi yat tin yat tin juen
    這 巨 輪   又 再 一 天 一 天 轉
    ngoh moon mei hoh wooi gwai do mei lai chung chin yik yau san ging din
    seung yin
    我 們 未 可 回 歸 到 美 麗 從 前   亦 有 新 經 典 上 演
    jau suen joi mau tin fung gap fa fei joi yat pin nei ngoh ying yin gam
    yue ying jin
    就 算 在 某 天 風 急 花 飛 再 一 篇   你 我 仍 然 甘 於 應 戰
    jau dak gwoh jui juet mong ngai naan liu na wooi pa haau yim
    走 得 過 最 絕 望 危 難 了   哪 會 怕 考 驗
    si doi bin yan mat fung ging do goi bin
    時 代 變   人 物 風 景 都 改 變
    ngoh moon ying yung keuk mei sue chung chin yue seung joi foo kwan lei
    lui jeung hin mei wooi bin
    我 們 英 勇 卻 未 輸 從 前   如 常 在 苦 困 裡 彰 顯   未 會 變
    na tin do yi gwok chut jau dik yan chiu yue gam tin wooi lau
    那 天 到 異 國 出 走 的 人 潮   於 今 天 回 流
    waak je do hin gwa je do si do se bat dak fong sau
    或 者 都 牽 掛 這 都 市   都 捨 不 得 放 手
    jaam do yung jai hoi pong chin waai min yi si mat yau
    站 到 擁 擠 海 旁 前   懷 緬 兒 時 密 友
    mei yau sau jeung yan na si yat hei jau gwoh nei yau gei dak fau
    未 有 手 掌 印 那 時   一 起 走 過   你 又 記 得 否
    Repeat *
    jau suen joi jok tin go go dai dai mooi yat pin nei ngoh yuen loi jam moh
    tui bin
    就 算 在 昨 天 高 高 低 低 每 一 篇   你 我 原 來 怎 麼 蛻 變
    jung hoh yeuk jun dung dong si guk lei
    lui gan sau je pin tin
    總 可 躍 進 動 盪 時 局 裡   緊 守 這 片 天
    je gui lun yau joi yat tin yat tin juen
    這 巨 輪   又 再 一 天 一 天 轉
    ngoh moon mei hoh wooi gwai do mei lai chung chin yik yau san ging din
    seung yin
    我 們 未 可 回 歸 到 美 麗 從 前   亦 有 新 經 典 上 演
    jau suen joi mau tin fung gap fa fei joi yat pin nei ngoh ying yin gam
    yue ying jin
    就 算 在 某 天 風 急 花 飛 再 一 篇   你 我 仍 然 甘 於 應 戰
    jau dak gwoh jui juet mong ngai naan liu na wooi pa haau yim
    走 得 過 最 絕 望 危 難 了   哪 會 怕 考 驗
    si doi bin yau yat gaan siu sat siu dim
    時 代 變   又 一 間 消 失 小 店
    ngoh moon hoh fau yeuk ding yue ming nin wai chi lok
    ngok goon siu lim yat jeung yau joi gin
    我 們 可 否 約 定 於 明 年   維 持 樂 觀 笑 臉 一 張   又 再 見

  • faithict says:

    I started watching this series ever since it started airing and was not able to pen down some thoughts here…not sure if anyone has started watching this but i feel somehow it has been a long time since TVB air a serious family story. Although there are a lot of claims saying that this series is some sort like a remake of one of the old tvb series, but i still feel enjoy watching it. What are your thoughts?
    Below are some of the review i have up to episode 15. 🙂

    The series started off with both Edwin and Linda getting kidnapped. At that point where Ruco indirectly helped Krystal in finding them, somehow i have this speck of hope that he might be a spy? Cause i can see that Ruco does cares for both his brother and gf. I guess i will have to wait till the finale in order to confirm that.
    Then the story goes back to where both of the brothers trying to stay in HK when Ruco able to get the HK residency but Edwin went back to his father.
    Ruco – I find his characters of going through a lot to achieve what he wants as he is an ambitious and determined person. HOwever i can see his brother love for Edwin and also wants the best for him. So that makes me believe even more that he might be just a spy towards the end instead of a bad character. Of course, i will have the other half of the series to watch.
    Edwin – he loves his mum a lot and treats everyone very nice till he cause some misunderstanding to Krystal. Not sure if he really will fall for her at the end, but i can see that he is one of the too good to be true kind of character. Just that at times i cannot stand how he can still be so obedient in respective of what the father has done to him and his mother. But glad that towards the end, Edwin did stand firm on his decision to use his own name and to cook the sugar biscuits nuts. But should also thank to his brother for the financial and moral support.
    Krystal – Her character is a very “yi hei” meaning treasure her friendship a lot and will go all the way for her friends benefits. I really do like her character. I dont feel any chemistry between her and Edwin or with the other guy.
    Linda – hmm, i have nothing much to comment about her character. I think her character is just like the other normal supporting character. Unable to see her shine over here. The only thing that i follow till now, is that she stands up for her dream to become a fashion designer. Other than that nothing so appealing about her character. I feel Krystal have more interesting. Correct me if i am wrong. And I dont think there is any chemistry between her and Ruco.

    Overall (till episode 15), I think this series is pretty heart-warming between brothers. Should give it a try and really anticipating for the remaining of the episdoes.

  • Winnie Tan says:

    In fact, nice show. I didn’t watch until my friends told me to. No regret.

  • Loco says:

    anyone can help me to find out the title of the background song played in the end of the every episode..to describe further, it is a Violin music.. your help is greatly appreciated.

  • AmyBB says:

    cool movie

  • Lovelymom says:

    It’s not only a nice drama but also a very good song.

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