April 2009

[E.U] Episode 19 Rejections

I really like how there’s a parallel story happening in E.U (which sorta reminds me of the affect in The Seventh Day), where something similar is happening to two different characters, but under different circumstances. One would be Kathy and her relationship with her mother, and Michael’s relationship with Elanne. In this episode, both Michael and Ron both choose their career over the woman they love. They started becoming harsh towards them and started distancing themselves. I thought it was heartbreaking for the girls…so slack!! (though they’re probably just as hurt) Yet, I think it’s because they love them, which is why they don’t want them to get involved/put them in danger/use them anymore.

For Ron- he doesn’t want to use Elanne to get close to Michael. He also wants to focus on his undercover job… For Michael though, something tells me he’s willing to use Kathy to get what he wants (after being reminded that he’s the one who killed her husband and that they can’t be together…)

After Michael.M saved Kathy from the explosion, he started avoiding her and showed no care or concern for her whatsoever. He gave the credit to Laughing, pretending he never visited her while she was still in hospital.

Michael.M looking after Kathy while she was hospitalised

Kathy didn’t understand what had changed between them or what went wrong because they were always really close. She decided to confront him and ask for an explanation.

Kathy confronts Michael.M for an explanation

Michael told her that it’s because they’re getting close too quickly and he doesn’t want that anymore. He’s reflected what’s important to him in his life, and realises that other than family (his daughter), nothing is more important to him than his career. Kathy refused to accept the explanation as it contradicted to his previous confession of wanting her to be happy, despite no return.

Michael decided to go more extreme by insulting her that he minds being with her because she was once a prostitute. omg. SO SLACK!

* * *
After Laughing reminds Ron about his relationship with Elanne, Ron realises he can’t go on being close with Elanne. He doesn’t want to use her, or hurt her, again.
Ron rejects Elanne

Like Michael, Ron starts avoiding her and doesn’t answer her calls. She got really angry and frustrated and didn’t know what was wrong again. She asked him if it was because he’s getting jealous how she always praises ‘Lucky Prince’. Instead, he openly told her that he’s bored playing with her and doesn’t want to waste his time on her anymore. Elanne was really upset and wanted to turn to her other important friend- ‘Lucky Prince’ from her blog. She left Lucky Prince a message, saying she wanted to meet up with him at a park that night. Unfortunately, that ‘Lucky Prince’ would not show up as Ron would not go…That night it rained and Elanne continued to stand in the rain waiting hopeless for him. “You won’t do this to me too will you?”
Elanne waiting for Lucky Prince in the rain

Ron couldn’t help but to have a look to see if she was ok. He hid on the side and watched her from afar, but couldn’t come out T_T Why have to be so slack? ? =(

Elanne chases after Ron but falls

12 Responses to “[E.U] Episode 19 Rejections”

  • jv-bloggy says:

    heyy, i totally agree its just like the seventh day! i think Ron/Elanne’s relationships is like Bosco/Natalie and Michael/Kathy’s is like Kevin/Nikki’s cause they r like more mature lol….. wut do u think?

  • think says:

    wow i didn’t notice that until you told me. i just remember it being one sad episode.

    ugh.. that last scene he was already there he could at least talk to her or give her the umbrella instead of running away and hiding!

  • tetsuo says:


    Can someone in here translate the text message that came out of Kathy’s phone before she died?. I am not chinese, I can’t read chinese. Thanks

  • Yvonne says:

    starting watching this series … been a long time since watching one of those hk series … LOL … very entertaining … the story really keeps getting better with a lotta twist … love it … well i am half way done … what to watch next? … if i can get a hold of any series … would be interested in watching the prequel =D

  • Fiona says:

    LOL…i don’t like Kathy…when she acts, her mouth is like slightly open, and you can see all her buckteeth and everything…like everytime i see her, I’m like,”CLOSE YOUR FREAKIN MOUTH PLZ!!!!” Like seriously for example, michelle Yim doesn’t have very nice teeth either…but at least she keeps her mouth shut when it needs to be!!! Kathy would be acting out these “touching” scenes, but I would end up laughing at her funny look with her teeth stuck out 🙁

  • Queen says:

    yes, i do agree…and this is so sad because it’s bringing something thats happening to be in real life, minus the triads and police xx

  • Andrew Lim says:

    How i going to download this movies. please help!

  • sunset says:


    Anyone know the music that was playing when Elanne was waiting for Ron at the Park and it was pissing down with rain? It’s familiar to me but I can’t place it.


  • sunset says:

    Sorry, wrong scene. It’s the one where Laughing and Kathy is on the harbour after their day spent together. It’s got a violin piece to it. Thanks!

  • Michael says:

    I can’t believe Elanne would ask Prince Lucky to meet her at a park. It seemed ok from our perspective since we knew that he was Ron but what if it was potentially some guy that could have tried to harm her. Also, their conversations are public on her website, aren’t they? So couldn’t she have put herself in danger if she had some crazy fans?

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