December 2009

[New Series]: A Chip Off the Old Block

Title: A chip off the Old Block 巴不得爸爸
Cast: Ron Ng Cheuk Hei, Sunny Chan Kam Hung, Myolie Wu, Shirley Yeung, John Chiang, Gigi Wong, Nancy Wu, Yuen Siu Cheung
Episodes: 20
Airring date (HK): 30th November 2009 (After Beyond the Realm of Conscience)
Producer: 监製:潘嘉德
Scriptwriter: 编审:陈金铃
Themesong: Download– Ron Ng & Myolie Wu

Official Website: http://programme.tvb.com/drama/achipofftheoldblock

A Chip off a Block


While the saying “Like father, like son” holds true for most fathers and sons, it does not for CHOR FAN (Sunny Chan) and CHOR TSZ (Ron Ng). There is a world of difference between their personalities, manners of dealing with people and even goals in life. FAN is an out-and-out 60’s person, whereas TSZ believes he is well ahead of the 21st century. A thought-provoking time travel modern comedy, A Chip Off the Old Block reminds audience of the Chinese saying “Man is not born to greatness, he achieves it by his own efforts.” TSZ is accidentally sent back from the 21st century to the 1960s. He befriends his father, who is a young man then. FAN puts TSZ up in his place, where TSZ comes to know the stingy KO SHAN CHEUN (John Chiang), who runs a noodle stall, the shrewish landlady TAM LAN CHING (Gigi Wong), the argumentative CHING LAN FUN (Shirley Yeung), who later becomes his sweetheart, and LEUNG PIN PIN (Nancy Wu), who comes from a rich family. TSZ is always abusing and offending people. Other tenants, especially corrupt sergeant NGAU CHING WING (Yuen Siu Cheung), hate him very much. Except for FAN, who always defends him and even later introduces him a job at a department store. In the 60’s now, TSZ however is as flamboyant as when he is in the 21st century. He finds FAN being too old-fashioned and kind-hearted. He almost makes other tenants homeless once, and he tries to destroy FAN and SO FUNG NI’s (Myolie Wu) relationship. Later when he realizes his wrong doings, he is shocked to know that..


俗 谚虽有云「虎父无犬子」,但对於楚氏两父子来说的确有点牵强,因他俩不论性格、对人处事、甚至人生目标都是南辕北辙。父亲楚帆(陈锦鸿)由内到外尽是六十 年代情怀、儿子楚慈(吴卓羲)则嫌自己活在廿一世纪步伐还太慢;一个跨时空、跨时代的时装喜剧,当中发生的情节不单使人百般回味,更让人悟思到「将相本无 种,男儿当自强」的硬道理。

廿一世纪的楚慈阴差阳错回到父亲楚帆年少气盛时的六十年代,父子情摇身变了兄弟情,楚慈获楚帆好心收留后,因而结识 了麵档缩骨老闆高山泉(姜大伟),泼辣包租婆谭兰青(黄淑仪) 、斗气小情人程兰芬(杨思琦)及千金小姐梁翩翩(胡定欣)。楚慈得罪人多,称呼人少,令同屋共住如敛财沙展牛正荣(阮兆祥)等人皆对他神憎鬼厌,只有楚帆 一直处处维护他,又介绍他到百货公司工作,但好大喜功的楚慈一如过往,只懂埋怨父亲作风守旧、损己利人的性格,更不慎连累同屋共主几乎无家可归;楚慈又恶 意破坏父亲与老千苏凤妮(胡杏儿)的感情关係,正当他悔悟过来时,才知道自己原来……。

Synopsis Credits : TVB.com.au

32 Responses to “[New Series]: A Chip Off the Old Block”

  • jojo says:

    hmm i like the idea of time traveling, and the cast is.. ok. I wonder how myolie and sunny as a couple would turn out.

  • Rin says:

    I like the time traveling thing too but umm so if Ron and Shirley become sweathearts then doesn’t it mean when Ron is back in the “present” time Shirley is like freaking 40 years older than him? Lol. I really hope TVB is not gonna screw that up… I don’t want any heartbreaking romance here >__>

  • LONEGURL says:

    I think this drama is really good. You should give it a try 😀

  • chibi says:

    hmm…I probably won’t be following this series ^^; I’ve seen some bits of it that was quite funny/silly though XD Kinda amusing.

  • Chen says:

    it is good.

  • Fiona says:

    LOL…don’t think i’m gonna watch this though…i’m not a great fan of ron sunny or myolie 😆

  • Emii says:

    This drama is totally totally totally worth watching because it’s got sooo many hong kong jokes in there and the way they talk is just absolutely hilarious…totally looking forward to this drama!

  • KTVB says:

    I’ll only be watching bits and pieces of this series. Seen a few scenes and it does have some funny moments lol. Myolie’s quite fun to watch here XD

  • babytrincy says:

    i dont understand the ending though….. what happen to the lift during the ride up to see myolie ??

    • Kayy LOVES RI says:

      haha i just finished watching it and i didnt get the last bit about the lift thing too… im thinking they went back in time again…

  • pinkbear says:

    will there be a season 2? the ending didn’t feel quite satisfying 2 me and is there like another enemy appearing all of a sudden now? i hope there will be a season 2 cuz then ending didn’t really seem right

  • camie says:

    i like the drama but it was weird are they gonna have a sequel

  • Annie says:

    Rin says:
    December 10, 2009 at 5:29 pm

    I like the time traveling thing too but umm so if Ron and Shirley become sweathearts then doesn’t it mean when Ron is back in the “present” time Shirley is like freaking 40 years older than him? Lol. I really hope TVB is not gonna screw that up… I don’t want any heartbreaking romance here >__>

    Actually,I think Ron ends up with Shirley’s daugher (the gold fish shop girl his father caught him snogging in episode 1)

    • Julianna says:

      Shirley also traveled to the future – 2006 right after Ron had returned to 2008 in that closet, and opened that fish shop. She waited for Ron to travel back to the 60s and return so he would understand what had happened. So she’s still herself and there’s no age differences. I believed it was explained pretty clearly in the drama.

    • jess says:

      hey i watched it ron endeds up with shrily she came back with him after he went in she did too to try it out she came back since like 2006:D

  • TerrficallyMagical says:

    I got so upset when the ending was a cliff hanger!it just seems so rushed ish..but it was a really good drama

  • 'Muff says:

    I finished it~
    It was really funny xD

    But yeah, I would’ve preferred a more finished ending, rather than the open-ended ‘suspenseful’ one with a “Stay tuned for the sequel!” sign at the end of it. D:

    So yeah, since there was a sign like that at the end I think it’s pretty obvious that the series hasn’t ‘ended’ like that.

    Or maybe the words weren’t there for all the showings of the drama? Hmm.

  • shadow says:

    I thought the show was good. I would have liked to have known what happened to all the other characters from the 60s. Another rushed ending by TVB? what a surprise.

  • Takie says:

    I personally thought that the series could have been a little better. Bits and pieces could have been improved in little ways but that’s just my opinion.

    I don’t really think there should be a sequel because they don’t really have another storyline to follow. Hence the ending should have in my opinion been a happier one where Sunny and Myolie end up together after 40 years of being apart. 🙁

  • Michelle says:

    I am a hot fan of Ron!
    Thought that this drama was excellent.
    One of the best!(Well, I rate all of Ron’s songs, TVB drama, and movies 100% cause I am his fan) but what ever.Rate it 5/5

  • Annabella says:

    I couldn’t be able to finish the series 🙁 I would have to wait for a few months. Can someone please tell me what happens from ep 18 till the ending please? Who is Chor Tsz mother?

    • Answers says:

      I thinks it myolie wu or she dies and then chor tsz dad marrys nancy wu then nancy’s uncle kill her so thats why chor fan hates him so much in the first episode.

    • xGlitz says:

      Chor Tsz is an adopted like his dad. So there’s no mummy here :X

  • Answers says:

    I think at the end ron ng is not going to come back to 2008 perhaps?

  • Ser says:

    hey… would anyone by chance will have the cantonese song sang by Ron Ng in epi 17? he part where the little daughter of the policeman was leaving with his mother?

  • Elizabeth says:

    Who is Chor Tsz mother?

    In the end he finds out he was an orphan. So his mom never really showed up in the movie : D

    I just finished the movie a day ago so hope that helps : D

  • faithict says:

    i just finished this series…i don’t quite understand the ending..so does that mean ron ng and his father go back in time? how did the indian guy related to them? i cannot read chinese characters, so what do the few words mean towards the end? thanks!

    • 'Muff says:

      The words read something like, “Stay tuned for the sequel!” or something. I can’t quite remember, but it was something like that. I think. XD

      They might have. But who knows. They might have gone forward in time.

  • bluerainz says:

    Myolie very funny in this series.. specially when she already fall for Sunny character but didn’t realize it..she keep doing a good things whenever he around… LOL

  • uryu says:

    ARGHHH the ending was sHIT!!!! >^<
    left me hanging…… damnnnnn
    i'd rather they just make it an extended dramam like w/ 30 eps and end it…. T-T

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