As Susanna is getting beaten up on the ground, Kwok Keung rushes in to stop them! Kwok Lun had previously owed him a favour, so he requests him to set Susanna free in exchange. I thought it was very manly of him for pushing the guard away from her 🙂 You can see how much love and concern he has for her, amplified after realising she had his child!! *squeals like a fan girl* >.<; He owes her too much, and I can’t begin to imagine how much regret and remorse he feels for “neglecting” her. Thankfully, this episode contains quite a few happy moments for the two which I really enjoyed watching. Finally the truth is out! Oh.. how long have I waited for this moment 😀

Kwok Keung comes to rescue Susanna

Kwok Keung saves Susanna

Meanwhile, Kwok Lun is extremely impatient by the lack of news on Charmaine’s disappearance. He highly suspects she has already left the Palace and asks Moses for permission to search outside. Moses disagrees with his thinking, saying it’s no easy task for a servant to leave the Palace grounds. Kwok Lun pretty much hit the nail by saying he suspects Kevin has run away with her, which makes escaping highly probable. (haha, Kwok Lun is still persistent they’re having an affair) Just when Moses was left in a pinch, Kevin returns to the Palace! What a relief! Kwok Lun is obviously very confused, hahaa..but what came next was even more of a shocker!

Charmaine is soon discovered in the Palace, who apparently had fallen into a well for several days unconscious. Kwok Lun raises an eye-brow over her story but with Mary backing her up, he has nothing to say XD His lost facial expression was very amusing!

They are all back in square one with Charmaine’s marriage to the Prince to resume. It turns out the two came back for Moses because they felt it was wrong for them to leave him behind with all the mess. In a sense, it feels like the whole ordeal was such a waste of time. Was there any point of them running away to begin with…?  Well, not really, except for some fan service and love making XD XD I’m probably a bit too skeptical on this part, but I can’t help but think the story writers made them leave just so the audience gets to see them intimate; seeing as they would never do that within the Palace, lol. Otherwise they just wanted a way to get Charmaine pregnant for story purposes, and didn”t want her breaking palace rules since Charmaine is so pure and good- (yet they secretly married.. Great).</rant>

Charmaine and Kevin return to the Palace

Charmaine and Kevin return to the Palace

Kevin and Charmaine tell Moses they have a plan to make the Prince not want to marry her. There is a particular substance which once applied to the face will cause allergic reactions to the skin, causing it to dissolve and swell. This would make Charmaine unattractive, and so would his desire to marry her. I thought this was pretty smart move until it turns out the damage is PERMANENT. What the hecccckkk? Why are their ideas getting worse and worse? The characters are usually so smart, yet this time they go to so many extremes. FAIL. EPIC FAIL. Moses soon realises this and stops Charmaine just in time. I know Kevin and Charmaine love each other very much, and it’s very romantic for him to say this, but come on.. Kevin is joking when he tells her “I love you for your kindness, your personality,  not your outer beauty.” LIES! LIES! XD We saw from the moment they met he was always staring at her face.  This is slightly random, but I’m sure Charmaine’s success in the Palace also had A LOT to do with her having a pretty face as well as her personality. Don’t try to convince us it would have been the same if Charmaine was dead ugly. No one would even give her any attention.

Seeing as Charmaine would go to such lengths, Moses comes up with his own plan…

Charmaine performs a seductive dance for the Prince wearing very little clothing (Kevin is unimpressed by the Prince drooling all over her, ehehee XD). The Prince is very amused until a large black mark is revealed on her arm, which makes him feel very uneasy. The more he looks at it, the more dizzy he feels and it just happens that Charmaine is waving her arms left and right intentionally.

Charmaine dances for the Prince

Charmaine performs for the Prince

When asked about the mark on her arm, she tells him it’s a birth mark, which started off small but slowly expanded as the years went by. He becomes quite terrified, as to him its represents fire and darkness. He sees it as a bad omen and should he take her as his wife, she would bring misfortune to his Country and people. He regretfully declines the marriage and returns back to his county.

Yay, Moses’s plan had worked! The concept sounds quite simple it makes you wonder why no one had thought of it earlier. Charmaine doesn’t have much loss, just a permanent tattoo on her arm (which is covered all the time anyway XD) By the way, did anyone find Charmaine looking quite ugly in this scene? It must the hair-do or something..she just looks so trashy..

Elsewhere, Kwok Keung sees Vin on the streets and watches him from afar. There are some sadness in his eyes knowing he is his son he neglected all these years. We can assume that Susanna has already told him Vin is their child (damn, I actually wanted to watch Susanna and Kwok Keung interact after he saved her.. you know, about him apologising or asking her about their son. What a shame it’s not shown!) Kwok Keung soon approaches him with a smile but Vin totally freaks out and is scared of him XD Who wouldn’t though? The last time they met he wanted to report him for assaulting Susanna. Kwok Keung however has a bright cheerful face and drags him to have lunch together. He takes him to a classy restaurant and shouts him all sorts of delicious food. Vin becomes very excited and soon becomes much more relaxed around him 🙂 He takes this opportunity to chat with him,  to understand him a bit more. He first asks him if he ever missed his parents and he says “Yes!” This puts a big smile on Kwok Keung’s face until he says “Too bad he died early” LOL! Kwok Keung chokes on his drink but it turns out he was just talking about Ram.. awww. ^^;;

Kwok Keung and Ram

Kwok Keung takes Vin for lunch

Kwok Keung soon recounts his time with Vin to Susanna who is very happy for him- she never got the chance to sit down and eat with him. Kwok Keung intends to do whatever he can to make it up to him, and asks to take Vin as his adopted son! 😀 Kwok Keung, Susanna and Vin catch up like a happy family! I feel soo happy for them, I really hope it lasts! Kwok Keung and Susanna are both very exaggerated with happiness in this scene, anyone would find it suspicious XD. They say a line each and practically leave Vin without a choice, ehehehe ^^ They are both very unnatural which even confuses Vin why they’re so keen. He’s an eunuch, someone who cannot have kids but they assure him their bond is all that matters =)

Kwok Keung takes Vin as adopted son

Kwok Keung adopts Vin as his son

He tells Michelle about it and is a bit suspicious why Kwok Keung is so nice to him. Thankfully, Michelle is back to her good happy self, and helps Kwok Keung say good words 😀 aww…so glad Michelle isn’t bitchy anymore!  So likable again!

One night, Moses and Kevin secretly go to a temple and Kwok Keung appears! Things are really heating up with Kwok Lun! I can feel the end is drawing near…

Click here to read Episode 30 Synopsis >>

OMG, 4 episodes to go! What do you think of Episode 29? Do you think it was a waste of time for Charmaine and Kevin to leave the Palace and come back? What are your thoughts on Kevin loving Charmaine’s inner beauty only? Romantic? Drop a comment and let us know!

Please refrain from posting spoilers beyond episode 29. Thank you.

19 Responses to “[Beyond the Realm of Conscience] Episode 29”

  • *xueling* says:

    I thought that getting kevin and charmaine to go out was an absolute waste of time. they should have completely done kwok keung and susanna instead 😀 Because, charmaine is not as pure and good as you think she is, she secretly married kevin, which happens to be against the rules. Since she can do that, in the name of filial piety, why can’t she decide that she needs to give kevin’s dad a heir, so flout the rules again? I don’t see why not.

    If charmaine did get pregnant, The sins she committed was like what susanna did, she got pregnant, plus more. She married kevin, susanna didn’t. She intended to run and then get married, but well, we know the story. Since charmaine supposedly didn’t leave the palace, she committed both sins in my eyes. (michelle did too actually, by marrying ram’s body. but i seriously doubt that anyone cares that she married his body. well, except Vin)

    Oh and all kevin’s crap about loving inner beauty is absolute rubbish! Look at the way he gazes/drools at charmaine all the time! If charmaine even believed a single word of it, she’s stupid (But i shall shut my mouth on this one. love IS blind). Even if kwok keung was the one saying it, i wouldn’t have slammed him like i just did for kevin, but i wouldn’t exactly have believed him either. Both don’t qualify to say that, because both of them have slept with their respective partners before, so that doesn’t count.
    In this show i can’t think of anyone who can actually say that and for me to believe him. Hmm.

    Charmaine’s success in the palace has so much got to do with how she looks, okay? Like how does she get up the ranks, the emperor crushes her, the empress dowager adores her (as with susanna). But susanna got to her head of jewellery before mary came into the picture. Michelle did it too. They didn’t have people like moses or mary to clean their backsides whenever they messed up (unlike charmaine, she messes up so often!)

    Yeah, kwok keung, susanna and vin are one happy family. I really enjoyed their interaction too! (as with ram, michelle and vin) Poor kwok keung when he asked vin if he missed his parents (who in his eyes were ram and michelle) and he said yes. Too bad he died early. Poor ram, poor kwok keung, poor storyline! And they didn’t give him a chance to say anything, like they were forcing him or something. Vin was so confused, but he’s so lucky to have 2 godpas and 2 godmas! Quite amusing, but sad on the inside, because you do see that vin happened to ask michelle to take him as her godson. But, I’m so glad they are one happy family ^^ So nice and sweet! 😀
    But on the other hand, I felt a tinge of sadness for michelle because she’s so left out! But never mind, that’ll pass quickly. And she was back to her nice self ^.^ so happy! (ram can rest in peace now, because i’m sure that what he wanted)

    But everything said, ram, michelle and vin will be number one in my heart. For reasons that you will soon understand. Mostly because they really seem like a family, and all three of them are really happy. And they’re no blood ties, making it all seem even sweeter. (like i do feel sometimes that kwok keung is doing this because he thinks that vin is his biological son, nothing wrong. but ram treats him even though they have no blood ties. So in that sense i think their bond is stronger. And also, Vin was the one who asked Michelle and not the other way round)

    • chibi says:

      Since she can do that, in the name of filial piety, why can’t she decide that she needs to give kevin’s dad a heir, so flout the rules again? I don’t see why not.
      I was thinking the same thing. In fact, I was surprised after they got married that they didn’t go to bed, cause traditionally mating after marriage that was part of the custom. But I guess it’s a bit awkward when your dad just died, but it’s still plausible…(They got married knowing he was gonna die any minute)

      Oh and all kevin’s crap about loving inner beauty is absolute rubbish!
      White lies I suppose.. xD Anything to comfort her~ All in the name of love, lol.

      Like how does she get up the ranks, the emperor crushes her, the empress dowager adores her
      There’s always that first good impression.. heck, even the Prince of Tibet fell in love with her because of her looks alone. All the the stuff about her being a kind-hearted person was just a bonus to him (He’s so perverted XD)

      But on the other hand, I felt a tinge of sadness for michelle because she’s so left out! But never mind, that’ll pass quickly
      It’s okay, Michelle never wanted to be possessive anyway. Vin will always love and respect Michelle even if he is to find out Susanna is his mother one day 🙂 It really is pleasant watching Michelle now 😀

      like i do feel sometimes that kwok keung is doing this because he thinks that vin is his biological son, nothing wrong
      Kwok Keung and Vin only interacted in 3 scenes total so far so it’s kinda hard to see much going on there XD But there’s no doubt he’s doing it because he knows he’s his son. It’s still sweet anyway 🙂 Really like Kwok Keung, LOL!

      • *xueling* says:

        Yeah precisely. it was a waste of time for those that are not fans of charvin, period. It’s awkward, but like you said, they got married knowing that he was dying… And about the inner beauty thing, I just have this to say: Love is blind.

        This got me thinking. About this first good impression thing about looking pretty. Doesn’t tavia look pretty too? Then why charmaine and not tavia? And actually if agree with me on this, which one might not, i claim that susanna and michelle are gorgeous too. Then why aren’t they loved? (Oh no. Wait, argument has a flaw. Kwok keung loves susanna, and can bail her out. but in the same breath, ram loves michelle, but can’t even bail himself out)

        I know that michelle never wanted to be possessive, at least over vin. Yups, i chose to believe that vin will always love and respect her ^^ Of course its nice to watch her now 😀 (i said it would pass didn’t i?)

        Kwok keung and susanna are owning this portion of the show for me! Together with vin and michelle. There are a bunch of people having the opposite effect, but i shall not elaborate

        • chibi says:

          Doesn’t tavia look pretty too? Then why charmaine and not tavia?

          hmm..while the actresses may be the drama no one really compliments Tavia’s looks, so maybe she’s considered “average”? There hasn’t been any character who looked at Tavia and fell in love with her beauty XD

  • iamthetvbholic says:

    im a charvin fan. blind as it is. therefore, i found the whole episode rather romantic. ha ha ha.

    as for her seductive dance look. it is the beehive on the head and her lack of clothes that is… doesnt go. thats why she looks.. odd. very odddd!

    • chibi says:

      lol, well thats nice to know the fans enjoyed it 😀

      as for her seductive dance look. it is the beehive on the head and her lack of clothes that is… doesnt go. thats why she looks.. odd. very odddd!
      mhm! And the facial expression..that look on her face…hmmm!

  • Kayy LOVES RI says:

    Agreed Charmaine and kevin running from the palace a waste of time. At least they knew that leaving moses was wrong and they came back. Imagine they didnt wonder what would have happened to moses???

    All that stuff Kevin said to charmaine was all crap seriously dont think he would have got with her in the first place if she had an ugly face.

    \As for charmaine’s look in the performance she does for the prince. its really bad.

    • chibi says:

      Imagine they didnt wonder what would have happened to moses???

      Actually, I think if it comes down to it, and Charmaine and Kevin didn’t come back, they will eventually be hunted down and taken back to the Palace by Kwok Lun. Moses had no solution to begin with, which is why he made the risky move of sending them away.. it really is a last resort!

      All that stuff Kevin said to charmaine was all crap seriously dont think he would have got with her in the first place if she had an ugly face.

      Charmaine probably knows she is pretty- it makes me wonder if she felt saddened that Kevin wasn’t attracted to her outer beauty as well as inner? XD It’s like “What..? My looks aren’t important to him? Why did I bother putting make-up on!” lol, J/k.

  • cooldudejohn says:

    Well seriously. What do you want Kevin to say when Charmaine was about to permanently make her face ugly. I mean, if you think that Kevin wouldn’t like Charmaine cause she’sugly, then all the ugly people wouldn’t get married in this world!

    With Kevin and Charmaine running away, it just shows how nice Moses is and what life is like outside the palace. If this scene didn’t appear, it would also affect the storyline…

    • chibi says:

      I mean, if you think that Kevin wouldn’t like Charmaine cause she’sugly, then all the ugly people wouldn’t get married in this world!

      Not saying he wouldn’t like her, but it’s obvious he is attracted to her outer beauty as much as inner. His words just weren’t that truthful (in my opinion) but more like words of comfort. It’s really hard to believe Kevin fell in love with her inner beauty alone, and that her looks took no part.

      With Kevin and Charmaine running away, it just shows how nice Moses
      True, but we already knew Moses was nice, demonstrated through various examples throughout the drama- his niceness wasn’t questionable at all. I mean it was sweet of him to let them run off, but just not very smart.. I was a bit disappointed in his choice, despite Mary warning him and having all hopes in him. To not let Kevin/Charmaine down, he lets everyone else in trouble all for personal reasons. Didn’t think an Emperor like Moses exists?

  • 'Muff says:

    Kwok Keung to the rescue 😀 But uh-oh, defying his old teacher, Kwok Lun’s not very impressed with him. He’s going to put himself in danger… =\

    Great timing for Kevin and Charmaine 😀 Thank god they returned in time and saved Moses out of that pinch. I think that well-story was pretty smart, and I lol at how Mary protected Charmaine like that, making up a story. Aren’t they so lucky to have the support of the royalty.

    Hahaha. Very true about Charmaine’s looks. And just look at how the Prince was drooling over her (till he saw the birthmark). And of course, Kevin’s annoyance was very amusing.

    KK and Susanna’s pushiness in making Vin their adopted child was kind of very suspicious, haha. Good thing Vin didn’t realise the truth.

    • chibi says:

      . I think that well-story was pretty smart,

      ahaha, I thought it was funny, seeing as it’s POSSIBLE!! Charmaine’s foot DID randomly get caught in a rabbit trap, and she did randomly get bitten by a snake. It makes perfect sense for her to fall into a well too 😀 XD

      KK and Susanna’s pushiness in making Vin their adopted child was kind of very suspicious, haha. Good thing Vin didn’t realise the truth.
      lol, Vin is too innocent to realise.. XD Funny he suspected Susanna had a crush on Kwok Keung, lol.

      • *xueling* says:

        Yeah, the well story was somewhat believable. We have to remember that charmaine is very very clumsy! hahahaah

        Wait, vin suspected that susanna had a crush on kwok keung? Oh my, he’s not bad eh?

        • chibi says:

          Wait, vin suspected that susanna had a crush on kwok keung? Oh my, he’s not bad eh?

          haha, yup! When Susanna was asking Vin about Kwok Keung, like what she thought of him etc, he asks her “Why do you want to know so much about him…? DOn’t tell me you have a crush on him! Don’t think about it, you’ll get into trouble!” XD XD Susanna looked embarrassed, lol but didn’t deny it. That’s when Kwok Keung came along and said “Who’d get punished?”

          And then that’s when the three were together, and he takes Vin as his son 🙂

        • *xueling* says:

          Hahahaha, breaks into uncontrollable laughter. That’s so funny, he should have asked, “Is he your boyfriend?” instead. It would have been more accurate. She didn’t deny it because, it was, well, true.

  • engsamnang says:

    It revealed so touching when susanna save by her husband with the suggestion. Charmaine perform the dance in some attention look otherwise like Indian movement in chinese music, maybe it just someway to influenced some mongolia, special for the prince. I found it commonly funny included charmaine look. In contrast with Tavia previous scene of dancing who i evoke a maverlous and glamarous of costume and face, Charmaine respect like a prostitute fox and flirt to everyman ( I not rude to this but it really reflect me). For the issue around beautiful. It simply discussed what the worth of beauty? if beautiful is the most importand and wishful thing or maybe the weapon to destroy other. Remind to 2002’s Love is beautiful ( my favourite series), It should be the delightment for kevin who love charmine because her pretty face or her godness mind. There aree agreetment to your thoughts, chibi. Moses lack cleverness in idealistic and mood to resulotion for problem. In otherhand, in the name of king li yi, might be it exist due to the fall of tang dynasty later (probably the uncapableness leader is the reason).

    • chibi says:

      Charmaine respect like a prostitute fox and flirt to everyman ( I not rude to this but it really reflect me).
      Yup, I think it was intentional that she looked a bit “slutty” so the Prince would be interested, and then notice the mark on her arm. It was all part of the plan, and one of Charmaine’s “sacrifice” XD.

  • Intricate strawberrys says:

    I reckon if Charmaine was really ugly, Kevin wouldn’t of noticed her in the first place.
    Now for the main reason for this post is that I wanted to criticize Charmaine after watching the episode.

    Its not just in this series but in other series too, that I feel that when Charmaine is meant to do a really heart-breaking, tearful scene, yeah she brings on the tears like hell but her eyes looks like she justs want to laugh! It’s like she crying of laughter. Is it only me that think this?

  • Summer says:

    Kwok Keung is so man. he force Kwok Lun to release Susanna as Kwok Lun has own Kwok Keung a promise. finally Kwok Keung and Susanna and Vins are in a happily family

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