Hi everyone 🙂 Hope everyone has been well!

I haven’t had much time to blog these days as life continues to be busy. For the past few weeks I have managed to squeeze in a bit of time for TVB though- ‘The Threshold of a Persona‘; but as I’m starting my postgraduate qualification now; along with full time work, that bit of time might have to be re-prioritized as well. I really appreciate all of you who constantly come back to check out my blog and updates 🙂 Be sure to subscribe to my updates! TVB themesong downloads will continue to be updated! And always looking forward to hear what you guys think of the TVB series etc as well 🙂

Patrick Tang and Toby Leung in TVB's Threshold of Persona- Episode 11
I’m currently up to episode 20 to The Threshold of Persona– 7 more episodes to go! While the series is enjoyable and I like the cast, I feel that it could have more ‘action’ or things happening. The series has a lot of potentials and the whole immigration theme mixes well with all the characters and relationships. I really like the theme song sung by Roger Kwok and Patrick too. Speaking of Patrick and Roger, I really like their characters in the series XD Patrick is particularly cute in this series and I like him so much more here than in King of Snookers (“Ji Him” was hopeless…)

I’m not really anticipating any TVB series this year which is a bit strange. Last year there was Moonlight Resonance, and The Gem of Life..the year before there was Heart of Greed..but this year, where’s the grand production? lol Where’s my Raymond Lam gone? It feels a bit weird how I’m rambling on about the quality of TVB series when I’ve quite enjoyed Sweetness in the Salt, E.U and Rosy Business which was released earlier in the year ^_^ I guess as I’m starting to have less time for TVB; I want to use my time more wisely by watching some better productions xD

On another note, Raymond Lam is releasing another version of Let’s Get Wet . Unfortunately it won’t include his concert which I had hoped ^^; The only difference with this album and the first version is that it’s a little cheaper but doesn’t include the 64 page photobook =X Personally I’d pay a few dollars more for the extra photo book ^^;

I wonder how Raymond’s concert went 🙂 I heard that he danced with Michael Tse for a performance as well! TVB has also set up a website especially for his concert (it has lots of video clips, wallpapers and all), so check it out if you’re interested 🙂
Raymond Lam with Charlene Choi @ Let's Get Wet concert

Raymond Lam with Charlene Choi @ Let's Get Wet concert
Raymond Lam with Charlene Choi @ Let's Get Wet concert
Raymond Lam with Charlene Choi @ Let's Get Wet concert
Raymond Lam with Charlene Choi @ Let's Get Wet concert
Raymond Lam with Miriam Yeung@ Let's Get Wet concert
Raymond Lam with Vincy Chan @ Let's Get Wet concert

On a side note, I wonder when the “JadeWorld Carnival” would be held this year, and who would be coming? I haven’t heard anything about it yet!

14 Responses to “[Message from K] June 2009 Updates”

  • sugar says:

    I don’t think we’ll see Raymond this year at all. In TVB series, I mean. You might if you watch the series he’s been filming since Feb. I think it’s in Mando and I don’t think it’ll air on the channel. Maybe .. I have no idea. I think his series with Tavia will air next year. Sigh.

  • kat says:

    The “64” page photobook was a rip off! Most of the photos were old (from his previous 2 albums) and the “new” ones… some of them have already been posted on tvb.com previously!

    His concert was a success! He has definitely proven to all the doubters that he can perform on the big stage, although he didn’t talk a lot, his singing and dancing were very good. I have to say when he sang his new song, the concert version was so much better than the CD version. 🙂

    I think that Star series sugar is talking about will air this year? It’s a China/HK production like The Drive of Life so it’ll be on TVB.

    ohh I was looking for some info on the Jadeworld Carnival too and found this link, September 12!! I hope Ray comes lol. http://www.hurstville.nsw.gov.au/Major-Events.html

    • chibi says:

      oooo..it’s good to hear his concert was a success!

    • KTVB says:

      oh really?? O..k..probably won’t get the photobook one then lol The packaging still looks better than “Original” version though.

      Yay for Raymond’s success ^_^ I’ve just been watching the clips you’ve uploaded onto Youtube 🙂 Wish I could have been there! haha
      oo..nice catch! 12 September 2009 lol Wonder who it’ll be!

  • sugar says:

    ^ Omgosh it will broadcast on TVB? I wasn’t sure, but isn’t it in Mando. I think the ‘Star’ series is called Growing Through Life now. I also heard there was a second version of his new album, but will there be a DVD concert released of his LGW concert? I was hoping there will be. Maybe in a fews weeks.

  • hyn5 says:

    TVB will not broadcast in on TV because EEG will be releasing it on DVD in about three months time.

  • Rin says:

    I’m enjoying Threshold of a Persona too but some parts are a bit draggy, I actually look forward to Patrick/Natalie/Toby scenes more than Roger and his wife… she cries too much lol. Hmm, you’re not watching anything else?
    At first I thought that A Great Way to Care would be lame but it’s actually pretty good! The pace is decent and Kate is not annoying AND the the mental cases with Adamn and everything are pretty good.

    Aww, I’m want another Raymond series too =/ but I guess he’s too busy with his new album and promoting it and everything for a drama. Let’s hope he’ll continue to have a great year and come back with an awesome drama~~

    • KTVB says:

      Yup..it’s a bit slow and ‘draggy’ at times. And I like to watch Patrick love triangle more too. It was interesting to see how Roger dealt with finding out her past though.

      Lots of good comments about ‘A great way to care’. Shall reconsider it ^^

  • Nicole says:

    i went to Ray’s concert! it was awesome! can’t wait till the DVD comes out. 😀

  • Cass says:

    I really like watching Threshold, too. I read that a lot of people didn’t want to watch it because they didn’t like Patrick and YoYo, but I like them! I really like Patrick in this one; he’s doing a much better job here than in King of Snooker.

    So happy to hear that they’re going to release Raymond’s concert on DVD! I can’t wait to get it!!!

  • jRAW says:

    i must say, vincys looking good in that photo.. ahaha.

    I’m also wondering who will come to the jade carnival! I hope someone good comes, haha. I still remember when i got dragged to it when Ray came and i was like ”whos ray” haha.

  • hello says:

    Hmm I’m looking forward to Beyond the Realm of Conscience, Born Rich, Fly with Me, Stars of Love, D.I.E. Again and the new detective series based on Jap’s Galileo involving Raymond Lam and Tavia Yeung.

    • KTVB says:

      I haven’t really been following news/updates of upcoming series ^^ I guess I based my judgment of upcoming series from the ones from the sales presentation which they released last year.

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