July 2008

[Love Exchange] Episode 1

A pretty interesting episode!

The story starts with Anita’s wedding with her husband ‘Dick’, saying she’s the happiest women in the world, but the scene quickly changes to her husband’s funeral.  Anita’s husband has been found dead in a car with another women (Angela Tong) and cops have come to believe the two were having an affair. At the funeral, Michael appears as a suspicious man spying on her from a distance.

Heartbroken by the death of her husband and the thought that he has cheated on her, she tries hard to forget and live on  by putting the sadness behind her. She even wanted to throw away her husband’s things, but was scolded by her mother in-law. No matter how much she hated her husband for what he did, she decided to stay by her mother-in-law and brother-in-law (played by Ah Pao from Men Don’t Cry)’s side and help support the family. Her mother-in-law doesn’t treat her well though and is often unreasonable, scolding her and blaming her for the death of her son but she is filial and takes it all. Without Dick’s support, the family is facing financial difficulties.

While Anita was at Dick’s house,  a thief breaks in and Dick’s computer hard disk gets stolen. She gets attacked too and in the struggle, a tattoo was revealed on the man’s arm. She chases him out but loses him when Michael’s car slightly hits her. Michael is disguised as a dopey, dumb-ish/slow man who always stutters in his speech . He seemed to try to hold her up from chasing the thief and offers to take her to the hospital.

He later appears again, saying he is actually Dick’s classmate when they were little, gaining Anita’s mother in-law’s trust who happily welcomes him to move next door to them. Anita  doesn’t trust him and doesn’t want anything to do with him, especially since he was related to her husband. Michael appears to be trying to get close to them..

Michael tries to ask Anita more about the death of Dick, whether she has doubts about the affair or if she knew the women  but Anita becomes extremely upset and frustrated. Having moved next door, Michael starts setting up security/spy devices facing Anita’s doorway and bedroom.

In order to get money for the family, Anita was ‘forced’ to sell away her marriage jewelry, but was seen by Michael and offered to buy it off her for a higher value. The two sat at a park while he listened to her sad story.

When the two return home after an emotional talk, a man delivers flowers to Anita, with a present which was previously sent by her husband for their anniversary. In it had a USB and Michael told her that perhaps her husband has something important in there. Anita tries to avoid it, but after much thought, she takes it over to Michael’s place in hope to watch it together. In it was a video clip from her husband, but he does not say much except “I’m sorry…but I really love you, I really do”Anita, believing it was her husband admitting having an affair, angrily leaves.

Anita’s mother in-law accuses Anita being with Michael, and Michael starts defending her. Anita thought it was a bit strange how he was able to deliver his words so confidently and fluently.

When Anita’s brother in-law notices the camera facing Anita’s room, Anita confronts him; asking who he is really was, a stalker?? In his room were newspaper articles related to Dick and the Angela’s death.

Michael admits that Angela is his wife, and he does not believe his wife’s death was caused from an affair. He believes there is more behind it than what appears on the surface. He loves his wife and he knows his wife loves him and would not believe his wife would cheat on him for another man. Michael retells his story, saying that Angela suddenly said she wanted to leave him, without giving a proper reason. But before  he found out Angela’s death, she called him, saying she wanted to come home to him…but in the end, she never did.

Michael tries to convince Anita to work with him to find out the truth, but she refuses, hoping to just let the past be. Michael gives the USB necklace back to Anita and as she wonders off, a motor vehicle drives up to her and snatches her USB! Michael throws a rubbish bin and tries to stop the man but was only about to cut his arm where a tattoo was revealed once again. The man managed to escape but Michael suspects it was the same man who broke into Anita’s house before and stole the hard disk.

8 Responses to “[Love Exchange] Episode 1”

  • KantariKara says:

    thanx a lot 4 the info k! i hope u will do the same thing 4 every episode! it looks pretty intresting!

  • chibi says:

    wow! This is really exciting =D Great summary and screencaps K ^^ great job!!

  • Jadedreams says:

    thought michael mui was quite cute when he was being dorky! 🙂

    I think Anita’s quite pretty and find her very natural with her acting. i read somewhere that some HK peeps think that she is bad at acting in this serie! I think that’s outrageous!!

  • KantariKara says:

    i think she acts great!

  • chibi says:

    hahaha yeh, I agree..Michael looks so cute and funny with that dorky look! So different to his normal character portrayal (the cool/cold type)

  • nich says:

    Is this good? I’m kind of skeptical about this series… and wondering if I should start watching this… or putting it on KIV… hehe

  • Jessica says:

    This drama getting more and more exciting =) I love the patnership of Micheal and Anita when they are cracking down the cases. they are soo funnie together haha. Anita seems more open and Micheal lols hes just sometimes too series about things =)

  • KTVB says:

    To KantariKara: I’ll try XD
    To chibi: Thanks 🙂
    To Jadedream: really? I didn’t read about that, but you’re right..she’s not bad.. (I think that comment may be left for Idy’s Yung Yung in CMN) and yesh, dorky Michael was adorable 😉

    To nich: I’ve watched up to episode 15 atm, and it has its ups and downs.

    To Jessica: Agree with them being compatible and funny!

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