October 2006

[At Home with Love] Episode 10

Reached half the series already~ XD

*Lawrence and Nancy get back together.

*Even though it was Yoyo who was helping Lawrence be back with Nancy, when she sees the two together she feels sad because she has feelings for Lawrence too. Yoyo clarifies Lawrence’s father that there’s nothing going on between them other, but he could tell she really likes him.
*Will it be the end of the rich guy? From the way I see it, his main purpose in this series was to go after Nancy, which made Lawrence more active to go after Nancy. Now that Nancy chose Lawrence and told him, I wonder if that’s the last of him. (He is waaaaay too child-ish +_+) Another possibility is for the rich guy to take revenge and give the other real estate competitors lots of business and forcing him off. I’m pretty sure Lawrence ends up with Yoyo~ I wonder what could happen between Nancy and Lawrence? She finds out he’s not as good as she thought, since he pretended in some instances to have changed? Lawrence started liking Yoyo? Will Nancy end up with the rich guy o.0?
*The agent (the one who has two wives) and Natalie were taking a client to look at buying a unit. All seems to be going well, until the client gets a call from his wife and on the phone, the agent saw a photo of the client with his “wife” (the one who he is having an affair with) This causes the two men to fight each other and they end up going to the police station. Lawrence’s father went to help settle the issue, and he told that guy to treat it as a lesson (treasure his wife at home instead of finding others) and not to tell Lawrence about the issue.

*When Lawrence is walking back to the agency, he sees a reporter outside taking photos and finds out about the issue (the client had reported it to the reporters about the agent bashing up clients). This causes Lawrence to sack him, and it brings chaos within the firm. All of them, including Yoyo and Lawrence’s father tried to convince him to give the agent a chance. The other three agents started threatening Lawrence, saying that if he sacks that guy, the 3 will quit as well (with in mind what Raymond had told them about joining his company instead). This leaves only Lawrence and Yoyo.. Lawrence standing firmly in his position does not change his mind, giving the 3 a chance to change their mind by turning up to work at 9am if they want to stay.

* Lawrence appears to have a problem with his heart. While he was in his car, his vision started getting blurry and his heartbeat could be heard…

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