October 2006

[At Home with Love] Episode 9

*Raymond does the same thing about the dream thing with Natalie. Later back at Trustworthy Property while Lawrence is telling them they need to work hard etc because of the increase in competition, all the workers are daydreaming and thinking about what Raymond had told them about the benefits of joining his company (turns out he told all of them, even though we didn’t see 2 of them).

* Nancy’s cafe opens up and the rich guy paid money to a whole bunch of mafia -looking people (all wearing black) to eat at her cafe. The more they eat, the more money they get. Lawrence, Yoyo and Nancy somehow find it very weird how there was a very long queue at the cafe. Lawrence and Yoyo think its the rich guy, trying to scheme something to force Nancy out of business, but was very questionable how the people just left after eating and didn’t cause any trouble for her. They eventually find out it was the rich guy, who tells them he is doing it for Nancy, and he further tells her how he really liked a fairytale when we was young, and she reminded him of a character he loved etc

* Back at home, Nancy tells Yoyo that she’s been out with heaps of guys before, but none that is like him. She doesn’t seem to find him ‘crazy’ or ‘silly’, but just simple minded, and she’s starting to fall for him. She also liked that fairy tale. Nancy tells Yoyo that she wants a guy who genuinely would do anything to make her happy, while Lawrence cares about money more than anything.

*The rich guy goes offers Lawrence 18 blocks land for him to sell if Lawrence promises to give up on Nancy and never see her again. You can tell that Lawrence reallllllly wanted to give up Nancy for it because of all the money he can earn from it, but Yoyo continuously tells him not to, and that she’ll never look up to him again. Lawrence eventually declines the offer, but back in the room he feels he has given up the perfect opportunity.

*Yoyo’s brother and Natalie both like each other (This is only the 2nd time we see them together in the series so far. The first time was when Natalie was eatting the cake he made at the cake shop~ where he secretly worked without letting Yoyo know. This is the second time and they appeared to have become friends). Gotta say this couple really match lol They are both very shy and dopey- sorta look alike..hahha..but yeh, they are quite cute ^^ Yoyo’s brother tells Natalie that the store will close down soon, and she introduces him to Nancy to help at the cafe. When Natalie hears that he will be going overseas to study later on she feels sad. They both leave at different directions, but bothing wondering if the other liked themselves~ wondering if the other would turn around (and what do you know? They both turn around at the same time)

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