One of the most exciting episodes..

‘Ngai Tin Hung’ has turned into a good person with the support from Sheren, knowing he doesn’t have many days left because of his cancer, Charmaine (to some extent), his brother and sister-in-law (played by Benz Hui and mary Hon) and most importantly, the Wah brothers’ dream of China’s own automobile has finally touched him. He leaves his will to Charmaine to manage where a large substantial amount is distributed into “Wah Jit” so that his name can be remembered that will make a large contribution to making China’s ‘dream’ a reality.

The main purpose he wanted Charmaine to be managing it was because he trusted her because they were the ‘same type’ of people and he wanted to help Charmaine and the Wah family resolve all the problems between them so she can be accepted into the family and be with Raymond. Unfortunately, shortly after the will was written and during his confrontation with Joe (knowing Joe was a big threat to Charmaine), ‘Nagi Tin Hung’ dies..

The court cases with Joe Vs. Charmaine were so exciting!!! I hated Joe’s character so much!! Joe ends up making a fake will, claiming that his Uncle (‘Ngai Ting Hung’) changed his will the moment before his death, making him the person managing the funds. I can’t believe Ngai Ting Hung was so careless to sign a blank of paper back then!! He is such an intelligent business person yet negligent in this respect.
The Wah family are attacking Charmaine..especially Raymond’s mother. Its understandable that Raymond’s mother hates Charmaine and is on Joe’s side because of everything she did in the past, but it’s frustrating to see everyone so manipulated and blinded by Joe..especially Jessica.

To let Charmaine know that he is always there for her, supporting her through the court case, (and wanting to give her the title) Raymond proposes to Charmaine and the two get married in episode 48. Its sorta sad that not many people got to witness their wedding, but I guess its best this way considering what she in the last wedding. I don’t think Charmaine will turn bad anymore… I don’t hate Charmaine’s character anymore either. Poor thing! I’m really happy that Raymond and Sheren are there supporting her, and Damien did turn up to their wedding. Raymond’s mum (Gigi Wong) and sister (Jessica) would probably regret not going to their wedding..

Sheren and Michael’s character have both changed so much throughout the series and both of them learned to trust and respect one another..the unconditional love and understanding they shared. I loved the relationship they had , and it was almost ruined because of the court case.

Joe continued to do so many dirty tricks to try to force Charmaine to give up. He messes with Michael’s mind and trust for Sheren, lies to his parents to get them to give false evidence in court- knowing they were likely to say the wrong thing, he sets them up to leave Hong Kong, and accuses Charmaine of threatening his witnesses. He uses all the bad things Charmaine did in the past (when taking revenge on the Wah family) against her. He sacrifices the interest of ‘Wah Jit’ by putting them into large debts and high risks of liquidation/collapse of the whole company, then going away to waste time, waiting for the company to collapse to force Charmaine to give up, so that they could use Ngai Tin Hung’s money to save the company.
Just when Charmaine found evidence against him (an email about him paying another worker to stuff-up the company), Joe knocks her unconscious, taking away the evidence and stabbing a blade into the wheel of her car. When Charmaine gets up, she chases Joe in her car where the blade gets knocked off and her car to get out of control! The breaks weren’t working and her car crashes into Damien in the process and he falls down the stairs and becomes disabled!! Very tragic..and sad..

I thought Raymond would find out that it was Charmaine who crashed his father and that more problems would arise in their relationship but it didn’t happen. Damien knew Charmaine didn’t mean to so he didn’t blame her..Charmaine felt so guilty that she went to take care of him in the hospital everyday. I guess eventually, Damien’s wife and Jessica saw Charmaine genuinely cared and looked after him that they began to forgive her. Charmaine and Damien end up working out an agreement to resolve the problem out of court, by mutually agreeing with Joe (haha, not that he wanted to but he couldn’t get out making himself look bad if he didn’t agree) to give the management role to Damien and his two brothers and the company was saved…

10 Responses to “[The Drive of Life]Battle over the will: Episode 47-51”

  • kinki says:

    yayy..Raymond and Charmaine are together!

  • Guest says:

    There is a screenshot here which show Charmaine & Raymond at the airport with Jessica. How come I never see this before when I watched the CCTV version of DOL? Have I missed out on something?

  • F.B.I. says:

    CCTV airs a different version or a version that cut out 2 episodes together

  • Guest says:

    It is ridiculous of TVB/ CCTV to have different versions …..The scene at the airport seems to show Jessica’s character had reconciled with Charmaine and Raymond’s characters.
    However I did not get this point. No wonder there are some parts that I thought did not flow well or were confusing. Seems like must watch TVB version too to get whole story better……

  • KTVB says:

    To Guest: wow, that’s interesting I never knew there were 2 versions either. You’re right~ Ray and Charm were going somewhere to do something for the business, on the other hand, damien wanted the two to leave for awhile after the court thing with Joe. ray’s mum and Jessica don’t hate Charm anymore, and at the airport, Jess reconciles with Charm and thanks her for giving up in the court case & tells Ray to look after Charm~

  • FaNNy says:

    yayz!!! charRay xD lolz. well the raitings for the last week of DOL was pretty good. 36 peaking at 39…but so sad that it didnt reach the 40s like HOG did. lolz xD

  • Xen says:

    cant wait for new series =D drive of live was so c00l =D lols finish it

  • hmmm so the true villain is actually JOE?

  • alice says:

    I hate how TVB always does this: they turn the original good guys into bad guys and the original bad guys into good guys. It drives me crazy! I know that doing so creates an interesting “twist” but that effect doesn’t work on me… It just makes me MAD! Grrr…

  • yumi says:

    did anything exciting happen before the courtplace? after Damien Lau’s accident K?

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