After a long day of work, I came home to my blog to find a pleasant surprise… was a  message left by K2K which said

“Full Sub Song For “Face To Fate” 2006 is finally released. “


YAY!!! I suspect this song has been released for some time now, and it took me this long to find it…..haha!

I have waited forever for this song to be released in full version! It’s been 5-6 years since the series first released and I never thought they would release the full sub themesong. I searched everywhere for it back then with no luck. I lost all  hopes when they released the Love TV music albums and they didn’t include it in there. It could also be because it was warehoused at that time and not shown in HK. I love this song so much because it reminds me of the series which I loved back then. I haven’t seen it since 2006, and I may have a different opinion on it now, but it seriously got be addicted which made me start this blog 🙂

Either way, Face to Fate will always have a special place in my heart XD (and this blog of course)!

To make up for it, I’ve dedicated an entire post for it! For those lost souls out there like me, hope you can find what you’re searching for 😀

For those Face to Fate fans out there, hope you guys enjoy the full version!! Thanks K2k and tvbmusicFAN for sharing – you guys made my day!!


Selena Li & Raymond Lam in Face to Fate

  I <3 Raymond Lam & Selena Li although this song is sung by Tavia and Frankie hahaha ^^


女:想共你走 讓你牽著我手
即使我想 但是亦沒然後
跟著你走 渡過春夏與秋 彷彿我心被你看透
男:流利對白沒有 我像木偶
說不出口 那會愛到永久

*男:長夜化做白晝 我也倦透
別要走 請捉緊我手
留心 在你身邊靠近
合:沒原因 待我好得過份
合:就算得一晚都甘心 心急的抖震 *

女:怎願放手 讓你牽著我走
可否永久 道別實在難受
牽著你手 令我心內顫抖 彷彿我心被你佔有
男:連熱吻也未夠 愛似毒咒
怕一雙手 慣了抱你太久



Download the Full Sub Themesong Mp3 here.


19 Responses to “[Face to Fate] Sub Themesong Full Version”

  • Magic says:


  • Ri says:

    Oh wow this is OLD haha. Loved this show! 🙂

  • karened says:

    OMG THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH. Like you, I’ve been searching for it since I finished the series…like so many years back then (when I was still waiting for my local cable to bring thw shows in on tv instead of turning to *ahem* online sourcees).

    Thanks!!!!!!!!! I’m still sore that Fungyi didn’t happened in that show, because there was so much teasing going on…lol.

  • aiMiXue says:

    I <3 Frankie & Tavia's roles in this series.
    Never knew there was a full version… Tavia did a good job.

  • dragon says:

    Thank you so much! I felt the same way.. I searched and searched but no where to be found, then I gave up hope as well. 🙂 Greatly appreciate for the link!

  • Elizabeth says:

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Can’t believe they have just now released it :OOOO LOVE IT THOUGH<3

  • misstila says:

    thx alot<3333 BEEN WAITING FOR YEARS! now all i hope for is the full version of the price of greed theme song xD

  • KTVB says:

    oh wow!!!! Thanks so much K2K!!!

  • Vivian says:

    OMG. thank you! i totally understand how you were feeling. i gave up a long time ago trying to find this themesong! ha ha. i’m glad they did realize it! it’s a nice surprise! 🙂

  • flora says:

    AHH finally horray Yes have been waiting for the full version for soo long thz for sharing thankz alot you are awsome

  • Lala says:

    I can’t believe I became a fan of Selena after watching this series. I use to dislike her but wow, I like her so much now. Love Selena n ray pairing in this drama. My all time favorite drama!!

  • curly.fries says:

    Wow hearing this song in full has made my day too! thanks so much!!

  • jj says:


  • turtle88 says:

    Ya, I was happy too when I found out this song finally came out in full version even though I kinda gave up waiting for it since it’s been so long lol

    i’ve been waiting for the full high quality cd version of the sub themesong to the seventh day by niki chow and kevin cheng for so long now…

  • Teiji says:

    Thank you so much!!

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