***Before you ask me anything~ please read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) below !
Songs from TVB Series
All files are in .mp3 format. All songs which are full versions/CD Versions are marked with an asterisks * next to them. For songs in 2010 in beyond, please visit our new Downloads Page
NOTE: Due to a number of servers been taken down (in which some of the TVB Themesongs were hosted on), some of the DL are no longer available. I am slowly re-uploading them on our server- Thanks for your patience! <last updated 22 April 2012>
[Legal Entanglement]- Hacken Lee*
[Return of Cockoo] – Chilam Cheung*
[Survivor’s Law]-Raymond Lam
[Life Made Simple] Sub Themesong- Roger Kwok & Jessica Hsuan*
[The Last Breakthrough] Raymond Lam*
[The Biter Bitten] -Shirely Yeung
[La Femme Desperado] -Miriam Yeung *
[Maiden’s Vow] Themesong |Sub-Charmaine Sheh *
[Forensic Heroes]Themesong -Frankie Lam*
[Face to Fate] Themesong – Raymond Lam* | Sub– Frankie Lam & Tavia Yeung*
[Land of Wealth]- Eason Chan *
[At Home with Love] – Sharon Chan*
[War and Destiny] -Myolie Wu*
[Love Guaranteed] – Stephy Tang*
[Dance of Passion] >Sub Themesong – Charmaine Sheh*
[To Grow with Love] – Myolie Wu & Andy Hui
[Au Revoir Shanghai]-Bosco Wong*
[Glittering Days] White Clouds Sky- Song Roger’s character sings for his mother*
[Dicey Business] – Hacken Lee* | Sub Bosco Wong*
[The Brink of Law] -Ron Ng & Steven Ma* | Sub- Bernice Liu
[Devil’s Disciples] -Bosco Wong & Kevin Cheng*
[Best Bet] Themesong -Linda Chung *
[The Slicing of the Demon] – Bernice Liu
[Heart of Greed] Themesong-Susanna Kwan* | Sub-Raymond Lam & Linda Chung *
[The Family Link] Miriam Yeung *
[A Change of Destiny] -Steven Ma and Joel Chan *
[The Green Grass of Home] -Leo Ku*
[On the First Beat] – Ron Ng, Deep Ng, Kenny Kwan* | Sub-Joey Yung*
[The Drive of Life]Themesong -Hacken Lee & Steven Zhou: | Sub – Raymond Lam: Full Version | Ending Soundtrack*
[Fathers and Sons] -Eason Chan *
[Steps] Themesong -Bernice Liu*
[Men Don’t Cry] -Dayo Wong*
[Phoenix Rising]-Kelly Chen*
[The Ultimate Crime Fighter] Sub -Moses Chan
[Word Twister’s Adventure] CD Version- Jordan Chan*
[The Building Blocks of Life] – Lui Fong*
[Marriage of Inconvenience] – Angela Tong, Patrick Tang, Toby Leung*
[Survivor’s Law II]-Kenneth Ma*
[Wars of In-Laws II] -Liza Wang & Fama * | Sub- Bosco Wong, Myolie Wu*| Sub– Myolie Wu, Vincent Wong*
[The Gentle CrackDown 2]-Steven Ma, Yumiko Cheung*
[Wasabi Mon Amour] -Eric Suen *| Sub -Danny Chan*
[The Seventh Day] -Kevin Cheng* | Sub-Kevin Cheng + Niki Chow*
[The Master of Taichi]Opening Music |Sub -Raymond Lam
[D.I.E] – Roger Kwok*
[A Journey called Life] – Steven Ma & Linda Chung*
[Catch Me Now] Music.
[Silver Chambers of Sorrow]-Ivana Wong
[Forensic Heroes II]- Edmond Leung | Sub- Charmaine Sheh
[The Money Making Recipe] – Kay Tse
[Speech of Silence] – Joyce Cheng*
[Love Exchange] – Kary Ng*
[When a Dog Loves a Cat] Themesong- Gallen Lo & Myolie Wu*
[Moonlight Resonance]Themesong– Susanna Kwan |Sub– Raymond Lam | Sub Piano Version
[The Legend of the Demigods] Sub– Linda Chung*
[Your Class or Mine] -Bobby Au Yeung*
[Last One Standing] Music -CD Quality
[The Four]Raymond Lam, Ron Ng, Sammul Chan, Kenneth Ma* -CD Quality
[The Gem of Life]Themesong– Shirley Kwan* Sub Themesongs | Linda Chung*| Bowie Lam & Gigi Lai |Moses Chan
[When Easterly Showers Fall On The Sunny West] – Liza Wang*| Sub*-Charmaine Sheh & Joe Ma (Full Versions)
[Off Pedar] Full Music* | Ending Theme-Joyce Cheng *
[Pages of Treasures] Themesong -Eric Suen*
[Sweetness in the Salt] Steven Ma & Tavia Yeung*
[E.U]Themesong– Ron Ng, Sammul Chan, Michael Tse* |Sub-Elanne Kong*
[The Greatness of a Hero] Themesong- Hins Cheung
[The Wintermelon Tale] – Don Li & Chris Lai Lok Yi*
[The King of Snookers]-Adam Cheng *| Sub- Niki Chow & Patrick Tang*
[Man In Charge] -Kenneth Ma & Matthew Ko *
[Rosy Business] Themesong- Ron Ng*
[Just Love II] Full Theme Music
[The Threshold Of A Persona] Themesong- Roger Kwok & Patrick Tang*
[A Great Way to Care] Juno Mak
[Burning Flame 3] Theme Music* | Sub*– Myolie Wu & Kevin Cheng
[A Bride for a Ride]- Chin Ka Lok, Sammul Chan, Wong Cho Lam
[You’re Hired] Dayo Wong * Themesong
[D.I.E Again] – Roger Kwok*
[The Stew of Life] – Fala Chen*
[In the Chamber of Bliss] – Kathy Chow*
[Born Rich] Gallen Lo-Themesong* | Kay Tse- Sub
[Beyond The Realm Of Conscience] Susanna Kwan-Themesong*| Charmaine Sheh- (Sub)* |Instrumental
** (2006) Lady in Red Album :Various TVB Themesongs by various female artists (zipped)
** (2006) Lady In Red Album (Midi Files)
**(2007) In Love with Drama Album
01. Heart of Greed Theme – Susanna Kwan
02. Best Selling Secrets Sub – Shirley Kwan
03. The Seventh Day Theme – Kevin Cheng
04. Maiden’s Vow Sub – Charmaine Sheh
05. The Last Empress Theme – Liza Wang
06. Heart of Greed Sub – Raymond Lam/Linda Chung
07. Misleading Track Theme – Bowie Lam
08. Dicey Business Sub – Bosco Wong
09. Galloping in the City Theme a.k.a Steps – Bernice Liu
10. Men In Pain Sub – Ron Ng
**(2008) Love TV Album
**(2009) Love TV2
**(2012) Love TV3 (latest available TVB Album)
English Songs from TVB Series
The Brink of Law- Dreams
Heart of Greed- My Love Will Get You Home*
Steps- Fireflies*
The Building Blocks of Life, Steps- No Matter
Forensic Heroes II- You’re My Angel (Loretta Chow) | Entre Los Dos- Spanish Song for Bobby & Yoyo scenes
Love Exchange- Moon River
Moonlight Resonance- Icecream
Born Rich- English Sub– Kenix & Ray scenes * | Joe and Anita scene (Episode 10)
Frequently Asked Questions!!
1. Do you have xxx theme song?
I’ve selected some more recent songs to share (put on the page). If there’s a song you’re looking for that’s not there, please “search” the page on your Internet browser Edit–> Find (on this Page) because others may have already requested it and I’ve posted the link in the “Comments” (as a reply) rather than posting it on the top. If it’s still not there, then you can try leave me a comment. If I do not reply to your comment, it means I don’t have the themesong.
Do NOT request songs which are not from TVB Series.
2. Can you upload the songs in a different format? I don’t know how to open .rar files.
Some of the songs are zipped together, so all the files are inside it. You will need to open it with “Winrar” which come with most computers. When you do, the individual songs are in MP3 format. I won’t be reuploading those songs separately. You should download Winrar~ its really useful anyway=)
3. Can you please send me xxx to my email?
Requesting to send songs through email is set to my last priority. It’s unlikely I will send it to you. If you request for a song I do not have posted above, please come back and check the page for the link or reply.
4. I want to share the download links! Can I?
You may not provide the download links in other places, blogs, forums etc. If you would like to share, please provide the link back to this download page so they can download it from here.
5. How come I can’t comment on this page?
Due to the massive amount of comments on this page- I have decided to close the comments. For new TVB theme songs, please visit the newly set up page ^^!
Hey, K! The Ray and Selena one looks so cute!! I love that its green, too. My favorite color.
hey kerry merry christmas i have a question for you is the dicey business subtheme a full version by bosco because when i check the movie site for tvb.com i click on the solo the first solo is hacken then the second 1 is bosco but it doesn’t work i decide to check how long the song is at the end there were a couple of lines that bosco sings in english i know that you were going to but this song in your site but i was wondering if it’s the full version
To Flora: I’m not sure if its fullversion or not, but I’m guessing it might be because its fairly long , i.e 2mins 10 secs long.
But I didn’t hear any English lines in the song, so I’m guessing this isn’t the full version?
nice winamp skin..hehe..if you can, can you make some charmaine and raymond ones? ty
hi K, can you explain to me how can I add these skin on my Windows Media Player windows? I’m trying so many times and I still can’t do it. Please help me, thanks in advance! Happy New Year to you also! ^^
Oh cool ^_^
You gotta put that file in the “Skins” folder in the “Winamp” Folder.
It may vary from different computers, but usually:
Go to the folders
->”My Computer” ->”(C)” C Drive ->”Program Files” -> “Winamp” ->”Skins”
and save the file there =D
*Then open up your Winamp player:
Right Click it, go to “Skins” and then saved skin should be there -> click and tada! It should work =)
Lemme know how that goes for u =)
huray, it worked. Thanks so much K. You know, you have the same nickname like me (K ^.^)
If you have free time, pls add some more skins, the skins on the net don’t look good for me ^.^
hi everybody..who have mrs pig song??i want..and musics from dicey business
thz for the brink of law theme song kerry actually thz for all of ur songs
Hi, can i know where can i download the glittering days soundtrack. I really like those song very much. Thanx.
I don’t have them, so you’ll have to look around for them. Its out on YesAsia.com for sale:
But they are not directly from the Series, but the origianl songs form that time~
um…..i was just wondering if anyone knows the title of that one song that was playing in the background when bernice and steven first met each other again and then started remebering the past….it was in The Brink of Law…..
hi do u have face to fate theme song and sub theme song full version?
hi, i was wondering if anyone know the english song title that was playing in the background when bernice and steven was in the music store together in “the brink of law”..thank you
do you know that name of that song that michael miu listens to in his office ( in dicey business) when he’s tryin to relax? and the artist of that song ?
To HLN: I don’t have the full version of FTF themesong, only the TV rip (short version). I’m not aware that the full version is released at , but I’ll definitely put it up when it is =)
To justwannabeme, pholiciouss: I have no idea about the songs..
To Priscilla: I don’t know the song title..
Hi! nice website I’m a fan of TVB Drama Series too. Between where do you usually download all the movie.jpg file.
Can you send me Heavenly In Laws and Devil’s Desciples .jpg file? I’ve seeking for it high and low. I cant read chinese though.
To Momoko: What do you mean by movie.jpg file? Do you mean .rmbv files? Can you listen to
hello KTVB i got Devil Disciples full theme song here for you remember to help me find FTF theme song thanks again
Reply from KTVB: Thanks HLN! I’m definitely looking out for the FTF full themesong because I want it too lol
Has anyone got The Conquest theme song full version?
of course im a fair person,tell what song you guys want, if i have it i will upload it
Reply from KTVB:
Credits to Sehseh’s Blog
Reuploaded by aZnangel@ AEU
争霸 The Conquest Themesong – Chen Kun
Duration: 2:14 minutes
Size: 2.13 MB
争霸 The Conquest Subtheme (真永远) – Chen Kun
Duration: 3:49
Size: 3 MB
A friend of mine last showed me a song on youtube, Ten Brothers. (piano version) I really love this song and I want to surprise her and play it.. I wonder if anyone has the sheet music?
Reply from KTVB:
sorry Julia, I’m not sure how to get piano sheets..(I don’t play either xD). Was that music official or fan made? Because if its played by a fan (person who uploaded the youtube file), you might like to ask him/her =]
thanks kTVB
Just found your site….Just wan to say keep up the good work…Read about Brink of Law fr ur website and am watchin it now..GOOD SHOW!!!
Anyway tried dloading the themesong fr ur site above..the megaupload site
but its says country slots are full..is this normal?
or do i need to dload the toolbar to be dload? pls help thanks
Hi Economist (funny name XD)
It never happened to me before..I’ve had download exceeded limit though..you can try again awhile later. I haven’t tried downloading the toolbar before so I’m not too sure..which country are you from?
HI KTVB..i am fr Msia
this is the msg i get
All download slots assigned to your country (Malaysia) are currently in use. Please try again in a few hours or install the Megaupload Toolbar for immediate access – with the toolbar installed, there are no more slot limitations for you!
maybe i haf to try later…but i tried at 10pm n now at 3 am…..maybe i try again…..
hahah desperate to hear de song
hi! i love your skins! they are soooooooooooooooo cool!
would you be able to make a glittering days one? that would be so great. if not thats ok. thanks anyway.
p.s great site!
To Economist: Are you downloading more than one file from megaupload? Because u can only download one at a time unless u’re a premium member~
To Sweet_rosbud: Glad you like them ^^ I’ll be able to make a glittering days one if u give me a really good quality large picture ^^;
hey im new here and i wanted to search for a drama series actually i dont really know the name of the movie but i was told tht the movie starred by a group of fat ladies . do u have any idea what drama is tht?? and it tis tvb drama series
Uhm…a group of fat ladies? Nope..haven’t seen one like that I think. How old is that series?
Nope i am just try to open one file….But cant…Hope maybe you can upload to another site but if cant then never mind…Do you any other sites i can dload fr? Preferably in English
hi guys.. nice winamp skins k.. anyone kno where i can get heavenly in-laws main theme full version.. appreciate thx!!
Economist are u looking for full version of main theme of brink of law?? if u are i have both the full versions of main and sub themes of brink
Yeah i am Shinn
how can i get them off u?
Thanks for your help 🙂 !!!
to economist do u have aol instant messanger?? if u do i can send it to u from there. or u can use mirc. if u do use it, just type /server irc.shadowarmor.net and when it loads… type /j #chinese (note that i made this channel up so no one will be there except me.. plz reply asap so i can help…!
i dont have both….i only have windows messenger…can u send via email? though it maybe take time upload….my email hhgooi@yahoo.com
maybe u can email there and we can see what we can do…thanks alot!!!
heyy danx for uploading the songs!! i’ve been trying to find face to fate sub all along and i’ve finally found it here THANKS A BUNCH!
to economist: e-mail sent enjoy!!
Open the e-mail from teachyou12@verizon.net with subject about full versions of brink of law main and sub theme songs.. no misunderstandings ok?! lol…!!
hey KTVB do u have the song in Land of Wealth not the main theme song but the sub song sing by M.C. and do u know why face to fate theme song does not release yet cuz usually raymond and frankie song always release before the series or during the series but this time is not working like that well thanks for ur help bye now
Reply from KTVB:
Land of Wealth Subtheme – Moses Chan (LIVE)
(Duration: 2:50 minutes / Size: 2.6 MB / MP3)
Credits to : aZnangel @ AEU
I think its because Face to Fate is a warehoused series which is why they haven’t released the full version yet. There are exceptions though (like Devil’s Disciples if they have a MV of it). Theya re going to air it on Pay TV in HK so they should release it soon. At least I hope they do.
Thanks Shinn
I have got it..
I tried dloading the mp3s from sharebee.com and it works..Can you put the rest of the files there as explained earlier i cant seem to download fr megaupload for some reason
oh ok thank you very much and btw i have the full version of Heart of Greed just wondering if u wanted it or not if u do here is the link for it thanks again KTVB
I love your goodies. I would like to know if you have ‘Lethal Weapons of Love and Passion” theme song by Raymond Lam?
Or any other songs by Ray.
Many thanks
===Reply from KTVB:
Here you go Krystal ^^
Raymond Lam Themesongs
Lethal Weapons Of Love and Passion: Themesong and Subtheme
Survivor’s Law: Themesong
Hi KTVB..i tried to dl the songs but i hv the prob sayin [all download slots assigned to your country(Msia) are currently in use]
Could u pls email me the songs if its possible? Would appreciate it! My email is ivy_ryc@hotmail.com
Dicey Business (main n sub)
Land of wealth(main)
Forensic heroes(main)
Heart of greed(main)
Brink of law(main n sub)
Glittering days(white cloudy sky)
To Grow With Love(sub)
Thanks a lot! I am new to this site and you did a good job!nice site! I’ve been looking for the songs for ages!Thanks!
Oh and umm anyone who has Always Ready sub and Dance of Passion main by Bowie Lam could pls let me know or kindly send it to me?Thanks.Feel free to ask me for songs.I’ll upload or send it to ya if i hv it!
to Seeman: i have all the songs ur looking for except glittering days, always ready, and dance of passion. also i would like it if u could help me find heavenly in-laws main theme full version.. thx a lot!!!
to shinn: I’ll look up for heavenly in-laws main theme full version for u. Is your e-mail teachyou12@verizon.net? I will send it to u if i found it. Thanks for the songs!
u have a great website going on here!~
u’ve got great summaries and reviews for series
it’s very nice*~
could please re-upload the themesong of [Land of Wealth] by Eason Chan/ send it to me by e-mail, thanks a lot!~
Can i check if anyone knows any site to dload torrents for tvb shows?
the one i normally use bt.fkee.com seems to be down…….
Or does any1 haf the torrent file for TO GROW WITH LOVE?
To Kreme: I just checked them both out. The both links still work and I’ve eve tried re-downloading them.
To Lanna: Yup I do =) Here it is: Yummy Yummy (Full Themesong) Credits to AEU.
To the azn: No I don’t have it on Megaupload. I’ve sent the song to your email, have a check =)
To Anna: Thanks heaps ^^
To Chris: In Cantonese o.0? They don’t have the Cantonese version in the series right? I don’t recall hearing it.Lemme know if you do find it, I’d be interested to hear it for myself.
To Eira: Try this link =) Hope it works for you ^^
to economist: i have to grow with love main and sub full versions.. if u want it i might be able to e-mail it to u..
to kinki: i have land of wealth main full theme song.. if u want it… i could try to e-mail it to u.. if so plz leave ur e-mail address on ur next comment..
to SeeMan: yes teachyou12@verizon.net is my e-mail but could u send heavenly in-laws to teachyou12@netzero.com.. i don’t usually check my verizon e-mail… lol thx !!!
to Shinn
I think you misunderstood…I want to dload the SERIES itself not the theme song…but i dont mind the songs too…email here pls hhgooi@yahoo.com thanks
any1 else know where to dload the torrent file or has the torrent file?
To Kinki: Reuploaded =)
To Economist: Try http://d-addicts.com/ for Torrents
To Shinn, thanks for offering me the file..^.^!~
To KTVB: thanks for re-uploading the file for me..^.^!~
Thanks KTVB i will try it out….
yo k,
having bit of trouble with megaupload1
wat’s the username for it?
Ps: Nice skinsI luv green
hey K do u have the change of destiny full version theme song and the slicing of the demon is not really a full version i think someone edited it thanks agian
TO Naomi: I’m not sure what you’re referrig to. You don’t need a username for it.
What happens when you try to download from megaupload? Did you get up to putting the code in the box (i.e “Please Enter XXX ______ here) ?
TO HLN: I have what I have put up there ^^; I’ll put them up if I get a hold of them~
hi KTVB,
i’d like to know if i can use the devil’s disciples’ poster you made for one of my blog entries?
if yes, how would you like me to credit your work?
thanks a lot!~
Reply from KTVB:
To Kinki:
Sure you can =) All you have to do is reupload the picture onto your own server, and the put a text link underneath it saying “Credits to K for TVB” with a link back.
Can you help me?
I’ve downloaded the Lady in Red album but like, when i try to listen to it on Winamp, it doesn’t work, and when i save it, it’s not in a zipped file. I’m not sure what to do because I like really want to listen to the songs. Thanks!
Reply from KTVB: Did you manage to download Winrar?
Thanks, KTVB! ^.^
I did what you advised me to do..
..you can check out my blog if you want to (and see if i credited correctly la)..^^
Thanks again for letting me use your creations!!
Reply from KTVB: It’s fine ^^
yeah I did
thanks and did you add me on Hotmail? becuase I have someone with ur name
i think it’s u but not sure
Hi KTVB,is it ok if i have post the sypnopsis and poster for change of destiny into other forums?i will credit you and this site
Reply from KTVB: Sure~ go for it~
thanks so much KTVB
I love the new layout/banner 😀 So pretty. I also like the ACOD song (full). Even though I had to sort of get used to the random violin part near the middle.
thank-u 4 ACOD full! hehe…
Oh my gosh, thank you sooooo much! Your website is the only site that i can find these good songs from and I don’t know how you do get them, but thanks a lot for uploading, and they’re mostly full version too. You’re awesome!!! =]
hi everyone,im just wondering if any1 has The LAst Breakthrough theme song full version in good quality?i have got this song but crap quslity
hey K any news about FTF theme and sub theme songs yet?
thanks for uploading the themesong to A Change of Destiny! i juz finished watching the whole series and i LOVE the song so much!! =] i luv ur skin….but i dink personally steven and shirley made a better couple in the movie xD
to SeeMan: here’s the link for To Grow with love sub theme
To Socks: haha..yeh the random violin part confused me for a sec! (is it fan made? lol)
To Judee: You’re welcome! I tend to like the full versions so yeh ^^
To DP: I have ‘The Last Breakthrough‘ full themesong~ but I’m not too sure if the quality I have is better than yours or not.
To HLN: Not yet unfortunately~
To Fanny aka Innocence: I like both couples actually heheh~~ Stevenand Shirley are soo fun to watch but I think Benny and Selena are sweet together!
Hey can I trouble you to email me that full theme song for “The Last Breakthrough?”
To Yen and Pauping:
Links to Greed Mask (Full Version):
To Cindy: The Legend of Love (TV Rip only)
To the azn : Fau Kua (original song)
To xlonelyx: Sorry I haven’t seen the series, so wouldn’t know.
To Pauping: Thanks for your lovely comment ^^ Check FAQ 4
Can you please send the At Home With Love n To Grow With Love (Main & Theme) to my email hhgooi@yahoo.com
Cause i cannot dload it fr megaupload and its not in sharebee.com
If u can upload it to sharebee then i can get it myslef
Do u have the full version theme songs of Heavenly In-Laws, Life Art & Welcome to the House? If you do can you pls send it to me by email.
hey K do u know what raymond says to linda in the song heart of greed sub when he was speaking english?
To Economist: Both uploaded at sharebee.com =)
To raysha: I don’t have Heavenly-in-laws full version, for TV.Rip.(short) version: click here
To HLN: uhm..I’m not too sure..lol After listening to it over and over again, I can’t figure it out XD I’m guessing its one of these:
That will be a bit cruel/That’s a little bit cruel/Don’t let it be cruel/let that be a bit cruel
Didn’t mean to hurt you/That meant to hurt you/that better hurt you/that’s meant to be true
XD What do you think it sounds like?
To KTVB: Thanks heaps!
If you don’t have the full version of Heavenly In Laws, do you have the short version?
Edit: Thanks, got them all!
Whoops ^^; Got the wrong song, here it is: Fireflies – Noella Choi (TV-Rip) =) Sucha lovely song..and so romantic!
btw, the song I posted above is sung by a girl too..lol
Thanks KTVB
Got all of it…….
can someone pls advice how could i download the theme song? thanks
Hi deb: For the links that take you to the Megaupload Page~ you’ll see
Please enter _______ here [ ] Download
Type what you see in the picture, and click download, after waiting for some seconds (there’s a count down), click the download button and it should work.
For the others, follow the instructions on the page =)
does anyone have the Sub Theme To Men In Pain By Ron Ng Full Version
=) thank you so much
Hey people, just a note for those who couldnt download the theme songs.
Change your IP address proxy or something like that! I did that and managed to download them.
To KTVB : you have a great site going on here! Love all your spoilers!
and one with the TEN BROTHERS theme song? (:
and i definitely for all TVB fans to watch this production. still my favourite after watching dozens after it. haha
HI..u know in heart of greed movie.there is an english song which is played in most of the scenes involving raymond lim and his gf….u know where i can get it?
To Ryan: Men In Pain- Subthemesong (Full Version)
To cleo: Thanks for your comments ^^ Here’s the Ten Brothers Themesong
To uchiha: here you go =) Heart of Greed English song: My Love will get you Home (Christine Glass)
not only is your website wonderful, you are helpful too! thanks alot! i love tvb alot alot! (:
Thanks you for these songs !! Do you have this main song of “War of Destinity” ? It’s Myolie Wu. Please !!!
what they release Misleading Track but not FTF im so disappointed will they ever release those two songs at all?
Hi, KTVB, can you sent just this three songs?
because i can’t use Megaupload.com…
my e-mail address is: bananaspit_love92joe@hotmail.com
[Maiden’s Vow] Themesong-Charmaine Sheh
[Dicey Business]Sub Themesong
[The Brink of Law]Themesong
really thanks a lots
To NG’s- Its got it up there, can you download from Megaupload?
To HLN: I was disappointed too~~ was hoping to find the Full version to Face to Fate there…
To joe:
*The Brink of Law (uploaded in sharebee.com)
*Maiden’s Vow
*Dicey Business SubÂ
Hi K,
Firstly you have an awesome site and please let me know how i can credit your work.
Secondly, I know a few people have already asked you about this, but just wondering if you or any one else have found the song that was playing in the background when bernice and steven got back together and was at the play ground thinking back of the past….it was in The Brink of Law…..
I have been sarching hight and low for the song.
HI Anna: Thanks for the comments ^^ And thanks for reminding me, I’ve uploaded it above ~
To DP: I’ve got a version posted at the top, not sure if it’s any better quality than yours though~
To joe: Here you go =)( The Academy Full Themesong)
hey K, love your site.
I was just wondering do you know where i can download the theme song to ‘the gentle crackdown’
ello k
do u know the nickname for megapload? \\ DO YOU HAVE HEAVENLY IN LAWS THEME
Hi Ken: I made a little snapshot to show you, click here. Hope that helps!
do you have A Handful of Love, The White Flame and To Love with No Regrets themesong full version?Cos’ I have been searching for them for years. But still can’t find them.
It will be great if u can find them!
*I can’t download from Megapuload. Only can download from sendspace or sharebee.*
Thanks in advance! and sorry for the mistake. Love your sitE!
To naomi: I don’t have Heavenly_In-Laws theme Full Version: Only the TVrip(short version) I’m not sure what you mean by the nickname for Megaupload. You don’t need one to downlaod there~
To kmk3zf:
Credits to AEU
thnx. ur site is da best
are these all the songs you have because they’re great!
omgosh! thanks!!! =)
thanks for the link!!
How to i download using sharebee?
I didnt see any link to download the file.
Please help.
ummm…i was wondering if you have Gan Ji Wo Yu Jiang by Ekin Cheng…cuz i really like this song so yea..anyways thanks..xD
Hey i am wondering if anyone has MAIDEN’S VOWS sub theme by Charmaine. I appreciate it if u do.
To cupckaes: here you go =)
(only because it was in HOG episode 16). TVB Themesong related requests only~
To Kimi: Its part of the “In Love with Drama” Album
yeah i noe it is but i dont wanna d/l the whole album cuz i already have the other songs. If u can u, can u make a link to it for me.Thank you very much.
To Kimi: the songs are separately available here as well =)
Thanks heapz k. ur the best
Has anyone got on the first beat theme song full version in good quality???i have got it but its very bad in quality
Do you have the academy themesong, i know this abit old, but i really can’t find any where, i find the song very meaningful. I like the NEW header of this webpage it very nice. I saw your effort of putting in this website, keep it up.
To KTVB:thanks very much,your one was much better than my one
im just wondering whether you have put your hands up sang by ron,raymond,bosco, and kevin in good quality as well? i would really appreciate if you do
To DP: I actually haven’t heard of “put your hands up” song before~
To the azn:
To the one: I’m not sure~ o.o? Do the other Megaupload files work for you?
To tracKy: ^^; Yup
To aurelie: Sorry, I don’t have that song
To wewah:
I don’t have ‘Down the memory lane ‘. I don’t really listen to Andy Lau songs..wouldn’t know xD
I don’t have it at Megaupload. Its not hard to use the other ones. Click on the link and pick one. Its just as easy as Megaupload.
To AL: A lot of those songs are uploaded on sharebee.com, not megaupload. Sharebee works for Malaysians =)
have u got the song
perish in the name of love?
thanks always… xp
why can’t i download the “lady in red”-album??? i really want it!!! =( it is cause i live in sweden or what??? i really want it =(
thank god for you ! been looking for these songs for a while now ..mad site.. are you an aussie too ?
Hi, I’m looking for a song in Heart of greed. It’s the song that the mother and the auntie sing for Bosco’s wedding in the 16th episode.
Thank you
Very nice website. Thanks Alot! 🙂
Hi, I am looking for glittering day sub theme sung by susanna kwan. The last song she sung before she died in the series. I would buy the song if i can but it quite hard to find. Thanks for loading up the theme song.
Do you have Down the memory lane sung by andy lau. It is an old song. If you can , please upload in mega upload. Can you do life art in mega upload also. I don’t know how to use the other program. I am new at this. Thanks again.
To Kimi: That link hasn’t expired, I just re-downloaded the song to test it. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, click “free” and then select one of the “mirrors” , type in the code and it should work.
To KTVB: I’m searching for a very old song. Take My Word (Starring: Julian Cheung , Bobby Au-Yeung , Kenix Kwok) – Subtheme songs by ChiLam.
[Dicey Business]Sub Themesong – Bosco Wong*
[The Brink of Law]Themesong -Ron Ng & Steven Ma*
[The Brink of Law]Sub Themesong – Bernice Liu*
[Best Bet]Themesong -Linda Chung *
[The Slicing of the Demon]Themesong – Bernice Liu
[Heart of Greed]Sub Themesong-Raymond Lam & Linda Chung *
[A Change of Destiny] Themesong -Steven Ma and Joel Chan *
[The Family Link] Themesong -Miriam Yeung*
[The Green Grass of Home] Themesong -Leo Ku*
[On the First Beat] Themesong – Ron Ng, Deep Ng, Kenny Kwan*
The Brink of Law- Dreams
Welcome to the House Full Themesong.
Life Art Full Themesong by Kevin Cheng
Can you send the songs to me at adelene.lisa@gmail.com? =)
as i have problem d/load from megaupload.
Just wanted to say thank you for your fast response. YOUR SITE IS AWESOME. Greatly appreciate your sharing with us. Again thank you. Thank you…..
i was wondering if u can reupload the song by ekin cheng requestes previously by cupcake. the song seems to be expired. thanks a lot.
thnx k for da song
THANKS ALOT K. I’m really amazed by ur fast response.
thanks you
ps. hope u can put more song on !
Oh do u have the sub-theme song of “on the first beat” ?
oh i forgot for some reason i cant download the family link theme song ?
can u tell me why?
hi i new can u upload “Best selling secrets sub- shirley kwan”
To Sarah:
No I’m not sure why you can’t download it. The Full version of On the First Beat Sub by Joey Yung is now uploaded (check the top of the page). Here’s the Best Selling Secrets Sub (Full Version)
To Lanna: I’ve been great thanks! Enjoying my break at the moment (exams finished a few weeks ago) Here’s the Yummy Yummy SubThemsong!
To Angela: Sorry I don’t..I haven’t actually heard of that song before
To Tracy: I’ll definately share the Face to Face Themesong/Sub Themesong fullv ersion if I get a hold of it, but at the point, I doubt the full versions would be released.
To Ken: Refer to comment 129 =)
Hello I was wondering if anyone is interested in trading?!?!? I’m interested in anything that I don’t have…..send me an e-mail if you find something you want.
My website is
thank you for answer me =P
i have tried all the links & it don’t work =(
can you please send med the music instead? O.o
if it not to much ^^
Reply from KTVB: To the one: check your email =)
thx for the drive of life themesong
Reply from KTVB: You’re welcome Aweto ^^
Hello… I am wondering if you have the 2 instrumental song in Game of Deceit? I know that this is quite old but I really hope that you will have these 2 instrumental songs…
Reply from KTVB:
To ling: sorry I don’t have it. I’m actually not sure what it is because I haven’t seen that series. But yeh, instrumentals are really hard to find, but they sound really nice.
Hi K,
Just found out about your web site. Really good. Thank you so much of the theme songs you’ve collected.
I am looking for the theme song in Trimming success. Do you have it?
Reply from KTVB:
To Lana: Here you go- Trimming Success (Full Themesong)
Thanks for your support misty_rainbow
saw ur webbie and found it really useful and i love it… i have some TVB older songs… if U WANT or if anyone would like… email to rainbow_over_the_sky@hotmail.com…. LOVE THIS WEBSITE… SUPPORT TVB!~
i looking for full them & sub song
[Face to Fate] Themesong – Raymond
[Face To Fate] Sub.Themesong – Frankie Lam & Tavia Yeung
Reply from KTVB: The full themesong of Face to Fate main/sub are not released. The Sub themsong (TV rip) is the longest possible.
You’re awesome. Thanks a lot.
Reply from KTVB: You’re welcome ^^
i have trouble when i want to download using megaupload.
i want to download the soundtracks of :
the green grass house, the family link, heart of greed.
can you send them to my email please….
thank you
Reply from KTVB: To Mer: Sent! Check your email =)
I’ve already receive it,
thanks a lot
heys thank you so much for the songs but can u please reupload “face to fate”, “forensic heroes” – i fink they’ve expired once again thanx!!!
Hi K,
How r u? I hope u r doing well.
I really like the theme song of Yummy Yummy, do you have it?
Thanks a lot if you can help me down load it.
All the best,
dearest k,
do u have the family link song on mega pload?
if u do please tell me…….
sendspace doesn’t work for me
thnx heaps
Hi K,
A short message to say keep up your great work!
hi, i was just wondering if anyone has the theme song “White Cloud Sky” from Glittering Days in Cantonese…
I can’t download ‘My heart will get you home” from rapid share. Can you please upload it in a different site? Btw, go K!
Hi K,
Thanks for your great help. I really apreciate that.
Are you still busy with school works?
Cheer up
hello i was wondering if you have the song be brave – raymond lam i really want that song.. hope you have it =)
Dear K,
Another request: do you have the sub theme song of Yummy Yummy? It would be great if you can help me (again) download it.
ok, my bad!! thanx
hi~ i was just wondering if u could post the full version of the subtheme for face to fate when u get it? thanx in advance!~ =]
how to trigger the download at sharebee?
oh okay then it’s okay.. i’ve got another request please =D.. can you put on the song 如果在這裡 it’s a song by raymond again i thik it’s called if you were here its a song from stolen love a movie with raymond lam and rain lee
Dear K,
Hi ! I would like to request the full version of To Get Unstuck in Time theme please….
hello.. can you put the survivor’s law themesong on… ^^.. thankyou
To rinaaaaa:
Here you go: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=C5H18AS3
I love your work.
I was wondering if anyone has the subtheme song for the drive of life by raymond lam.
he’s soo hot!!!
To Angela: I’m still looking for Stolen Love themesong. I had it on my computer before but I’m not sure where its gone XD
Stolen Love Sub themesong- Raymond and Miriam (in case you’re also interested) 🙂 Uploaded just for u!
To Yen: To Get Unstuck in Time (full themesong) :
To Krystal: I don’t have it yet. I’ll post it on the page when I do =)
hey thx for the link to download on the first beat subtheme. but i cant really download it idk why. once i click it a window comes up and its sharebee and i click a link on the bottom and it keeps saying “Please wait while we load your requested page” i wait for a loooong time and it still wont come. i clicked pretty much every link there is for that song on sharebee. can u give me a link for it just on mageupload? cuz on the other songs u have that goes straight to megaupload it works but idk why it wont work for the sharebee. so plzzzz give me a link for it on megauload! plzz and thx
Thank you K for the sub theme song of Yummy Yummy 🙂
Dear K,
Thank you for upload – To Get Unstuck in time song for me.
Dear K,
Thanks alot! Anyways, hope you go well on your exams…(results)
OMG thank you soo much.
Did you hear Ray’s new song?
I found this at youtube.
does anyone have it on mp3?
To May & Shantina: Its sent. Please check your inbox =)
To Angela: I’ve posted The Drive of Life- Sub themesong at the top of the page, but its the MTV rip only (includes talking)
To DP: That’s the MTV rip only. A clear version will be replaced when I get my hands out it =)
except for theme songs, do you have any music(for piano),,
if you do, can i plz have “heart of fencing” and “sunshine heartbeat story”
if you have it..can u plz send it to me by email..
To Phoebe: Unfortuntely I don’t have any piano pieces. Personally I think they’ll sound really nice but have no idea where I can get them. If anyone does, please feel free to shareÂ
TO DP: Here’s the link to the Placebo Cure Full Themesong- hacken Lee
 To ele: Will send the Heart of Greed Themesong tonight =)
To Tracy: There’s not Full Version of the Price of Greed Themesong released.
thank u!!!
YEAH! the song iwanted be brave it’s what krystal found on youtube i hope someone has this song i really want it!!! XD i really want it!!
can anyone send me HEART OF GREED theme, BRINK OF LAW theme and LAND OF WEALTH theme please? my email’s colourfulpop@hotmail.com
i tried all the links but they’re either megaupload (i live in singapore) or expired. also does anyone have the saxophone (or whatever instrument it is) version of the theme song of Brink of Law? i think it’s really great. this is the best tvb website i’ve ever come across. and it’s in english! 🙂
hi again~ wondering if u have the themesong for price of greed that bosco sings? thanx! =]
ele:i would send you land of wealth ok?
hi ele,i just realised i got brink of law as well i would you that as well
To Charles: I only have the TV Rip (short version) of Phoenix Rising. Long version should come out in one of Kelly’s new albums =)
To Angela: Links to : Heart of Fencing Themesong
To ahlows: There isn’t a full themesong version of The Price of Greed. Here are some valid links to Ups and Downs in the Sea of Love themesong:
SubTheemsongs (English ones):
To DP: Thanks for sharing ^^!
To Kinki: Life Made Simple (Sub)- TV Rip-short version only
DP: i received them, thanks a bunch!
has anyone got placebo cure theme song by hacken lee,i would appreciate if anyone does
Dear K,
Could you please send me full theme songs for the Greed Mask by Andy Hui. Thanks.
thanks k
Thanks for ur upload song .. is very nice, i fine the song for long time already .. ur web is very nice .. thank you
do u happen to have the theme song of “the legend of love” by gillian chung and kenny kwan? thanks!
have u got fau kua(aka dak dak dei’s ringtones..)
from heart of greed./?
Aqua Heroes Themesong Requests
I was wondering if you have a song from Aqua Heroes? If you watched the series before its plays during bobo and edwin scenes … like the scene when edwin falls into the water and bobo saves him….
Message from Sherry:
Hi…..may I know where can I get the Aqua Heroes Theme Song that was sung by Edwin Siu and Bobo Chan in full? Does anybody has it? Thanks. PS: I can’t use megaupload
Reply from BOL:
Aqua Heroes(1) http://sharebee.com/ad9e6c8d
Aqua Heroes(2) http://sharebee.com/f90c4ce7
Aqua Heroes(3) http://sharebee.com/e581b555
Aqua Heroes theme http://sharebee.com/06362e5e
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you have the FULL version of the theme of GREED MASK by Andy Hiu. ^^ cause ive been looking for it everywhere and cant find it
could u please send me it?! thank you in advance
just wanted to say thanks and keep up the good work.
though i wanted to ask whats THE== PASSWORD for “In Love with Drama Album” i read it carefully and couldnt see it (unless im going blind ^^ as well as iliterate). PLEASE can i have it as i really wanna listen to the tunes.
(“)_(“)o XXXX
thanks ktvb for the song!
Hi K,
Thank you for the Greed Mask Theme songs
thank you thank you for GREED SONG> YOU ARE FAB.
Can you please send me the Face To Fate Sub theme song to my email because I can’t download it here or anywhere else…my email is htown_azn_bab3@yahoo.com…THANKS
anybody have this song 128kb/s please share, thanks
thnx for fau kau
Can u pls send me this song
Brink of Law – Dreams
heyy does anyone Love Searching for Memories of You 爱在记忆ä¸æ‰¾ä½ . it’s the subtheme for drive of life BY raymond lam!! i love it!
k:im just wondering if the sub song of DOL is ripped from the mtv or not
ohh thanks!!!
thanks for sending me the song i requested!!!
oh it’s ok..
thx anyway..
Would luv it if someone could send me the theme for La Femme Desperado by Miriam Yeung..
I can’t seem to download from sharebee.
Thx in advance!!
does anybody have the themesong for heart of fencing? i want that song thank you so much if someone has it and is willing to share it with mee =D
Hi, can you please send me the theme song of Pheonix Rising?
Thank you very much!
hey K,
do you happen to have the full version of The Price of Greed Themesong ? =]
Can you send me the themesongs of Love Guaranteed and Face to Fate? I can’t use Megaupload or Sharebee.
Thank You very Muchh!!
hi ktvb and everyone,i have found the drive of life theme CD version,so i thought i should share it with everyone:
To: k..i was wondering do you have the theme song to The Prince’s Shadow? if you do can you please send it to me..
my email is
thanks in advance =]
does anyone know where i can download the theme and sub songs of “Ups and Downs in the Sea of Love” ? i really want to find a valid link to them so if anyone knows them, it would be greatly appreciated if you can share them. thanks =]
hi all,
do anyone have the subthemesong of “life made simple” (sung by Roger Kwok & Jessica Hsuan)
thanks K
thx KTVB!
heys, do u happen to have the subtheme for to grow with love but sang by Myoile Wu??
Hey k i was wondering if you would have the full sub theme song sung by Bowie Lam in Always ready.
Much appreciated of you do. Thanks
can u please send me the song phoenix rising? or maybe upload it? thank u ! my email address is mun_munli@yahoo.com. thanks!
hey does anyone know where to download that one english subsong they use in “On the First Beat” ?
HI, can i have the songs of TVB Pride of Greed and Phoenix Rising?Thanks
ddoes anybody have the song to this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMr8tuMzmUA
i think it’s a english tvb song.. i hope someone has this song
hi..i try downloading from your link using the sendspace..but it says the file has been expired something like tat…
i wanna dl the subsong frm lafemme desperado from miriam yeung…thanks
To Kreme: To Grow with Love Sub [Myolie Wu version]- Mrs. Pig
To Kimi: I don’t have the Full Version of Always Ready Subthemesong
To joan li: Phoenix Rising Themesong (TV Rip- short version only)
To myaw17: That song link is from Megaupload. I’ve just check it and it works
thanks !!
can u upload the song Lady Fan theme song and sub?
oh and i also want the theme song of a step into the past and themesong of “Mama, Love Me Again Please!†thank you!
i would also want the themesong of “eight heros†and sub too thank u again
Do you have the theme to the tvb series To Love with No regrets?
Do you have the theme to The Legend of the Condor Heroes 1994?
thx KTVB, if u hav these songs plz mail to me at
The Bitter Bitten- Shirley Yeung
Men In Pain- Ron Ng
Chocolate And Vanilla- Bernice Liu/Myolie Wu(kids song)
Wow..most requests are for really old songs..sorry I don’t many of them..
To joan li:
To xlonelyx: Sorry, I don’t have “To Love with No Regrets“, or “The Legend of Condor heroes 94”
To dazza:
i was wondering whether u still have d theme and sub-theme songs for eternal happiness, the legend of love and detective investigation 4. if u still have it can u plz put it for me 2 dwl.
and also the ‘w’ files plz
dazza,i have got the full version of legend of love, the link is here:
**Please only request TVB Themesongs** If I haven’t responded in the following comment, it means i do not have the themesongs.
TO DP: Thanks for helping out! ^^
To Seeman:
To wewah:
To TuanAnh Nguyen:
That passwurd is correct. I’ve redownloaded the file and the password works..
To james chew:
Thanks for informing. Megaupload and Sendspace are still working o i won’t be reuploading them yet. There are still active links
To Gina: The Drive of Life songs are sent! Check your emaill =)
i was also wondering whether u have the funny ringtone on the heart of greed?
if u happen to have, hehe can u plz post it up
for me
hey dp i dwl the song but i cant play for some reason can u check 4 me?
hi dazza,i have got the HOG ring tone but im not whether its the one u want,is it the one by moses?
i will fix the link and post it up as soon as possible
im not sure but its the voice of the elder son. and did u happen to work out y the legend of love song cant be played on my comp?
Does anyone have the subtheme to The Drive of Life? It’s called Searching For You in Loving Memories by Raymond Lam. If anyone have any details… please let me know.
hi dazza, i have fixed the link,try the one below:
hey people,i found the drive of life sub cd version,but it is only ripped version so the qaulity is not that good:
dazza,below is the HOG funny ringtone:
if you want the lyrics for drive of live you must go to “karazen.com” and then you must search the song “The Sky This Blue”
do you have the theme song of Phoenix rising ???
do you hv the full themesong for glittering days main by liza wang?thanks.
do you also have dance of passion main themesong full version?thank you.
see man.
why i cannot download all the song?
i can’t enter megaupload, sharebee, rapidshare, zshare, and sendspace.
I really want to download song of drive of love, face to fate and brink of law.
plzzzzz mail to me at minnychild@yahoo.com.
omg, i luv your website…..
hey do you have the theme song of Phoenix rising ????
hey. do u have the subtheme song of drive of life by raymond lam? if u do can u send it to me at WollastonGirl@hotmail.com? please! i cant get it into the sites from sharebee. so please send it to me and the drive of life theme by hacken lee and the other one by raymond lam. please and thanks
Do you have step esp 8 at the back the english song? thanks…
hey thx dp srry i was 2 busy 2 come around n reply anyway do u or any 1 hav the song called ‘big small heart’ (something like that) by Alex Fong?
you welcome dazza
yes i do haev the song,be patient i will post it up as soon as possible
can u upload:
chocolate and vanilla (myolie and bernice (for kids)(EEG TVB kids song selection) if u hav it…
hey im trying to find that song that plays in (dicey business) the slow love song that is in english can someone help me
[On the First Beat] Sub Themesong -Joey Yung has expired
does any one have the song “biao bai” ?
it was sung on minutes to fame final..
do u have the theme song and the sub theme song of “the mischievous princess” or it can be called diao man gong zhu” if u can upload it here i would be so happy thank u!!
Hey there!
I was just wondering if you have the tango music of Steps when Bernice is dancing at the beginnning of episode 1. I found it on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsUsCE-h4LA
Thanks for sharing…
Dear KTVB,
I can’t use the password which you provided to open the ZIP file of Lady in Red Album..Please check it again. Thanks
I am looking for the english song in step. The song is on chapter 10 when steven and bernice had a black out at the dance studio, also had the first kiss. The song was playing during that time. Hope you can help me out. I don’t know the title of the song. Thanks
Was wondering if you happen to know the english song that was played in chapter 16 of Steps when Katie had her last dance with her boyfriend. Thanks in advance.
Dear KTVB,
I used the password http://www.yekaroo.com, which you emailed me, but it didn’t work. Please check again. Thanks so much for your time.
Anyway, do you have the Russian soundtrack of “the drive of life” ? I really love it
hello k,
do u have the sub and theme song of “ben xiao hai”?? also called stupid child. if u hav it can u upload it please..
thnx k…
Thank you for the fast response. However the song that i am looking for is sung by a girl. I think the title is fireflies. I am not sure if you have that song. If you do please upload it. Thank you again.
u welcome KTVB,hehe
hey KTVB , did u hear dat song in Drive Of life where ron and dunno wats her name xD are in the karaoke singing an english song , do u know the name of that song ?
Thanks KTVB for the song.By the Way i love your new site banner!Maybe u could make another one with Charmaine? 😉
Hi dazza,i uploaded the song u wanted ‘big small heart’:
There is one of the english song in steps that i quite like it but not sure of the title.. The song is in the last episode where steven ma ask bernice liu to marry him… the song is something like “follow your heart, follow your dream…..” do u know the title of this song
thx dp also theres a song by a new guy called Jason and the name of it is called ‘stubborn’ i think in cantonese do u hav it?
Reply from DP: http://www.sendspace.com/file/129spy
Reply from Dazza: o how nice anyway thx 4 d song DP
hey!!!haha..i’m from SG, i can’t dl the subtheme for the drive of life.can u email me the mp3? thanks so much!
do you happen to have a song by ‘hui tzi on’ about friends and the name is read in cantonese i don’t know what his english name is sorry.
hi, would you happen to still have “The Academy” themesong? If you do could you please send a copy to me- littlepiggy_28@hotmail.com
Thank you to the power of 100
on the first beat sub theme song has already expired, please go upload again please? thanks alot 😉
u welcome dazza
i dont know which song you are talking about this time
umm well…the singer is andy hui and the name of it is “å‰ç¨‹éŒ¦ç¹¡â€ im guessing its future experience i think thats what it means if you translate it into english. Do you have it?
and do you also have the theme and sub for the monkey king quest for sutra 3?
i found the name its called prospects fairview
hey k umm your steps english song isnt loading can u plz check? thx
dazza, i dont have the song of andy hui and the sub for the monkey series,but i do have the main one:
Monkey king theme:
To chelsea: There are still 2 ‘On the First Beat’ Sub
themesong download links that haven’t expired yet. Try the zshare and rapidshare links.
To dazza: I’ve checked the link to the English song from Steps and it works. You have to wait abut for it (look at the bottom left of the page)
thx k and DP
I tried to download the english song from steps titled “Fireflies” but somehow it gave me errors after I hit the download button. Can you please send it to my email address at faithict@yahoo.com
Thank you
There is one english song in steps.. The song is in the last episode where steven ma ask bernice liu to marry him… something like “follow your heart, follow your dream…..†do u know the title of this song..
can u send me the funny ringtone in heart of greed extreme_cool_blue@hotmail.com
Hi ! I would like to have Blade Heart Theme Song by Adam Cheng ( Full Version). Anyone have this song pls ?
hey DP do you have a song by ronald cheng its called ‘wu lai’ or thats how its spelt on youtube?
Reply from DP: Dazza,the song u want is here:
Dear KTVB,
Can you do me a favor? Do you have the Russian Soundtrack in the movie “drive of life”, which is at the end of each episode ?
hey, can you upload “the last breakthrough” song by raymond lam if you have it! i can’t find it anywhere. thanks a mil.
I’ve uploaded some more songs, and links are placed at the top: Finally got a hold of them.
To Shantina and Gino: I can’t find that song (Steps proposal song), and don’t know what it is called, will have to look into it further~
Gino, I haven’t seen Ups and Downs in Sea of Love so long i actually don’t remember what music it is..Here are a few..any of these you’re after? (Credits to AEU)
To lanna: Which English song in TDOL?
To dazza: I just checked the link and it works. Maybe Sharebee was down, so try again later =)
To Roxxane and Vivi: Both Forensic Heroes and Face to Face Themesong links are already posted at the top..so please look carefully before requesting.
To tvbfanz: Follow the instructions posted above for Megaupload links. It’s quite simple to use.
To Phobe: http://www.sendspace.com/file/x4qqrs
hello chelsea,last breathrough by raymond lam (CD quality):
dont think so do u? one more thing do you know the english name for ‘hoog gum bow’?
hung gum bow is hung tin ming’s father right?
i dont know his english name
To Anthony: Sorry I don’t. I actually don’t even remember the song, but I know I don’t have it. Do you know the name of the song?
To Tiara: Colours of Love Themesong– Sammy Leung
To sleepy: I’ve reposted the song link above =) Click the one that says “Full Version”
Like Shantina, I would like the english song in Steps when Bernice agreed to Steven’s proposal.
Also, I have been looking for the background music of a scene in “Ups and Downs in the Sea of Love” when Maggie was at the Windy Valley and Nick was calling out to her.
Would really appreciate it if you can post both songs here or send them to my e-mail: ginokoh17@hotmail.com
Thanks in advance!
dazza, Hung Kam-Bo’s English name is Sammo Hung and his son’s Timmy Hung Tin Ming.
hope you guys don’t mind me “budding in”…^^
its alright kinki thx anyway
does anyone know the english song in the drive of life?????????/
hey k i cant seem to download men dont cry can u plz check thx
proposal song in the last episode in steps is called destiny and is in an album by various artist. i’d also been searching very long for this song…. but to no avail….
thx k appreciate it
hi, sorry! will you be able to email me the full song for Fireflies and Dreams? thanks so much!
Hi ! I would like to have Vagabond Vigilante 游剑江湖 sub Song by Teresa Chueng ( Full Version). Anyone have this song pls ?
do you have the them song of å†ç”Ÿç·£?
if yes can you send it to me..
yos… i dunno how to dl the song above!!!!
can any1 whu have dl face to fate de songs..send me plz! =(
Hi! Nice site =D I’m a fan of TVB shows too. Do you have the theme from Forensic Heroes? Could you post the link here if you have it please?
i am looking for face to fate theme song !!!
can any1 whu have it ..plz plz send me!!! haha!
Roxxane, i have forensic heroes de theme song…sing by frankie de rite? i have….u wan or u aready find it? haha!
thx so much =)
Thanks so much! I’m sorry, although I did a CTRL + F search, I must have overlooked it.
Do you have the sub song for vagabond vigilante?
Its sung by Teresa Cheung I think. Please upload if you do.
Do you know where I can watch video clips of the ultimate crime fighter? xoxo
Sorry I don’t have the sub for Vagabond vigilante, but I’ll keep my eyes out for it~
To phobe: Try links to other sites in “links and Credits” page to download, or try youtube.com, crunchyroll.com
hi KTVB ! I love your site very much.
Do you know the song when ron ng declare his love to kate tsui in Brink in law series.pls send me if u have.
Is great of you to upload TVB songs for us..:). I can’t seem to find the theme song for the mini serie “Colours of Love”.
If you don’t know which song or serie I’m talking about, you can go to the website “Megavideo” and search under “tvb colours of love”. Is a pretty nice song…:)…thanks ktvb
To Phoebe: you can go to “Megavideo” and watch the full serie “Ultimate Crime Fighter” or any other TVB series for that matter…:)
hi i was wondering if u can repost fireflies by noella choi bc the link didn’t work. thanks
I don`t know.hix hix.Do you have all of the english song of “heart of greed” series???
They are really wonderful!!
do u have the theme song of 通天幹探??
hey KTVB
do you have the subtheme sung by moses from the ultimate crime fighter? i only have the tv ripped version. thanks
and also do you have the subsong the chilam sang in take my word for it? and there was this english called doesn’t matter. i think it was called that. 😛 well, thank you so so much
Hey KTVB..
how do you get all these songs??
They are great!! I’ve been looking for them everywhere!
Thnx Loads!! ^^
x x x
Hi, I was wondering whether you have the theme song from “Love is Beautiful”. Do you? I checked your site for it and it doesn’t seem to have it. I know that this show is from 2001 and that’s so long ago, so could you let me know if you have it please? Thanx.
hi KTVB, do u have éµå’€éŠ€ç‰™(Word Twisters’ Adventures) Theme song?
can i get the theme song Heart of fencing- shining friends and golden faith. i really like the song
hii.. erm im here to request glittering days themesong by liza wong.. i’ve read dat somebody requested dat song but no link given? or i jzu missed out?
September 9th, 2007 12:17 am
do you hv the full themesong for glittering days main by liza wang?thanks.
do you also have dance of passion main themesong full version?thank you.
see man.
anyway if can pls link it…thx..=)
any news on face to fate at all K?
ur website is great..i was so surprises to see all the theme songs and tvb drama’s information posted in organized. songs you hv uploaded is very up-to-date.
however, could you please find the “Ultimate Crime Fighter” SUB SONG by Moses Chan for me? or do you have it? if you have…pls send to this email : upm_k5@yahoo.com
thanks alot
hey everyone ! sorry my english isn’t well
thanks for the themesongs, here I can find everything that I want ! But have you got all the themsongs of the drive of life and the price of greed please ?
thanks alot. found the ultimate crime fighter sub song..i like it so much. wonder where you found it 🙂
but, i don’t know y the music sound very wierd when i played it “burst”. wonder is it my speaker problem.. or is there other version of this song? sorry..but i really want to thanks you 🙂
thank you
thanks for all the themsongs of “the drive of life”
Do you have the female version of the sub song (originally sung by Moses Chan) that was played in the last episode of The Ultimate Crime Fighter. Would like to know who sang it as well. Thanks in advance.
hi tvb people i m come from malaysia i very very love tvb movie.i very love to see men won`t cry.thank tvb
Hi Tiara
The ending song of “Steps” where Steven propose to Bernice… I can’t go into the link that you gave… Pls send me again the link… Tks
To Shatina..don’t understand why the link didn’t work, pls send me your email.
To Tiara.. My email is shantinakhoo@hotmail.com… Thank you very much…
How come the song by Moses Chan sound so weird? theres a large background noise that disrupts the song. Do you have the cd version?
sorry… but would you be able to reupload the ‘Lethal Weapons of Love and Passion’ theme and sub theme up one sharebee… and also the Dance of Passion one by Charmaine and if you have the one by Bowie as well… because everytime i try to download from megaupload, it ends up saying that there has been an error and the server has been reset…
Thanks a lot Tiara for the email you sent me.. Tks
Do u have the Ultimate Crime Fighter main themesong?not the sub-theme song…
hey… would you happen to have the Virtues of Harmony (Ancient version) sub song… song by Fiona Sit??
and also… the Land of Wealth sub song… it’s there posted up the top… but it’s like live one… with all these people cheering in the background… making it hard to hear… thankyou
Hi Tiara,
The ending song of “Steps†where Steven propose to Bernice… I can’t go into the link that you gave too… Appreciate if u can email it to sasha7s@yahoo.com Thanks a lot!
I re-uploaded the ending song “Steps”, hope it works
heyy K….i was just watching FH today and i was on episode 17 and i found this song that i love! xD i tried searching for it, but i couldnt find it. i was wondering if you could find/upload the song from episode 17 where bobby was in the bar and thinking about his wife. it’s a mandarin song. (the one that bobby said his wife cried in when she saw the MV of it)
Hi Tiara,
Tx for loading the song again. However, I kept having problems with the download. Can you email it to me pls?? sasha7s@yahoo.com
Sorry for the trouble & thank u very much!!
Can you please send me the mp3 for Discey Business Sub – Bosco Wong. I haven’t been able to download it on this site. Thank You. Do you also have the theme song for The Price of Greed? Thanks again.
my e-mail is letslalala@yahoo.com
hey there .. was just wondering if the following link is still working? I’d been trying to get into the site to d/l however there’s always and error msg of page not found …
would you be able to advise?
thanks … i m fr malaysia btw
sorry, here’s the link
Hey have some of u the themesong from “The W Files” by Gallen Lo
Plz really want it:P
Hi, is there a CD version of the Ultimate Crime Fighter subtheme yet?
It’s the song “Put Me to Death” by Moses Chan…I can’t find a better quality version.
Please share if you have the CD version; I’ll be very grateful!
Hi ya im new to this but LOVE you site…thanks for putting them up as its so hard for me to find TVB theme songs cuz Im not chinese …
I have been looking for all the theme songs from War and Beauty. Do you have them and if yes can you post them on here please?:) would be much appreciated.
A change of destiny theme cant be downloaded.Mind sending to me?
To Anthony: I don’t have all the English songs to Heart of Greed, just “My Love will Get you Home” (which can be found in the page at the top).
To Phoebe & chee hoe : http://www.sendspace.com/file/9ni0wv (The Ultimate Crime Fighter Music-from the opening- TV Rip Only). The ending song by Moses Chan can be found at the top.
To Crystal: The Ultimate Crime Fighter SubThemesong (full version) is posted above. Its not clear though.
To Roxanne: Full Themesong of Love is Beautiful
To Alvin: I only have the short version of Word Twisters Adventures (Tv Rip). I’ll post up the full version if I get hold of it =)
To john: Here’s the full version to Golden Faith Themesong and Heart of Fencing Full Themesong
To dylan: Sorry I don’t have Glittering Days by Liza Wang
To HLN: unfortunately no..I don’t think it’ll ever be released considering it has already airred in HK near the beginning of the year =(
To wong: I don’t have a clearer version of the song (The Ultimate Crime Fighter sub themesong by Moses) I wil repost the link if I do.
To cantaikor: Unfortunately I don’t have the female version of the Ultimate Crime Fighter Sub song, but I heard its sung by Gigi Lai.
To BOL: Sorry I don’t have the Ending Themesong to VOH by Nancy Sit..The Land of Weath Sub Themesong (non-live version)
To FaNNy: I’m sorry I don’t have the Forensc Series with me so I have no idea which song you’re referring to..its been too long since..
To BB: Sorry I don’t have the W Files themesong
To Louis : Here’s the War and Beauty Themesong (full version) and Duet SubThemesong
hi guys, i’m looking for the english song in Steps when Bernice agreed to Steven’s proposal, anyone have it ? Kindly mail to me at hiker688@hotmail.com. singapore cant get the file from megaupload. Thanks very much.
I have found the W Files themesong from another site. ( U know I ask u last time)
But sry I have a problem again..:D I have seen the serie “On the first beat” and I could’t find the instrumental version of the theme song…. Hope u can help me. thx
Hi KTVB, thanks for the Love is Beautiful song! =D
Anyone have the sub song in the men in pain.. the song when ron ng is dancing by the street together with the girl…
do you have the song Linda Chung sang at the TVB Children’s song Award?
Hi, do you have 飛女æ£å‚³ by Miriam Yeung? I heard it and thought it was nice, but I don’t know where it came from, unfortunately… Is it from a TVB show or something?
hey… would you be able to find the themesong for ‘The Building Blocks of Life’ for me? It’s a pretty nice themesong, but only it sounds really old fashion kinda the the ‘Last Breakthrough’ one… thanks in advance
can u plz give me a link to download the theme song of wars of inlaws?
hey, does anyone have an english song that is in the building blocks of life? it’s at epi. 13 at around 2:00 minutes thanks so much in advance 🙂
there is this one song that benny chan sings with this girl… its not old and its not that new.. i think it was a recent song.. i just can’t figure out what song it was.. help? =]
hey there to the owner and readers of this website I would like to find out what is the instrumental song that is played in Heart of Greed all the time. I love that song very much. Can someone tell me the title and the artist of the song if anyone knows about it thank you for helping.
the instrumental song I meant is the one that plays with a fast tempo not another instrumental song that we can find on youtube. can someone help me to find out about that song I want that song so much please help me with it. thank you
thanks so much for the tvb songssssss
~~` do you have “the building blocks of life” song?
hey there i have been watching the series THE BUILDINGS BLOCKS OF LIFE and i’ve heard an enlglish song that is very well sang by a female im wondering if u can get that song for me plz =(
hii there..niice web uu hab..
ii am going crazy trying to find these songs tat ii really liked..ii tried finding on google but to no avail..when ii saw e songs you uploaded and it was those which ii tried soo hard to find ii was so HAPPY!~However, ii could not download with those links you provided..cos either ii couldn’t use megaupload or e sendspace link does not work out for me. ii would really appreciate it if you could put up the links of the songs ii wanted in savefile cos tat’s e only link ii can download from OR if it’s more convenient for you, you can email the songs to me.My email is bElLiCoSeZ@hotmail.com..Your help is greatly appreciated!~Thanks..=)
Songs tat ii would like to have:
1) [Forensic Heroes] Themesong -Frankie Lam
2) [Face to Fate] Themesong – Raymond (TV.rip) & Sub.Themesong- Frankie Lam & Tavia Yeung(TV.Rip)
3) Life Art Full Themesong by Kevin Cheng
4) [Au Revoir Shanghai]FULL Themesong -Bosco Wong
5)[Devil’s Disciples]Themesong -Bosco Wong & Kevin Cheng
6)[On the First Beat] Sub Themesong -Joey Yung
hey K, do you have the song shoulda been baby? lol thanks so so much
hihi…thanx for your reply..oh..is ok, but i hope you will find it one day..I just finished watching Building Blocks of Life, I love the english song (sub-theme song) which sang everytime between “ah da” and “keong go”. It’s song touching..i don’t know the name, hope you could find it for me..
Thanks and happy new year 🙂
Hi =o) Everyone
Can some one tell me where I can get a sub theme for the serie “Shades of Darkness” It was broadcast in 94. It’s been a while I know but the song I’m looking for is when the main guy carries Ada Choi in the water and she dies. That is such a good song and I have no idea who sings it. Please help me out.
Thanks =o)
Can you get the song from The Ultimate Crime Fighter Sub song but the girl version in the movie at the very end when that one guy was about to die.thanks.
hi i have been watching the building blocks of life and i have heard a really great song name “no matter” and i hope that u would upload it for me if u dont know the song than here is the website http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKks_jbxUtc
thx and happy new year !!!=D
hey the family link song doesnt work,just remindin you if you didnt know yet.
hey… would you happen to have the full version of the english song ‘No Matter’? I have the tv rip version… but it’s the ending of the song i really like and the tv rip one i have doesnt have the ending…
To nhi : uhm..is it from Gods of Honor?
To crystal : Shoulda been baby
To kookime: Sorry I don’t have that subthemesong.
To lil’bug bunny and BOL: I don’t have the full version of “No Matter“, but here’s the longest i’ve found.
To wong: Sorry, I’m not sure what song you are talking about because I didn’t watch The Building Blocks of Life..try the link above? “No Matter”?
To Elizabeth: thanks for letting me know =) I’ve removed the dead link XD I’ll reupload if someone requests it lol
I’m actually looking for that song myself but haven’t been about to (The Ultimate Crime Fighter Sub Female version), but I’ll post it up if I do.
hahahaha can you get the family link song for me,
heheehehehe,but ohh okay,ohh if you need help on findin sum songs i can help you cuz i have alot of them…and thanks for lookin for the song for me.
hey K, ive been looking for a song for quite some time..its the english subthemesong in Always Ready…was just wondering if u might have it?
the lyrics go something like this
‘its gonna take a while
to get
my heart back together again
its gonna take a while
to get
my heart back togehope u have it..thx alot :p
Do you have the themesong of Witness to a Prosecution? thanks in advance
Reply from KTVB: To Kathy: Witness to Prosecution I Themesong (full version)
Reply from BOL: http://sharebee.com/e04693d9 – Witness to Prosecution Themesong
hi, KTVB
do u have the English song which Ron Ng and Toby Leung sing at Karaoke in the show The Drive of Life?
Hi there!
Do you have either the main themes of: Twin of Brothers (Raymond Lam), Country Spirit (with Gordan Lam and Charmaine Sheh I think!) or Strike at Heart (with Joe Ma and nNadia Chan)? Thank you for the other songs!
Reply from KTVB:
Twins of Brothers– Raymond Lam (full version)
Country Spirit – Jacky Cheung & Kit Chan (full version)
Strike at Heart- Nnadia Chan and Chris Wong (Full Version)
hey…. would you happen to have the themesongs for Wars of In-Laws II and Survivor’s Law II? thanks
hey K… would you be able to reupload the face to fate songs… both theme and sub again? sorry for the trouble… but i couldn’t download it from Megaupload… thanks in advance
also would you happen to have the themesongs for Wars of In-Laws II and Survivor’s Law II? thanks
Does anyone have the song bosco and myolie sang in WOIL 2??? Thanks in advance!
maybe it was someone else? haha i think it was called something love… legend something love.. but i know its not legend of love with derek in it.. haha if only i could remember.. lol
To Elizabeth : I’ll put it up tomorrow =) Thanks for offering! When there are request here, it’d be great if you can share it if you have it ^^
To jh: Sorry I don’t =( Sub songs are hard to find..but I’ll keep my eyes out for it.
To nhi:
Is it Dragon Love (1999)? I recall the Chinese title having “legend” in it XD
To Alvin: Sorry I wasn’t able to find that song, and i don’t know what the name of the song is.
I haven’t found the Full Themesong versions of Wars of In-laws 2, just the TV Rip so far. Survivor’s Law 2 Themesong Full is posted above =)
Hi K!
I having a bit of trouble downloading from those websites. Is it possible for you to upload them on megaupload or mediafire? Thank you.
i wanna know if you have the song called “Heavenly Sword Dragon Sabre 2000” TVB theme song?
hii! : ) thanks a lot for posting these songs up! just a suggestion – maybe you could try box.net ‘s uploading service – it’ll work everywhere, ‘cos i’m from S’pore and i can’t use megaupload…
LOVE this blog, btw : ) keep up the good work!
oh yes, is there any news on Au Revior Shanghai’s theme song lyrics?
Message from KTVB
Here are the Song Lyrics to “Au Revior Shanghai”:
心 感到嗎 感覺被刺å§
心ä¸çš„摯愛 å†æ¬¡åŽ»å¦„想她早回來
應該 å¤è‹¦éŽæœªä¾†
Heaven Sword Dragon Sabre 2000:
To KTVB: I have a few songs from series in the early 2000s. Would you like me to upload them?
hey thank KTVB,
i would really like you to upload the early series 2000 theme song.. thank a lot
KTVB: thanks for the lyrics! : )
did u found the English song which Ron Ng and Toby Leung sing at Karaoke in the show ‘The Drive of Life’?
Hi Ktvb
I have seen the serie “On the first beat†and I could’t find the instrumental version of the theme song…. Hope u can help me. thx
Hi there, I was wondering if you have that english song in The Last Breakthrough in the scenes between Raymond and Leila…(sorry but I don’t know the title of the song)
Or the other english song “In Another Time” – I don’t know who sings it though.
I’d like to take my chance here your this website to thank all workers, contributers and all other people who helped make this site possible to us. Again thank you very much for all updates, pictures, spoilers and everything.
I just want to thank you for providing this awesome site. Thank you
i’m really amazed by how u find the full themesong of some series.. incredible! thanks for uploading them! =D
hey k i had recently watched the “best 10 awards presentation” and there were a few songs that i would like to listen to. Do you have ‘far lock so gar’ by hacken, ‘oi wooy gar’ by goo go gaay,’ling si ling fan’ by joey and ‘men (larm yun)’ by jut tin. sorry i dont know the english names for most of dem but read them in cantonese. if you do have them can u plz upload it for me. thx.
Does someone have the midi of raymond lam finding love in memory?
Hey K, can you upload the song “No Matter” that’s played in the drama “The Building Blocks of Life”?
wow!! thanks so much for the song uploads!!… ur the best!!…
To Elizabeth and BOL: I’ve attempted to re-uploaded Miriam’s The Family Link Full Themesong and Face to Fate Themesongs but sharebee.com isn’t working properly at the moment. Will attempt again later =)
To Indy: That would be great if you can help upload them to share with others =)
I didn’t upload those links I provided before so I don’t have the actual songs. I’ve found some other Megaupload links:
Country Spirit
Twins of Brothers
Strike at Heart (TV Rip only)
To Alvin: Sorry I don’t have the song and not sure of the song title.
To kent: Sorry I don’t have the Instrumentals
To Carol:
Is the Last Breakthrough song you’re after My Love will Get you Home? or Life is Imagining (http://www.sendspace.com/file/fadp57) ? If it’s the first one, the link is available at the top of the page under “English Songs From TVB Series”.
In Another time: Shades of Truth English Sub
To THANK YOU!!!! : Thanks for your lovely comment ^^ (though this blog is made by one person and not a bunch as you said XD)
To E: Thanks for your support ^^
To Joey: I’ve added “No Matter” at the top of the page under “English Songs From TVB Series” =)
hi KTVB, thank you for your songs, I really like those , here I found this song – No matter that i think that its longer your song a little bit, so you can upgrade yours, thanks for all your sharing
I have about maybe 10 (?) songs from the early 2000 series. The quality for one or two of them on my cd aren’t so good because a classmate made the cd for me like nearly 5 years ago. I actually don’t have Armed Reaction 2 theme and I wouldn’t know where to find them. Sorry!
Armed Reaction 1 & 3 (respectively)
~ Indy
HEY, does anyone have the download link to the FULL version of No Matter
and how about the MP3 file format of Shoulda Been Baby
thanks in advance =]
thank you so much! for me, these songs were really hard to find and you just seem to know where to find it! 🙂
OMG thanks for bosco and myolie duet (War of the in-laws II sub theme) just wondering if there is/should be a longer version? im hoping there is the songs too sweet for it to be that short!!!
thanks and keep up the great work!! 🙂
To aimee: You’re welcome ^^ There is actually a longer version, but I don’t have the clear quality version, because I’ve heard a longer one ripped off a recording when Bosco and Myolie sung it live on stage somewhere:
You must be very busy.. I’m surprised you read mine!
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, the War of In Laws II the subtheme songs, they’re the first ones I Think
Some random uploads:
Chor Lau Heung 2001: http://www.mediafire.com/?9xpndlmn4tn
Herbalist Affair I: http://www.mediafire.com/?b2xmkt0vymp
Love is Beautiful: http://www.mediafire.com/?1eoydysdj1d
Virtues of Harmony I: http://www.mediafire.com/?3wvmnk4cxce
thanks for uploading the WOIL2 songs!!!!
lol@the youtube vid!!!!!!! them making the bosco pic and myolie pic pash was funny!!!!!! and bosco was so cuuuute! the way he reacted thanks KTVB!! cant wait for the cd version of the song to come out!!!
hey k soz bout my bad sounding out i got their names if it makes it easier.零时零分- Joey Yung, 男人KTV- Justin Lo, 爱回家- Leo Ku, “Where Did The Flowers Go” (花è½èª°å®¶) also 纸婚 which is also by hacken lee,åå¹´åŽçš„ä½ – Patrick Tang and 东京百货- Stephanie Cheng thx
Haha its okayy,but thanks for the song,
and i dont got that much,but just helpin you know,hahaha.
hey k..was wondering if you know where i can find the theme for better halves..the one where steven ma and maggie cheung duet..i know it’s kinda old..would appreciate it if anyone can help..have been hunting for it..thanks in advance 🙂
To dazza: Sorry I won’t be uploading non-TVB drama songs~
To sclocke: Here’s the full Version of “Better Halves” Themesong
And here’s the subThemesong, also sung by Steven Ma and Maggie Cheung if you’re interested =)
would you happen to have the themesong for ‘Life Made Simple’?
hey… would you be able to upload ‘Shoulda been baby’ on another site? coz i cant use megaupload… thankyou…
Heyy,can you get the song “A Step into the Past”
for me thanks. 😀
It might be a bit fuzzy in the beginning. I’m sorry but that’s how my classmate burned it for me and that was about 5 years ago.
A Step into the Past: http://www.mediafire.com/?7jdmfz9jx2r
hahaha are you helpin out ktvb or sumthing? Hey all the songs i download from the mediafire thing wont work on my computer so do you have another place i can download i,sry bout that,
hi k..thanks alot for both songs! love it! 🙂
Your site is great. I found this song on esnips and I like it a lot. I remember hearing it from one of the TVB dramas but I don’t remember which one. Would you happen to have this song for download? Esnips doesn’t allow visitors to download the song.
Thanks! ^_^
Here’s the link:
To snowball: here’s the link ^^ The song was used in On the First Beat:
“Baby Baby”
hey . does anybody know the title of the english song that was played in survivor law 1. it was during the part where myolie was suppose to meet sammul at the cafe place. but she hesitated to go in knowin that he cheated on her. please help !
Do u have Revolving Doors of Vengeance sub-theme song sung by Ron Ng n Ella???
Elizabeth, are you using a mac computer? If you’re using a mac computer, it won’t work because I ripped the songs from a windows computer.
I have a few songs so I figured I might as well upload them. ^_^
K, do you have the subtheme song of Vigilante Force, sung by Benny Chan? if you do, would you please send it to me – krystal.emailme@gmail.com
thanks! : )
— oh yes, Price of Greed’s theme song too please!
does anyone know of the instrumental (sax) that’s played whenever there’s a love scene? i’m pretty sure its kenny g but i listened to all his cds and i cant find it =( the music is used in always ready, healing hands 1, and many others…. can anyone help? thanks~
Haha no i dont got a mac computer,
byt i have window,but like it let me download
it and stuff but when i play it it wont work but
ill try again and see if it does,cuz it does that
sumtimes.but thanks.
oh and i forgot it doesnt let me play it cuz its protected soo yeah!
It’s protected?! Oooh…. I set my wmp that way a while ago. I’ll rip all the songs again.
for the war of in laws II subtheme sung by bosco and myolie. is that the only version out? or is there a full version coming out?
Ohh okayy Thanks sorry bout that
heeeyzz ..k ..
hav u got … best selling secrets … by shirley kwan?
Does anyone have the FULL version of the sub theme song to WOIL 2 ?!?! Please share if possible XD
please and thank you
Is there a full version for “No matter”? and the Building blocks of life can u send me the link pls
Ur site owns man, thks for sharing ur music
Reuploaded and unprotected:
Heaven Sword 2000: http://www.mediafire.com/?dnjam9ixbdx
Step into the Past: http://www.mediafire.com/?2bwzcir1ymy
Armed Reaction 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?4dmwvdzoypt
Armed Reaction 3: http://www.mediafire.com/?4bkyveohmaz
Virtues of Harmony: http://www.mediafire.com/?fzqyjv1zxh1
Colorful Life: http://www.mediafire.com/?9mxxdfqz9he
Love is Beautiful: http://www.mediafire.com/?3nmec1whimf
Awakening Story: http://www.mediafire.com/?9zgz0ts2m6o
^_^ I think that’s about it. I don’t have anymore songs.
hey!!!! have you got the english song that was played in wars of the in-laws 2?? it was sung by a women
hey~! i just wanted to say thanks.!
love this blog♥~!
A list of old TVB theme songs :
A Winning Hand (Triumph In The Skies Insert Song)
Aine (Triangle Theme Song)
Armed Reaction IV ED(Full Version)
Armed Reaction IV OP(Full Version)
Dream Of Colours OP(Full Version)
Healing Hands II OP(Full Version)
Healing Hands III OP(Full Version)
Healing Hands OP(Full Version)
Heaven Knows (Split Second Insert Song)
Home Again (Triumph In The Skies Insert Song)
In Love Again (The Last Breakthrough Insert Song)
Knock On My Door (Dream Of Colours ED1)
Love Bond OP(Full Version) [
Moon River (Split Second Insert Song)
My Family OP(Full Version) [
My Love Will Get You Home (The Last Breakthrough Insert Song) [
Not Just A Pretty Face OP(Full Version)
Point Of No Return OP(Full Version)
Reaching Out OP(Full Version)
Revolving Doors Of Vengeance ED(Full Version)
Revolving Doors Of Vengeance(Full Version)
Sad Moment (Triumph In The Skies Insert Song)
Seed Of Hope OP(Full Version)
Shine On You OP(TV Version)
Some Place Good (To Catch The Uncatchable Insert Song)
Split Second OP(Full Version)
Square Pegs OP(Full Version)
The Conqueror’s Story OP
The Gateau Affairs OP(Full Version)
The Gentle Crackdown OP(Full Version)
The Herbalist Manual OP(Full Version)
The Last Breakthrough OP(TV Version)
To Catch The Uncatchable OP(Full Version)
To Get Unstuck In Time OP(Full Version)
Triumph In The Skies ED(Full Version)
Triumph In The Skies ED(TV Version)
Triumph In The Skies OP(Full Version)
Twenty Years (Dream Of Colours ED2)
Twin Of Brothers OP(TV Version)
Virtues Of Harmony II OP(Full Version)
War And Beauty ED (Instrumental)
War And Beauty ED(Full Version)
War And Beauty Insert Song 1
War And Beauty Insert Song 2
War And Beauty OP (Instrumental)
War And Beauty OP(Full Version)
Wars Of The In-Laws OP(Full Version)
When I Was Young (Triumph In The Skies Insert Song)
You Are Part Of Me (To Catch The Uncatchable Insert Song)
Yummy Yummy OP(Full Version)
Download via Bit Torrent :
do you have the two english song played in Wars of the in-laws 2??? Ones by a guy and other by a girl
thanks in advance!!! XD
Asian, con you convert those files into mp3 files? I’m not sure how to work torrent files. Thanks!
Hey can u upload the songs [Dicey Business]Themesong- Hacken Lee*..i can’t download at megaupload only can download at zSHARE..can u upload at zSHARE..and thanks..how ur holiday?
>Indy Says:
>February 16th, 2008 at 1:07 pm
>Asian, con you convert those files into mp3 files? I’m >not sure how to work torrent files. Thanks!
The songs are in MP3 format. You need a program such as BitComet to download the songs.
Indy, which songs would you like me to upload ?
can somebody pls tewll me wads the title for a insert english song in Dicey Business, i like it vy much, haf been searching for it till now
Anyone got the song 2004奥è¿å…星—–é‡å¼ºæ„ˆå‹‡.. n 2006-Put ur hands up?
To Asian,
Can you upload:
The Conqueror’s Story OP
War And Beauty ED (Instrumental)
War And Beauty ED(Full Version)
War And Beauty Insert Song 1
War And Beauty Insert Song 2
War And Beauty OP (Instrumental)
War And Beauty OP(Full Version)
Thank you so much!
heya k…do you by any chance have the theme for under the canopy of love?
Indy, here you go :
The Conqueror’s Story
War And Beauty ED
War And Beauty OP
stuff I have :
OMG thx u so much for those songs!! I couldn’t find them!
also do u have the seventh day subtheme? or perhaps even a preview.. i want to see how it sounds?
Seventh Day
Thank you!
Hi I’ve been looking for the Steps’s song in epi 10 (shoulda been baby) for very long time…but cant seem to find it..i see u have it but its megaupload..do u have another link? pls..thankyou
i was wondering if you have or can you help me find the theme song for “Love to be found nowhere” (chinese title: 美麗新天地) by patrick tang and chi lam??
or any one that has the song 🙂
thanks in advance
Hi! I have a favor to ask…
In the tv series “Welcome to the Houseâ€, there is this song that plays when the youngest aunt thinks about her past love situation and thinks she sees the guy she has been waiting for…does anyone know what song it is? It’s a guy singing and the only line I can pick out is “yat say goodbye…†Does anyone know? Please help me out, thanks ahead of time!! -Kim
Does anyone have the funny ringtone in Survivor’s Law 2? The “don san” one? Thanks in advance.
I want to request ..
Ending theme song: Embracing The Air (抱著空氣) by Kevin Cheng and Niki Chow
This is for the 7th day.
Thank you. 😀
I second the request on The Charm Beneath, please and thank you!
To KTVB & Followers: Does anyone know the sub theme name or do they have the sub song from the series Wasabi Mon Amour. I have the main theme song
Here’s the Seventh Day ending theme song: Embracing The Air (抱著空氣) by Kevin Cheng and Niki Chow. Its a TV rip so quality is low
(credits to d-addicts)
OMG!… i was just watching steps and the song i n ep 20 is so cool… it’s also in another ep… but i cant seem to find it… it’s the part where steven proposes to Bernice… would anyone happen to have that song?
I have the links for “The Charm Beneath“…
hehe… i figured out how to upload… 😀
Hiya K! (:
I was wondering if you had these two theme songs…
The Bitter Bitten (Shirley Yeung)
The Price of Greed (Bosco Wong?)
If you do, could you send them to me through my email? spaztic_hugo@hotmail.com. I know you’re very busy since you just came back and it doesn’t matter if you can’t. Thankyou in advance!
PS: Could you also try and get the full versions of the very few latest songs posted? It doesn’t matter if you can’t. ^^
To sclocke: Under the Canopy of Love
To the azn: Yes i have BSS- Shirley Kwan Themesong..but its in the “In Love with Drama” Album. Do you mind downloading that? ^^;
To Phoenix: For a preview of the Full-Sub themesong of The Seventh Day, here is the MV
To Tiara: Wasabi Mon Amour Subthemsong posted now. Have a check at the top 🙂
To Hugo: Please check your email =) As for the lastest few songs, I’ll post the links up once i get access to the Full Versions of the songs.
Tai Chi Master – Raymond Lam
Under the Canopy of Love
E Says:
I want to request ..
Ending theme song: Embracing The Air (抱著空氣) by Kevin Cheng and Niki Chow
To K: Is it possible that I ask for subtheme of ‘The Seventh Day’ named ‘抱著空氣’ by Kevin & Niki? I would love to get a full one.
hi…. can u get me the song… Baby, Baby??I duno if thats the real title…. i think it is…. the song was used in Steps….Fireflies was used 2…. but i dont need it…Go 2 http://tvbfansite.blogspot.com/ and scroll down til ya see the music play list…. the third music is the song i want.Plz reply 2 me by emailing me!Tnx…. or u can email me at my yahoo… fionagurls1301@verizon.net….. btw u have a kewl site!!!email me asap!!Can u also email me the theme song for The Bitter Bitten??Thnx!! I know ur busy and have a lot of requests…. take ur time 🙂
Hey! Thanks for all the great uploads but i’ve got a problem extracting Swear midi.
Please can you re-upload it or email me it?
Thanks Bol! You rock!
Hey KTVB your siteee is excellent cant believe it soo pro..anyways..thanks for uploading Rays TaiChi subsong ive been waiting for it for a long time..^^ thank you =)
btw do u got the song of Price of Greed in full version??..
This is the link for “The Price of Greed” tho i dont think it’s the full version
Hi. =]
i would like to ask, if any1 has the themesong for ‘Remembrance’, its sang by chilam, tried searching for it but had no luck. so if any1 has it, can they send the link. Thanks and merci beaucoup =D
To Ami: Here is the link for Remembrance
To Aimee: Here is the link for Linking Heart
Were you able to find the song “Love to be Found Nowhere”. I’m also interested in that song. Please let me know if you find it, thanks..:)
Sorry K, but the ‘Tai Chi’ subtheme sound very pirated. Do you think you have a better version than that?
To Fiona & Rachel : Please check your email =)
To Jessica: Thanks for your lovely comment =) Unfortunately believe the full version of Price of Greed was never released…
To S: The clear CD quality should be released in Raymond’s next album (Not sure when that is though, hopefully soon) 🙂 For now, this is the best possible “Full” themsong available.
Hi, i was just wondering if anyone had the subtheme song for the 7th Day By Kevin Cheng and Niki Chow??
hello, i was wondering, hveyou got thesong “i dont love – flora cha” ??? if you have then please please please can you email it to me ??? *_*
Thanks for the themesong of Remembrance =]
much appreciated! -x-
To Maggie
here’s the link for Kevin and Niki’s song for their current series: 最美麗的第七天
I hope thats the one you want..if not sorry.
I got the link for çœŸçš„æ„›ä½ ..but its sang by Beyond.
Hope its ok =]
hi! i’m looking for the theme of BEST BET by Linda Chung (in S’pore, so can’t use megaupload) and also for the theme of Safe Guards.
hope someone could help. thanks!
anyonw know when Raymond’s next album will be out?
hi! For the master of tai chi, wasabi mon amor, and seventh day, i can’t download them, so can you upload them onto sharebee or megaupload or any sources like that so i am able to download them? thanks!
p.s. K, you have an awesome site, and i am absolutely ADDICTED to your site. You’ve done a great job. thanks! and please continue posting for seventh day xD thanks ALOT! =]
Thanks Tiara for posting Linking Heart. Really appreciate it
I have “Able to Love – Flora Chan” is that what you are looking for….. your email??
Hi K, you know those download links for Wasabi Mon Amour and The Master of Tai Chi, when i press on it, its like quicktime where u just listen to it…it doesn’t lead to like megaupload or something…can you fix it? Thx!
K, I wonder if you able to get the main and subtheme for ‘Face To Fate’. Is been a long time since I search for it. Is it possible?
Thanks Ami, the actual song was what i was looking for, but it sounded a bit odd
But thanks anyway ^^
To Jeanrah & Joey : For The Master of Taichi, Wasabi mon amor, and Seventh day,” You should be able to download them more conveniently than before because they are directly uploaded onto K for TVB‘s server, so they should work for everyone. Right Click the link and save it directly.
To S: The Full themesongs for Face to Fate was never released. The TV-ripped versions are available at the top. Please look carefully before requesting.
Hi K, i was wondering when the subtheme song for The Seventh Day would be avaliable for download??
By the way,i love your website!! ^^
to Tiara (tiara34.multiply): thanks for giving me the link to where you uploaded BEST BET theme! greatly appreciated : ) however, i couldn’t find SAFE GUARDS theme by Steven Ma…
to BOL: if you do have it (SAFE GUARDS theme by Steven Ma), would you mind sending it to me – krys-tal@live.com
thanks a lot!!!
To: Krystal:
Ok, the song is there now..:)
To Tiara: thanks!!
hi, can someone please help to upload devil’s disciples, love guaranteed themesong and kevin cheng+niki chow’s 抱著空氣 onto sharebee, or send it to me at meikian56@gmail.com? can’t download from megaupload… thanks! (:
K, do you have full version subtheme of ‘Land of Wealth’ by Moses Chan? I have been looking for that for a long time. I think the name is ‘å·æµä¸æ¯’
For S;
å·æµä¸æ¯â€™ ‘Land of Wealth’ by Moses Chan
For S :
Here is another link to å·æµä¸æ¯ :
匯通天下 æ’曲 – 陳豪 : å·æµä¸æ¯ (full version)
For Maggie :
Here is another link to 抱著空氣 Seventh Day Sub (Full MV Rip):
To: Asian
The song in eSnips can only be listen, but not downloadable. Is there any way to download it down to my pc? Because I would love to burn it into cd so that I can listen without getting online.
hey does anyone have that funny music of a trumpet, played in the seventh day if u do can u plz upload it. thx
here is the link to 7th day sub song by keven & niki. it is downloadable, enjoy.http://www.sendspace.com/file/eq9tx6
I’m so sorry but…
To: Asian
Your link to 抱著空氣 doen’t work so can you please try and upload another link that works please.
Thanks 🙂
Hi!! can u send me a link 2 download the theme song for “Better Halves”??? and do u know where i can watch “Safe Guards”?? steven ma is in that movie….. email me at Fionagurls1301@verizon.net. But when u email me lyrics 2 the songs “the gentle crackdown 2” “A change of destiny” and “the seventh day” Plz!! btw lov ur page!! Thnx!! email me with the stuff as soon as possible.
For S:
The download link for å·æµä¸æ¯ is working now :
Hi this is a great site. do you have the link to download to grow with love sub sang by myolie wu or the full version of wars of in laws sub sang by bosco and myolie? I’ve been searching for them for a long time but couldn’t find them. Thanks
Thx a lot for the song, Asian. Great! I still anticipating non-MV & full version of ‘Embracing the Air’ by Niki & Kevin in ‘The Seventh Day’.
I so agree with you S, i am waiting for the non MV rip version of ‘Embracing the Air’ from The Seventh Day!
Thank you for making such a great site! I’ve been searching for all the songs for quite a long time( you wouldn’t want to know) Btw, do you think you can upload the following songs for me? (I couldn’t find them):
Price of greed theme
Mrs piggy( To grow with love sub)
Tai chi sub
Greed mask theme
Legend of love theme
Golden faith theme
Thanks again.
To Beth: Check comment #243. As for the Wars of Lin-laws, that’s all I have.
To Spida: Please read the Frequently Asked Questions before you make any requests next time, namely to “search” the comments before requesting as most of the songs link have already been posted.
I don’t have the Price of Greed Themesong. This has already been asked several times~ Tai Chi sub is already posted on the page at the top, under “The Master of Taichi”
Golden Faith
Check Comment #208 and #243 for the other songs.
David ; well i have some old songs & if i have it than i’ll email it to you if i have it 😀
I was wondering whether anyone has that ringtone Bosco has in the film: The seventhday?
Thanks in advance
do you have the song or website that has the song lofty water verdant bow?????
great site!
I was wondering if you have:
– Greed Mask theme (Andy Hui)(FULL)
– Lofty Waters Verdant Bow theme (Raymond Lam)(FULL)
– Face to Fate theme (Raymond Lam)(FULL)
– A Matter of Customs theme (Eason Chan)(FULL)
– Survivor’s Law theme (Raymond Lam)(FULL-NOT ripped! I can’t find a good quality one!)
– and any themes/subthemes by Raymond Lam that you haven’t uploaded yet! thanks!
To Eira: Bosco’s Ringtone in Seventh Day (Rip)
To Water and Isaac:
The Greed Mask: Comment #208
Lofty Waters Verdant Bow Raymond Lam (Full)
A Matter of Customs: Eason Chan (Full)
Survivor’s Law: Raymond Lam (Full)
Enjoy! =)
Thanks K
hi! i love the song “Holding on to the Air” by Kevin and Niki. I’ve edited it, and it’s probably the CLOSEST to the FULL VERSION at the moment!! haha. link here: http://www.box.net/shared/gs461vxook
Did anyone have full version of subtheme version by Myolie Wu in ‘To Grow With Love’ .. ?
And I mean full version not the TV ripped version ..
Thx ..
Named ‘Ms. Piggy’ ..
Reply from KTVB: This has already previously been requested. Please check before requesting next time: Ms. Pig
this is the revolving door of vengeance theme song by hacken lee for anyone who wants the song
i was wondering if anyone has the subtheme to My family sang by Harwick Lau
Reply from KTVB:: My Family SubThemesong
i’m so glad can find this website. coz i really like to hear all the theme song of hk tvb drama and i looking for the theme song for so long. and finally i can find and download it.
thank u so much….
do you have the song for dicey business, it’s not really a song. it’s when michael went back into the car after trying to fix his wheel during a heavy rain and jessica calls him to go back in. then, in the car, when they so called made something “happened”, there’s this song that comes out. a humming of some woman’s voice. oh ya and do you know the title of the song that michael listens in his office? 🙂
hey… would you happen to have the song for “Golden Destiny”? or it’s unofficial title… “A journey called life”…. it’s sung by Steven Ma and Linda Chung… thanks
I was looking for song from old series of “Net Deception” which was acted by Wong Hei and Myolie Wu. I am looking for the song that was being played by Tifanny Lam in either piano or violin. Really appreciate it if someone have it and can send it to me. Thank you!
http://sharebee.com/08b7ede9 Link for better halves (themesong)
http://sharebee.com/10bee320 link for safe guards
sorry it took so long to upload… i’m on dial up =P so it takes a while to upload songs and also i’m busy lately with school work…
Hi….I’m a fan of TVB dramas too. I wanted to find the Always Ready Theme Song Full Version that was sung by Ekin Cheng but unfortunately can’t. Can anyone help me?
PS: I can’t use megaupload
Hi every1…
1st: i wan 2 thank KTVB 4 putting up this site 4 us 2 dl tvb theme songs…
2nd: i have the full theme song ‘always ready’ by ekin cheng…but i dont know how 2 upload….it’s mp3 file with 2.79mb…can email???
Thanks for the song!!!!!!
Does anyone has the song or website of the song Ella loves listening to in Revolving doors of vengeance. And the full version of Whatever it takes. Thanks @–}—-
Thks Yin2…..If possible, you can email it. My email is sherrymiyanoshiho@hotmail.com
Hi, i know i shouldn’t ask if you can send me the songs..but i tried downloading from sharebee but its not working…so sorry but can you send me the War of in laws 2 sub theme song by Bosco Wong and Myolie Wu? my email is linnette_zj@hotmail.com Thank’you so much!
Reply from KTVB: Sent. Please check your email.
Heyy idk if its my comp but like i try to click on the journey of life webiste to download,it doesnt work soo i hope you fix it and if its my comp sryy,
is it okayy if you can send it to me thanks : )
Reply from KTVB: It’s fixed now =)
To Sherry: already sent to your e-mail…plz check
Thks Yin2……..Btw, I have ans ur curiousity…Hehe
Hi! I know this is unneccessary but your site rock! And thanks a lot for sharing ost. >.< lnl
Thanks,i love your website 🙂
OMG!!!… i found mrs piggy and mr piggy from to grow with love… i’ll attempt to upload it… give me time i’m with dial up 😛
http://sharebee.com/5ddf92be link for Mrs Piggy sung by Myolie in To grow with Love… i’ll have Mr piggy up probably tomorrow… it’s by Andy Hui rite??
Hey i was wondering if any1 would have the song sang by Fiona Sit in ‘C’est La Vie Mon Cherie’ or æ–°ä¸äº†æƒ….
Its the sang which she sang whilst in the testing studio…its really good..if you have it may you upload it please! many thanks .
hye! may i know if anyone has the song from war and destiny, by myolie wu? i’m from malaysia, so i couldn,t mnage to download it from megaupload. To Ktvb, if you could reupload those old songs at zSHARE, it would be really really great.. (hoping you to do so..)
if anyone is kindly want to send me those songs which i couldn’t download from megaupload, this is my email namira_osagi191@yahoo.com
i have the war and destiny song… but it takes ages to load onto email… so i’ll load it onto sharebee…
link for War and Destiny by Myolie Wu
Link for Mr piggy, in To grow with Love by Andy Hui
May I ask if anyone has the theme of Vagabond vigilante and also the subtheme that the lady was singing.
i’m revising the link for the FULL VERSION of 抱著空气 by Kevin Cheng and Niki Chow: http://www.box.net/shared/soazxvl0kk
does anyone have the song 夢醒時分 ?
if you do may you please upload it! =)
much appreciated!
Hey, do you have the sub theme for the TVB series Love Bond called “心裡話”
Does anyone have When a Dog Loves a Cat themesong by Gallen Lo and Myolie Wu. Thanks in advance!!!!
hie… i was looking for To Get Unstuck In Time sub sang by flora chan.. can any of u guys out there have any idea on where to download it…? thanks…(what is the title of the song..?)
love bond subhttp://sharebee.com/200086fb
i know that the song i’m about to request isn’t a TVB series, but i’m hoping if anyone got the song or site for that. it’s a tai seng series call the handsome sibling star Dicky Cheung and Nicholas Tse and i was wondering if anyone has the theme song sang by Nicholas Tse and subtheme by Dicky Cheung. thank you very much for those who might have it.
some body have this song format mp3 128/kb, please share
Hi…..does anyone have the theme song of a herbalist affair by Andy Hui and Flora Chan?
Thks in advanced……
PS: I can’t use megaupload
link for Always Ready but i dont noe who it’s sung by… http://sharebee.com/9f18331f
does anyone have the theme song of Virture Of Harmony2? if you do, please post it up please:) (:b
Sherry ; I have the song A Herbalist Affair,
Hope you enjoy it : )
Thks alot Elizabeth……
Btw, does anyone has Yummy Yummy Theme Song in full and White Flame Theme Song in full?
PS: I can’t use megaupload
http://sharebee.com/e6329d56 yummy yummy themesong
Link for white flame sung by Miriam Yeung… it’s 5 mins long
From KTVB: Thanks for your help BOL! ^^
Thks 4 ur songs, BOL!!!!
hey, umm, does anyone have the english song from to get unstuck in time with roger kwok and flora chan.?
its the english song that his mom really likes…
Does another have the full version theme song of the legend of love.
P.S. On top has but it’s now longer working.
heyyy…do you have the song “swear” by linda chung? its the theme for legend of the demigods…and it is in the lady in red album! please upload if you do! tyvm…i appreciate all the songs u have uploaded thus far. ohh and i didnt want all the other songs in the album, which is why i only asked for “swear” by linda chung…if you can seperately upload them…that would be amazing…but if u cant…i understand and i’ll just dl alll the songs then delete!
Reply from KTVB: I’ve reuploaded it as a separate file now. Please check the top of the page now =)
Does anyone have the theme song of At Home With Love in full? The above file is expired. Thks in advance…….
PS: I can’t use megaupload
heyya KTVB thanks for e downloads..aniiways ii would lik to ask if aniione here has Life Made Simple [阿旺新傳] e sub theme song and theme song full version..ii would very much like to have it..pls send it to my hotmail if you have it. unknown_gal999@hotmail.com
Thanks very much!~
Does anyone have link to the song “Take My Word for It” and the full version of building blocks of life Plz send it to david_hinh@hotmail.com thanks in advance
Anyone know where i can get songs from the old singers that were popular in the 70s and 80s that come back on TVB for functions and stuff and they sing . Thanks in advance send it to david_hinh@hotmail.com please
I was trying to download the theme song from “the journey of life” but I’m having some troubles downloading it. Do u think you can upload another version? or walk to me through on how to download it? Because when i click on the link..my quick time pop up and that’s all. I don’t see any of the mega upload links come up…
Thank you!
Reply From KTVB: Read Frequently Ask Questions #7
At Home With Love ;
this is the 1st time i hav been on this site i duno how to downlaod songs. i no that u go to this megauploader thing but once i get there i duno wat to do? can u please help me. thanx! just email me. thanx alot! cool website! 😀
Reply from KTVB: Refer to Frequently Asked Questions #1 . There’s a big screenshot of Megaupload, that’s pretty hard to miss..
Thks Elizabeth!!!!
Does anyone has the theme song of Into Thin Air in full?
Thks in advance…..
PS: I can’t use Megaupload
Hi..I was wondering whether you had the ‘life made simple’ theme and the full version of ‘legend of love’ theme? All of the download links for it above seemed to have expired…. Thanks
Hello everyone!
This website’s great.
By the way, do you have the theme of ‘Eternal Happiness’? I like that song. Thank you so much..
i have the sub song for eternal happiness as well… do you want that as well? or just the themesong?
life made simple http://sharebee.com/3a144900 full version
themesong for eternal happiness http://sharebee.com/591e068d sung by kelly chen
Eternal Happiness Sub http://sharebee.com/c746de3f sung by raymond lam… I also have the eternal happiness sub which is sung by kelly chen… if you want that one as well just comment me bak…
Hey Carmen, I have that song if u r interested, wat’s ur email, i send em to you if u wan so
does anyone have this song 夢醒時分 sang by è–›å‡±çª from this movie æ–°ä¸äº†æƒ… ….
if anyone has this song pls email to me at shantinakhoo85@yahoo.com… tks
does anyone have the theme to å‘世界出發 on the road
if so could you pls email it to me at Wingyan1991@hotmail.com
Heyy Sherry,
I’m not quiet sure if its th e right song,
but its possibly is but this what i got. : )
Into Thin Air ;
David & Bellicose,
Well, the songs yall requested,
i send it so yall can check yall’s email,
& see if yall got it. : )
Just the theme.
Thank you.
Hello i wanna ask whether anyone might have the ‘wars of in laws’ theme song in full and ‘wars of in laws 2’ subtheme sang by bosco and myolie in full too? Thanx in advance!
Sandy ;
I don’t have the War In Laws 2 Sub Full version,but i got War Of In Laws Though : )
War Of In Laws Theme ;
Thks again Elizabeth!!!!!!
Thank you so much.^^
Anyone has Cest la vie main theme by Fiona Sit .. ?
Ya’ll welcome : )
Happy to help you guys .
LMAO! Thanks sooo much for uploading Swear by Linda Chung!…can I ask for one more favor? Can u upload the subtheme for Yummy Yummy…[ Three Corners, Two Sides] by Kevin Cheng? Please and Thank you!
Sherry, i have the songs,but i don’t have the sub cuz i didnt want the one without full. something like that lolx.
Face To Fate ;
xSIMPLICITY, i have the song,is it Love Triangle by Kevin Cheng,well here it is.
Love Triangle ;
Hi! i can’t seem to access the theme song of the devil’s disciples from megaupload.. is there anyway that you could send me the song? thanks!
Hi Dern, i saw that u are having problems accessing the DD song.I uploaded it on sendspace for you.
Hi KTVB, do you have the song ‘裕美 – é›ªæ˜ ç§»åŸŽ’ ?.it is the song sang by Wada Hiromi and the song is called summer snow.i been looking for this song but i cant seem to find it.It would be great if u have the song and can upload it.Thanks
Thks Elizabeth!!!!!
Anyone have theme song for Take My Word For It (full)?
Thks in advanced……
PS: I can’t use Megaupload
thank you sooo much elizabeth! you rock =]!
xSIMPLICITY ; Haha, your welcome.
Well i’m glad to help yall. : )
Thanks DP for the alternative site!!
Face to fate sub http://sharebee.com/5dcdf356 it’s not the full version…. but it’s got visuals… it’s a wmv…
To Sherry
it’s the version you’d see on tv… like how at the end its got the song, credits and pictures… it’s exactly the same… and you can watch it on media player
hey KTVB… would you be able to reupload no matter onto box.net or sharebee? coz i cant use Megaupload nor Zshare… sorry for the trouble… thanks…
and also… would you happen to have the song Endless Love (神è¯)? it was in Perish in the Name of Love…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAF5lDP5tec&feature=related << found the song there
Reply from KTVB: I’ve reuploaded it onto my server 🙂 “No Matter“
Yeah I know that but I want the song in mp3 format so that I can upload it into my phone and make it as a ringtone……Anyway thks for the video……
Reply from KTVB: I have reuplaoded both Themesong and SubThemesong of Face To Face on my server (so just right click and save). They are short versions only but the only ones available 🙂 They are both Mp3 format too ^^
I’ve been using th SubThemesong as my ringtone on my phone for a whole year now! haha..
there’s a song in “steps” which i dunno its name. the chorus is sumthing like this, “in the sunny day… in the rainy day…” sumthing like tat
Reply from KTVB: That song is called “No Matter“
Does anyone have the song sang by Fiona Sit in the movie of æ–°ä¸äº†æƒ… – C’est La Vie, Mon Cheri.. I like all the songs in there very much
urm, does anyone know that one english song in to get unstuck in time, the song how the husband bought the cd for rogers mom, & she loves it. oh i know it aint a theme song but thanks alot if you can help : )
Thks KTVB!!!
Do you have the themesong of æ–°ä¸äº†æƒ… (Endless Love 2008) sang by Jane Zhang ?
Can you send it to me by mail plse ?
thanks a bunch for the songs K…
heyya KTVB!!
anyone has e full version of e theme song for 戆夫æˆé¾™ [Square Pegs] ?
Also e subtheme song..
if anyone has it pls send to my email:winnie4258@hotmail.com.
Thanks muchs..ur help will greatly be appreciated! =)
Hello everybody, does anyone have to theme song for the price of greed, can’t seem to find it.
Does anyone have the Wars of In Law FULL sub themes one by Myolie and Bosco & the other by Myolie & Vincent? Please email me back at vlee1012@gmail.com. Thanks!
The FULL version of Ultimate Crime Fighter by Moses Chan
The FULL version of Drive of Life Sub Theme by Raymond Lam
What is the password for the “**(2007) In Love with Drama Album: TVB Latest Series Theme + Sub CD*”?
Reply from KTVB: It’s on the FAQ….tvb.windy-goddess.net
Hi….does anyone has the opening music of Best Selling Secret? Thks in advanced…..
PS: I can’t use Megaupload
hi ktvb,
im looking for 3 songs, idk if you have them though but if u do can u upload them or something
1) Put Your Hands Up by Raymond, Ron, Bosco, Kevin
2)Athens Olympics Themesong by Sammul, Raymond, Ron, Bosco, Kenneth, Chris
3)Old School Medley by Raymond & Ron
hey does anyone have like a clearer version of moses chan’s “put me to death”? i already have the version that’s posted above. cause i was going through some youtube videos and someone said that they has a mp3 version of it or something so idk. and does anyone have the female version of that song also? ty sooo much
to Jenny, I have all the songs for the athens olympics… give me a lil while to upload them tho
to crystal… is the put me to death one the one from ultimate crime fighter? i have a clear version of it…
http://sharebee.com/2e85a867 put ur hands up
http://sharebee.com/c121247d athens olympic song
http://sharebee.com/caca59f8 ultimate crime fighter (moses chan)
http://sharebee.com/9851750c The price of greed…
OMG… does someone have the song in steps during the proposal? would you be able to post a link here? thanks… been looking for that song
hey… would anyone be able to repost the song baby baby? i cant use zshare or megaupload
thanks so much
hi, does any1 have these songs?
– kelly chen and bowie lam-no need together(dae jang geum ost)
-kelly chen-missing(dae jang geum ost)
-bowie lam-missing(dae jang geum ost)
pls giv me if one of u hav these songs…
Hi, I tried to download the song “Destiny” from “Steps” but the link was removed. Could you please upload it again or email me? Many thanks.
My email’s ashlee1910@yahoo.com
Great songs btw.
can u send me this song æ–°ä¸äº†æƒ… (Endless Love 2008) sang by Jane Zhang?
Does anyone know the song in golden faith that evrytime when raymond & tavia see each other the song comes up & i knoe its by raymond. thanks : )
& doea anyone has the song Life Art & Welcome To The House & Lethal Weapons of Love and Passion Theme & Sub.Thanks It’ll be nice for it to be the full version : )
Reply from KTVB:Links has already been requested and posted. please check the comments with “find” before you request next time.
Comment #61. 99.
Reply from BOL:
Lethal weapons sub… i think
Life Art
hi thank u all of u for uploading all these songs i was wondering if anyone can upload the song in steps when steven proposed to bernice i think it the one called destiny i cant find it anywhere thank u
Endless Love Songs
Theme Song 「新ä¸äº†æƒ…ã€ä¸»é¡Œæ›² by Jane Zhang
Credits to: GOLF @ AEU
Endless Love Sub Theme 「新ä¸äº†æƒ…ã€ç‰‡å°¾æ›² by Choi Cai (è”¡ç´ )
in the movie stolen love by raymond lam and rain li, one of the song was ‘loving a person isn’t easy’, doesn’t anyone has the song or know the website to it,cause i can’t seem to find it anywhere. thanks in advance
ya about the song baby baby you have to go here to dl it
i have the song baby baby by diva VI
BOL ; thanks : )
hello everyone, does anyone have the subtheme for the tvb series of Journey To The West 2 by Benny Chan. if you do, please could you post it or the website ; Thanks
does anyone has the instrumental song that was being played in the series of War and Destiny? If yes can you please post it or send it to me at faithict@yahoo.com Thank you so much.
hi..just giving it a shot here…in Legal Entanglement, and one or two more TVB dramas I forgot which, there is this song that is just music and humming..like “huh ar huh huh ar huh huh…”do u have any idea what song is it? 🙂
anywan who have a song called safe guards by steven ma?
Hi I was still wondering whether anyone had the full version of ‘the legend of love’ theme? Because I’ve searched the comments and it seemed that the download links for them has expired….
Reply from DP:
Polly..I have uploaded ‘the legend of love’ song,hope u enjoy it:
hi! i think i found the FULL VERSION of “No Matter” by Angel
(right click to save)
to Mei Foong: here — http://sharebee.com/10bee320
[ credits to BOL– thx 🙂 ]
thanks krystal and BOL!!!
Dear KTVB, may i knw how to download this songs endless love sub theme that u give æ–°ä¸äº†æƒ…ã€ç‰‡å°¾æ›²?
Reply from KTVB: Click the link and then click ” Click here to download” which is in blue writing n a box.
KTVB,do u have the kung fu master theme song that is sang by leo ku please?
i think i posted the safe guards song up there some where…
http://sharebee.com/10bee320 – link for safe guards… by steven ma
I also have the songs for better halves… if you want that as well you can post me a comment
i know this isn’t tvbj related, but does anyone have the beijing 2008, we are ready mp3?
thank you DP 🙂
heeyy, umm i posted this a couple of times,
does anyone have the english song from to get unstuck in time with roger kwok and flora chan.?
its the english song that his mom really likes…
can someone upload it, or send it to mee, cuz michi replied to me before, but i havent been on this site in a while so i couldnt reply back, so i didnt get the song, if any has it, can you PLEASE upload it,
or send to my email
Is Swear by Linda Chung the same as one of the tracks in Lady in Red? Track 6 I think… is there any difference or they’re just the same b/c I don’t want to download the same thing again =)
To Rin: the song swear posted on the top is the same from Track 6 of Lady In Red.
Thanks keth2koo :] oh yeah, if anyone want to see the mv of Swear, you should youtube it and you’ll see it, Linda is so pretty in that video 😀
o ya anyone have to ending song of the selling secrets
Reply from BOL: http://sharebee.com/7fa0985b best selling secrets sub song by Shirley Kwan
Hello K..
I would like to request whether is it possible for you to send me the mp3 for the brink of law themesong sang by steven ma?
Thank you
I have a website to a song here sung by Hacken Lee sung, it’s call in chinese “Yat San But Bien”; i was wondering if anyone has the song and could upload it. 🙂 Thanks (:
to Linda…. the themesong of brink of law is sung by steven and ron and it’s been posted by KTVB at the very top… under 2007
Thank u soooo much for the Silver Chambers of Sorrow themesong! It’s sooooo nice! Is there any chance to get a full version of it?
Reply from KTVB: The full version is now up for download =) Check the top of the page for the new link.
Does anybody have the full themesong for the series “Police Station No. 7” by Lawrence Ng? Thanks
hi k..
saw the previous post asking abt an english song that goes “follow your heart, follow your dream”.. may i know what is the song title?
it will be great if you tell me where i can download it.. thanks!!
hey i was wondering if anyone has the timming success themesong sung by kevin cheng?
i dont know how to download the song called
” my love will get you home ” .
cuz when i press on it, it leads to the site called sharebee.com
and i dont know how to download it.. can u please help me
thnk you ^^
Reply from KTVB: when you get to the sharebee Page, choose a link out of the four provided (left click) and yea. look out for download links from the new pages~
hi ppl i heard a really cool song…
dont blame her by ron ng
can anyone upload it or something ty ^_^
Reply from BOL: http://sharebee.com/7d425fc9 – Ron Ng… dont blame her…
Does anyone have any songs popular in the 80s-90s or anywhere i can dowlnload it? eg by people like Sam Hui
Any help is appreciated please reply to david_hinh@hotmail.com. Thanks everybody
i love these songs so good how du yu get em btw i wanna noe if theyre is another site with songs from solo singers like raymond lam he is cute!!
He & Linda make a perfect couple!!
This Site Rocks tell me another site next time plzz
can anyone tell me what the english song title in healing hands 4?
the lyrics goes like this-follow your heart, follow your dreams..
Desperate to know about it!!
This is definitely a good site and I believe is not easy job to mantain the site ,thanks a lot.
Believe or not ,I just happen to stumble on your site and found a good number of my favourite songs.
Appreciate if you could help out as below,
Revolving Door of Vengeance Theme Song
Take My Word For It Theme Song
Placebure Cure Theme Song
Lethal Weapon of Love and Passion Theme Song
Seed Of Hope
Healing Hands IV,III
Split Second
I will Be the One (Eng.from Ups and Down in Sea)
P/S: Not able to load from Megaupload and Torrent
Appreciate if you could email to me :gracelc21@yahoo.com
To Grace
Comment 61 is Lethal Weapons of Love and Passion both Themesong and Subsong
Comment 199 is the placebo cure themesong
And i will upload Healing hands for you… but it’s the sub songs that i have… is that what you’re after? i dont have the themesongs
Does anyone have the song ‘Promise’ which was re-written for the china earthquake 5.12 .
The lyrics were re-phrased by Andy Lau, really good.
Thank you in advance.
do you have this song :
and this
Both is in Megaupload thus I having problem to download.
thks & rdgs.
is sharebee ok then? it’s a link which has four website links to it
Comment 645 i think i uploaded the Lethal weapons sub song onto sharebee…
I dont think sharebee’s working at the moment tho… coz i tried uploading lethal weapons theme and the healing hands songs onto sharebee… and it didnt open… i’ll try again tomorrow… i’m not uploading onto the other sharing sites coz i dont noe how to use them… so sorry about the wait… unless someone else has the songs and can upload them for you… I am sincerely sorry about not being able to upload it for you until a later date…
Thanks for your help.
Yes,it is ok with sharebee,take your your time.
better be late than never.
thks & rdgs.
please, can anyone send me some raymond lam piano scores. I really want drive of life subtheme….or can anyone give me the link for overture 4.0 so i can get some piano sheets please…. if you can please add me on msn. my email is jophorse@hotmail.com
I really want to play his songs
– Track 02 Lethal Weapons – Raymond Lam
– Lethal Weapons sub – Raymond Lam
– Healing Hands III sub – Bowie
– Healing Hands Sub 3 – Random lady
– healing hands sub 4 – steven ma
– Healing Hands 2 Sub – Bowie and Random lady
does anyone know where can i download the theme song of war of in laws song? The show is 2005 not 2008 de..
Reply from BOL: Wars of in-laws 1… the olden version
do you have this song 承諾
still looking for 3 songs
Athens Olympics Full Themesong(奥è¿å…星-é‡å¼ºæ„ˆå‹‡),
Put your hands up
the Old School Medley resung by ray and ron
Kung Fu Soccer Themesong Request
hi, I can’t find Dicky Cheung’s Kung-Fu soccer song. It’s called “Big Award”. Can you send me the link please?
Reply from Tiara:
Here is the link to Dicky Cheung – ThemesongKung fu Soccer
Kung fu Soccer (Sub) – Dicky Cheung
Message from HELP:
i need the kung fu soccer sub in mandarin, i dont understand cantonese
my email is w32.sysfile@yahoo.com
hi anyone can email the song in steps where steven ma propose to bernice liu? it goes something like follow your heart follow your dream? send it to my email please c.200@live.com
i mean the song 承諾 is nice to hear..anyway thanks for the song war of in law 1…
Hi everyone,
Does anyone has the theme song from Survivor’s Law I sang by Raymond Lam? I cannot remember the song title..
I want MP3 format, and also because I in Singapore, Megaupload doesn’t work for me..Anyone who has the song kindly upload it in another server, send me at nanren4ever@hotmail.com or post the link here for me to go download myself. Thanks a million!!
And this site rocks!!
Reply from BOL: Survivor’s Law I – Raymond Lam
Kung-Fu Soccer “Big Award” as well, please? THANKS!!!
To KTVB & Followers
Here is the links to Forensic Heroes ll – You are my Angel-English (Loretta Chow) and The Money Maker Recipe (Kay Tse)
hey… would you be able to upload “you are my angel” onto some other sharing site besides from Zshare and megaupload? thanks
Hi, does anyone has the theme song of Triumph in The Skies by Eason Chan in full?
Thks in advanced….
PS: I can’t use Megaupload
I have the song. I can’t get the link but I can email it to you. Here’s my email: twpochacco37@yahoo.com
hi, do you have “lost in the chamber of love” themesong? thanks!
and cindy lo’s “lady fanâ€? I’d really appreciate it! 😀
hi, can you send me the theme song of Armed Reaction 1 by Sammi Cheng please?
And also Dicky Cheung’s kung-fu soccer song “Big Award” and theme song of Armed Reaction 2 please? Thank you!
To Ami
Here is the song “Promise” tribute to China’s Earthquake
To Jenny Chin
I hope this is the Olympic song you wanted-Jay chou
To Bol
Link to “You are my Angel-Forensic Heroes ll (Sub)”
Do you have the cantonese version of “Promise”?
To Joce,
Sorry, I can’t access to that site. It always show ‘can’t find server’.
Reply from Tiara:
Sherry: Triumph in the Skies
OMG.!!!!! this webby is sh000 good ……
btw, how did u get all these TVB songs frm ?
im very curious , damn wonderful !
i finally found a website with all of my fav TVB songs … HUUray !!
HARL0S…. IM wondering if u hv the ‘best selling secrets’ subtheme at megaupload . i cant get it thru rapidshare. thnx !!
Thks so much Tiara!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks sooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!
hi, can you send me the cantonese version song of 承諾 please and the full version “Put Your Hands Up” by Bosco Wong, Kevin Cheng and Raymond Lam?
Thank you!
Journey to the West – Benny Chan
thanks Tiara for the song is the version that you have the tv rip one? or the full version?
coz i found the full version 2 mins 48 sec on another site… i will upload it if the one you have isnt the full version
You are my angel – Loretta Chow full version
Bol: is the rip one, pls upload the full version..:)
Forensic Heroes Spanish Song Requests
Hi, does anyone know the song in Forensic Heroes II which is a Spain song, which also a love song between Bobby and Yoyo. Bobby and Yoyo uses this song as thier ringtone in the series. If anyone does have or know the song’s name, Please tell me.. Thanks a lot.
Message from Sky:
Hi, anyone know the song in Forensic Heroes II which is a Spain song, which also a love song between Bobby and Yoyo. they uses this song as thier ringtone in the series like alvin mention above.. pls~ anyone know that song?
Reply from Alvin:
Sky, do you know the Spain’s song name? maybe i’ll find this song on other website…
to Tiara, BOL – hi, did you know the Spain song nome in Forensic Heroes II which Bobby Au and Yoyo Mung uses this song as their ringtone in the series? If yes, please tell us ~ thanks
Reply from sMaLL FisH:
yeah…Shantina..I love that song too & have been searching for it for a long long time..let me know if someone responds to your enquiry…fingers crossed..someone has it…
Reply from Tiara:
Shantina, I also tried searching for this song a while back, but to no avail…:(
Alvin, don’t know the Spain song name..:(
Reply from KTVB: I read off somewhere that the name of the Spanish Song is “Entre Los Dos” which means “Between the two of Us” but I have no clue if that’s actually it or not lol I tried searching up that song but doesn’t sound quite right…
Reply from Alvin: oh~ Thanks for your reply Tiara and KTVB..
i found the artist of the spanish song..
La Mala Rodriguez(马拉 ç½—å¾·é‡Œæ ¼å…¹) / CARLOS BUSCHINI, FEDERICO ARIA – Entre Los Dos
i found the link to direct download this song too..
Does anyone has got this song… I have been trying to find this for a long time…
it is inside the show Steps when steven propose to bernice and also it is also in the movie Life Art..
I long for someone, someone who could see more than meets the eye
I always hope to find someone who could feel all the reasons why
We find the two of us on these path which way do we go? Follow your heart follow your dreams if we’re apart…
hey does anyone have Heart of Greed Sub Theme by Raymond Lam & Linda Chung
Reply from BOL: http://sharebee.com/01357f3e – Linda Chung and Raymond Lam – Heart of Greed Sub ( I love this song )
Alvin – Thanks!! I was looking for this song long time ago.. btw,
KTVB – thanks for providing the song name..
hello. i was just wondering if anyone have the full version theme song from “to get unstuck in time†by patrick tang? thanks.
i’m also a big fan of patrick, so i was wondering if anyone have any songs that he sang?
it’s one of my favorite song. if you have it, can you please send it to me. thanks. or just reply to my comment with the link and i’ll pick it up.
those are my favorite. hope you can help me. thanks
hey k do you have the theme song ‘Witness of a prosecution 2‘?
Reply From tiara:Witness to a Prosecution 2
hi, can you send me the cantonese version song of 承諾 please? I think it’s by Beyond. And can you also send me the full version of “Put Your Hands Up” by Bosco Wong, Ron Ng, Raymond Lam and Kevin Cheng?
Thank you!
Put Your Hands Up
Beyond- This is Love 承諾
Janie Hong: To Get Unstuck in Time
thx tiara, n do u hav d cantonese version of the conquerer?
Does anyone has the theme song of The Legend of Master Chai in full? Btw, it is a very old show.
PS: I can’t use Megaupload
hi! does anyone have the instrumental version of “A Change of Destiny”‘ theme song? i heard them play it in between some scenes and it sounds really nice!! (:
hi im looking for 2 song in just wondering if anyone has it
athens olympics theme song- olympic six stars
old school medley- resung by Ron Ng and Raymond Lam
Reply from Tiara:
Jenny: Old School Medley : http://sharebee.com/f398a7f7
To Krystal
here’s the link:
A Change of Destiny
to KTVB: This is totally irrelevant to downloads, but i dont noe where else to post this comment… I was wondering how you did your screen captures… they’re so clear and i dont noe how to do them… i use real player to watch my movies but i cant seem to get screen captures off them… so i was wondering which program you use and how to get screen captures… thanks
Reply from KTVB: You can read the About Page ^_^
Hi, Does anyone have the theme song of Twin of Brothers (full version)?
Thks in advanced……
PS: I can’t use Megaupload
Reply from Michi: hey, sherry, i don’t have the TOB themesong for now, meanwhile, let me share 1st the subtheme for you, it’s pretty cool
TOB Sub themesong: http://www.zshare.net/download/141755480681ea80/
Reply from Tiara:
Twin of Brothers Themesong: http://sharebee.com/895868b2
hi im from sg. and i Love ur site =P.
i was oso wondering.
how do you mangae to get such pretty screenshots.
well How do you do it?
anyways i can use megaupload though im from sg =D
cheers =]
can somebody please upload the theme song to Lady fan
Reply from caduy:
Lady Fan: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IOJN31MW
Reply from Tiara: http://sharebee.com/45d0f483
Thks A lot Michi and BOL……I appreciated help from you guys greatly…:)
omg ty so much for the old school medley
Forensic Heroes ll (Sub) Charmaine Sheh…is 2:02 long
Dazza: Conqueror Story http://sharebee.com/aacdf06e
Speech of Silence – Joyce Cheng
Hi jus asking if anyone has the song “it had to be you” from the W files (aka Wisely) ???
Tiara: The Forensic Heros II (sub) Charmaine Shesh is not full right? cause it ends kind of weird xD, thanks though, at least its better than the TV-rip version =P 0.55 seconds >.>”
But if someone has the full full version please upload =)
Piano Score Requests
all songs^^ but if anyone has a link or website fer piano score pls tell me or email me at irisong96@hotmail.com and give me the link thanks^^
Does anyone know where I can get the song lyrics of the subtheme forensic heroes by charmaine sheh? Thanks. My email add is eileenchia86@hotmail.com🙂
oh my gosh. thank you for those theme songs. you’re a lifesaver. i don’t know how you do it. but i appreciate it. heey. do you have any other theme songs?
Reply from KTVB: haha not really. I did ^^; but my computer has reformatted~
hey, I just found a CD version of Forensic Heroes 2 theme song? It’s a louder version than the one it’s provided on this site.
Link: http://www.fs2you.com/en/files/16a265ae-3daa-11dd-be55-0014221f4662/
thx tiara
Hello, I have been searching for a song /piano from the show Dicey Business. I have been trying to find it but I don’t where. It’s one of those emotional sad scenes when the instrumental starts to play. It’s not the Hacken, or Bosco songs. The music is on episode 3 at the very end where Bobby was crying when he finally meets his parents.
Thank you
To: KTVB and his Followers
Speech of Silence – Joyce Cheng (Full)
Love Exchange – Kary Ng (Rip)
Reply from KTVB: Thanks Tiara. Btw, I’m a girl xD
hi! does anyone have the FULL themesong from the W files by Gallen Lo?
ps: i can’t use megaupload
thanks! (:
Reply fromTiara:
Reply from kRysTaL~: thanks for the W Files theme song. i guess there’s no FULL VERSION?
thanks for the 2 eng songs from Forensic! thanks for the effort in finding the song…=)
Hi K,
Nice website.
i juz install winamp and i want to create some skins. The problem is a lot of websites i tried to find the skin maker dun have the real maker juz some demo, could u tell me what is the software u using and the website of it?
Thks in advance.
Reply from KTVB: My computer got reformatted and I’ve actually lost the program. I can’t remember where I got it from or what its called =X So for the meantime I can’t make any skins either..
hey… would anyone have or know the song which they played in the last ep of forensic Heroes II? when frankie sees sharon and remembers the stuff about him and linda… thanks
ohhh! lots of songs to download! thank you!
Thks a lot Tiara!!!!
does anyone have another version of the gentle crackdown 2 because i can’t use sharebee.com
Reply from KTVB: Sharebee.com is a link to 4 other links (left click them and they will load to the other page):
Thanx KTVB i really love the gentle crackdown 2 themesong!
does anyone have another version of my love will get you home because [again] i can’t use sharebee.com
Reply from KTVB: You’re welcome =) Do you know how to use sharebee.com now? i.e are you able to download “My Love will get you home” from sharebee? Make sure you ‘left’ click the sharebee links and they’ll open up on a new window. It won’t work if you right click it for a new window.
Reply from kathy: Thanx KTVB
Yes i already download the song but i used RapidShare…Still Thanx for your help!
Catch Me Now: http://sharebee.com/8881e6b4
Love Exchange: http://sharebee.com/f9d9cc03
These two can be said as this year’s most anticipated series by all. I feel happy of the news about it. So today, I upladed these themesongs for anybody who enjoys the two series. Hope all will enjoy.
When A Dog Loves A Cat (rip): http://sharebee.com/5a7a1753
If y’all don’t mind, you can have this first before I got the full version.
Actually, according to the info I got in my hands, Catch Me Now’s full music is only 1:07mins and is the fullest that anywhere I can find. In Malaysia, I surfed the TVB Wap and found that it’s the same version. Hope y’all don’t mind.
Hey, Janie Hong, can you upload Charmaine’s FH2 subsong to the net so that everyone can have it? thx in advance.
Actually, I have The Building Blocks Of Life full themesong, Word Twisters’ Adventures full themesong, and all the other theme and sub songs from 2007 onwards. But I can’t convert these songs because they came from the TVB Wap I surfed lately.
Reply from KTVB: Wow, that sounds great Chung. What exactly is the TVB Wap?
hi chung, i just want to ask can i have the building blocks of life full theme song and the word twisters adventures, ive been looking everywhere but i cant find them. can u please send them to my email please.
thank u
one more question, do u have any other theme songs, u mentioned above u got all the songs from 2007 onwards. can u try sending me some as well. sorry to bother u.
many thanks! ^_^
does anyone have the full version of When A Dog Loves A Cat? anyone has it could u please upload it or send it to my email please
Anybody who enjoys the whole story of Catch Me Now, can take this piece of music I have. Some on the Internet might be looking for this piece of music, it can be heard near the end of the series: http://sharebee.com/c595f13b
Everybody, actually, TVB Wap is just the website surfing for mobile phones only. The songs I got there cannot be converted to mp3, but you can hear it on youor phones only. Anybody interested in this can surf the sites in the Wap. Just use your phones, send TVB to 32888. then start surfing around for the songs I’ve mentioned.
Just to tell y’all, if y’all want to be first to have the full themesongs i’ve mentioned, surf the TVB Wap for them. But i’m not sure not about this, the Wap might be available in Malaysia only. Try it first.
Y’all will have to pay for thesongs too. I’ll give the address on downloading without paying extra: http://wap.astromobile.com.my/Tvbwap/DRMContent.aspx?ItemID=(???? code no. of song)&Code=WapPush
If y’all want the code no.’s (if available), trying looking at the address of each song and find the no.’s to the code. Addresses like that are only available in mobile phones only. KTVB, before you try the Wap, i’m going to ask you a simple question. Which country are you living in?
Reply from KTVB: I’m from Australia lol…I doubt this Wap thing works for me XD
I can give the most up to date info on the upcoming series too. Whoever wants to know more, try replying to me anytime. And I will upload the mobile songs later on. the songs in the rar file are available for Sony Ericsson W200i only. Whoever has the phone model ican have the songs in it: http://sharebee.com/216392da
hey does anyone have a clear version of ‘the tai chi master’ sub theme
The Biter Bitten Themesongs
hey i no this is old but does anyone have The Bitter Bitten ‘s Theme song by Shirley Yeung
Reply from chung: Here you go, Jenny: http://sharebee.com/a0db5451
Reply from Jenny: ty so much for The Bitter Bitten’s Theme =)
Message from TVB_4eva:
Hey everybody !!!,
I was just wondering does anyone have The Biter Bitten Subtheme- “Love Can” by David Tao (陶å‰å‰-å°±æ˜¯æ„›ä½ ) song
Reply from Kat: http://www.mediafire.com/?fmstpb42vm9/
hi im new here and im looking for a song sung by Charmaine and Kevin at the 2008 New Year Countdown
Reply from Jenny: haha finally i can help
Why don’t you have like 2000-2005 theme songs.
I really like the TVB theme song Where The Legend Begins.I kept looking for it and for it.But no websites has that theme song.Can anyone help me? Thanks
Reply from KTVB: I decided that since this blog has started in 2006, I’d makes posts and downloads from 2006 onwards
Reply from BOL:
http://www.box.net/shared/flvhgnvnp9 – this should be the themesong for where the legend begins…
Where the legend begins sub 1 – Sung by Steven Ma
Where the legend begins sub 2 – Priscilla Ku and Steven Ma
Hi Kerry,
thought you might like to upload the new Raymond song (Moonlight Resonance’s sub).
hehe, such a good song; Raymond never disappoints 😉
Reply from KTVB: Thanks so much Kat ^^
hi does anyone have the full sub theme song of WOIL2 sung by Bosco and Myolie
o ya and does anyone have An Herbalist Manual sung by Frankie Lam
Reply from BOL:
A Herbalists Manual – http://sharebee.com/a88055e5
Reply from Kat:
Herbalist Manuel – http://www.mediafire.com/?g1fbmtbrz12/
Can anyone upload the themesong to Moonlight Resonance (clear rip version)? As quick as possible.
Reply from Kat: http://www.mediafire.com/?w0zmvnrckyn
Can anyone upload the Split Second opening theme? Preferably full one .. Thx ..
Reply from Kat: http://www.mediafire.com/?jjiztzyeymn/
Hello does anybody have the song in Virtues of Harmony I where Nancy Sit (The mother) is singing to Joyce Chan (the third sister) when she was unconscious. The song she sang basically woke Joyce up from her coma after she got kicked into the water.
does anyone know what is the title of the song/have the song that is played in FH1 where Frankie proposes to Linda?thanks (:
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has the full theme song of the series Hidden Treasures by Gigi Leung. Thanks.
Reply from Kat:
Requests for Forensic Heroes 1 and 2 Instrumentals
hey k do u have instrumentals for the following themes?:Forensic Heroes I & II
Message from Sophie:
hey, anyone have FH II theme ? and the FH II sub theme (instrumentals)
Reply from Tiara:
Shinn & Sophie: Forensic Hero (Instrumental): http://sharebee.com/85985e37
does anyone have the FULL THEME of Forensic Heroes I by Frankie Lam?? i can’t use megaupload
Reply from chung: http://sharebee.com/26942a83
the most resent 2008 songs can’t be downloaded
Reply from KTVB: They all work..please read FAQ #7
Family Man Themesongs Requests
Hello..was wondering whether anyone had the theme song for ‘Family Man‘??
Reply from Kat: http://www.mediafire.com/?5l42nxxlgf9/
Message from xSIMPLICITY:
Heyy! i was wondering… does anyone have the subtheme…to Family Man sang by Flora Chan? I know its old..but i really like that song!
Reply from BOL:
http://sharebee.com/f6923f9d – family man sub 1
http://sharebee.com/93adac09 – family man sub 2 (this is one of my favourite song)
i also have the themesong… if you want that too
they’re both by flora chan ^^
hello, i’m back. my computer’s hardware was broken and it took me a while to get a new computer. it will take me a while to re-set up everything. i know a lot of people wanted the song “waiting for you” by charmaine in forensic heroes 2. i will try to send it to you asap. please be patient. i will upload it and post up the link so everyone can download it. so you all don’t need to send me your email address, ’cause that would take too long.
Does anyone have subthemes for the old tvb drama “The Link”? Or the title? I am looking for the song that was used mainly for David and Amy, and I believe it was sung by Leon Lai (the song played when he was buried beneath the mudslide). Anyone with information, thanks.
here is Love Exchange http://www.mediafire.com/?xgg24mogghm
here is When A Dogs Love A Cats http://www.mediafire.com/?utuzmsxkn9p
here is Moonlight Resonance http://www.mediafire.com/?dspavtenmtl
here is Subtheme Song For Moonlight Resonance http://www.mediafire.com/?1mcvzdkgsdm
here is Speech Of Silence http://www.mediafire.com/?bbk89vkdub0
here is Subtheme Song for Speech Of Silence http://www.mediafire.com/?yjkxrmnmwnd
Thanks kat!
hi noel they dont have subtheme for the link they only hav the full only do u want to get it if u want i will download is for u
to chung: thanks for the link to download the theme of FH I
kRysTaL~ (:
Hi, does anyone have the spanish song being used in tvb marriage of inconvenience? Can you send it to my e-mail please?
Can anyone uploaded the latest Moonlight Resonance themesong? This week’s version is very different from last week, and this time the music video is adding lyrics too.
Heyy! Does anyone have the song from Aqua Heroes- Take it Easy by Edwin Siu ;] It starts off with chinese but in the middle it kinda says “I want to take it in…and sing this song for you”? or something like that? If you have it please send it to xsimplicityx3@gmail.com or on this site is fine ;]! Thank you very much !
Reply from BOL: comment 178, i posted the many songs of aqua heroes there… one of them should be the song ur looking for … should be aqua heroes (3)
Here’s the link to When A Dog Loves a Cat: http://sharebee.com/e7ffb299
And to everyone, TVB’s grand production and most anticipated drama this year: Moonlight Resonance. Link to the themesong (rip): http://sharebee.com/05789ee1
Hope y’all don’t mind. I will inform everyone in this forum when I get the full version of Moonlight Resonance.
Anyone know wat is the song title on æºå¿ƒé£Žæš´ Ep16-Bosco n Tavia wedding when moses play the saxophone and they started to sing..can tell me the title of the song or if u have it upload here..thanks
To Trinty: Thanks. Sure, can you please share the theme song with me? Thank you very much!!!
I would like to know how to rip song from tv series. Is there a program that i need to use to rip song. Please show me how. Thanks.
Anyone have clear full version of When A Dog Loves A Cat? The link up there doesn’t look very clear to me. (No offense)
for anyone who was trying to help me get that song ;] i found it so thanks anyways! I’ll post a link for the song incase anyone’s interested because I think it’s a really good song. Here’s the link to listen to the song :
If you want the download for the song you can email me at xsimplicityx3@gmail.com and i’ll send you the song :D! But it really is a awesome song…so yeah… check it out ;]. Enjoy :D!
ok sure noel..i will share the theme song for u
to S Say: here is the full version of When A Dogs Love A Cats
may i know is anyone know has the background song for “catch me now’? thank you 🙂
hey,i was just wondering if anyone want the song ;; Moonlight Resonance main theme,but its Tv Rip or something.
munpoh: here’s one of the bg songs used near the end…
hey does anyone have the sad back ground music at the end of Best Selling Secrets Ep. 355
(If u want o watch it, or u dont no wut is is)
the song i am about to request is not a tvb series but its a tvb show.
i was wondering if there was a full theme to super trio supreme. i like the tune of it. can anyone clarify if there’s a full theme to this song?
Hi! Do you have the theme song from drama ” A Taste of Love” sung by Miriam Yeung? Its Raymond Lam Fung first drama role!!!!!!!!! staring Flora Chan, Joe Ma, Tang Lai Ming, Lawrence Ng…….
Does anyone have the english song played by the radio when Kenneth and Kate in the car in Speech Of Silence? Sorry, I dunno the title of the song. Thks in advanced
PS: I can’t use Megaupload
hey anyone have the theme song of Shine On You
ginger: A Taste of Love theme – http://www.mediafire.com/?hntnzmbfq1n
Sherry: Yesterday Once More (English song from SOS) – http://www.mediafire.com/?yjkxrmnmwnd/
Jenny: Shine on You theme – http://www.mediafire.com/?ojbwcu4zwcj/
Thks alot for the song Kat!!!!!
Is there a subtheme song for The Charm Beneath?
If there is, does anyone have it in full? Thks in advanced
PS: I can’t use Megaupload
And I’ve uploaded the CD Version of Moonlight Resonance: http://sharebee.com/ab3b8727
Hope y’all enjoy the story and the song too!
i know this show was from 2006, but does anyone have the opening themesong for Glittering Days? (mandarin/cantonese) 🙂 i can’t seem to find it anywhere….if it is the full version, it would be better 😀
hey thx for the theme song but does anyone have the FULL version of the Shine On You Theme song?
hey i have the songs i want but i cant find the full version of the so can anyone help?
Face To Fate Sub
Wars Of In Laws II Sub
Shine On You Theme
Does anyone know that the song in the comment no. 526 and in the list, that is the subtheme song for To Grow With Love (Mr.Pig) are the same or not? I can’t verify it coz I can’t use Megaupload and I am having problems downloading the one in the comment 526. I hope someone can help me. Thks in advanced.
PS: I can’t use Megaupload
To Sherry, Yes the song from the list and comment #526 are the same, sang by Andy Hui.
Hey K,
I love the new layout on the top
it looks awesome ^_^
does anyone have the pillow case of mystery theme song by benny chan?
i know i saw it posted here earlier but now i can’t find it…
Hi Sherry: I have a Song For Mr.pig.. I hope u can download it r not..
Shine On You
Hi FullSongPlz: I have ur 3 song tat u like..
Face to Fate Sub
War Of In Law 2 Sub1
War Of In Law 2 Sub2
Shine On You theme
Hi Chris:
Glittering Days Sub
http://www.box.net/shared/ksiibu61xu – A Pillowcase of Mystery
Anyone know wat is the song title on æºå¿ƒé£Žæš´ Ep16-Bosco n Tavia wedding when moses play the saxophone and they started to sing..can tell me the title of the song or if u have it upload here..thanks
Do anyone know where I can find the lyric to Edwin Siu song “Take It Easy” from Aqua Heroes?
Thks very much to K2K and Trinity…..Very much appreciated
Comment 178… the third one is the one which has the part “I want to take it easy and sing this song for you”…
forensic heroes 2 subtheme (waiting for you) by charmaine sheh: http://www.zshare.net/audio/16393135a945b2a2/
Does anyone knows or have the song that is being played in episode one of Moonlight Resonance when they are showing the flashback starting from 1979 onwards? The songs are pretty old and I would really appreciate if anyone has them and can either post it online or send it to me at faithict@yahoo.com Thank you so much…:)
Reply from KTVB:
Here’s two of them:
Faye Wong: 容易å—傷的女人
Jacky Cheung: 來來回回
thank you BOL for posting A Pillow Case of Mystery for me
Does anyone have Dressage to Win theme song sing by Phoenix Yeung & Iris Wu in full version ???
To Trinity,
Thanku 4 the Glittering Days subtheme! I just realised the subtheme was in the download section on this website XD
I reckon it sounds better thn the opening theme.
Once again THANKYOU!
Reply from Trinty : to Chris ur welcome if u want any song just tell me i will find it for u ok ^_^
does anyone have the themesong and the sub song from War and Beauty?
War and Beauty (Sub)
War and Beauty (Main)
From Trinity
to mandy i have subtheme song for forensic heroes sing by charmaine sheh waiting for you but i dont no how many second in there just download it
to Json here is ur song for Dressage to Win themesong sing by Phoenix Yeung & Iris Wu
to Hamish i have subtheme song for forensic heroes sing by charmaine sheh but i dont no how many second if she sing just download it
thank you tiara for posting war and beauty songs for me!
Ladies & gentlemen, just kidding, everybody, here’s Linda’s song, counting down 12 days until her album releases: http://sharebee.com/67c1d541
Hi guys
I have a lot of TVB theme songs, I like collecting them, so if anyone is looking for any TVBs themes, you can contact me here and I will be very happy to show it with you and send it to your email address, so note down your address for me.
chung: My email is: chunglindatvb@gmail.com
Mandy: theresa me to me i oso want them plz. Thz.
My e mail is mandy_chak@hotmail.com
Leon: my awsome email is http://www.leon.com.au@hotmail.com
I’m curious if you have the song from the series Dressage of Win. It’s a 9 esp. series from tvb. I was wondering if you have the theme and sub theme.
Reply from KTVB:
hey… i have Yesterday Once more by the Carpenters and Dreams by Anita Mui, anyone looking for these songs dont need to look any further… but i’ll have to upload them at a later time since i’m busy at the moment… but i’ll upload them asap sorry about the delay
Does anyone know where can I download the theme song of Glittering Days full? It doesn’t matter whether it is in mandarin or cantonese version as long as it is the opening song of the drama. If anyone has it pls share with me. Actually I found someplace that has it but it states that the file has expired so I can’t download it. Thks in advanced.
PS: I can’t use Megaupload
hi K, i cant seem to extract the ‘Truth midi’
please could you send it to me?
thanks ^^
To Rachel: I have ‘Truth’ as an MP3 version if you want that… it’s by Bernice Liu right?
TVB backgound instrumental songs are good
To Nicole,
I dont think I have that song, wot is the TVB film called or wot is it about?
Can you please upload again [Glittering Days] White Clouds Sky – Song Roger’s character sings for his mother… i am havin problem wif the link up tere..
N also do u have Glittering Days.. the one sang by Roger Kwok n Charmaine at the end…
hi theresa, im steve, if u can send me some chinese songs, it would be great then i can listen to it on my i pod. many thanks.
my email is futuresix@live.co.uk
hi everyone!, does anyone have the full sub theme song FH2. the song is called wait for you. please send it to my email.
thank u
does anyone have the creepy music that’s played in Forensic Heroes II? it’s some what operatic
Does anyone have the song “åƒæˆ‘這一種男人” by Louis Koo? It’s the subtheme song to At the Threshold of an Era 2. Can you send me the link? Thanks!
http://sharebee.com/7e5f429e – Anita Mui – Dreams
http://sharebee.com/2a97d937 – Yesterday Once MOre
æž—å³° – æ„›ä¸ç–š(MTV).MP4
美麗的神話 – æˆé¾.MP4
çŽ‹åŠ›å® – 大城å°æ„›.MP4
çŽ‹åŠ›å® – é¾çš„傳人.MP4
Hope everyone like it.
This mp4 can be watch on itune, ipod, you can use it as a mp3 song to form a cd.
Next, I will upload two songs for everybody:
1) Legend of the Demigods Music
2) Your Class Or Mine Themesong
I received some news from Hong Kong, not only Linda’s debut album is releasing on the 20th, but also the next TVB drama themesongs album will come out on the same day. The song list reveals:
01. Moonlight Resonance themesong – Kwan Kuk Ying, Susanna
02.The Seventh Day themesong – Cheng Kevin
03. Wars of In-Laws II themesong – Wang Ming Chun Liza, Fama
04. A Journey Called Life themesong – Ma Steven, Chung Linda
05. Steps themesong – Liu Bernice Jan
06. Healing Hands III subthemesong – Lam Bowie
07. Heart of Greed subthemesong – Lam Raymond, Chung Linda
08. The Building Blocks Of Life themesong – Lui Fong, David
09. Maidens’ Vow subthemesong – Sheh Charmaine
10. War and Destiny themesong – Wu Hang Yee, Myolie
11. Trimming Success themesong – Cheng Kevin
12. Into Thin Air themesong – Liu Bernice Jan
13. The Ultimate Crime Fighter subthemesong – Chan Ho, Moses
14. The Biter Bitten themesong – Yeung Sze Ki, Shirley
15. Maidens’ Vow themesong – Sheh Charmaine
16. Best Bet themesong – Chung Linda
17. Heart of Greed themesong – Kwan Kuk Ying, Susanna
There’s a big possibility that all the songs are full versions. If anybody wants updates and links on the songs (including Linda’s debut album’s), can give me a reply.
To chung: if that news is true, that’ll be pretty cool 😀
I’d love to get my hands on the full themesongs, especially for:
The Building Blocks Of Life themesong & The Ultimate Crime Fighter subthemesong since I have the full version for the rest anyway ^^;
Is everybody happy with the news that Legend of the Demigods is released earlier one week than HK? Besides that, I also knew that Last One Standing might be airing after Moonlight Resonance. But The Gem of Life might also be delayed until after Last One Standing.
I bet you do, KTVB. I can’t even wait myself too. But since I got the two songs you’ve mentioned if full on my mobile phone only, y’all just have to wait for the albums to release on the 20th. Counting down :6 days.
I will share the updates I get with y’all always. Lots more coming soon…
Here are the links to:
Legend of the Demigods: http://sharebee.com/831be609 (same as link provided above on the page)
Your Class Or Mine: http://sharebee.com/9e0d09f3 (TV Rip only)
ive just started making my own blog base on tvb drama songs and hk songs that i like for people to download.
Let me know by leaving a comment. just started yesterday.
Many thanks to ktvb for your help in theme songs, ive made a link from my blog to ur website.
guys take a look and let me know
hey… just wondering if u’ve got the piano theme tune, which is also in: When a Dog Loves a Cat – 當狗愛上貓; but is played during the scene in the drama.
I’ve got all the TVB songs that are listed in the album anywayz… but if anyone wants the Maiden’s Vow subtheme, I have it… and it’s really addictive… well i think it is anywayz… yeah… so i’ll upload it when I find the time…
Anyone has the theme songs from Glittering Days ??
1) 白雲天
2) 我的心裡沒有他
3) é™é™çš„ç¥å‹‰
i want to ask do anyone has the theme and sub theme song for Phoenix From The Ashes æµ´ç«é³³å‡°
hey anyone have the full theme of DRESSAGE TO WIN
Hey do you actually have raymond’s debut album?
Always read that you like raymond but don’t see you have his album. His album’s name is 愛在記憶ä¸æ‰¾ä½ and i think it was released around 2007 which is already quite long ago.
Do you have it?
Reply from KTVB: Yes I’ve bought Raymond’s debut album last year when it was released =) but decided not to make it available to download at the site in hope you can all support him by buying it =D
KTVB is right, we should support raymon. i like raymond lam songs so i brought his cd, and it wos well worth the money. 8 out of 10 songs is good.
hi Shantina here is ur song of Glittering Days (White Cloud Sky 白雲天)
hi steve here is ur song the building blocks of life (Short version TV Rip Only)
hi jenny here is ur dressage to win (24 seconds) theme song for you
Reply from KTVB: Hi Trinty, please only upload the songs requested. They have asked for full themsongs, not TV Rip ones, thanks.
I was wondering if any of you have (preferably all) the background music for When A Dog Loves A Cat, since it sounds really nice.
Hi everyone! This is my first time posting message here. Does anyone have the full sub-themesong of Life Made Simple by Roger Kwok and Jessica Hsuan? The version I have is only 1:21 long. Thanks in advance~ 🙂
To N-D: hey… i have the full version themesong for life made simple, but i didnt noe they had a subtheme song… anywayz… i do have the theme song if you wanted it…
http://sharebee.com/29e530a3 – maiden’s vow subtheme – Charmaine Sheh
i can’t wait to hear Trimming Success themesong – Cheng Kevin and The Biter Bitten themesong – Yeung Sze Ki, Shirley. Are they good? i forgot what they sounded like 😀
Hey, guys, here’s the link to Your Class Or Mine (CD Verison): http://sharebee.com/d7422a6e
Countdown until tomorrow for 2 albums! Are y’all waiting for this moment? I’m nervous myself. But still, the same thing, I will bring in updates here. Wait for the news!
Hello KTVB,
I just realized that you had posted 2 of the old songs that are played in the Moonlight Resonance in comment 760. I really like those 2 songs. I am wondering if you have more of the old songs that were played in the rest of Moonlight Resonance or if you know the title? thank you so much KTVB for uploading them/
Hello Chung,
sure, i will wait for you to update the news….
Actually, there’s another song from Moonlight Resonance that I recognize. That song was sung by Sam Hui. I have the song with me. If you want it, I can upload it later.
And to all fans of TVB:
I will give y’all a quiz about each part of any series from 2005 until present. Even if y’all answer the questions right or wrong, I will send up the links of the TVB themesongs album for y’all.
Hope y’all will boost up for this!
Reply from KTVB: I appreciate your time in sharing the themesongs you have with us, but keep in mind this is the downloads page so your quiz questions and answers discussion will be inappropriate to be posted here.
TO chRis, Trimming success has been uploaded up there on comment 133
Comment 704 is the themesong for Biter Bitten
Thanku 4 finding it for me. 🙂 Sorry about my stupidity for not looking for it on this page …
Next, the first album I will upload here: Linda’s debut album tracks. All 10 tracks from her album. Hope y’all enjoy her first album!
Here’s all the links to Linda’s debut album tracks:
01. 一人晚é¤: http://sharebee.com/ffd8b0cc
02. 二人世界: http://sharebee.com/b0fd6f87
03. 我ä¸æ‡‚ä½ : http://sharebee.com/647cbcfd
04. ç«æŸ´å¤©å ‚: http://sharebee.com/31abb769
05. éŽå±±è»Š: http://sharebee.com/fd7deec4
06. 其實我ä¸å¿«æ¨‚: http://sharebee.com/9a47c547
07. 浪漫無è²: http://sharebee.com/2a06c5ff
08. 有沒有她: http://sharebee.com/fd052948
09. ä½ ä¸æ‡‚我的心 (國語): http://sharebee.com/8a30d137
10. 我ä¸å¿«æ¨‚ (國語): http://sharebee.com/0ecd7cd6
Hope y’all enjoy her songs!
OK then. Here are her two official theme song music videos for her album:
一人晚é¤: http://sharebee.com/c0315a9d
二人世界: http://sharebee.com/25fddf0d
If y’all have Media Player Classic, can watch it, because it is in mp4 format, but can be converted into other formats.
**Purchase your own official CD here
Thank you Trinty for the song…
hi chung, thanks for uploading the songs, they are really nice. looks like she has improved her singing overall. i must say and her acting in most films has certainly gone up.
i just wondering if u have this song?
彩雲國物語 – é¾å˜‰æ¬£, i found this link.
if u cant find it, then never mind
hi have it but its just as rip, its call Saiunkoku Monogatari i think
heres the link: http://www.zshare.net/audio/17424822069f0cc4/
i’m looking for this song: 說天說地說空虛 (TVB series was Secret of the Heart). If anyone has it, please post it, thanks. much apprciated.
Hey… does anyone have ths song in Moonlight Resonance it’s an old song it’s the one where JO Bao dance to in his silly mask to make Fala happy again
@824 BOL: Here’s the link to that song..
If anyone has the song regarding message #821, please post link 🙂 thanks~~
Do anyone have the english song that Raymond sing in Heart of greed. The Vincent song.
To Kaliana: Sorry, but would you be able to upload it onto another sharing program? coz i can’t use Megaupload… sorry for the inconvenience… thanks
http://sharebee.com/34706cbd – Vincent by Don McLean – song from Heart Of Greed
is this the song you’re looking for?
i’m also looking for that english song in MR that kaliana and XSIMPLICITY are looking for. if anyone has that song or knows the title, please post up! thanks (:
For Moonlight Resonance OSTs, click here
Here are a list of some Insert Songs from Moonlight Resonance: (Credits to AEU)
Episode 01: Jacky Cheung: 來來回回 || [Credit: Joanniie]
Note: Played in episode 01 during the parts of when Ah Ho (Raymond Lam) & Yue So Chau (Linda Chung) were kids
Episode 01: Faye Wong: 容易å—傷的女人 || [Credit: Joanniie]
Note: Played in episode 01 during the parts of the 1995 Mid-Autumn Festival
Episode 01: Michael Hui: 浪åå¿ƒè² || [Credit: appleyoung]
Note: Played in episode 01 when Shirley Yeung appeared
Episode 03: Leo Ku: æ„›å¾—å¤ªé² [Credit: TVB Hotspot]
Note: Played in Episode 03, The song Moses (Ah Ka) sang during karaoke
Episode 03: Jacky Cheung & Tong Po Yue: 相æ€é¢¨é›¨ä¸ [Credit: TVB HotSpot]
Note: Played in Episode 03, The song Moses (Ah Ka) sang during karaoke
Episode 03: Leslie Cheung: 當年情 [Credit: aZnangel]
Note: During the flashback (1995) when Lee Heung Kam (grandmother) was hospitalized
Episode 05: Ronald Cheng: 三生有幸 [Credit: aZnangel]
Note: Ah Yuet (Tavia Yeung) boyfriend played by Eric Li sang this song to her
Episode 06: Janice M. Vidal: My Eyes Don’t Lie [Credit: aZnangel]
Note: Linda (Yue So Chau) sang this song during karaoke
Episode 06: Boney M.: One Way Ticket [Credit: aZnangel]
Note: The Kids sang this song during Sa Yee (Susanna Kwan) Farewell dinner
Episode 07: “Romance of Phoenix Chamber” (凤é˜æ©ä»‡æœªäº†æƒ…)
Note: Ah Chau (Linda Chung) and Ah Ho (Raymond Lam) sang this Chinese Opera song at the Retirement Home
Episode 10: Roman Tam: æ¿€å…‰ä¸ [Credit:appleyoung]
Note: Jo Bao (Ha Yu) was singing this song
Episode 10: George Lam: å分å二寸 [Credit: appleyoung]
Episode 11: “Band Member” (RIPPED)
Note: The Kids sang this to Chung jai (Vincent) to cheer him up.
Episode 13: Alvin Kwok: 梦ä¸è§ [Credit: appleyoung]
Note: When Raymond was as Linda’s house and went into her room
Episode 14: George Lam: 分分钟需è¦ä½ [Credit: melibu @ AF forum]
Note: Cheer Up song for Fala Chen
Episode 16: “The Best Sister in the World” (世上åªæœ‰å§å§å¥½)
Note: Song to Hor Ma on her birthday party
Episode 17: 仕苯äºå¤§å…„
Note: Song that Ah Ka sang during Sa Yi (Susanna) was introducing her daughter Ka Mei (Kate Tsui) as a Tomboy
Episode 18: Richie Ren: 心太软 [Credit: aZnangel]
Note: The mandarin song that Raymond and Linda were singing in the car.
Episode 18: Julian Cheung & Maple Hui: “Modern Love Story” (ç¾ä»£æ„›æƒ…故事) [Credit: aZnangel]
Note: Raymond and Linda sang this song at the Karaoke.
Episode 18: Julian Cheung: “Wish You Well” (ç¥å›å¥½) [Return of the Cuckoo Theme Song]
Kelvin (Dexter Young) was with his mom buying suitcases, he texted Ah Hing (Fala Chen) that he’s leaving, she drew a picture.
English Sub 1 (Note: Ah Ho Invites Ah Chau to see girlfriend (ep9), Bosco Holds onto Linda’s hand (ep18), young Ah Ho tests young Ah Chau’s eyes (ep15) – TV-Rip Only
English Sub 2: Raymond and Tracy’s breakup song (TV-Rip Only)
Ringtone (Rips)
Episode 13: Moses Chan’s Ringtone “Explain Explain Explain!” (Gai Sik Gai Sik Gai Sik)
Note: Moses recorded Tavia’s boss Astrid Chan’s yelling through the phone and made it his ringtone
Episode 17: Astrid Chan (Lai Jie)’s Ringtone: æ¸å‹¤å˜æ¸å…œ
Note: This is Astrid’s ringtone played in episode 17
thanks for posting all the songs up ktvb…
if i ever come across that song.. I’ll post it up here as well.. once again thanks for sharing!
hey ktvb. do you have the link for moses chan’s – put me to death the cd version? cause when i clicked on the link you provided us with brought me to my quick time player and the song just played but i couldn’t download it or anything. thank yoou.
Reply from KTVB: Your solution is in the Frequently Asked Questions Number 7 (above). Have a read =) It should work! Let me know if it doesn’t 😉
Hey…would someone be able to upload this song onto another sharing site? coz it’s on megaupload… thanks in advance
>>> Episode 07: “Romance of Phoenix Chamber†(凤é˜æ©ä»‡æœªäº†æƒ…)
Note: Ah Chau (Linda Chung) and Ah Ho (Raymond Lam) sang this Chinese Opera song at the Retirement Home
To mk: that’s so much for uploading that song onto sharebee for be… greatly appreciated ^^
to ktv
thanks for your music
can someone upload Leo Ku: Love Too Late 愛得太é²
Reply from Kate:
To Jenny ihav dl link for Leo Ku’s Love Too Late 愛得太é²
ihope it work n_n
Reply from Jenny:
Hi K for TVB,
Long time reader, first time poster 😉 I’m leaving the country tomorrow and i’d love to have Charmaine and Roger’s song from Glittering Days. I believe it is the one in cantonese 🙂
If anyone else can send it to me, here’s my email: charxyeung@gmail.com
To Sherry, (Comment 771)
for the glittering days theme, i managed to get the mando, canto and the one where the three sing together. If you want the songs, you could give me your email. 🙂
To Chris,
Thks alot…..I really wanted it….Juz wanna ask whether the songs are in full? My email is
sherrymiyanoshiho@hotmail.com. Thks once again…..
Dear KTVB,
May you pls upload back the Richie Ren’s song and Michael Hui’s song in the comment 824? The link seems to have problems preventing me from downloading….
Thks in advanced……
Canto (Liza Wang) Short
Mando (Liza Wang) Short
Mando (Liza Wang, Susanna Kwan, and Carol’s mum) Full (the one they sing near the end)
they are all mp3
which one do you want? 🙂
Anyone know wat is the title of the song when Moses playing the Saxophone when in æºå¿ƒé£Žæš´[Heart of Greed] Ep 16 & Ep38? If you have the song upload here..thanks
To Chris
I would like to have the mandarin full and the cantonese short one……..
Thks a lot….
to Chris
i would all of dem thanks
I have stacks of TVB songs from the 80’s til now. Email me for what song u’re looking for. See if I can help u. Anyway, K thanks for the songs!
I was wondering if anyone has the full theme song of one of the 1989 series call THE FINAL COMBAT. It is sung by Lui Fong. The song is really hard to find and I really hope someone can post it up. Thanks
The song title for the series THE FINAL COMBAT(è“‹ä¸–è±ªä¿ ) is called ç„¡åå°å’ by å‘‚æ–¹.
Does anyone have 朱å¤åŠ›èˆ‡é›²å‘¢æ‹¿ chocolate and vanilla
by Bernice Liu and Myolie Wu in mp3 or wma
To pt:
Raymond Lam Searching For You In Memory
1. 愛在記憶ä¸æ‰¾ä½ http://www.mediafire.com/?88syyneqcnc
2. 朋å‹, è«‹ä¸è¦å‚·æ‚² http://www.mediafire.com/?ixabs2cgyd2
3. 赤地轉機 http://www.mediafire.com/?tungwojirqy
4. ä½ ä¸¦ä¸å¤å–® http://www.mediafire.com/?nj8jdamnzi1
5. 原罪 http://www.mediafire.com/?6vvait1ctr7
6. 真的å“了 http://www.mediafire.com/?fqxpk2nitot
7. 潑墨桃花 http://www.mediafire.com/?jflrcvnmhmk
8 一次一次一次 http://www.mediafire.com/?ep5zu2uncrz
9. å話 http://www.mediafire.com/?7bhinxfvtcf
10. 自己ä¿é‡http://www.mediafire.com/?upw45dmgmvf
Reply from Kate:
Password is dreamstar
**You can Purchase Raymond’s debut album here.
Does anyone have the song “åƒæˆ‘這一種男人†by Louis Koo? It’s the subtheme song to At the Threshold of an Era 2. Can you post the link? Thanks!
To Chris….
Thks alot…….
can someone upload “Angels call” sub theme?
To Chris,
Thank you.
Hey, guys. Actually, I have the full music for Tai Chi. And a few days ago, I received the original version of Your Class Or Mine themesong.
Here are the links:
Tai Chi: http://sharebee.com/7666c4d4
Your Class Or Mine: http://sharebee.com/273cab73
Additional news: The Gem Of Life will be airing at this date: 20-10-2008. Do y’all think that Linda’s popularity has been raising a lot this year? In fact, her new role, LAI SIN-YUE in “Good Dogs On The Beat” will be a challenge to her. Her role will be having a “cat and dog” relationship with CHOW YUNG-KUNG (Ma Steven) Kent will be taking the role as her father. And, she announced that when she had finished filming it, she will be leaving HK with her family to Cuba. Who knows when will she return?
thanx kate
Does anyone knows the english song played in ep 20 of moonlight resonance?
It would be greatly appreciated if anyone could send to my email – coolkidahs@gmail.com.
Thanks loads~
[TO ChRiS]
Hi ChRiS, I knew from your previous comment that you have the 3 songs from Glittering Days. Can you send me all the 3 songs to my email too? potato_head88@yahoo.com
[TO BOL – Comment No. 799]
Hi BOL, thanks for replying. I do have the full version of the themesong. Regarding the themesong, yup, they do have a subthemesong by Roger and Jessica too. I managed to find the full version a few days ago. 🙂
it seems tat comments 873
joce Says:
August 27th, 2008 at 7:45 pm
Anyone know wat is the title of the song when Moses playing the Saxophone when in æºå¿ƒé£Žæš´[Heart of Greed] Ep 16 & Ep38? If you have the song upload here..thanks
May i know wat is the the title of the song too?
To joce
I think you mean the song by 葉倩文 called ç¥ç¦ ?
Here is the original song by Sally Yip: http://www.zshare.net/audio/42251496420550/
to Kathy
ihav the song but ican’t find the link anymore if you want the song leave your email i’ll end the song to you…
i m not sure of the title..as i don’t understand cantonese..anyway thanks for sharing the song..
Anyone The Academy[å¦è¦é›„心] theme song sing by Rico Kwok, Zac Kao, Ron Ng, & Sky..the title of the song is 勇者..between i can’t use megaupload as i m from singapore..
To eigna
The Academy:
hey does anyone have the theme song of “ANGELS CALL” sung by hacken lee?
anyone who likes hins cheung, or linda chung album, visit theresahkmusic.blogspot or if you are looking for mtv download of tvb themesongs, go there. everyone welcome, just renenber to leave a comment
woah. at last,i’ve found a website about tvb series/drama. I’ve been searching high and low for such websites. thanks. actually,i have a request. can anyone like recommend me websites that i can download cantonese/mandarin songs? If possible,please give me websites that are in english because i cant read chinese. ^^. Thanks again.
[To chung]
thanks heaps, i was looking all over for it.
thank you again.
Support Raymond Lam new song..don’t upload here if you have the song, Support Him..
Message from K
When Raymond Lam’s new CD [Your Love] is released; Please DO NOT request or post up download links to the songs (or they will simply be deleted). Please support Raymond Lam by purchasing the album instead =] It is already out for pre-ordering!
Secondly, there has been numerous requests for the English Sub Themesong from Moonlight Resonance which starts with “Talk to me, you speak with me..” The song can be found here.
hey if anyone wants the song Chocolate And Vanilla by Bernice and Myolie
Anyone have the full theme song of The Academy[å¦è¦é›„心] sing by Rico Kwok, Zac Kao, Ron Ng, & Sky..the title of the song is 勇者..between i can’t use megaupload as i m from singapore..
Does anyone have the song played in Moonlight Resonance episode 26 when they went for family outing? Pls share it here if you do..thanks!!!
http://sharebee.com/68a2bcd3 – Themesong of ‘The Academy’
Dear Chris and anyone,
Hi. Is there anyone out there who has all the songs in The Glittering Days?
The Dream Garden, sung by Roger
All the songs sung by Charmaine
Zhu Mimi’s Duet – Hong Kong has many girls….(a classic Mandarin hit)
And if possible, all the songs found in The Glittering Days?
Thanks. I really appreaciate that. My e mail is kevinlim2000@hotmail.com
thanks BOL for the Themesong of ‘The Academy’
Hi, I have been readin your post, i want to no the song that 阿紅 and jo ba sing on their wedding in ep 27
thank you
Hello, I just found this site and I was wondering if anyone have or know the title of the english song in Wars of the InlawsII when CC proposes to Co Co in the last episode(the T-shirt) part? If anyone knows please tell me because I’ve been looking for a long time. Thank you <3! :]
Email: temptation_my.lure@yahoo.com
Hello, I think your website is fantastic. Thanks for sharing everything and anything TVB. I would like to ask for Bosco’s Ringtone in “The Seventh Day”.
Also, by any chance, does anyone have Joey Yung’s “Heart Fade” ?
My email is xinying7@yahoo.com
Thanks again!
to xyz: i sent you an email. hope that it would help 🙂
hi, what was bosco’s ringtone in the seventh day again?
could you post me a link to where i can download it?
Thx for all comment.I like it!
To KTVB and her followers:
Another Moonlight Resonance English insert song: My Eyes Don’t Lie
Another Moonlight Resonance insert song: 分分钟需è¦ä½ (Needing you every minute)- Fala’s song
Dear k-tvb
Do you know if you can find the song that jo ba and hung sing for there wedding song in moonlight resonance. If you do find it, please upload it for me. Thanks.
Hi! I`m Ashley . I like your Legend of the demigods song (Swear) I really love it i am watching the series.Thanks for giving me the downloads. I really love Linda Chung !!!!She sings her voice is very nice.
Hi, anyone wan the full version of dreams by jackie cho without the background sound….
anyone have the sub-theme song of ‘The Academy’ the singer is Zac Kao (高皓æ£) and another female singer..if you have upload here thanks..abt another singer name is å½å˜‰ä¸½..the academy
Hello KTVB!! May i ask yew is there a full version of Face to Fate by Raymond Lam?? i’ve been searching it everywhere but i just cant find it, can yew pls give me a hand??? can yew help me find it? pls…
And thanks for all your songs……….=]
Reply from KTVB: Nope! I can’t find it anywhere..
Raymonds new album is really good. 9/10.
Downloaded it the other day, cant stop listening to it.
hello..i know this is sort of unrelated to what had been asking in this area, but i am wondering if anyone knows about how to create animation like what Fala did to Dexter when they were separated by Dexter’s mum (I forget which episode it is). thank you! If this is not a good place to ask, I am sorry, K TVB and you may remove my comment from here. Thank you!
Reply from KTVB: It’s a flash animation so you’ll need a program that does that, like Macromedia Flash. you’ll have to do all those drawings yourself of course XD
Thanks KTVB for all the themes !! One of the websites I visit everyday 🙂
Just wanted to ask if anyone has the Under the Canopy of Love theme by Kevin & Niki ?
Yo, do you have the piano sheet for Bosco & Myolie – Thankful for meeting you?
If you do can you send it me? I really need it!
Dear K-tvb
Can you reupload strike at heart full themesong. The site above does not work. Thanks for your help.
Once you get to moonlight chapter 27, do you know the singer to the song of ah hung and jo ba sing at the wedding. I actually think it is a very meaningful song and would like link to it. Congradulation on your second anniversary. Will always support your awesome site. Thanks for creating it.
Anyone got the song 高皓æ£/å½å˜‰ä¸½ – ä¸è¯¦ï¼ˆTVB剧集《å¦è¦é›„心》片尾曲)???
http://sharebee.com/3f75e304 – under the canopy of love – themesong by Niki and Kevin
Is this the song you’re looking for:
If that is the correct song, Iet me know and I’ll upload the full version.
@kenzzz: can you please upload the ‘Dreams’ song on mediafire, sendspace, or another file sharing site for us to download?
and can someone research and upload this one other english insert song used in Moonlight in Bosco’s and Claire’s scene, it’s around episode 31 or 32 or somewhere near there.
Hey, guys! Have y’all got the news about Last One Standing? I will upload the theme music later. Adding The Four themesong (rip).
Here is the link to Last One Standing (rip): http://sharebee.com/7a679853
Because it’s not full, so I edited it into a 2nd verse to make it a little longer.
Thanks KTVB for this awesome site. I just happen to bump into this site a few days ago and love the info and TVB themes you provide. Appreciate your effort.
I have been trying to download the theme song from “the drive of life” from sharebee.com but the filename link is not clickable. Can anyone enlighten me? Tks.
TO Kris, if you’re talking about the song ‘Dreams’ from Brink of Law, then K has uploaded it onto this page under the heading ‘English songs from TVB series’
To Solstice: There’s links up the top of the page for The Drive of Life, if they’re the links you’re saying dont work, I can upload them onto mediafire or some other sharing site for you
To BOL: Yes, I am referring to the links above. Mediafire is just fine. Have no problems downloading from there. Thanks so much.
Not only DOL, I can’t seem to download any theme songs from sharebee.com. Curious…
To Solstice: Make sure you left click the links in sharebee.com (and not right click to open in a new window). It will automatically open in a new window. Give that a try and let me know what happens =)
Here are the download links in sharebee (for DOL themesong)
@BOL: thanks for the reminder. I just wanted to ask kenzzz for his version since he said it’s the one without the background noise…
and to anyone interested in “The Four” theme song (ripped version), here’s the link
To Tiara:
tat is the theme song..anyway i have the song for the theme song already..
Anyway this is the song lyrics..
主唱:å½å®¶éº— 高皓æ£
女:這 個是å¦æ˜¯å¿ƒä¸çš„ä»–
  會赴湯 也蹈ç«
  也亦毫 ä¸æ•¢æ耗
åˆï¼šJust want feel your so
I want let you know
男:疲倦時感覺到 沒法一起
åˆï¼šJust want let…
To KTVB: Thanks for the instructions. Got it from zshare.net. Thanks so much for uploading it. Since Megaupload and Rapidshare does not work for Malaysia, my 2 other choices are Zshare & Sendspace. For themes posted a while back, there are often no longer available for download. I guess the problem was there.
does anyone have the 凌B急å£ä»¤ from MR?? i really like it so if any1 has it, could they send it to me tvb_princess@hotmail.co.uk thx
Hey, guys, I have a request, do any of u guys notice what background song it was, during bosco and linda separation at the airport, it’s an english song, if anyone knew, please upload the same here, i really like it, thanks first.
Does anyone still have the following theme songs:
– Where the legend begins sub 1 – Sung by Steven Ma
– Where the legend begins sub 2 – Priscilla Ku and Steven Ma
– Perish in the Name of Love: Full Themesong- Charmaine Sheh and Steven Ma
I know it was posted a while back but the links I can access have expired.
does any one have the song that is played when fala chen or a hing . from MR was crying and when it was her birthday ? it was a really good song
if anyone has it
please upload
thank you 😀
Reply from KTVB: That song has been played throughout Fala’s scenes:(Needing you every minute)- Geroge Lam
Hey, guys!Well here’s the clearer version for Last One Standing: http://sharebee.com/71c0924f
UPDATE: When Easterly Showers Fall In The Sunny West (November 27, just after The Four)
The Gem Of Life is still in place for release on October 20.
For the second TVB Programme Highlights that has just been released yesterday, includes these series:
Moonlight Resonance (40 eps):
When A Dog Loves A Cat (20 eps):
Your Class Or Mine (20 eps):
When Easterly Showers Fall In The Sunny West (30 eps):
Legend Of The Demigods (22 eps):
The Gem Of Life (80 eps):
The Greatness Of A Hero (20 eps):
Last One Standing (22 eps):
My recommendations will be:
Moonlight Resonance, Your Class Or Mine, Legend Of The Demigods (everybody knows why.)
When Easterly Showers Fall In The Sunny West (Joe and Charmaine for the third time, story of vengeful family affairs)
The Gem Of Life (cast of War and Beauty, added new cast in the series, story of modern affairs of life)
The Greatness Of A Hero (Kent Cheng with a large amount of cast, acting for a legendary story of the dark side of palace affairs)
Last One Standing (First time of Roger and Kevin, reveals the dark side of humanity.)
The newest news will be like this:
Since Moonlight Resonance has been receiving high ratings each week, the cast members from the series are fallen out to cast for two new upcoming-to-film series next month and November respectively.
Moses, Ha Yu, Myolie will be casting for a costume comedy drama for a role named Tong Pak Fu and Chau Heung. (October)
But Tavia, Linda, Bosco, and Susanna will be having a meeting for a period drama later on. (November)
Thanks for the information about the upcoming TVB series…:)
I am wondering if anyone knows the synopsis of The Gem of Life is out yet? Thank you!
hi, have you got the theme song of Side Beat? This is the series which is called å…¼è·è¦å¯Ÿ which was on TVB in 1999. I can’t find the theme song of it. It’s called 好心情 sang by Eason Chan. If you have it, can you send it to me please?
My email is: sushi_boy704@hotmail.com
Hey, do you know what the english song in Moonlight Resonance ep 32 is called? Its the scene where Linda looks for Bosco at the airport. thanks in advance!
I am also looking for this song. Does anyone know what is the name of the song?
anyone want the piano version of The MR subtheme by Raymond Lam?
Does anyone have the song from episode 26, when a ka and ka Mei is swiming?
anyone want the song that jo-ba and hong-yi sing on their wedding?
I only have the original singer 0ne, pls list ur email.
the full MR subtheme talk to me..
this site has lots of song related to MR or
just the clips/eps of MR
i’m not sure
it’s a long list
and i didn’t look through the whole thing yet
Hi also do you have that song where ain episode 3 where susana kwan and ha yu sang together during the dinner?
Dear k-tvb
Can you please send me the full themesong of strike at heart. My email is wahsien76@yahoo.com. I would like to get that song if possible. Thanks for sharing.
To all Raymond, Bernice and Linda fans:
Just want to share with you videos and pictures that I took when I was there. It was an awesome video. I took a video of Raymond singing Moonlight Resonance.
Check out it if you like
Here are the links to:
Last One Standing’s full music (CD quality): http://sharebee.com/d527c9a2
The Four (full version): http://sharebee.com/2ca5b18c
Reply from KTVB: Thanks for the songs Chung. The songs are now at the top of the page for download
does anyone have the song in Moonlight Resonance at the end of episode 40?
Anyone have the english song was played where Steven proposed to Bernice in “Steps” it’s duet one? THanks:*)
Hey, does anyone have the link for the theme of ‘The White Flame’ sung by Miriam Yeung ?.
if anyone does, can they please post the link. thanks.
does anyone have all the songs from moonlight resonance episodes 1-40, please someone upload them here or either send them through my email. i really look forward to hearing them.
my email is futuresix@live.co.uk
many thanks
To Miss Rice:
Comment 541 has the song you want “The White Flame” By Miriam Yeung.
I would like to ask where i can download, the message ringtone 管家仔 had when he sand message to äºŽç´ ç§‹ in moonlight resonance
if can find it can u send it to my email!!
any1 can post the link for GREED MASK (full CD version)…thanx ^^
Here is the link of Greed Mask: http://sharebee.com/55b0a6cb
And to KTVB:
I can see that the last TVB themesongs album has two songs that are not uploaded. Definitely I don’t has Liza’s The Last Empress. Here are the links to:
Misleading Track: http://sharebee.com/faf0a805
Men In Pain (sub): http://sharebee.com/a75268ad
Reply from KTBVB: Thakks Chung 🙂
As to all fans of TVB in this forum, thanks for supporting my dedications to all. I will be back!
And here is Raymond’s Tai Chi Subtheme (CD Ver): http://sharebee.com/b6dfa517
Thanks for letting me know K2K !
Does anyone know any good sites to get the sheet music for tvb theme songs ?
To Solstice – Comment 706 has the sharebee links to the ‘Where the legen begins’ songs and if you cant access those i can upload it to mediafire for you (if mediafire works for you)
ps which sharing site can you access? so i can upload persi h in the name of love onto that site for you
i was wondering that anybody have the sub theme for “happy ever after”?
i think that it was by nnadia chan.
if you have it, please send it to me.
To: all that has requested the songs from me.
I hace sent out your request.
Pls check your emails, those didn’t received it pl post ur email again. Enjoy!!!
To Kenzz,
can you please send me Ray’s Subthemesong in piano version from MR, too??
email is
To Kenzzz,
do u have the song from academy in the scene that Michelle & Micheal run together
in episode 6 ? this song is english song
if u don’t have its nvm
anyway thank you very much
i had resolve the problem. i can dl the file now..TQ for the link ^^ CHEERS ^^
Does anyone have the full version of the main theme for the tvb drama ‘ Placebo Cure’sang by Hacken Lee,thanks in advance.
Can anyone send me the strike of heart full themesong sung by nadia. My email is wahsien76@yahoo.com. Thanks
hi kenzzz can you send me Mr subtheme piano version please thanks My email is futuresix@live.co.uk
and to everyone: who has all the songs on MR from episodes 1-40, i cant find most of it.
please someone give me a reply.
Hi K for TVB,
Do you have the theme song from the series “A Herbalist Affair/情牵百å柜“ sung by Andy Hui and Flora Chan? Also the song from Glittering days “我的心里åªæœ‰ä½ 没有他“sung by Charmaine S? If so, could you please send it to my mailbox? thanks much!
Anyone here acquired the CD quality version of ‘The Four’ main theme .. ?
Thanks Kenzz for sharing JoBao/Ah Hong’s Wedding song in MR. I’ve uploaded it here to save some work from Kenzz in emailing them all out 🙂
The link to the piano version to MR Sub is at the top of the page.
off topic….does anyone know where i can find this old duet song æµåˆ©æ‰€æ„› sang by Vivian Lai and Chris Wong, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xcdBAAzxhk
Miriam Yeung and Edmond Leung – Leave
Thank you so much.
Hi K … any idea where i can get the full sub theme song of forensic heroes 2 ? by Charmaine Sheh >.< ?
appreciated if can help ^^
If anybody wants the songs that are not available on the net, I think I need an audio expert to extract the songs from my phone.
And there’s a problem with the link of Last One Standing. Change to this link: http://sharebee.com/a5c0691b
Songs not available on the net:
Every song here is in full.
Word Twisters’ Adventures themesong – CHAN SIU CHUN, JORDAN
Face To Fate themesong – LAM, RAYMOND
Life Made Simple subtheme – KWOK CHUN ON, HSUAN JESSICA HESTER
The Seventh Day subtheme – CHENG KEVIN, CHOW LAI KI NIKI
Forensic Heroes II subtheme – SHEH CHARMAINE
Maybe I can upload these songs, but I can’t extract from my phone, and I think I need some help about this.
Here’s the link to The Four (CD Ver): http://sharebee.com/3595f816
Here are the two songs you are looking for:
Long time no see-Chris Wong
Leave-Miriam Yeung Edmond Leung
Anybody interested in Jay Chou, Justin Lo, Michael Wong and Miriam Yeung new albums, I have it up on my website
Thanks Tiara for the two songs….i love it sooo much 😉
hey KTVB can you please tell me where i can get the sheet music for piano for Heart of Greed- Ice cream please. thankyou
does anyone have the full version of the war of the inlaws II’s subtheme by bosco and myolie?
[To Chung]
Hi Chung. U mean u’ve downloaded all the songs into your phone? Or you just can listen it through WAP? This is because the other day, I managed to download the full sub themesong for Life Made Simple too through Astro WAP and I actually get to store it in my Music Player’s library in my phone and send it to the computer using the bluetooth function.
does anyone have the FULL chocolate and vanilla by bernice liu and myolie wu?
Dear Ktvb
Can you email me the strike at heart full themesong. The link above expired. My email is wahsien76@yahoo.com. Thanks for sharing.
Dear KTVB,
i’ve listened to ur Moonlight Resonance (Piano Version) by Raymond Lam. Its really great! Is it played by you? Where can i get the sheet music? I really want to play this song. Thanks…
do u haf the theme song of: POINT OF NO RETURN (chilam cheung)
to katy: ihav the song and ithink it’s the full one (not sure about it) but if you want the song just leave your email i’ll send asap
The Return Of The Condor Heroes (Andy Lau TVB TV Series) 1983 theme song – this is kinda rare, but i’ve been looking for this classic song for some time now, wondering if one has a link to this.
Does anyone one have these songs: A Bright Future(å‰ç¨‹éŒ¦ç¹¡) by andy hui, think its called Glow (零时零分) by Joey Yung and (åå¹´åŽçš„ä½ ) by Patrick Tang ?
ok kate
my e-mail: lomansion@hotmail.com
You really managed to do that? I’m really surprised! Do you think you could try any ways to make the song into mp3 and upload it?
Well actually N-D, after I downloaded the songs, I could just listen on my phone. But until now, there’s not even any kind of technology of converting these songs.
I recommend you the subtheme of Forensic Heroes II by Charmaine. As everybody knows, The incident between episodes 4-8 has given me lots of complaints from many fans. Because of the incident, fans overseas once liked the storyline of the first part, but until the second part… Y’all know what has happened to the two. Forensic Heroes will not have another part because of the complaints of losing one of the leads of the series. In addition to that, I will let you hear this song too. This song represents the relationship of the two. When Linda was gone, the net was talking about this song: http://sharebee.com/90eafeda
Hope you like it!
excuse me, i want to ask that can any1 get the link to download the piano version themesong(實情) in the drama”Into Thin Air”(人間蒸發)? If can, can send the song or the link to me through email? My email address is LeeHang_92@hotmail.com
Thank you very much XD…
Charmaine’s song mostly made me recall the incident. Even I did not watch even one episode of Forensic Heroes II because of it.
hi everyone, can someone upload all the songs from MR starting from episodes 1-40 please, i really like someone to send it to my email or upload it onto this page.
also send me the MR piano version, i would like to play it.
my email is futuresix@live.co.uk
thank you
To BOL – Thanks. Manage to get the “Legend Begins” and “Perish in the name of love” songs from the links above.
hi, do anyone has all the songs in glittering days. Could you send it to my email munyee1094@yahoo.com
Do anyone have Charmaine Sheh Forensic Heroes 2 insert song, waiting for you ç‰ä½ . If can you plz upload it here or send it to my e-mail at mandy_chak@hotmail.com.
Anyone waiting for The Gem Of Life to release 3 weeks later? But before the series release, here is a little something for me to share with y’all. Guess what?
(The Gem Of Life themesong – TV Ver)
Hope y’all enjoy the song.
hey chung is it the gem of life song
I guess I will supply you some of the songs I had with me to fill up this page. Those include:
Theme music:
Full themesongs and subthemes:
A Handful of Love theme: http://sharebee.com/24de4e4f
Always Ready subtheme: http://sharebee.com/c95694cc
Bar Bender theme: http://sharebee.com/9c665106
Find the Light theme: http://sharebee.com/d7b7d4b9
Some are definitely my favorite picks. Hope this site will have the largest TVB song collection.
I guess I will supply you some of the songs I had with me to fill up this page. Those include:
Theme music:
Best Selling Secrets music (2007): http://sharebee.com/86713c4e
La Femme Desperado music (2006): http://sharebee.com/c0f091d3
Life Begins At Forty music (2003): http://sharebee.com/2af34ba5
Men In Pain music (2006): http://sharebee.com/9da53cca
Split Second music (2004): http://sharebee.com/673d9bad
The Ultimate Crime Fighter music (2007): http://sharebee.com/b2b986c4
Full themesongs and subthemes:
A Handful of Love theme (2004): http://sharebee.com/24de4e4f
Always Ready subtheme (2005): http://sharebee.com/c95694cc
Bar Bender theme (2006): http://sharebee.com/9c665106
Find the Light theme (2003): http://sharebee.com/d7b7d4b9
Golden Faith theme (2002): http://sharebee.com/e3973fdc
Golden Faith subtheme (2002): http://sharebee.com/63528f85
Golden Faith 2nd subtheme (2002): http://sharebee.com/94e0a484
Good Against Evil theme (2001): http://sharebee.com/a5f7b723
Land Of Wealth subtheme (2006): http://sharebee.com/7b0057be
Men In Pain 2nd subtheme (2006): http://sharebee.com/c6937ed4
My Family theme (2005): http://sharebee.com/3e36b52e
Scavengers’ Paradise theme (2005): http://sharebee.com/b63a33a0
Seed Of Hope theme (2003): http://sharebee.com/22eb822a
Shades Of Truth theme (2004): http://sharebee.com/77921e36
Shine On You subtheme (2004): http://sharebee.com/6eb007fe
Take My Word For It subtheme (2002): http://sharebee.com/098f4517
The Gateau Affairs theme (2005): http://sharebee.com/1d08d062
The Gentle Crackdown theme (2005): http://sharebee.com/be462667
The Last Breakthrough theme (2004): http://sharebee.com/d2fd9017
Time Off subtheme (1999): http://sharebee.com/74ea38b1
To Catch The Uncatchable theme (2004): http://sharebee.com/e043e147
To Get Unstuck In Time (2004): http://sharebee.com/0d754ec3
Women On The Run theme (2005): http://sharebee.com/c5d824ec
Whoever are fans of Linda, can have these two songs:
Animaru YokochÅ: http://sharebee.com/d86fc441
Saiunkoku Monogatari: http://sharebee.com/57d3c14a
And there’s an English subthemesong I’ve uploaded in comment #943. (Forensic Heroes subtheme – If We Were Together)
Some are definitely my favorite picks. Hope this site will have the largest TVB song collection.
That is definitely The Gem Of Life sang by Shirley Kwan.
Wait for the full song to be released.
Well, I have given out The Gem Of Life’s themesong to y’all. Now, a question for y’all. WHEN EASTERLY SHOWERS FALL ON THE SUNNY WEST has a storyline of two brothers and a family of affairs. The big brother POON CHEUK HING (Ma Tak Chung, Joe) does his business using desperate ways, while the little brother POON CHEUK WAH (Wong Ho Yin, Raymond) does business legally. Eventually, the female lead YIP HEUNG CHING (Sheh Sze Man, Charmaine) has love affairs with the two, but at the end she goes with HING. But her mother-in-law CHONG FUNG YI (Wang Ming Chun, Liza) denies their relationship and always find ways to break them up. Besides these, the story was set in a periodic time in China. Something like a time of war and financial crisis. Who do y’all think should sing the theme for the series?
I have three suggestions:
A duet for Joe and Charmaine
Edwin Siu (singer and actor we all know. If who can’t recall, remember who’s the male lead of Aqua Heroes? He has returned to TVB this year, and this will be his comeback series. Hope to see him again.)
That is all I know. The whole synopsis will be out later.
ohh ok thx chung
Doomed To Oblivion full theme song http://sharebee.com/4bfad7db
Does anyone have Moses Chan’s famous medley? He sang it at the Toronto thing when he was there with Tavia.
Does anyone have the strike at heart full themesong sung by nadia chan and chris wong. Please send it to me, my email is wahsien76@yahoo.com. Thanks for sharing.
does anyone know where to get sheet music for theme song from TVBJ movies? does anyone have sheet music (piano) for icecream-linda chung.. please email me at x3.teddiesz@hotmail.com
I need to find this rythm . I keep looking for it but I nver find it. Please help me I am really apprieciated…
This is the link and the rythm I am lookingfor is at 9:00 : http://www.film4vn.us/online/Series/6/Truyentich3TN-OL-2-dl.html
hank you thank you very much
me wan find a song
the movie name is safe guards
i wan the themes song that singing by steven ma
can help me ?please mail to my address…..very very thank u
To angel lee
here is the link for safe guard theme song sung by steven ma
angel lee:
Here’s the link to Safe Guards: http://sharebee.com/1090a16f
angel lee:
Here’s the link: http://sharebee.com/48806552
Hey everybody! I’m back with some news. TVB might be releasing the next two series in December and February 2009. It is either these two series:
MAN IN CHARGE (20 eps)
Angel and Crystal :
This is the download link of safeguard.
Credit to http://www.tvb-connection.blogspot.com/
does anyone have the music in ‘last on standing’ when ah yin is thinking to act evil?
i know this show it long..but i like the theme song..the show is Detective Investigation Files Season 4,anyone have the theme song of this show..the title is 万里阳光,the singer is æ¢æ±‰æ–‡..
Here is the link: http://www.mediafire.com/?tn7304tw1qx/
Detective Investigation Files IV
angel lee here is ur safe guards http://sharebee.com/6356cbb1
wewah here ur strike at heart full themesong sung by nadia chan and chris wong http://sharebee.com/58fcf592
thanks chung..look like u got a lot of tvb song..
the song i want is at here [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLFQlwM3oqo&feature=related] and [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjlzdjZVCGw]
Does any of u guys have this song sang by Flora Chan – Satan and Angels: http://556504.myshoutbox.com/go/?u=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5tMvwWDJ_I
My pleasure for helping y’all. I’ll be back with something new later.
to eigna: I have the first song, I don’t know the title though, sorry.
I just wrote a tutorial on how to download/rip music from streaming sites, go there to learn how. It’ll save you a lot of time. 😀 Hope it helps!
hi can you please help me find the real version of war of in law 2 the song sang by myolie and vincent thank you soo much
wow. i spent the whole morning downloading these awesome theme songs from here. thanks to everyone. xoxo
do you have the FULL VERSION of the sub theme of forensic heroes 2? the one by charmaine sheh? sorry for being a hassle. i just love this song. would you pleaase send to my e-mail?
please & thanks.
@ Lia:
最難éŽä»Šå¤© by Myolie Wu and Vincent Wong
Lia here is ur song war of in law 2 by myolie and vincent http://sharebee.com/b92a2757
vivian here is ur song of forensic heroes 2 by charmaine sheh http://sharebee.com/6f8f7bde
sorry to bother evaone again but the version i recieve are both bootleg is there any way i can find the true cd version without the u bootleg thanks you soo much am sorry
hey anyone has the song in Heart Of Greed? The one dai bao sang at the karaoke one?
hi bellicose here ur heart of greed tat dai bao sang http://sharebee.com/db62ca77
thanks iciel for the song..i don’t know the title i found it at youtube coz got memories of michael n smammul at å¦è¦é›„心
hey, i’m searching for the sub songs of « perish in the name of love» so can you send me the song or post it ? thanks!!
hoa here ur perish in the name of love sub song but they have 2 so i giv u 2 sub song which one s rite http://sharebee.com/65f7aa04 http://sharebee.com/460354a2
lia here ur state of divinity music http://sharebee.com/720ed0f0
Hi, Can I get the themesongs for the Legend of the Condor Heroes 1982?
Can someone help me find the song to “state of divinity” and the short version of the song in Swordsman 2, it’s a movie with jet li in it thank you
here is a clip of how the song goes hope u can help me find it http://www.youtube.com/watchv=WVnv_ld2Vg8&feature=related
could someone help me find the english song in “love bond”
please help me find the song in “yen chi tuyet” the theme one thank you
the song is in Romantic Red Rouge could someone help me find it please thank you
shuyin here ur love bond english song http://sharebee.com/ea3a9f60 and shuyin i’m srry i cant find u a yen chi tuyet
i was wondering if anyone found the song to “swordsman 2” yet? please help me
can anybody help me find the sub song from happy ever after by nnadia chan? if can, please send it to my email : janiehong06@yahoo.com or you can post it here, i’ll check back. thank you
hi trinity the song u attach isn’t the right one the one i wanted from love bond is an english song and it’s a sub theme song thank you
hey guys. i’m new here, i just want to introduce this really cool site to you.
i came across that site when i was on myspace. omg, that site is amazing. it has all information about new released series, series that are still in filming, and even proposed series. downloads and such. even banners, wallpapers. news, photos, games. it’s really cool. i was just wanting to share the site with you all. if you want, you can add the site and trust me, you’ll love it.
p.s. wow, i sound so much like an advertiser. lol
can someone help me find the song to “thief of honour”
do anyone has the song 我的心裡沒有他 by roger kwok or charmaine sheh in glittering days
shuyin here ur love bond english song sub theme song
mun here ur glittering days by roger kwok is only subtheme http://sharebee.com/1a9b5106
Um…Hello. Um…Does anyone have the dream of colours theme song thanks a lot
Does any know where to download chinese piano music sheet like song by joey yung or kellt chen etc
if you do can u post the link here
Bethany here ur dream of colours theme song http://sharebee.com/b2ff74c5
To Pt
if you want piano sheets sign up in this website http://www.pianofiles.com/sheet. Theres heaps of music sheet here. Hopes it helps. =]
I was just wondering, could you re-upload TGC II, WOIL II themes again? I coudlnt dwl it. Would prefer if you upload to MF. Thanks uh! (:
idunno if there is someone who want nobody perfect/無人完美 by joyce cheng, it’s the ending theme by off pedder ihav the live version of that song:
Cheers, Kate
Hey, I’m Back again! Brought back some news. So, The Gem Of Life has released last night, but a bad news to some fans: Gigi has announced that she will leave showbiz and The Gem Of Life will be her last production in her 22 years working for TVB. Because of her brother’s accident, she has to take over the family business. About the series, Shirley Kwan has sang the themesong, but there are two or maybe three subthemes to the series:
1. Linda Chung
2. Bowie Lam & Gigi Lai
3. Joyce Cheng
And for When Easterly Showers Fall On The Sunny West, some of my guesses were right. The themesong was sang by Liza: http://sharebee.com/7783de57
and the subtheme was by Joe and Charmaine. I bet some some of you never heard Joe sing before. I once heard a song sang by him. It was a promotion song for Maidens’ Vow. Whoever wants to listen to it, reply me later.
tat so sad T.T for gigi not to filming anymore T.T y gigi brother have accident?? did gigi have a mom and dad tell them to take care of her brother…
hey… does anyone have the Themesong and Subtheme for Square Pegs? I know it’s posted up there… but it’s through torrent and i dont know how to download via that…
thanks in advance
hey anyone has bosco new song å…¨è§’åº¦çˆ±ä½ ? I heard he has just signed on as a singer too!
BOL i only find the themesong song of Square Pegs not Subtheme for Square Pegs srry about tat so here ur themesong for Square Pegs http://sharebee.com/18718643
BOL, I don’t think there’s a sub theme for Square Pegs.
Also fans, I just found the new song from the new series When the Easterly Showers Fall on the Sunny West by Liza Wang. Download it here:
Unfortunately, it’s a tv rip. Once I have the full version, I’ll re post it up.
Does anyone have the opening themesong (music) for The legend of Demigod?
I can only listen on youtube, but want to download onto my mp3
Thank you
Hi, I’ve been watching the drama and I noticed that alot of nice songs are played during the series. Does anyone know all the songs played in the series? Currently, I know 4 songs, but I know there are more, thanks in advance.
秋天ä¸å›žæ¥ -王强
æ²æœˆé¢¨é›² – Hacken Lee & Steve Zhou
愛在記憶ä¸æ‰¾ä½ – Raymond Lam
No Matter – Angel
æ²æœˆé¢¨é›² – Hacken Lee & Steve Zhou
愛在記憶ä¸æ‰¾ä½ – Raymond Lam
it at the top eatbig..
You can give me the youtube link for The legend of Demigod. i have a converter that converts youtube videos into songs. =)
The link to Legend Of The Demigods was on comment#784: http://sharebee.com/831be609
And to Bosco fans, on December this year, he will release his album.
Here is the link to Off Pedder’s full music: http://sharebee.com/38fce13c
Bellicose and Bosco’s Fans
I have Bosco’s new song “Fall In Love in Every Angle”
(全角度愛上)on my website
hey thanx so much for all these songs!!
Do anybody had the english song for the drama of Back to Square One please upload here or sent it to my mailbox
Hi, can I request the funny ringtone that Dak Dak Dei had in Heart of Greed? It’s the one where it says “everyone is looking for you…”
Pls email to me at xinying7@yahoo.com. Or upload a link so others may share.
Thanks alot!!
No problem, xyz! Here’s the link: http://sharebee.com/9e657460
Hey, guys! Here are the two songs for When Easterly Showers Fall On The Sunny West:
Theme = æ±ªæ˜Žèƒ – 愛在天邊: http://sharebee.com/b4a565dd
Subtheme = 佘詩曼&é¦¬å¾·é˜ – é™ªä½ å“也åªå¾—我: http://sharebee.com/9463fbb9
Reply from KTVB: Thanks for sharing Chung 🙂 Much Appreciated! The link has been added to the top now =]
To Chung
I want to Know, did u make the banner? , it looks really good!!
Not really. It was KTVB’s idea. I have no ideas in making banners.
To all those who are confused, this large and popular site is created and run by K of KTVB.net only. Other people who comment here are merely visitors who feel like sharing their music files.
Here’s the news:
On December 5th, the next series will be The Greatness Of A Hero. Who were part of this series can be referred at comment #889. The time slot for The Greatness Of A Hero is 8:30 pm.
I cant download songs…i mean some of it la..it everytime end up with it as a fiefox document.I tried the megaupload n the others..but still failed. Can you help me???
Reply from KTVB: Can you give me some examples o which songs work and which don’t work for you?
Most are either directly on the server, megaupload or sharebee files.
I’m having troubles uploading from sharebee – where do I click to download?!?
I’m trying to download the song by Bosco Wong from Dicey Business
Reply from KTVB: How to use Sharebee
Sharebee is basically a link to a page with 4 different alternate links you can download from.
Pick whichever you like and “left” click. it should work 🙂 Let me know if you have any other problems.
OR if you see a random advertisement page after clicking on the Sharebee link, go to the top and click “Skip this Ad”
buttercup if you have a hard time, you can give me your email and i can send it to you as an attachment.
does anyone know where i can download patrick tang’s songs?
Now I wanna request for The Legend Of Love full themesong. Does anyone have it? If there is, please post the uploaded link here, thank you.
Recently, I have received some news about a “Heart of Greed III” synopsis spreading around the net. And the synopsis, I have copied it to my system.
hello chung,
Please do post it here once you have the synopsis of Heart of Greed III….am really looking forward for it…wonder if the cast will still be the same??? Thank you!
do anyone know how to download the song When Easterly Showers Fall On The Sunny West Themesong* and sub Themesong* ??? please teach me by replying me using hotmail or just post a comment here. my hotmail is ts.xi.2828@hotmail.com thank you for those who help me. ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty
Actually, the synopsis to the so-called “Heart Of Greed III” was posted by a HOG fan on the net. The synopsis was just only made up. But about the story, I think I’m interested in looking through it. As for the cast, the synopsis stated the cast are the same as in Moonlight Resonance. Adding Eason Chan as one of the new characters.
Hi Chung
Found the song you want,
legend of love
Hey people you kno moonlight resonance the song ice-cream anyone got a link to download the song also anyone got the song no matter in steps. ^^ Thx. i got to go wrk most of the time so i can only listen to music on the ipod so thx
chung i go look very other website gem of life subtheme by linda is not have it when is have the song can u posted is up here. also i hope u post the heart of greed 3 synopsis up here thx thx thx
Jasmine Hang no matter song is not in the step is in The Building Blocks of Life so here ur no matter song http://sharebee.com/05d51f47 and ur moonlight resonance the song ice-cream http://sharebee.com/1b3baea0
Finally, Last One Standing has released a CD full version, and I have the link. The actual version has 1 min 30 sec: http://sharebee.com/bbd1895d
Thanks for helping, theresa! And to the other guys, I will post the synopsis as soon as possible.
Most definitely! I will post the link here when I have it.
Hi EveryOne I Ilke To Post Ending Subtheme Song Of Off Pedar For EveryOne Can Download It… http://sharebee.com/1307bd4e
Hi EVeryone, I know this is old and previously posted, but I was looking for song from old series of “Net Deception†which was acted by Wong Hei and Myolie Wu. I am looking for the song that was being played by Tifanny Lam in either piano or violin. Really appreciate it if someone have it and can send it to me. Thank you!
Email is mynameisbenly@ucla.edu
I finally found the theme song from Wars of In-laws III. Thanks heaps. Cheers
ECCY, Where did you find the Wars of In-law III?
does anyone have the song chocolate and vanilla FULL?
did u want the chocolate and vanill by bernice liu and myolie wu?
i have got it in mp3 so if u want it can i have your email add so i can send it to u
because i dint have the link!
ECCY can u plz post the song of war of in law 3 on here plzzz.
Oh my gosshh!
Thank you Chung!!
It’s so good, =D
can u post up that last song from moonlight resonance by teresa teng the moon represent my heart thank you soo much
p.s ECCY can u also post the song of wars of in law up too thanks soo much especially if it’s by myolie and vincent
can someone also help me find the theme song of war of in law 2 called “goodbye” thanks
i have the song if you want it. it’s in full version too. but i don’t have the link. what’s your email?
oh and i almost forgot. does anyone have the song “be brave, to save” sang by raymond? the mv is where he dressed as a japanese samurai? thanks
p.s. there’s a wars of in laws 3? i don’t think so, i think ECCY mistyped it.
there is Wars of In-Laws III
ç–†å±å¥¶å¥¶å†æˆ°æˆˆå¸«å¥¶ in 2009..
hey anyone has The Ultimate Crime Fighter Music? Pls kindly mail it to me if you do. Thanks much!
My email is winnie4258@hotmail.com
Hi, is there anyway to get the theme music for 冰天動地?
Hi, do you know the background music of ç 光寶氣?
hmm…a lady sound i heard. know???
eigna really war of in law 3 will be releats in 2009 when they will be filming???
anyway, are you sure that wars of in laws 3 will be filming in 2009? i haven’t read any news about it. if you see that on tvb sales presentation for 2009 a few days ago, i just wanted to let you know that those are just examples. some of them might be consider to do real filming, but some not. so yeah. i hope for a third season too, i think it will be fun watching it.
im looking for 高皓æ£/å½å˜‰éº— – ä¸è©³ï¼ˆTVB劇集《å¸è¦é›„心》片尾曲) …
if anyone has it…please upload it!
any download website is ok…
Anyone can upload the theme to Heavenly In-Laws?
Hi ! Your goodies are wonderful !! Love it =)
I would like to know if you have the music of “the legend of the demi-gods” please ?
connie i dont noe is but ECCY have the themesong for war of in law 3??
here is your the legend of the demigods sub by linda
here is heavenly in laws
the four was really good, with sexy girls and guys and i really enjoy watching it. I’v already started watching gem of life ( up to ep20), that its really good too, to be honest both film is really different and both are good in it’s way, u know wot i mean when u start watching gem of life, ada is fantastic in it.
Oh Thank you so much Theresa ^^”
Big Kisses <3
Oh Sorry again ! Bud I would like to know if you have The song of “The price of greed” ? Love it !!! ^^”
Hey, guys. Here is the link to The Gem Of Life. This version is as the same as the version I have the first day I downloaded from the phone WAP: http://sharebee.com/9eeeb078
(CD Quality full version)
anyone has this song?
the opening song from the legend of the condor heroes 2003 (ctv)
and the ending song
the price of greed
Can you upload a full version of 2007 series Drive of Life Orchestrated Russian theme song? It kinda cut off at the beginning the one on the site.
Thank you so much Theresa !! ^^”
Wonderful !! <33
Oh Theresa sorry, but I would like to know if you know “sound of colors” ? a drama with Ruby Lin my favorite actress, I would like to know if you have the music of this drama
Do you have the full ending song of the drama ‘off pendar’? In Chinese the song will translated like, nobody is perfect.
Thank you.
Reply from KTVB: Sorry Ada, I only have the Live-rip version at the moment. Here’s the link if you’re interested: http://www.mediafire.com/?gye1mmxtjeo
are you sure it’s called sound of colors and it’s tvb? wot is the film about?
Thanks to Linda herself, I’ve got the clear short version of The Gem Of Life’s subtheme from her. The link is below:
Hope y’all enjoy her work!
No it’s not tvb unfortunately ! the actors who played in this drama is “Ruby Lin” and “Wallace Huo ”
and yes the drama is ” sound of colours”…
Oh I forgot, this message is for Theresa ^^”
Actually, if you are asking about Linda, she has only one series to be released next year. The series is tentatively named “好狗出更” (Dogs on the Beat).
But I’m looking forward to most of the series in the preview. There are 10 series in the preview. I’m mostly looking forward to:
“éµé¦¬å°‹æ©‹â€ (Iron Horse Seeking Bridge) – YUEN WAH, YUEN QIU, LAM RAYMOND
Every story in the preview was very interesting to have a look at. Hope to see all 10 to be out next year!
ohhh yay chung linda is in the dog on the beat…i forgot it… u look like me i was looking forword for all 10 of the new movie in 2009…
Not only the ones above, but the others that are finished filming:
As for the filming series:
I will also tell y’all which series will come filming next:
“The Grand Entrepreneurs†– December 2008
“Superwoman†– December 2008
“Scheming Palace†– February 2009
ç‹—å¾ç‹—·親親爺爺 (â€Dog Not Dog, Loving Grandpaâ€) – CHUNG KING FAI, LEE SZE KEI LOUISE, CHEN FALA – February 2009
寫我仙凡間 (â€Written From Heaven To Earthâ€) – MA CHUN WAI STEVEN, CHUNG LINDA, NG CHEUK HAI RON, YUEH HUA, CHAN KAM HUNG – May 2009
If there is any question about any of the series above, can ask for answers from me.
hey chung u noe was i didnt want all of new movie yet..but do u noe tat A Pillow Case Of Mystery II have 5 or 6 sumthing like tat… a pillow case of mysrery is not end..
yeah i can watch Little Horoscope Prince and Superwoman in 2008 is cool thx chung
hey… this doesnt have anything to do with TVB shows, but does anyone have the song (preferably sung by Linda) which Linda sang at the TVB 41st Anniversary Gala night? and also the songs which the couples sang on that night as well… thanmks in advance
Does anyone have the song Glittering Days – White Clouds Sky, with Liza Wang? And the opening theme from Glittering Days, with the 3 lady’s? (Both not the riped one :P)
Where to download music sheet by chinese singers and tvb theme songs?
Hey, everybody! The theme to WESFOTSW finaly released the CD version. Here is the link: http://sharebee.com/ea3caa3e
stephy , janice and moylie has release new albums out. Finslly, new good songs to hear
can you change the face to fate song to itune play? icant seem to change it, it will only play in window media player… thanks for the song anyway
To Chung: Thanks for the Full Version from Face to Fate =D Where/when did they release it? I didn’t think they would after all this time.
Would you also have the Sub Themesong by Frankie and Tavia?
To tell you the truth, the Face to Fate theme was found in an album with songs from Raymond only. For the subtheme, sorry, I don’t have it. If there’s news, I will tell y’all.
Hey Chung, any chance you have the theme song sang by Raymond Lam in the series Vagabond Vigilante? Thanks
hey… another song that’s not TVB series related… would anyone have the song ‘Four Golden Flowers’? (directly translated) or in Chinese ‘四朵金花’… thanks
Dressage_To_Win subtheme song http://sharebee.com/a45168ec
K2K here ur Vagabond Vigilante theme song sang by raymond lam http://sharebee.com/9463ab40
To Zay:
Thanks for telling me! What a pity! Never mind, there are other good series on as well.
Until now, I just still cannot accept the fact about the list I posted before. Now, another five has been added to the list, all of them were from WESFOTSW:
did anyone knows whats the english song in the gem of life? there got 2 english songs played in the episode 32 durin moses shows his romantics to gigi lai in his new office building..
To Chung:
Which list do you mean? The five from When Easterley… West. Where are they added on?
Y’all try thinking what sort of list this is.
I was just wondering if you could reupload Forensic Heroes theme song,
and i can’t download the instrumental version either
Reply from KTVB: The Forensic Heroes download link is still working though (one on Megaupload right?)
And which instrumental do you mean?
dose anyone know were I can download David Lui’s ( å‘‚æ–¹) songs?
^^^^^^^ the list up there… is that the list of characters who die in each series?
Absolutely correct. Do you see what has happened in all the series sequently?
Connie: I’m a big fan of Patrick Tang’s music. You can donwload his album, tvb, other artists @
Frosty, omg, thank you very much. I’m so glad I’ve met another Patrick’s fan here. Thank you so much for your link.
can i know the title of Danny Chan’s song for Wasabi Mon Amour?
Congrats to ray for wining Best Actor[Master Of Tai Chi] at 13th Asian Television Awards 2008.
Hi there, I was wondering if you had the english song that was played in War of the In-laws 2?
To Charlene:
Wasabi Mon Amour by Danny Chan has been uploaded by K at the top of the page
To Charlene: The title of Danny Chan’s theme song for Wasabi Mon Amour is ‘ä¸å¯ä¸æ„›’.
Hey I found the long version of the master of taichi sub
The legend of master chai
The legend of the condor heroes 1994
Here’s the full version of armed reaction 2
Hi EveryOne This It. Pages_of_Treasures Full Themesong i just download it today:
Reply from KTVB: Thanks Trinty ^^
I’m not sure because last time i clicked it , it didn’t work >_<
maybe i’ll try another computer
and um, the instrumental for Forensic Heroes (season 1 only)
can anyone tell me where to download benny chan dragon love
Here’s the link: http://www.mediafire.com/?bebwxnztmay/
Dear Ktvb
Can you reupload face to fate full themesong. The above site is still the short version of the themesong. The site that has the full themesong is not mp3 format. Thanks for sharing.
Reply from KTVB: Whoops, sorry about that! Must have made a mistake somewhere. I’ve re-uploaded the full version now =)
Thanks for the fast response and upload ktvb. Your the best.
does any1 have the themesong for “Wars and Beauty” ?
Hey anyone has Land Of Wealth Subtheme by Moses Chan?
If you do pls kindly send it to my email : winnie4258@hotmail.com
Hey, can anyone help me out please?
If anyone remembers from ‘The Gem of Life’ episode 20, at the end where Bowie’s mum is ill and she sends him down to get her a pack of cigarettes, there is this piece of orchestra music, it’s very dramatic with violins and drums. It’s very nice, does anyone know if this is a real song, or if it is just a piece of music written by TVB?
If anyone has any information on this music, please reply!
Can anyone help me find the song 容易å—傷的女人 by Faye Wong but in cantonese. The 2 songs posted before in comment #760 and #813 is both in mandarin. Thanks!!!
hello chung,
in reply to your comment 1100, the list is about those people who died in the series that was mentioned right next to the name?
Does anyone know or have the english song sung in At The Threshold Of An Era? The lyrics is something like that “….this time i know”
And does anyone have the theme song for the game show Foodies 2 Shoes sung by Patrick Tang and Harlem Yu?
PS: I can’t use MEGAUPLOAD
Yes. This news was once spread on the net for some time. Simply speaking, even myself can’t accept something like this. As a drama fan, this is the first time I see something of a sort within a few years.
I know I’m very stupid, but can anyone explain to my, why there are a list of all those characters died in tvb drama’s? What has happenend in all the series sequently? That people died?
106 chung Says:
December 8th, 2008 at 11:05 pm
Absolutely correct. Do you see what has happened in all the series sequently?
Would you please put the download link to the full themesong of face to fate on the screen so that we can see and download it? Thanks so much.
Reply from KTVB: It is posted at the top of this page under 2006.
“[Face to Fate] Themesong – Raymond Lam* FULL CD VERSION *NEW*”
Has anyone remember the sequence of each series? Each episode goes on, whatever happened next, can you guess what will happen next? The answer will be a ‘no’. But a drama fan like me, I have special information about the series-to-release before they release in the future, for example: E.U., “Beautiful HD”, “Dogs On The Beat”, “The Hatred Of Love”, Man In Charge, Sweetness In The Salt, The Greatness Of A Hero, Burning Flame III and more… Any one scene can lead me to guessing what will happen in the series from time to time. These scenes were from the sites of the filming process. They will appear on the net on any day of the filming process. As for the series-to-release were posted on comment #1073, you can refer to the list above. But as one of Linda’s fans, I was once being sad for receiving the news of her “death”. How do you feel when you see this?
And today, I will post the subtheme by Bowie & Gigi, but it is separated into two parts. Since it is ripped from episodes 25 and 27, I will post up two links:
Episode 25 (2nd part): http://sharebee.com/947d49e0
Episode 27 (1st part): http://sharebee.com/cffc8918
I heard it just now. It really gives out the feeling in The Gem Of Life’s story. Do you think? Hope y’all enjoy the melody of the song since I liked it the first time I hear it.
Hey, do you have the theme songs for:
The Prince’s Shadow (御用閒人)
Into Thin Air (人間蒸發)
Bar Bender (潮爆大狀)
Hey does anyone have Poison by Bowie and Gigi? Plz?!! I kno it’s hard 2 find but i hope someone has it. Bye!
thank sooo much for da full theme for FACE TO FATE yes i have been waitin for it for soo long same as da subtheme do u know if they have a full theme too or not for da sub once again thz for sharin n uploadin it thankz u r awsome thank your
halo.. I can’t seem to download the songs from your website.. I don’t know why.. cause t says that the system is busy and stuff..
Would u mind creating a WinRAR file for all the 法è¯å…ˆé”‹ [Forensic Heroes] Part 1 and Part 2 Songs?
PLS PLS upload it to mediafire.com or sharebee.com cause I think it’s the only two websites that I can use…
Many thanks^^
And for everyone today, here is the link to Pages Of Treasures full version theme: http://sharebee.com/fb56beee
Reply from KTVB: Thanks chung =)
want to know the english song name played in The Gem of Life..
the diamond n jewel..bla2..hehe thanks!
here Your all of the song for Forensic Heroes
Part 1
Forensic Heroes part 2
X: Here Your theme songs for
The Prince’s Shadow
Into Thin Air
Bar Bender
Hi, m v glad tt i discovered U! bt unfortunately i can’t dl most of ur songs. Can u pls tell me y n wat muz i do in order to get all ur songs? I’ve tried all..megauload; sharebee; zshare; rapidshare etc bt to no avail x’cept if itz frm tiz http://tvb.windy-goddess.net/downloads/ den itz a breeze for me as it went straight to my realplayer n iTunes.Is it possible 4u 2make all files tt way? Fyi i m frm Singapore( btw ware r u frm?)U cn reach me @ e abv-mentioned email address.
Tx alot n Merry X’mas in adv 2 U!
Reply from KTVB: I’m from Australia~ most of the new songs are hosted on tvb.windy-goddess.net but all the other ones (except Megaupload) should work for Singpore/Malaysia people. What happens when you try to download form the other pages? Were you able to find the “Download” link on those pages?
Thanks Trinty for providing me the download links 😀
I was able to download all the songs:D
Thanks ^^
Merry Xmas to everyone in advance 😀
Hiii KTVB and Shinn:
May you send me every music that you have in full version? because I live in panama and makes me difficult to download everything one by one.
Reply from KTVB: I’m sorry, it would take me longer to upload and send you all the songs than for you to download them one by one.
Page of Treasure – Episode 10 20:00 Minutes into the movie, Hillary and the second brother plays the piano, was wondering if anyone has it. =o)
For KTVB: Here are all the songs that you have or do you have anymore that are not upload in this page???
Thanks for your fast answer….
Reply from KTVB: This is pretty much all I have ^^; My computer reformatted a few times and what I have uploaded on this page is what I have. If you’re looking for some TVB themesongs that are not here, you can try leave some comments, or browse through the comments as there are many other contributors who like to share and help out if they can , like Trinity, chung etc 🙂
Hi some of e pages in Chinese n i can’t read Chinese or “error” or “The file u requested is not available”. Yes i’ve read ur mails n brot to understnd tt Megauload is not applicable to Spore.Can u pls tell me if it is any set-ups or settings tt i muz run/save in order 2dl e songs??
Thanks for ur prompt r’ply.
Reply from KTVB: I don’t think there are any download links here that would lead to chinese pages…can you tell me which ones you’re referring to? Which ones have “The file you requested is not available”? Because for those ones, they should be ones I’ve uploaded on another server, such as megaupload, sharebee etc and they expire after awhile if no one downloads them. I can fix the links for those ones if you let me know which ones they are. I don’t know any set-ups etc you need, because all songs uploaded to “tvb.windy-goddess.net” are accessible to everyone.
Merry X’mas
Yes X’actly! i hv no problem w “tvb.windy-goddess.net” i could dl directly 2realplayer n then to my i-Tunes. Bt i hv trouble w e rest..nev mind..i m giving up! Thanks anyway!
Bt i chance upon these websites n would like to share w u…
1.) http://tvb.aeris-creations.net/downloads/
with this i could dl easily n went straight to my I-Tunes!
2.) http://www.jiyuew.com/
u can watch up to date NEW HK TVB Serials like Gem of Life;Eric Suen’s new ‘Pages of Treasures”;Joyce Cheng’s ‘Off Pedder’ etc etc as i notice u r @ least 1 or 2 episodes behind time rite?
3.) another website wld b http://hk.youtube.com/user/hkclipchannel u oso cn catch “Super Trio” n many others bt e one mentioned above is faster.
Pleasant viewing n a merry christmas n a prosperous 2009 to u & ur family.
ciao 🙂
np Stageluvshow if u have any song u would like juz tell me i will get is for u…by the way Merry Christmas To everyone….
hi k, many thanks for all the songs 🙂 🙂 its really fabulous. by any chance if u have the theme song for the last breakthrough & eternal happiness by raymond lam. really like these songs but cant find it here in the website. happy christmas, happy new year n happy holiday to u 🙂 🙂
Well, guys. I have a little some thing for y’all. Here is , the actual version for Forensic Heroes II subtheme. But, it is just 26 seconds only. You can use it as a ringtone or something. I am still looking for the full version. Wait for my news: http://sharebee.com/0facefb2
haallooweeeen here your theme song for
Eternal happiness by kelly chen http://sharebee.com/92fc8536
The last breakthrough by raymond lam: http://sharebee.com/f8b2bd6c
hallo, just watched Click入黃金屋- Pages Of Treasures and really like the piano piece that hill and Alex plays, i wonder if anyone can get hold of the tune and the music notes for me to play on the piano and post it on k for tvb or send it me please.
heyy! i dont know if anyone asked for these yet because i scrolled up to the recent..50 and i didnt see it… so im sorry if someone asked for it already x_x. I was wondering if anyone could send me “Actually I’m Unhappy” by Linda Chung from Moonlight Resonance and “Lover at Sea” by Raymond Lam to my email [xsimplicityx3@gmail.com]. If someone could that would be amazing!
tyy in advanceee<3
ohh and sorry. anyone have Survivor’s Law themesong? ;]]<3.
Reply from KTVB: You can try using the search function on your internet browser, that may help you out next time XD
其實我ä¸å¿«æ¨‚ Actually I’m unhappy : http://sharebee.com/9a47c547 is not from MR, but from her debut album 🙂
愛人与海 Lover and Sea – http://www.sendspace.com/file/ihmj7f -From Raymond’s 2nd Album
Survivor’s Law Themesong: http://www.box.net/shared/77f19x4kzz
Hi there,
do you have the opening song in ‘the final combat’ by Lui Fong. It is called ç„¡åå°å’ and this series have stephen chow in it.
Thank you!
I’m currently watching Pages of Treasures episode 15. I want the song that Eric Suen created for Shirley Yeung. That’s an instrumental song. Anyone have it? Please send to my email if you have. Thank you very much. I love that song alot. Hope some good person out there can help me thanks once again.
Reply from KTVB: This is the best I can find so far which is ripped and editted ^^ http://www.mediafire.com/?ynjj02m4ady
Credits to AEU
hi KTVB~
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Thx 4 all ur song!!
Do you have
(1)心慌ã€å¿ƒå¿§ã€é€ä¸ªè¿½ theme song ,
(2)追é‚交易theme song ,
(3)下一站彩虹 all subtheme songs ,
(4)西厢奇缘 theme song ,
(5)夺命真夫 theme song ,
(6)甜酸爷爷 theme & subtheme songs and
(7)人生马æˆå›¢ subtheme songs
Thank you for taking time to read this : )
Hope to hear u soon…
the link to download 西厢奇缘 theme song
the link to download 追é‚交易theme song
the link to download 夺命真夫 theme song
the link to download 甜酸爷爷 theme
and the sub theme song is
and sos i don’t have
(1)心慌ã€å¿ƒå¿§ã€é€ä¸ªè¿½ theme song
(7)人生马æˆå›¢ subtheme songs
hope u enjoy it
Thanks alot KTVB. Then can I ask your help to ripped the episode 15 almost the ending part? Cos that part combines Eric’s harmonica and Vivien’s piano version. But please exclude the talking (Shirley’s mom lol). Try your best to help me to get that full song. Thanks once again.
to pt: Thanks a lot !!! thank you very much!!!
Can anyone there help me to find these songs ?
(1)心慌ã€å¿ƒå¿§ã€é€ä¸ªè¿½ theme song
(2)下一站彩虹 all subtheme songs
(3)人生马æˆå›¢ subtheme songs
Plz…. Thanks a lot!!!!
any idea [Forensic Heroes II] SubThemesong- Charmaine Sheh (TV Rip -2:05mins),the tv rip is in which ep?
tyyvmm! and I thought that Actually I’m Unhappy was played in MR when Bosco left Linda xD! Maybe I was wrong ;]]. Thanks anyways!
Oh.. hmm.. is the “Actually I’m Unhappy†you ut up in mp3 format? cause my computer can’t read it for some reason O_O
Reply from KTVB: All you have to do is rename the file, and add .mp3 behind it and it should work =)
To Chung:
128. Chiwan Says:
December 18th, 2008 at 10:25 am
I know I’m very stupid, but can anyone explain to my, why there are a list of all those characters died in tvb drama’s? What has happenend in all the series sequently? That people died?
106 chung Says:
December 8th, 2008 at 11:05 pm
Absolutely correct. Do you see what has happened in all the series sequently?
So, what is the point? It’s true that all those charactes died in all the series sequently, but what is the point of it?
i was wondering , if the song 1 & only , from the gem of life , the part where moses & gigi was bout to left together to go to the airport , thankyou 🙂
i meant to say , do you have that song or has it come out ? it would help alot of you tell me the person who sings it .
thankyou , it dont matter which one you do though 🙂
piano song from “pages of treasure”
omgee! I never knew that! tyvmm<333 ;]]
hi can anyone help me find the english sub theme song in the gem of life where gigi and moses were in the boat thank you
Can anyone there help me to find these songs ?
(1)心慌ã€å¿ƒå¿§ã€é€ä¸ªè¿½ theme song
(2)下一站彩虹 all subtheme songs
(3)人生马æˆå›¢ subtheme songs
(4)ç å…‰å®æ°” subtheme songs
Plz…. Thanks a lot!!!!
ç å…‰å®æ°” subtheme songs
u want is it the one linda sang or bowie and gigi?
The one linda sang is
and the one bowie and gigi sang is
(tv rip)
Here r e links to e songs u r looking for:
Happy New Year!!
Let me know if you could try to have the song instrumental in passing Life Art moments of both endings.
Then the song goes in episode 14 when Gigi & Kevin are in the cafe and watch the stars I know that the song is called Destiny and the song also in Healing Hands 3, I believe.
And so it is that you could find the instrumental version of the theme song of Yummy Yummy.
Thank you in advance
For today, I will post the link to the Sweetness In The Salt theme. Hope y’all enjoy the show!
hey… not sure if it’s my server or my connection, but i cant seem to download the subtheme of When Easterly Showers Falls on the Sunny West. Downloads 9 secs of the song and then it stops downloading. WOuld anyone be able to help me out with this problem? thanks
Reply from KTVB: I’m not quite sure, what you tried the alternate links provided on shareebee? Give them a go and if it still doesn’t work, I might upload it onto tvb.windy-goddess.net 🙂
Thx 4 helping me find songs..
Thank you u all very very much!!
But I cant get it…
(1)心慌ã€å¿ƒå¿§ã€é€ä¸ªè¿½ theme song
*That link has broken
(2)下一站彩虹 all subtheme songs
*I had ‘here’s the story’ already :]
*I need that ending song
🙂 thxxxxx *10000000000000000000000
TO KTVB: Yep…. tried all the links from Sharebee and it’s the same with all of them… if you would be able to upload it onto your webpage, that’d be a great help… thanks 🙂
From from KTVB: Here you go 🙂 When Easterly Showers falls on the Sunny West Sub Themesong
hihi….Ktvb…do you know where can i download the piano played by “ah Cheng and Hill” in Pages of Treasures?
Hello, was wondering if anyone has the theme to The Eagle Shooting Heros? Thanks inadvance
Happy New Years to everyone that visit and post in this page…
If sub theme of ç å…‰å®æ°” sung by Bowie & Gigi when the CD quality full version is out can someone pls upload? Thx in advance ..
To Kaoru; do you mean the theme for The Eagle Shooting Heroes the movie or the series?
Hello ppls. I wish to request for the sub theme song of In The Realm of Success by Steven Ma. Thks in advanced.
K2K Says:
December 17th, 2008 at 9:00 am
Can anyone help me find the song 容易å—傷的女人 by Faye Wong but in cantonese. The 2 songs posted before in comment #760 and #813 is both in mandarin. Thanks!!!
U can find e above song from this link
BTW thru this baidu link u can oso get most songs!
Just type in box if u knw e SONG TITLE or juz e artist’s NAME it will take u there!
i was just wondering if anyone have the When easterly showers fall on sunny west instrumental version
thanks =]
Can anyone rip from Moonlight Resonance the part where Sa
teaches which uncles, aunts and cousins trumps over in a family tree? Thanks!
Reply from KTVB: Here you go! http://www.mediafire.com/?myxzhmltxmn 🙂
Hi Every one i just download sweetness in the salt only avi song here we go….
Ok Every One I Have A Theme Song For Sweetness in the Salt…http://sharebee.com/b1074c69
Sweetness in the Salt http://sharebee.com/2b7db3e5
I would like to know what are the titles of the songs that pass through Hearts Of Fencing as insert-song?
Thank you in advance
Golden Faith ost pls.. I want the piano part..lovely song
To K2K:
The 2008 series, also looking for the 2008 theme of The Royal Tramp series.
Reply from KTVB:
Royal Tramp (鹿鼎记 ) Theme Song by Zhang Xin
Song Title: How Did it Suddenly Become Like This (怎么忽然就æˆäº†è¿™æ ·)
Ending Theme by Zhang Jiang
Song Title: Turn Back Around (回转)
Inserted Song by Zhang Xin
Song Title: Round Round (圆圆曲)
Credits to AEU
can anyone b kind enough to email me the piano love song from Click入黃金屋第15集 where hill play the piano n alex play the harmonica? thx my email is jaysean_jonathan@hotmail.com
can someone post the piano and harmonica song that alex and hill play in pages of treasures?
please and thank you
hey KTVB, do you have the Gems of life background tracks, you know, the saddening parts background? I don mind even if they are only ripped ones
Thanks first
Reply from KTVB: Sorry I actually don’t know how to rip songs, i don’t actually do them..
1186: Tigra
Are u searching Heart Of Fencing Theme or sub songs?
I’m Searching Sub Song for Hearts of Fencing.
And if possible I would like to know or have the MP3 of the instrumental version of the theme song for Yummy Yummy and instrumental music who spends time at the end of episodes of Life Art.
Thank You In Advance
Is there anyway one got the whole songs from ” The Gem Of life” plz share for us, I really enjoy all English songs from that series. Thnx anyway!!!^^
Reply from KTVB Here are the English songs from The Gem of Life. All credits to AEU
Episode 5: Vivaldi’s Four Seasons – Summer
(At the part where Gigi Lai was buying clothes)
Antonio Vivaldi’s Four Seasons – Autumn
Episode 11: Pachelbel’s “Canon in D”
(At the part where the three sisters went to a party hosted by their family friends)
J. S. Bach’s “Air on G String”
In Most of Lee Sze Kei’s scenes : Minuet in G” (a.k.a Lover’s Concerto)
http://www.mediafire.com/?qm5wh1v2ymi (by O.S.T)
http://www.mediafire.com/?3yozx4yygz1 (by J.S Bach)
Hayley Westenra – Ave Maria (“the Ah…Ah…Ah” song)
Dean Martin & Frank Sinatra’s That’s Amore
French Song (ripped)
The song from Hear of fencing called Find Your Love sung by Fiona Fung.
To Tiara and Formula: I have one Sub song for Hearts of Fencing and three English songs from there “If I let go”, “My Pride” and “Too Serious Too Soon”. Do any of them happen to be the one you’re looking for?
Does anyone have the ringtone from Eric in Pages of Treasure?
Does anyone know any websites to download chinese music (albums) sung by S.H.E , Joey Yung, Eason Chan, Kay Tse, Kary Ng, etc….. because i have tried baidu but i don’t know how to read most chinese!!!!
does anyone aany piano music sheet sites for chinese song??
my email is
hi k for tvb.
i was wondering if you can look up the song for in epidsode 10 in survivor laws where bernice liu “jessica” sings that song that represented for vincent.
Today, is the day for me to post up two new songs. Both are:
1. The Words of “Loving” (相戀兩個å—) by Bowie and Gigi: http://sharebee.com/328744a6 (full version)
2. Preview for What Am I Waiting For? (我還在ç‰ä»€éº¼) by Moses : http://sharebee.com/86a21b92
Come to think of it, by a chance that there will be a last subtheme coming up later on. Trying counting every 20 episodes, every 1/4 of the series will come up with a new song. By guessing, it could be either Bosco, Joyce or someone else. But by my guess, Bosoc or Joyce will have a big chance of singing the last subtheme for 4/4 of the series.
Hi can anyone pls post the themesong of Legal Entanglement somewhere else other than in Megaupload? I am from Singapore and I cannot use it…
Hope y’all like ç›¸æˆ€å…©å€‹å— since I enjoy the song once I got it.
Hi chung can u plz download me this song is it Rise Of The Taichi Master sang by emil chow thx
Does anyone have the full version of the Word Twister’s Adventures Theme song? Or at least know the name of the album that the song is on? Thanks :]
Reply from KTVB: its a really catchy song, unfortunately there is no full version of the song released. Jordan Chan did not release this song in his albums.. 🙁
does any1 have dis song, i know its not tvb theme songs, so could some1 be kind enough to send it to my mail
Yat Si Mo Sing – Chau Pak Ho & Stephanie Cheng Yung (ä¸€äº‹ç„¡æˆ – 周æŸè±ª&é„èž)
Trinty: I’m afraid I can’t find the song for you because I didn’t have it. Sorry! But thanks for replying anyway.
Does anyone of you liked Sweetness In The Salt? About the themesong, I’m afraid it won’t be released since the series is warehoused, just like the others that were short.
thanks for your reply trinty. u are such a darling 🙂 😉 do u have eternal happiness sub theme by raymond lam. thanks again.
Hi haallooweeeen Here Your eternal happiness sub theme by raymond lam hope u like it http://sharebee.com/ea7389fd
chung is ok tat u dont find is for me..so any way thx alots…chung i like Sweetness In The Salt theme song..i have the song tavia and steven sing in it http://sharebee.com/b94719fb
i have the song, dzza!
Hi all, would anyone happen to know what song was playing when Constance is in Tibet, in the Gem of Life, until she was reading the book in the cafe? Thank you!
I m back again…hope u still remb me yeah?
well i told u b4 i’ve given up trying bt as i m still not satisfied wif n not happy as to why i cant dl most of ur songs…so i m nw back to see if u can help fix tos links or help me get to e root of my problems once n 4 all k?:) now 4 sum reasons or wat i dont noe… i CAN NOW use e zSHARE link n MAYBE even e Sendspace too but sad to say,most files hav x’pired n toe to “ask uploader to upload file again”
Anyw FYI i could ONLY dl 3 songs frm ur 2006 list n 2 frm ur 2007 list 🙁
e 3 songs(2006)being: TheBiterBitten; FaceToFate-Full n Sub n Miss Pig..
e 2 songs(2007):PutMeToDeath n TheBuildingBlocksOfLife..
btw these r frm e files wich i mentioned earlier tt r direct n precise n e best 4 my side. Megaupload,Rapidshare n Badongo(i cant read Chinese) r all out 4 me n sum times evn Sendspace is a problem as i did not dl n install e wizard as dont wanna get any viruses or take up space. E mediafire.com is oso v useful!
I hope tt w ur help i can continue 2dl frm all ur lists or is there any sites u hav set up 2help pple like me tt i cn visit?
Hope to hear frm u real soon!
Thank u v much in adv for ur help in solving my problems.
Reply from KTVB: To be honest I don’t really know what’s causing that problem. I don’t have any intentions of uploading the older songs (before 2008) onto K for TVB’s server, so you might like to try some other sites for those earlier songs.
hey chung ^_^
I don’t want to be a bother but there is this song in TGOL that has been stuck in my head for a while and I hope you can help me on it. It appear in episode 43, after Bosco saved Linda from the pool and her friend was telling Bosco about Linda’s past while Linda was crying by herself. By any chance you know the song?
thanks! ^_^
hi trinty, thank you so much for the song. 🙂 🙂
hi , jus wan to say , the link of gem of iife song frm bowie lam n gigi lai have some problem … i can download it but it is not the mp3 or wma format … could u pls fix it ???
Reply from KTVB: It actually is mp3 file so I’m not sure what’s wrong. You can try renaming the filing, and changing the extention to .mp3 It should work 🙂
heys =) do u haf the song thats being played on the harmonica and piano in the show pages of treasure? thanks
np haallooweeeen if you want any song just add me i try my best to find is for u…
hi triston i have the song of pages of treasure piano here http://sharebee.com/b6c81abf
hi Messi here ur sub theme song tat bowie lam and gigi lai http://sharebee.com/02dc0861
thanks for the song. i wonder if its possible to haf the piano score for the song. thanks lots =))
thx alot trinty n ktvb !!!
i cant find da song in moonlight resonance tat is in eps 26 where da whole family went out … can someone help me find it ?
i was wondering if u have the moonlight resonance subtheme [by raymond lam] piano music sheet?
thanks in advance
You can try going to
This site has alot of tvb songs and asian albums to download
the message is for everyone who is looking for music sheets to cantonese songs, eg raymond lam’s memeory in love, love is not enough, or linda’s match in heaven. i have the music sheets in a program call OVE. you can have the music sheets, i can send it to you but on one conditon. I cant read music sheet, but really want to learn how to play this songs, so any one who wants any music sheet to any song, i can find it for you in return if you can translate it back in to eg. letter, c high, d, e for me. you can contact me here or on my website.
心淡 – 容祖兒
心淡 – 容祖兒
F Am
我æ¯æ—¥æ±è‘— ä¸ç¬ä¸ç†
C Am Dm
Gm Bbm C
F Am
*很謙å‘ åªä¸éŽæ˜¯æˆ‘太éŽæ„›ä½
  跌到極麻木 åªå¥½ç›¸ä¿¡
C Am Dm
 åˆå†çˆ¬å¾—起 就會有轉機
Bb Gm
 若我ä¸æ‡‚æ†Žä½ ã€€å¦‚ä½•é›¢åˆ¥ä½
Bb C
F(G) C(D)
Dm(Em) Am(Bm)
 æ¨ï¼ˆé™ï¼‰æˆ‘å°ä½ 以åŠå¹´æ™‚間 慢慢的心淡
Bb(C) F(G)
  付清 賬單
Gm(Am) C(D)
 平éœçš„å°ä½ 熱度退減
F(G) C(D)
Dm(Em) Am(Bm) Bb(C)
ã€€å¤§æ¦‚ä¹Ÿå¤ æˆ‘ã€€é€æˆ‘來回地ç„åˆæŠ˜è¿”人間
Am(Bm) Bb(C)
  春天分手 秋天會習慣
C(D) F(G)
Am Bb
Gm C Dm
Am Bb
Bb C D
畢竟有é™ã€€å°±ç•¶ã€€éŽé—œ (KEY shift up to G)
如果 兄妹相稱太多
å¿«ç ”ç©¶å’Œæˆ‘é€™ç•°æ€§ã€€æ‹æ‹–
訛稱 知己的真太多
*沒有好感怎會相親相愛 大哥åªæ˜¯æŽ©é£¾ã€€
ï¼¢C’ D’BAGE’BAG F#’G’G’ï¼¢F#’E’
能åšå°æ„›ä¾¶å¢œè½æˆæœ‹å‹ 誰心æ¯*
E’F#’G’G’G’E’ E’D’D’G’ D’A’A’-B’-A’-G’-A’G’
#我è¦æ„›æƒ…ä¸éœ€è¦ç™»å°ä¸éœ€å¾—ä½ å…許
 G’G’G’D’ A’A’G’ A’G’B’A’A’G’A’B’
兄妹真有趣 ä¸éœ€è¦åˆ†å±…
B’A’A’ G’G’ B’A’G’B’ A’
E’ G’G’F#’G’A’-G’
G’ G’G’ D’A’A’G’A’G’B’ A’A’ G’A’B’
B’A’ A’G’G’ B’A’ G’B’A’
曾經 想手執一柄æ§
æƒ³é€¼ä¾›ä½ ä¸€è¶Ÿ
æˆ‘å’Œä½ ç„¡æ„›èª°æ²’æœ‰è©¦æƒ³
如果  æˆ€æ„›å¿…é ˆå‰µå‚·
æƒ³ä½ äº¦æ˜Žç™½åˆ°æˆ‘å€†
雖開心都也 å—å¤ å‚·
G’ D’D’ï¼¢A-G ï¼¢C’D’
å°åŸŽå¤§äº‹ 楊åƒå¬… Key:F
é’æ˜¥å½·å½¿å› æˆ‘æ„›ä½ é–‹å§‹
Bb Am
但å»ä»¤æˆ‘çœ‹ç ´æ„›é€™å€‹å—
Bb C Dm Am
è‡ªä½ æ‚£ä¸Šå¤±æ†¶ 便是我æ‰è½‰å‘½æ•¸çš„事
åªå› ç•¶å¤±æ†¶ç—‡ç™¼ä½œåŠ æ·±
Bb Am
Bb C Dm
åƒç‹ç‹¸ç²¾èˆ¬ 並未å…許\我æ¥è¿‘
Bb C
無回憶的餘生 忘掉往日情人
Bb Am
Bb Am Bb
無回憶的男人 就當å·åŽ„與瞞騙
Bb C Am Dm
*å»ä¸‹ä¾† è±å‡ºåŽ» 這å»åˆ¥ä¼¼è¦†æ°´
Bb C F F7
Bb C A Dm
å†å›žé ä½ ä¸è¨±\ 如曾經ä¸ç™»å°
Bb C Dm
ä½ ä½•ä»¥é›™çœ¼å¥½åƒæµæ·š\
Bb Am
Bb C Dm
能從é 開始 è·ªåœ¨æ•™å ‚èªªé¡˜æ„
Bb C
娛樂行的人影 還在繼續ç¹æ¦®
Bb Am
Bb Am Bb
äººé€ çš„è ¢è¡›æ˜Ÿ 沒探測出我們已
Bb C Am Dm
å»ä¸‹ä¾† è±å‡ºåŽ» 這å»åˆ¥ä¼¼è¦†æ°´
Bb C F F7 (Key Shift)
C D Bm Em
我下來 ä½ å‡ºåŽ» 講å†æœƒä¹Ÿå¿ƒè™›
C D G G7
C D B Em
å»ä¸‹ä¾† è±å‡ºåŽ» 從å‰å¤šéº¼ç™»å°
C D Em
C D Em
è€é¼ 愛大米 (with english version)
è€é¼ 愛大米 – 楊臣剛
F C Dm Bb
我è½è¦‹ä½ çš„è²éŸ³ 有種特別的感覺
F Bb Gm C
讓我ä¸æ–·æƒ³ ä¸æ•¢å†å¿˜è¨˜ä½
F C Dm Am
我記得有一個人 æ°¸é 留在我心ä¸
Bb C F
哪怕åªèƒ½å¤ 這樣 的想ä½
Am Dm Bb F
如果真的有一天 愛情ç†æƒ³å›žå¯¦ç¾
Am Dm Bb C
æˆ‘æœƒåŠ å€åŠªåŠ›å¥½å¥½å°ä½ æ°¸é ä¸æ”¹è®Š
Am Dm Bb F
ä¸ç®¡è·¯æœ‰å¤šéº¼é 一定會讓它實ç¾
Am Dm Gm C
æˆ‘æœƒè¦ªè¦ªåœ¨ä½ è€³é‚Šå°ä½ 說(å°ä½ 說)
F Dm F Am
æˆ‘æ„›ä½ æ„›è‘—ä½ å°±åƒè€é¼ 愛大米
Bb Am Gm C
ä¸ç®¡æœ‰å¤šå°‘風雨 我都會ä¾ç„¶é™ªè‘—ä½
F Dm F Am
æˆ‘æƒ³ä½ æƒ³è‘—ä½ ä¸ç®¡æœ‰å¤šéº¼çš„苦
Bb Am Gm C
åªè¦èƒ½è®“ä½ é–‹å¿ƒ 我什麼都願æ„
Transcribe By Yukito
F C Dm Bb
When that day I hear your voice I have some special feeling
F Bb Gm C
Let me always think I don’t wanna forget you
F C Dm Am
I remember at the day You are always on my mind
Bb C F
Eventhough I just can think about you
Am Dm Bb F
If the day in the future This love will becoming true
Am Dm Bb C
I’ve never change my mind that I will love you forever
Am Dm Bb F
I don’t care how fool it is I will let my dream come true
Am Dm Gm C
I will tell you something I wanna let you know, I let you know
F Dm F Am
I love you, loving you, as the mouse love the rice
Bb Am Gm C
Even every day has storm, I will always by your side
F Dm F Am
I miss you, missing you I don’t care how hard it is
Bb Am Gm C F
I just want you be happy Everything, I do it for you
plz… help me to find:
I really cant find them… Maybe they are quite old…iknow… : )
心慌ã€å¿ƒå¿§ã€é€ä¸ªè¿½ theme song
下一站彩虹 all subtheme songs
人生马æˆå›¢ subtheme songs
Thank you in advance…
Hey anyone have the song which is played on Gem Of Life..
Baby if you wanna love me..
somthing like that..
If you do pls kindly send to my email..
Thanks a million!
can i have è€é¼ 愛大米 plz
my email add is apple288pie@hotmail.co.uk
to pt
the song i put up there with the keys is the song you want, doesnt it work? just copy and paste it, i havent got that in ove format, sorry
Hey, guys. I’m back! So here’s a question: Is there anybody out there having problems with remembering lyrics of a song? (To anyone who knows Chinese)
Perhaps, my guess is wrong last time. I think I got the meaning in between the three songs to The Gem Of Life. Maybe it’s like this: From love… (無情有愛 by Linda Chung) love turning into hate… (ç›¸æˆ€å…©å€‹å— by Bowie Lam & Gigi Lai) and last to their regrets (我還在ç‰ä»€éº¼ by Moses Chan). If y’all still don’t get this, trying recalling every part of the series from the start until now. The answer is within the melody of the songs. See if y’all can get my meaning. By hearing the last subtheme by Moses, I’m sure there will by something happening near the end of the series, leading to the sisters having regretful thoughts…
Can someone pls upload Legal Entanglement theme on another place other than on megaupload pls? I sent a msg here last week but till now, no one have replied… so can anyone just be nice and do so?
Reply from KTVB: I’ve uploaded the song onto K for TVB’s server now, so it should work 🙂
Could someone upload the song that were sang in the movie called The Lady Iron Chef (美女食神) by Hacken Lee? Thanks
Laura here ur Legal Entanglement theme by hacken lee http://sharebee.com/30f3e897
Have anyone watched 幸ç¦çš„抉擇 I Do? from Taiwan in Astro On Demand?
I wanted to know the song in the ending episode when the function for wedding gown ..
Fast-paced song ..
does anyone have the war and beauty subsong by bowie lam and gigi lai singing together
Thanks KTVB 4 the Royal Tramp theme.
Now looking for the 倩女幽é‚(Chinese ghost story) theme,
Thanks in advance.
O thanks a lot ppl! =) I really love the song a lot! Thanks again!
does anyone have war and beauty subsong “poison” sung by bowie lam and gigi lai
does anyone has Niki Chow new album? thanks in advance
that’s the chinese ghost story theme by daniel chan.
Anyone got the op and ed song for Legend Of The Condor Heroes 2008?
heyy does ahyone have the music sheets for the theme song for Building Blocks of Life
its by Lui fong
i know theres piano in that song, does anyone have the music sheets?
either email me or reply to me on this website
heyyy also
just wondering if anyone
has the music sheets to Raymond Lams
song from heart of greed
i see there is the piano version, but does any one have the MUSIC SHEET?!?!!
Are you finding the song called ç ’éœœï¼Ÿ
I have it…
Here… http://sharebee.com/b44c949d
does anyone have the full version of charmaines subsong in forensic heroes 2?
Hi. Does anyone have the ringtone mp3 for Eric’s hp in Pages Of Treasures?
The New Niki Chow Album is:
01. 猜燈謎
02. 越愛越怕追
03. 輕飄飄
04. ä¿¡
05. 天梯
06. é‚„æ˜¯è®“ä½ èµ° (國語) (電視劇 書åŠæ©ä»‡éŒ„ 片尾曲)
Download link:
hope u enjoy it
could you give me the passwords to open the rar files.
sos the password is dreamstar
does anyone have when easterly showers fall on the sunny west subsong. the one that ktvb posted has poor quality
i don’t think it’s ktvb’s fault for having poor quality, ’cause mine is the same quality and i downloaded that from a different website. so i guess all are like that.
the of charmaines subsong in forensic heroes 2 is only 2.01mins..
hi ktvb, do u have theme song for plain love 1 & 2? tahnks.
hi gamdoy here ur when easterly showers fall on the sunny west subsong http://sharebee.com/da9ac354
gamdoy i only have war and beauty subtheme sang my bowie lam on not gigi lai in is..srry http://sharebee.com/72f0b14b
To Gamdoy: http://sharebee.com/9fe06424 – War and Beauty – Bowie Lam and Gigi Lai
Happy Chinese New Year!!
Happy New Year Everyone. I wish you all a great year this year. I wanted to know if anyone heard the tvb 09 mv new year song. It has the people who won the tvb 08 award singing a new NEW YEAR song. I hope someone can share that song with me. Thanks.
Hi Ktvb
The above site is the new year song that i am refering to. Basically Ha yu, michelle yim, raymond lam and lee si ke and others sing the new year song. My email is wahsien76@yahoo.com. Hope you can share that song with me.
hi there, I was wondering if you can tell me where I can find or who sang the english song in War of the In Laws 2, I can’t find it anywhere. Thanks
hi there, do any1 of u know the series “forever love song”? the show is quite old around 1998 acted by Alice Lau Nga Lai and Frankie Lam Man Lung. im looking for the theme if is not mistaken is sang by Alice lau but i couldn’t find it.
i don no how old these songs are, but if anyone have pls email me at quinkaine@hotmail.com
tks, ur help is much appreciated…
remember to forget- raymond lam
food for live(yummy yummy) – kevin cheng and raymond lam
not just a pretty face – joey yung and roger kwok
war and beauty – bowie lam
a taste of love – miriam yeung
revolving doors of vengence – hacken lee
under the canopy of love – kevin cheng and nikki chow
perfect love – stephy tang and alex fong.
tkx tkx
I have some of them but why dont u download them ?
I have the links…
Or u need me to send to u ?
a taste of love – miriam yeung
war and beauty – bowie lam
u want theme song ?
hey there, love ur web:)
anyway would like 2 ask, do u know or have “men in pain” ‘s song.. not 金剛 by ron ng. but during the show, he was singing another song. i have seen it once but then duno where to find it already.
would love ur help, thanks! 🙂
I think that is the 2nd subtheme for Men In Pain. I think I have it.
Does anyone have or know where to download Kelly Chen’s songs?
The songs I wanted are 大日å, 花花宇宙, 失憶周未. I would like the songs to be from singles or albums and not taken from concerts. Thks in advanced.
Hi,has anyone got the ‘dressing to win (盛装舞æ¥çˆ±ä½œæˆ˜ï¼‰’ theme song?
Hi EveryOne I have A new Song Is A Sweetness_in_the_Salt ThemeSong By Tavia Yeung And Steven ma Hope U Guy Like My Song http://sharebee.com/c7e83033
Does someone know where i can download midi files from chinese songs?
Thanks in advance
Hey, if anyone interested, TVB series “The Four” is coming out on DVD in February.
Hey, guys! Time for a new series. Here’s the link to The Greatness Of A Hero theme (TV Version): http://sharebee.com/99687f11
First time hearing Hins Cheung in singing the themesong for the series.
hi alicia
tks for replying, do u have de links, maybe u sent me.. don wanna inconvenience u… tks so much
alicia – my email add is quinkaine@hotmail.com
oh and do u have thankful for meeting you by bosco and myolie wu?
thanks for everything you have put up
I don’t know chinese so i can’t find these songs
anyhow i hope you have older songs up here like ” heavenly sword and dragon sabres… ”
Thank you for your time
hope i can thank you personally
bai bai
do u have the ending theme song for the conqueror’s story?
hi! does anyone have the themesong to Eternal Happiness? (i forgot who sang it) and the themesong to the Gentle Crackdown 1 by Niki and Moses. i kno ther’re kind of old. thnx in advance! ^^
Hi EveryOne I Have Just Download The ThemeSong Of The_Greatness_of_a_Hero Sang By Hins Cheung Enjoy To hear it….
The_Greatness_of_a_Hero http://sharebee.com/fa897690
hey to chung who said he/she has the men in pain 2nd sub song by ron ng.
could u send me? hehe thanks! 😀
or post the link here
Also to Catherine: And also the theme song for the series The Gentle Crackdown sung by Moses Chan and Nikki Chow is on comment #952. You can find the theme song of the series Eternal Happiness on comment #220. It was sang by Kelly Chan.
Does anyone have the themesong for i do? i know it’s crap, but i thought the song was pretty good.
r u finding the song that sang by fish leong?
u can donwload it here: http://sharebee.com/ff377579
Hope u enjoy it =]
Now, I think this list will have a little change:
01. å‡ŒåŠ æ© LING KA YAN (周麗淇 CHOW LAI KI, NIKI) – 最美麗的第七天 THE SEVENTH DAY
03. 于å朗 YUE CHI LONG (éƒæ™‰å®‰ KWOK CHUN ON) – å¤éˆç²¾æŽ¢ D.I.E.
06. èšå½¬ TAM, BEN (æŽæ€æ· LEE SZE CHIT, JOHNSON) – 原來愛上賊 CATCH ME NOW
07. 高哲 KO CHI (劉æ¾ä» LAU CHUNG YAN) – 原來愛上賊 CATCH ME NOW
13. è‹—éš¼ MIU CHUN (羅嘉良 LO KA LEUNG) – 當狗愛上貓 WHEN A DOG LOVES A CAT
27. è™žè‘¦åº YU WAI TING, MELISSA (陳秀ç CHAN SAU CHU) – ç 光寶氣 THE GEM OF LIFE
28. 賀峰 HO FUNG, MARTIN (å²³è¯ YUEH HUA) – ç 光寶氣 THE GEM OF LIFE
thanx K2K!
can someone find the song å†è¦‹Puppy Love by Niki Chow and Ron Ng?
please theresa!!!!!!!!!! I can translate the notes for you because I am going to my final piano class and I can tell the teacher to do it. please hyperlink it as a word document.
Huurry Before thursday!!!!!!!!!! I have piano class on thursday
The list was a real thing. Each was according to the sequence of each series.
Actually, what I got was real. The two explained that there was really an ending like that. That list up there were the leading roles and important roles. They ended up dead at the end.
There might be a good news to me and some of you out there. Do you think Selena Li can sing? I think she has the ability. Y’all must have never heard her sing. This is the first time to y’all. Presenting her first song: Tell Me. Sources said that she might have composed the song: http://www.mediafire.com/?myhql2nou1v
does anybody know theresa? I really need the music sheets!!!!!
i am not sure if this is connected with this blog here..but can someone explains to me what does it mean when a series is being warehoused?? Thanks!
Reply from KTVB: It simply means TVB decided not to air it on HK TV (maybe because they think it’s not that good), and is released to overseas only.
Does anyone have this new song sang by Raymond Lam in this new Judge Bao series: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9r-SbljrIQ&feature=related
does anyone have myolie wu’s romantic century MV?
Ask y’all a question: If in the future TVB would be released another songs album, what songs would you wish to pisten from it? My answer will be:
ç‰ä½ – 佘詩曼 (Forensic Heroes II Subtheme)
抱著空氣 – é„嘉穎ã€å‘¨éº—æ·‡ (The Seventh Day Subtheme)
Of course is ç‰ä½ – 佘詩曼 (Forensic Heroes II Subtheme)
and E.U full theme song..
Troi ! ^^
Ai cung noi tieng anh het !
Minh khong hieu gi ca ! ^^
Co ai viet tieng viet duoc khong ? xD hihihi
Hi want the full version of ç‰ä½ – 佘詩曼.
i just find for 1.21 min
so is too short
and the sweetness in the salt(full version)
Anh cung giup cai gi ?
toi chi biet cuc sieu tieng viet .
Reply from KTVB: Please keep the comments English please 🙂
LOl , sorry .
cuz this viet guy miki ,
dont speak english & he needed help .
but , it wont happen again , so yeah .
& i was wondering do you have the piano music
to the themesong the seventh day , thank you .
Does anyone have the theme song for foodie to shoes that is sung by Harlem Yu and Patrick Tang? I dont mind if it is rip. Thks in advance.
Hi EveryOne Happy Valetine Day And I Just Download E.U. (Emergency Unit) 3 Sang By Ron Ng, Sammul Chan and Michael Tse Enjoy Is http://sharebee.com/c44d76cc
Theresa and E.U. (Emergency Unit) is only 1:30 min http://sharebee.com/76b0cbb1
Theresa i find the Sweetness in the Salt themesong is only 1:31 min here http://sharebee.com/faadcd7b
Dear K,
Is it possible for you to put the radio rip Sweetness in the Salt theme onto your own server please? I can’t access Sendspace right now.
If it’s not too much trouble, that is. =) If you can’t, then no worries, I’ll have to get it another time.
Reply from KTVB: done ^_^
hi. does anyone have the themesong to the series Legend of Love with Sonija in it? it was sang by Gillian Chung and Kenny Kwan.thanx!
Where i can get the song that Eric Suen play mouth organ with Vivien Yeo play the piano???
Thanks for the upload! ^_^ You’re very kind!
Hi, just like limun said… K do you know where can i find
the sub theme music Eric Suen play harmonica with Vivien Yeo playing piano. Its really soothing and loving. its from “Pages of Treasureâ€
Thanks in advance ^^
Hey, i was wondering if anyone has the ringtone that Alex (eric Suen) had in Pages of Treasure?
Thank you
do someone has the subtheme song for The Monkey King: Quest for the Sutra sung by Dicky Cheung in cantonese? thank you
Everyone, a question to ask: Which one of you is good in audio recording?
I might have found some ways to record the songs from my phone to the computer. When I have settled this problem, please give in the names of the songs y’all want. The list will be like this:
æ¦æ˜¯é“ – Alan Tam (佛山贊師父 Real Kung Fu)
ç—•è·¡ – Moses Chan (èƒè„‚水粉 The Charm Beneath)
軟糖 – Roger Kwok & Jessica Hester Hsuan (阿旺新傳 Life Made Simple)
æ‰è¨ˆçŽ‹ – Jordan Chan (éµå’€éŠ€ç‰™ Word Twisters’ Adventures)
抱著空氣 – Kevin Cheng & Niki Chow (最美麗的第七天 The Seventh Day)
ç‰ä½ – Charmaine Sheh (法è‰å…ˆé‹’II Forensic Heores II)
無情有愛 – Linda Chung (ç 光寶氣 The Gem Of Life)
我還在ç‰ç”šéº¼ – Moses Chan (ç 光寶氣 The Gem Of Life)
定局 – Hins Cheung (盛世ä»å‚‘ The Greatness Of A Hero)
These songs were not released on the net since their release. Even they did release on the net, they were only edited versions or short versions. Hope y’all can give a reply.
To Sherry, i have e Harlem n Patrick’s song u requested in MV n in mp3.Title is çˆ±ä½ çš„åªæœ‰ä¸€ä¸ªæˆ‘
To All, if u have any prob locating any songs I COULD help.
I can be reached @ lucillalwy4887@hotmail.com
do anyone have love with no regrets(moonlight resonance sub) music video by raymond lam
To gamdoy
Try this link
All his other MVs too!
Happy Viewing!!
I am posting the link to Sweetness In The Salt (full version): http://sharebee.com/65b1596d
Dear chung,
very looking forward to hearing these two songs:
抱著空氣 – Kevin Cheng & Niki Chow (最美麗的第七天 The Seventh Day)
ç‰ä½ – Charmaine Sheh (法è‰å…ˆé‹’II Forensic Heores II)
especially the seventh day (i hope they dont talk during the song! XD) =)
Anyone of you is from Malaysia?
chris. :
Actually, until now, I’m still thinking of how to record the songs from my phone to the computer. Most definitely, the songs are all the real versions from TVB, no dialogues. Within the songs include the themesong to E.U in full.
To Lucilla, can u send çˆ±ä½ çš„åªæœ‰ä¸€ä¸ªæˆ‘ to me in mp3 format? My email is sherrymiyanoshiho@hotmail.com. Thks in advanced.
Dear Chung – that Sweetness in the Salt themesong you posted – is that a CD version or the radio rip?\
Reply from KTVB: I’ve had a listen to it and it’s definitely not the CD version. It’s an edited version which is a mix of the TV rip and the radio version to cover up the talking. It’s still a good substitute I guess 🙂
That version can be said as the full version of the song. That’s all I can find.
And to the fans in Malaysia, it’s time for y’all to do some stuff. Whoever is staying in Malaysia, can access the TVB Wap via mobile phone. Whoever wants to know more, give me a reply.
Whoever can record the phone downloaded into the phone by any way, I’d be thankful for that.
Hey did anyone heard Raymond Lam new song yet? It’s Called WORTHY TEARS 值得æµæ³ª. Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Txt7dnHr-3o
Any chance anyone have the full version on mp3 to share??? 🙂 🙂 🙂 . . .
Here is the link: http://sharebee.com/58a3231e
Chung, you keep asking about moving music from phone to computer.
What is the file format of the music on your phone? Is it MP3 or WMA or something similar? These files can be moved across using a cable for your phone.
If they are in a non-standard format, you might not be able to move them across because the files can only be played on your phone and not on normal media players.
Hi K,,
Do you have the ringtone used by Alex Fong (Eric Suen) In the Pages of Treasures?
Does anyone has got
1. Ringtone used by Alex Fong (Eric Suen) in Pages of Treasures
2. Full version of the love song when Alex plays on his harmonica and Hill plays on the piano?
If u got can you send it to me?
Does anyone have the song that everyone sing at the end of Moonlight Resonance.
Does any one have the piano sheet for pages of treasurer sub theme piano where Vivian Yeo played
if so can u plz send to my email
thankz ^.-
Hey, guys! I think there might be some news to the latest series and the upcoming and preparing series. The Winter Melon Tale will be airing on March 3, while The King Of Snookers will air on March 30. As for the upcoming ones, anyone interested in the story to “Heaven and Earth”? My sources said that Nick Cheung will be back for the filming of the series. The other two lead roles Moses and Bowie are also comfirmed to be filming. As for the female leads, Sheren is filming the series too. But for Linda Chung, might be in the whole series too. I’m dying to watch this series for real. The storyline is just so great! It’s a whole new story theme within these years.
Today, I’m going to load up the songs for Emergency Unit:
Theme=é»‘ç™½è®Šå¥ by Ron Ng, Sammul Chan, Michael Tse (CD Ver): http://sharebee.com/6659aa98
Sub: æ‰‹æŽŒå° by Elanne Kwong (CD Ver) : http://sharebee.com/468f13a1
Reply from KTVB: Thanks for sharing!
sub theme for EU By Elanne Kwong http://sharebee.com/3e7d84b0
EU_(Theme_Song).mp3 http://sharebee.com/593b0a11
Thank you everyone for posting songs!
I found a clearer version of Sweetness in the Salt’s themesong. I’m sure it’s still an edited version, but the editing is extremely well done. It can be found at this blog site: http://jessie1314.blogspot.com/2009/02/sweetness-in-salt-full-clear-version.html
Credit to Jessie for uploading and converting such a simple but beautiful song.
Does anyone have the Yummy Yummy sub theme by Kevin Cheng? The link above doesn’t work. Also does anyone know the name of an english song played in The Gem Of LIfe? NOrmally during Bosco and Linda’s scenes.
Does anyone have the *FULL* version of Vagabond Vigilante sung by Raymond Lam? I looked everywhere and could only find the 1:30 version. I think it was released on the CD that contained the full opening to Face to Fate. Thank you so much!
hey ppl, i got the full clear version of sweetness in the salt. is really 100% full, no radio or whatever but i dunno how to upload it. maybe i can send to KTVB?
Reply from KTVB: oo..that would be great jojo 🙂
dear KTVB, i think that song is not ori theme lar. i guess is the same as u said that it has been cover the talking. my frens said not really a good quality. so sorry for that.
Reply from KTVB: I had a listen to it- even though its an edited version, it sounds better than the other edited one haha so thanks for sharing ! ^_^
Hey, y’all! I just got the themesong to The Winter Melon Tale, hope y’all like the song when it airs: http://sharebee.com/68b64a67
The list on comment# 1285 will be adding some again:
36. é¡ç‘žé›² NGAN SUI WAN (å‘‚çŠ LUI SHAN) – 盛世ä»å‚‘ THE GREATNESS OF A HERO
38. å¼µç´ å¨¥ CHEUNG SO NGOR (朱咪咪 CHU MIMI) – 盛世ä»å‚‘ THE GREATNESS OF A HERO
39. 曹月 CHO YUET (éƒç¾¨å¦® KWOK SONIJA) – 盛世ä»å‚‘ THE GREATNESS OF A HERO
41. æ¦å»¶å¾· MO YIN TAK (黃嘉樂 WONG KA LOK) – 盛世ä»å‚‘ THE GREATNESS OF A HERO
42. æœäº¦å¤© TO YIK TIN (林利 LAM LEI) – å¸è¦ç‹™æ“Š E.U.
43. æ¢ç¬‘æ£ LEUNG SIU TONG (è¬å¤©è¯ TSE TIN WAH, MICHAEL) – å¸è¦ç‹™æ“Š E.U.
44. æŽæŸç¿¹ LEE PAK KIU (陳éµé‹’ CHAN KIN FUNG, SAMMUL) – å¸è¦ç‹™æ“Š E.U.
to flick: http://www.zshare.net/audio/5667686940c4f94c/
http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/RMhucyyLaRU/. any1 has this full song?. i dunno who’s the singer is and this show was really old.
Anybody know the song that plays in Wars of In-Laws 2. It’s in the scene where CC proposes to Coco? It goes something like:
Whatever it takes
you gotta move on
the coffee is cold
the party is over
Much appreciated!
I know you already posted the song Shining Friends by 2R in Hearts of Fencing but I’m wondering if anyone has the instrumental version of it? & possibly the piano sheet? Much appreciated if someone can help me (: and thanks in advance!
Hi Every One I Download Raymond Lam Music Is A The Justice Pao Enjoy Is Thx!!!! http://sharebee.com/52cb014d
hi… im looking for a journey called life piano version. Any one have it? I really want this song…
if anyone got, please email me candysling_102@yahoo.com…
Never thought that Chris Lai Lok Yi and Kathy Chow Hoi Mei can sing! Yi now sings the theme for The Winter Melon Tale with Don Li. If anyone has watched A Handful of Love, you may rememer who he is. As to Kathy, she sings the second subtheme to E.U. Wait for the news later…
thanks for providing the links for EU theme and Sub song..
i love yau yau so much!!! so sweet of her..=)
The Brink Law theme song who has?
Reply from KTVB: The link is already provided at the top of the page. Please check before requesting.
Hi.. I am looking for this song in full length http://sharebee.com/b3d887f9
Please share if anyone have it.. who sang it anyway?
Hey, everyone. I’m sending up the link to the full theme for The Winter Melon Tale: http://sharebee.com/9d795c0d
Reply from KTVB: Thanks for sharing 🙂
Does anyone have the songs from the series “Forever Love I do” which was shown recently on TVB alongside “Gem of life”?Help appreciated
Reply from KTVB: Is that “I do?”
Hi All,
I was wondering if anyone had a longer version of Tavia Yeung’s “Love Triangle” ä¸‰è§’å…©é¢ sub theme from Yummy Yummy… I have the version where the kettle goes off, then Tavia goes and cries in the shower. I’ve heard another version, but can’t seem to find a download link to it.
hey chung
i’m stayin in malaysia n i would like to know how to access the tvb wap …
I’m glad to hear it! Now follow the steps I’ll be giving you:
1. Send TVB to 32888 and wait for response.
2. Once the link is sent to your mobile phone, read it and you can access to the WAP and search for the stuff from TVB in it.
So, there is another thing, if you are interesting in the songs from TVB series, I will give you the code and the address of each song. Reply me if you want them.
I was wondering if anyone can help me on something about ç››è£èˆžæ¥æ„›ä½œæˆ°! does anyone know what the song is called when Ben(æ´ªå“ç«‹) runs to find Michelle(诗雅) on episode 8!
Hey there, can i request for 抱著空氣 by Kevin Cheng and Niki Chow, full version without the dialogue?
Reply from KTVB: You’re in luck 🙂 Newly updated!
Hey guys. I’m posting the link to the subtheme to E.U. by Kathy Chow: http://sharebee.com/38688b67
Since some of you might be very anxious to wait for the songs that are not released on the net, I feel the same thing too before this. And now, I have already found a way to record the songs from my phone to the computer. All of them are not recorded by a normal recording device. Crisp and clear. Now, I will post the links for the songs. This is my new song list:
《阿旺新傳》片尾曲 : 軟糖 – éƒæ™‰å®‰ï¹å®£è± Life Made Simple full subtheme by Roger Kwok & Jessica Hester Hsuan — http://sharebee.com/d68fa216
《éµå’€éŠ€ç‰™ã€‹ä¸»é¡Œæ›² : æ‰è¨ˆçŽ‹ – 陳å°æ˜¥ Word Twisters’ Adventures full theme by Jordan Chan — http://sharebee.com/c6911fcd
《最美麗的第七天》片尾曲 : 抱著空氣 – é„嘉穎ï¹å‘¨éº—æ·‡ The Seventh Day full subtheme by Kevin Cheng & Niki Chow — http://sharebee.com/bce81fd2
《太極》主題音樂 The Master of Tai Chi full music — http://sharebee.com/39f94ffa
《ç 光寶氣》片尾曲 : 無情有愛 – é¾å˜‰æ¬£ The Gem Of Life full subtheme by Linda Chung — http://sharebee.com/b58f1e9a
《ç 光寶氣》片尾曲 : 我還在ç‰ç”šéº¼ – 陳豪 The Gem Of Life full subtheme by Moses Chan — http://sharebee.com/b0e2051f
《盛世ä»å‚‘》主題曲 : 定局 – 張敬軒 The Greatness Of A Hero full theme by Hins Cheung — http://sharebee.com/3e9bd4fb
《大冬瓜》主題曲 : 大冬瓜 – æŽé€¸æœ—ï¹é»Žè«¾æ‡¿ The Winter Melon Tale full theme by Don Li & Chris Lai — http://sharebee.com/5c6fe437
I can tell y’all that the songs above are 100% pure official version from TVB of each song. I feel happy to be of service to this site. Thanks for the support! If there’s chance, please help pass these songs to other sites for the fans who wanted it for a long time. Hope y’all had not wasted my efforts for this, guys! Enjoy your life. I will be giving some comments after this.
Reply from KTVB: Thank you so much Chung!! Please put the other ones too 🙂 Like Face to Fate Sub 🙂
Hey Chung, thanks for all the uploads, especially Embracing Air, but that song isn’t as clear as I want it to be. There’s like this *tick *tick sound near the end…especially around 2:58 and 3:36. I don’t think it’s my speakers. I hope you could fix that for me. Thanks.
Because the first time I heard the whole song, it was already like that. So, never mind.
hey chung, thanks a lot for your awesome list of songs. thanks!! 😀
hey chung, tahnks for the songs, do you have Charmaine Sheh’s subsong for Forensic Heroes 2?
Thanks for the songs! Any chance that there is a full version of