September 2008

Raymond Lam’s New Album! [Your Love]

Yay!! After Raymond’s great success in selling his debut album last year, his 2nd album [Your Love] is finally out for pre-ordering! I’m really excited !!=D It is expected to be released on September 9 and this time,  it comes in two different covers:

The CD will include the following songs:
01. 愛不疚 (TVB劇集「溏心風暴之家好月圓」片尾曲)
Love with No Regrets (Subthemesong of [Moonlight Resonance])
02. 愛人與海
Lover and Sea
03. Tonight
04. 明天以後 (林峰 / 泳兒合唱)
After tomorrow (duet with Vincy Chan)
05. 憑良心說再見
Saying goodbye with conscience
06. 影子的愛情故事
The shadow’s love story
07. 浮生若水 (TVB劇集「太極」片尾曲)
Life like water (Subtheme of [The Master of Tai Chi])
08. All About Your Love
09. 夏雪
Summer Snow
10. 明天以後 (國語) (林峰 / 泳兒合唱)
After tomorrow (Mandarin – duet with Vincy Chan)

I can’t wait to get my own copy!! I was hoping they’ll have more things with it though, like last time. Nevertheless, I’m going to get the one with him holding the clock =) Please support Raymond Lam and Pre-order your copy from YesAsia now ! 😀

You can also purchase it with your own Album Poster here

UPDATE 23/9/2008

There is now a new version which includes a DVD of 3 MVs and 6 postcards included!

The MVs are for Track- 01,  02, 04

Expected release date: September 24, 2008. Preorder Now!

Honestly if this version released earlier I would have got this version instead of Version 1!

UPDATE 24/9/08 I’ve finally received my copy. Read all about it here (along with Chinese Lyrics)

Information Source: YesAsia.com

31 Responses to “Raymond Lam’s New Album! [Your Love]”

  • Summer says:

    KTVB ~ wow.. Ray is geng..so fast got his another single album lo.. i prefer tis image then the 1st album image..tis is more nice..and more handsome..

  • rachel says:

    yay another album! can’t wait for it to come out! but i’m gonna be broke after purchasing linda’s album lol
    i love the picture of him!!!!

  • K2K says:

    So happy his new CD is coming out, but I hope this time his CD case will not be in paperback again. Beside that everything else is beyond perfection.

  • think says:

    yes another album =p

    i think i will get the the one with the clock too.
    the cat one just don’t look as hot lol

  • Annisa says:

    LOL. The cat one is cute. 😛 But Ray needs a softer “look” for that one. I would still like to be the cat however. 😀 I’d get the clock one too but I’m going to wait and see if they add any “extra stuff” to go with the album.

  • chibi says:

    yay….Raymond’s 2nd AlbuM!! I’m gonna pre-prder right now… everyone should support him too ^-^

  • eigna says:

    When will it come out in singapore?

    Support Raymond Lam new song..don’t upload here if you have the song,Support Him..

  • Wendy says:

    I must say the clock cover is nicer than the cat one, as most people here agree! LOL.

    The fierce look doesn’t suit Raymond, I personally prefer his goofy personality. =)

  • KTVB says:

    To rachel: save up for Rays XD

    To K2k: I agree =) I heard Linda’s debut is also paperback..hopefully his 2nd one won’t be.

    To Annisa: LOL” I would still like to be the cat however. ” haha thats so cute XD yes, I prefer softer look ray than fierce ray ^^; Hoping ehy’ll have more ‘extra stuff’ too..

    To eigna: no worries =) I won’t let that happen here 🙂

    To wendy: yesh for goofy ray!

  • eigna says:

    the clock picture is much handsome then the one holding on the cat picture..

  • Anony says:

    Will it be released in Singapore? T_T

  • kinki says:

    I like the ‘clock’ one more too..haha..i think Ray looks more charming in that one~ 🙂
    1 CD/Year, way to go RAY!!! ^0^

  • nekomimi otoko says:

    Yay another album from Ray ^0^ The clock one is better looking than the cat one =p Too bad I’m not allowed to buy his albums =| But I’ll support Ray all the way! Ganbare Ray

  • Ting says:

    Whoa!!! <3 Ray
    heheh, he gets to “show off” his “big” fingers on the 1st pic. wtv, <3 him.

  • moonz says:

    omg yay yay its out todae and its on mii birthdae yay yay ………lov3 his album cover.>O<

  • ginger says:

    Hi……….. exicted tat his 2nd album out!!!!! love the picture of ray wit the clock!!! Ayo, y they release 2 version? I’m alr broke!!!!!!!!!

  • eigna says:

    when will it be released in singapore?

  • eigna says:

    omg..raymond song is super nice..i like track 10 the most..

  • Lily says:

    I just got it yesterday. I got the one with the cat cuz it somewhat reminds me of myolie x]<3 SUPPORTING RAY FOREVER!

  • KTVB says:

    Aww…so lucky XD I still haven’ had the chance to listen to it yet because my copy hasn’t arrived..should be sometime this week (hopefully today!) 🙂

  • K2K says:

    Ain’t That Funny When You Purchase Your Copy Of Your Love 1st Edition And There Another Edition With Music Video And Posters. If I Knew That’s I
    Would Had Waited For Like 2 More Weeks. But That’s All Right, I got His Voice On My MP3 Player Already.

  • Sophie says:

    why is his look umm like a school person

  • eigna says:

    i bought the second version..

  • christina says:

    i very sad cause until know i still can buy Raymond Lam 2nd album.i went for many shopping center also cant bought it. How to purchase it from online. i not really understand cause I haven’t purchase anything from online before. Hope someone will reply me. thanks a lot.
    last, i really hope can buy Raymond Lam album.

  • KTVB says:

    To christina: aww..
    You will firstly have to set up an account with YesAsia.com. When you select the product, click ‘checkout’ and there should be some options to choose your method of payment.

  • Variel says:

    Can anyone tell me where can I buy his second album?? Thank you

  • christina says:

    to KTVB
    thanks for your kindly opinion
    i already bought his album when Raymond Lam open his mini concert in M’sia. i already ver happy although this album that i bought is not imported one
    i will always support Raymond as well as TVB.
    I love TVB n Raymond.
    Raymond song is improved a lot
    he reli a talented singer.

  • Cheryl says:

    apparently he’s focusing on his music career and his third album is expected to be released in March! i’m so excited! 🙂

  • KTVB says:

    To cheryl: oh wow! That really is great news 😀 Can’t wait for next album release ^^ I’d love to watch him in series too though, hopefully he’ll be back soon!

  • Susan says:

    Oh my gosh!
    Sorry. I totally lost it.

  • Support4ever says:

    Where can i buy Raymond’s album in Singapore? as well as Linda’s album

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