Yay!! After Raymond’s great success in selling his debut album last year, his 2nd album [Your Love] is finally out for pre-ordering! I’m really excited !!=D It is expected to be released on September 9 and this time, it comes in two different covers:
The CD will include the following songs:
01. æ„›ä¸ç–š (TVB劇集「æºå¿ƒé¢¨æš´ä¹‹å®¶å¥½æœˆåœ“ã€ç‰‡å°¾æ›²)
Love with No Regrets (Subthemesong of [Moonlight Resonance])
02. 愛人與海
Lover and Sea
03. Tonight
04. 明天以後 (æž—å³° / 泳兒åˆå”±)
After tomorrow (duet with Vincy Chan)
05. 憑良心說å†è¦‹
Saying goodbye with conscience
06. å½±å的愛情故事
The shadow’s love story
07. 浮生若水 (TVB劇集「太極ã€ç‰‡å°¾æ›²)
Life like water (Subtheme of [The Master of Tai Chi])
08. All About Your Love
09. å¤é›ª
Summer Snow
10. 明天以後 (國語) (æž—å³° / 泳兒åˆå”±)
After tomorrow (Mandarin – duet with Vincy Chan)
I can’t wait to get my own copy!! I was hoping they’ll have more things with it though, like last time. Nevertheless, I’m going to get the one with him holding the clock =) Please support Raymond Lam and Pre-order your copy from YesAsia now !
You can also purchase it with your own Album Poster here
UPDATE 23/9/2008
There is now a new version which includes a DVD of 3 MVs and 6 postcards included!
The MVs are for Track- 01, 02, 04
Expected release date: September 24, 2008. Preorder Now!
Honestly if this version released earlier I would have got this version instead of Version 1!
UPDATE 24/9/08 I’ve finally received my copy. Read all about it here (along with Chinese Lyrics)
Information Source: YesAsia.com
KTVB ~ wow.. Ray is geng..so fast got his another single album lo.. i prefer tis image then the 1st album image..tis is more nice..and more handsome..
yay another album! can’t wait for it to come out! but i’m gonna be broke after purchasing linda’s album lol
i love the picture of him!!!!
So happy his new CD is coming out, but I hope this time his CD case will not be in paperback again. Beside that everything else is beyond perfection.
yes another album =p
i think i will get the the one with the clock too.
the cat one just don’t look as hot lol
LOL. The cat one is cute.
But Ray needs a softer “look” for that one. I would still like to be the cat however.
I’d get the clock one too but I’m going to wait and see if they add any “extra stuff” to go with the album.
yay….Raymond’s 2nd AlbuM!! I’m gonna pre-prder right now… everyone should support him too ^-^
When will it come out in singapore?
Support Raymond Lam new song..don’t upload here if you have the song,Support Him..
I must say the clock cover is nicer than the cat one, as most people here agree! LOL.
The fierce look doesn’t suit Raymond, I personally prefer his goofy personality. =)
To rachel: save up for Rays XD
To K2k: I agree =) I heard Linda’s debut is also paperback..hopefully his 2nd one won’t be.
To Annisa: LOL” I would still like to be the cat however. ” haha thats so cute XD yes, I prefer softer look ray than fierce ray ^^; Hoping ehy’ll have more ‘extra stuff’ too..
To eigna: no worries =) I won’t let that happen here
To wendy: yesh for goofy ray!
the clock picture is much handsome then the one holding on the cat picture..
Will it be released in Singapore? T_T
I like the ‘clock’ one more too..haha..i think Ray looks more charming in that one~
1 CD/Year, way to go RAY!!! ^0^
Yay another album from Ray ^0^ The clock one is better looking than the cat one =p Too bad I’m not allowed to buy his albums =| But I’ll support Ray all the way! Ganbare Ray
Whoa!!! <3 Ray
heheh, he gets to “show off” his “big” fingers on the 1st pic. wtv, <3 him.
omg yay yay its out todae and its on mii birthdae yay yay ………lov3 his album cover.>O<
Hi……….. exicted tat his 2nd album out!!!!! love the picture of ray wit the clock!!! Ayo, y they release 2 version? I’m alr broke!!!!!!!!!
when will it be released in singapore?
omg..raymond song is super nice..i like track 10 the most..
I just got it yesterday. I got the one with the cat cuz it somewhat reminds me of myolie x]<3 SUPPORTING RAY FOREVER!
Aww…so lucky XD I still haven’ had the chance to listen to it yet because my copy hasn’t arrived..should be sometime this week (hopefully today!)
Ain’t That Funny When You Purchase Your Copy Of Your Love 1st Edition And There Another Edition With Music Video And Posters. If I Knew That’s I
Would Had Waited For Like 2 More Weeks. But That’s All Right, I got His Voice On My MP3 Player Already.
why is his look umm like a school person
i bought the second version..
i very sad cause until know i still can buy Raymond Lam 2nd album.i went for many shopping center also cant bought it. How to purchase it from online. i not really understand cause I haven’t purchase anything from online before. Hope someone will reply me. thanks a lot.
last, i really hope can buy Raymond Lam album.
To christina: aww..
You will firstly have to set up an account with YesAsia.com. When you select the product, click ‘checkout’ and there should be some options to choose your method of payment.
Can anyone tell me where can I buy his second album?? Thank you
thanks for your kindly opinion
i already bought his album when Raymond Lam open his mini concert in M’sia. i already ver happy although this album that i bought is not imported one
i will always support Raymond as well as TVB.
I love TVB n Raymond.
Raymond song is improved a lot
he reli a talented singer.
apparently he’s focusing on his music career and his third album is expected to be released in March! i’m so excited!
To cheryl: oh wow! That really is great news
Can’t wait for next album release ^^ I’d love to watch him in series too though, hopefully he’ll be back soon!
Oh my gosh!
Sorry. I totally lost it.
Where can i buy Raymond’s album in Singapore? as well as Linda’s album