March 2010

[New Series]: Suspects in Love

Title: Suspects in Love

Chinese Title: 搜下留情 (Sau Ha Lau Ching)

Cast: Joe Ma Tak Chung (馬德鐘), Flora Chan (陳慧珊) ,Sharon Chan (陳敏之), Law Him (羅仲謙), Power Chan(陳國邦) , Louis Yuen (阮兆祥), Rain Lau (劉玉翠), Shek Sau (石 修)

Episodes: 20

Airing date: 5 April 2010 (replacing In the Eye of the Beholder)

Producer: Poon Ka Tak

Scriptwriter: Yuen Siu Na

Themesongs: Music (TV-Rip) | Sub -Once Inattentive (一不留神) Joe Ma

Suspects in love


In order to rescue her best friend COCO KAM (Rain Lau), masseuse CHENG SIU-YAN (Flora Chan) is embroiled in a triad murder case. Misconceiving that she has killed someone, YAN hides away from the police and gangsters by reluctantly returning to her long-separated father CHENG TSUN-CHEONG (Shek Sau). CHEONG opens a Chinese herbal tea shop but the business is failing. YAN drags through the days stressfully until NG CHUNG-MING (Joe Ma) comes into her life. MING claims to have a secret prescription for making Chinese herbal tea but he is actually an undercover police. By investigating YAN’s case, MING hopes to get promoted and marry his inspector girlfriend CHEUNG SZ-MAN (Sharon Chan) at the end. MING’s supervisor CHEUNG SZ-CHAI (Power Chan) used to oppress him a lot and MING is losing confidence at work. However, ever since he meets the cheerful YAN, MING begins to develop his self-esteem and find his life path. His delicate relationship with YAN also starts to grow.

MING’s younger brother NG CHUNG-HONG (Law Him) meets YAN’s younger sister CHENG SIU-MAN (Mandy Wong) and love grows spontaneously. However, YAN finds out MING’s identity and she believes that the two brothers are making use of them to carry out investigation. On the other hand, MING learns that YAN’s cousin LEUNG KING-HO (Louis Yuen) is just released from jail and he is familiar with the gang leader, and YAN is considered in connection with the case. Their blossoming relationship is thrown into turmoil as they get closer to the truth.

按摩女郎郑笑欣(陈慧珊)为营救好姊妹甘可可(刘玉翠)逃离一劫,因而牵涉一宗黑帮疑案,误以为自己是杀人凶手,迫不得已回家投靠分离多年的父亲郑俊昌(石修),但父亲经营的凉茶铺生意不济,黑白两道又随时上门,笑欣终日活在惶恐之中,直至自称拥有凉茶秘方的吴仲明 (马德钟)出现,笑欣才对未来重燃希望。谁料仲明只是一名警员,为求升职以迎娶督察女友张思敏(陈敏之),装神弄鬼混入凉茶铺,以图从笑欣身上套取案件线索。本来在警队受尽上司张思齐(陈国邦)的压迫,变得自卑的仲明,受爽朗的笑欣薰陶下,竟在凉茶铺找到自我及人生方向,遂与笑欣开展出扑朔迷离的微妙关系. .


Synopsis Credits : Astro on Demand

Comments: Flora!!!! Quite exciting to see the “older” actors return to TVB. We had a whole lot come back for Born Rich, and then Maggie Cheung in ‘My Better Half’. Hope it’ll be a good series 🙂

23 Responses to “[New Series]: Suspects in Love”

  • rachel says:

    i’m excited to see this because of flora, i never fully saw flora in a series so this will be my first one 🙂 i’m excited to see the veteran actors come back. and the dark comedy/suspense seems very intriguing, hope it won’t disappoint!

  • cooldudejohn says:

    I like the storyline but I’ve never been a really big fan of Joe. I hope this turns out good!

  • Fiona says:

    wow…I’ve never heard of this series before XDDDD But I’ll surely give it a try for Flora…and I just have to say, Maggie was so awesome in My Better Half XDDD I love her. heehee. yeshhh…and Kenix Kwok in Born Rich…heehee…although I didn’t watch that series >< But anyways…I was never a fan of Joe either… 🙂 shek sau, huh? haha. He's pretty awesome too

  • kinki says:

    Love Flora, too bad no time to watch this!
    What’s the genre of the series? Crime Investigation?

  • karened says:

    Definitely a must watch. FLORA! And Joe Ma! Haha I’m on a Joe high since Born Rich. And the plot looks good too so i’m definitely going to catch this. I’m really lacking good tvb shows to watch right now!

  • Rin says:

    I’m in! I love crime investigation series~ 🙂

  • Nicole says:

    can’t wait! wish it was someone besides Joe (Moses!), but still…will watch for Flora. 😀

  • missy says:

    omg i’m excited to see flora but look at HIM LAW! such a hottie. he buffed up for ths series so much. omg so hot XD

  • Guardianstar says:

    Episode 01 has out. Watch and download high quality here: http://www.enterhk.com/tvb-drama/51-suspects-in-love/

  • chibi says:

    hmmmm…not sure if I’ll watch this or not..

    Hope it’s good though :D!

  • veekay says:

    I seriously very excited of this drama series…all because of flora chan…=)..i waited for her return to TVB..fo so so so so so so long!=)…i am a great fan of hers!=)…i collected all her drama series!=)…miss flora…always support her no matter what!=)

  • Fionne says:

    This was a really good movie. I especially loved Him Law and Mandy. The beginning was a bit boring and I stopped watching it but one day I got bored and started watching it again x|3

  • Taylor says:

    I love Joe Ma and Sharon Chan!!! so excited to see this drama!

    • Madeline says:

      yeah i like them together too and it’s a good thing that joe and sharon ended up together, sharon deserves joe 😀 and I hope that sharon will get most improved actress, she’s really good at acting and i always look forward to her shows especially ghetto justice 😀

  • Jessica says:

    OMG I love Him Law in this drama!! He is so hot aaahhhh damn! When I see him shirtless I’m speechless.

  • TVBdramaxx says:

    I reallly love dis drama! mainly cos of mandy wong and him law. Him law is awsome. love the scences withmandy and him law. xx

    • KTVB says:

      Mandy and Him seem to put in the same series quite a bit

      • Francis says:

        Mandy and Him have been in 5 series so far. That’s quite a lot considering both of them acting in TVB not that long ago. They were together for this series as well as L’Escargot, The Hippocratic Crush, Tiger Clubs, and Divas in Distress. They act together quite well. Hope they collaborate together more!

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