Episode 1
Jessica: A clever woman would hope to marry a man that loves her.
Sunny: Only dumb men would believe they would marry a woman that loves him.
Episode 2
Jessica: Women always hope that will become the final woman for the man
Sunny:Â Men always hope they become the woman’s first man…
Episode 3
Jessica: Want to see a woman’s true self? You can only see after they put on their make up
Sunny: Want to see a man’s true self? You can only see after they’ve broken up in their relationship
Episode 4
Jessica: A successful man needs to earn more than a woman can spend
Sunny: A successful woman can find a man like that
Episode 5
Jessica: Men are willing to pay double the price for something they want
Sunny: Women pay half of what its worth for something they don’t need
Episode 6
Jessica: Woman are always worried about the future; until they find a husband
Sunny: Men are never worried about the future, until they get a wife
Episode 7
Jessica: When men shop, they will buy what they want to buy
Sunny: When women shop, they’ll have to see what’s left that they could buy
Episode 8
Jessica: Some men think that marriage is love’s funeral
Sunny: Some women think that if there’s no marriage, love will die out.
Episode 9
Jessica: Men only care about a woman at its present
Sunny: Women only care about a man’s future
[As I tend to have skipped the intro lines by the time I get back from work, the remaining ones are taken from EverStar]
Episode 10
Jessica: Man rattles on when they are drunk.
Sunny: Woman rattles on after getting married.
Episode 11
Jessica: Man sticks around his woman till the small hours before marriage.
Sunny: Woman stays up till the small hours to see her man coming home after marriage.
Episode 12
Jessica: Woman should not get into physical fights with men because she is not manly enough.
Sunny: Man should not get into physical fights with women because it is not a manly thing to do.
Episode 13
Jessica: Woman find herself in a void when out of love.
Sunny: Man find himself too occupied when in love.
Episode 14
Jessica: When a woman sees a man as a friend, it is the prelude of love.
Sunny:Â When a man sees a woman as a friend, he begins to forget she is a woman.
Episode 15
Jessica: A woman doesn’t need a reason to love a man.
Sunny: A man must have thousands of reasons to love a woman … in case she asks him later.
Episode 16
Jessica: A man who keeps a woman waiting is not a good man.
Sunny: It’s alright for a woman to keep a man waiting, but be careful for he may not wait forever.
Episode 17
Jessica: When a man is drunk, he’ll think of more than one woman.
Sunny: When a woman is drunk, she’ll only think of one man … the one who dumped her.
Episode 18
Jessica: Man in love tends to simplify things.
Sunny: Woman in love tends to complicate things.
Episode 19
Jessica: Man longs for love because he’s bored and ends up in trouble.
Sunny: Woman longs for love because she’s curious and ends up being disappointed.
Episode 20
Jessica: When a man conquers the world, he’ll win women.
Sunny: When a woman conquers a man, she’ll win the world.
Episode 21
Jessica: Man lets the woman decide knowing that she won’t listen to him.
Sunny: Woman lets the man decide to see if he knows what she wants.
Episode 22
Jessica: When a woman chats, it is invariably about the man she got.
Sunny: When a man chats, it is invariably about the woman he’d failed to get.
Episode 23
Jessica: For a woman, cosmetics is synonymous with confidence.
Sunny: For a man, cosmetics is synonymous with fraud.
Episode 24
Jessica: Man likes a woman who listens.
Sunny: Woman likes a man who listens to her talk.
Episode 25
Jessica: To a man, love is an episode in life.
Sunny: To a woman, love is the theme song.
He he, I really like reading these. I think TVB is clever for having this on the site.
hahah i think those are so funny. it’s good to see tvb thinking of creative lines. love the way they describe men and women
oh mah gosh!!~ i totally agree with Jessica!!~ lol particularly episode 4 intro line!!~ lol SO true!!~ ^^
hahahaha YEAA I AGREE !!!!! ^__^
buh i kinda dont agree what Sunny was trying to say in Esp 1 … ^O)
But overall, I think it’s a really clever idea (Y)and suits the series.
Yes, I disagree with Sunny’s comment in Episode 1. He makes it sound like Women marry men that they don’t love -.-
Then again it’s from his perspective. Maybe men just don’t think that woman love them as much as they hope
I reckon most of them are so true!! Esp. 2 and 3!
Now I’m looking forward to seeing more episodes, just for these extra lines haha
Nice to read.
hahha..nice… Btw, the series any good?
haha yea the series is pretty good =) it’s lighthearted and enjoyable to watch.
Thats sounds funny, but I havent watched it yet.
Great page btw
ha ha ha… very clever lines
eps 2 really puts it in perspective.
I mean… it describes how stupid women are to believe in their own power.
(Im the one making my man settle down)
and the man… hoping to get a pure woman
.. but then again..
my friend just slapped me on my head saying I misunderstand the line
anyone care to share their opinion?
I’ve had a disucssion with a friend about this quote before it showed up in the series ^_^
When a woman is with a man, they want to be the woman the man will ultimately love the most, and end up with. Perhaps woman are attracted to guys who have previously been in relationships. It doesn’t matter to the girls because it’s in the past. It’s not about the past, but the present; and they would want to be the “final” one…the one the man has been looking for
Men on the other had; are more greedy. They are attracted to girls who have not dated, because they are still ‘pure’. He may not end up with her, but he would like to be the girl’s first boyfriend; because that makes the man feel more ‘superior’
Wow… such great lines. It’s funny, because there’s an “opposite” line to “match” them.
Can’t wait to watch these series, (and look out for these lines 8D)
hahaha i really enjoyed reading them! thanks K!
thats actually really creative of TVB to do these introduction lines..LOL…and a lot of them sound true..XP
That’s so true lol
I heart this series so much!!! Sunny and Jessica look so CUTE TOGETHER!!!
Fromthe additional ones from Everstar:
My two favourites are episode 14 and 15:
When a woman sees a man as a friend, it is the prelude of love.When a man sees a woman as a friend, he begins to forget she is a woman.
A woman doesn’t need a reason to love a man.
A man must have thousands of reasons to love a woman … in case she asks him later.
It’s hilarious yet so true ! XD
The last one is sweet