In [Beyond the Realm of Conscience] episode 26, Charmaine finally confronts Tavia for her evil-doing and scheme! In this blog entry, I will be mainly focusing on their scenes and sharing my thoughts on the matter
Upon discovering the unburnt paper, Charmaine asks Selena whether or not her mother really used a voodoo to harm Tavia’s baby. Selena admits she doesn’t know for sure and can only trust that her mother is saying the truth. However, what she does know is that the voodoo she was aware of was in fact destroyed- she burnt it personally. As to why a second one came up is still a mystery. This raises Charmaine’s alarm… it was all a scheme?
Charmaine asks Selena about Yi Kei and the Voodoo
The next morning, Charmaine confronts Tavia about her baby’s death date, revealing the unburnt paper she had found. She managed to put all the pieces together to make up the full picture (with 100% accuracy XD), knowing she was used as part of her evil scheme. Tavia angrily snaps back, claiming she didn’t do anything wrong, which prompts Charmaine to tell Mary the situation. Tavia becomes extremely desperate and begs Charmaine not to tell Mary, playing with her emotions and making her feel guilty for being ‘so cruel’ to her. Charmaine stays unmoved and just when she starts walking off, Tavia spits out blood! She has been in-taking too much medicine in order to hurry her health back to a state where she can conceive again. In order to survive in the Palace, she has to constantly aspire or she’ll easily become nothing. She claims everything she did was to protect herself. She brings up the past, saying she knows what it feels like to do good things- she used to be a good person herself. (Is she admitting she’s a bad person? o_o) The difference is, she’s only good to Charmaine, while Charmaine is good to everyone. Does this make Tavia a bad person? She stays firm she didn’t do anything wrong and Charmaine takes off once again..
Whose logic/argument do you believe in? Is Charmaine being naive in thinking one should not scheme or plot, no matter the circumstance? Or do you believe her thinking is right, and Tavia has taken it too far? I personally think Tavia’s argument is much more convincing, and Charmaine is being too unrealistic, especially in a place where it’s always the survival of the fittest. However, if Tavia really thought that- it would be okay, but it seems she does harm others with intent, and often without reason
This scene reminds me an awful lot like in episode 7 where Charmaine confronts Tavia for calculating against June.
Charmaine busts Tavia’s evil scheme and plans to report
As Charmaine is walking to see Mary, flashbacks of both the good and bad times reappear. This was one very emotional scene! I started crying, it was so heart-breaking being reminded by how good Tavia used to be and the things she did for Charmaine :{ I’m missing the old days! If you were in Charmaine’s shoes, what would you do? Would you dob in your best friend?
Eventually, Charmaine’s soft side succumbs as she didn’t have the heart to report Tavia. Tavia was absolutely relieved and promises Charmaine she will never disappoint her again, swearing she will start fresh and no long have any grudge against Selena or her mother. Charmaine is very happy hearing these words, and trusts Tavia completely to even voluntarily return the evidence to her; saying only completely burning it can enable the baby to rest in peace. OMG……… can someone really be this *gasp* naive?? This is such a dangerous and bad move (well, good one for Tavia). Charmaine no longer has any evidence against her if she changed her mind in the future.
I’ll admit I was so touched by Charmaine doing this, and it’s just her character to do something this nice… but I knew Tavia would be pleased for different reasons. Tavia secretly grins to herself.. It was all just an act again!!!! Ahh! :O
Charmaine trusts Tavia and lets her off
You know, I’m actually a bit speechless. If I was Tavia, I would be so touched and grateful that someone is willing to have this much trust and faith in me …especially if I really was in the wrong. Tavia doesn’t think she’s wrong though- is she lying to herself? Are all these feelings of hatred and vengeance all part of her denial that she lost the baby on her own? Or does she still genuinely believe Yi kei caused her baby’s death? This…I’m still slightly confused by. I think I underestimated Tavia’s conscience. I’m slightly disappointed Charmaine’s kindness wasn’t able to reach and change her. It’s too early (and easy) to make that the end of evil Tavia, but I wonder what it will take for Tavia to go back to her old self? Will it ever happen? Does Charmaine really have to dob her in before she regrets? Wouldn’t it only make her more hateful? Tavia uses Charmaine time and again, abusing her trust and friendship and is quite proud of it too. I can’t believe she still despises her since it’s so obvious Charmaine only wants the best for her. If she was truly standing on Selena’s side, she would have reported the whole incident! *sigh*
Well… that’s about it for them.
Meanwhile, during a meeting with the House of Proceeding Council, Mary approves of Susanna’s idea of a bird statue as a gift for a Prince from another Country (What Country is this, does anyone know?). She favors all her ideas and suggestions over Michelle which makes her feel powerless. Susanna was put in charge of creating the art piece which she eventually puts together beautifully. Michelle of course, sneaks into her room one night and subtly slits the throat, in hopes to get Susanna into a lot of trouble!
The next morning, when Michelle takes Kwok Lun to inspect Susanna’s statue, she was surprised to find Vin in the room instead! The head of the bird was broken, and Kwok Lun blames Vin for breaking the master piece and locks him up! Vin thinks Susanna deliberately plotted and set him up, as she had told him to meet in the room earlier. Stupid Michelle ends up harming Vin instead of Susanna, which leaves her looking quite dumbfounded.
Vin gets into trouble for the broken statue
She becomes very worried for Vin and goes to find Susanna, scolding her for sitting around and doing nothing. I thought it was sooo stupid that Michelle is putting blame on Susanna for not trying hard enough to save him, thinking she doesn’t care if he lives or dies. Hello? Vin is her son, why would she sit by obliviously? Michelle was the idiot who caused the whole mess and suddenly expects Susanna to clean up after her. Susanna of course, already tried asking Mary for help, but she’s unable to get involved since Vin is delegated by Kwok Lun’s authority. She also can’t find Kwok Keung for help since he’s not in the Palace. The only way for Vin to be saved was for Susanna to take all the blame on herself :{ Michelle is seen quite surprised at first, but then afterwards we see her *very* happy when Kwok Lun sentences her to death.. Oh Michelle, you are so heartless. ~_~
Thankfully, Moses arrives and saves the day, acknowledging Susanna has made the mistake, but she has rectified it by amending the bird statue to it’s original form. To please Kwok Lun, he voids’ Susanna’s death penalty in replacement for being hit 10 times. As a result, the case is closed and Vin is freed. Unfortunately, Vin is not grateful Susanna helped free him as he saw it was her fault for plotting against him in the first place! Vin wants to personally beat up Susanna, and even pays the guards to do their dirty work.. Uh-oh!
More focus on Susanna, Michelle and Vin coming in the next episode blog entry! Stay tuned
Click here to read Episode 27 Synopsis >>
What do you think of Episode 26? Were you annoyed Charmaine forgave Tavia, or were you secretly happy Tavia was let off again? Do you still like Tavia’s character? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment!
Please refrain from posting spoilers beyond episode 26. Thank you!
OUCH!!!!!! That’s really mean of Vin…Doing that to Susanna…and then Michelle cutting off the head of the staute…and it was supposed to be susanna’s fault, but then Vin got blamed for it…I feel sorry for at least one person each episode, and this time, i feel sorry for Vin for getting blamed, and Susanna for being treated like that by her son…judging by the look on susanna’s face right at the end before the song started playing…she was really hurt that her son was doing that to her *sob*sob* LOL
I dunno, I didn’t feel sorry for Vin..I was relieved Susanna didn’t get blamed for Michelle’s dirty work. Having Vin get into trouble was like backfiring Michelle’s plan so I was quite happy XD
That end beating scene made me want to throw every single pillow and thing in the room to the screen! He was pissing me off quite a bit. I must say that is one of the hardest scenes to watch. The son beating his mother… Vin is absolutely horrible!!!!
Vin is an idiot… Susanna was the one who saved him, and he is so ungrateful, thinking everything she did was only to make up for Ram’s death. It doesn’t even make sense- if she was evil enough to kill someone, would she really try to ‘make up’ for it, by being nice to HIM? Seriously..
It was funny when Tavia was reassuring herself and Yoyo that “the Charmaine I know wouldn’t be so heartless as to report me to the Grand Empress!” And then as soon as she says this, it’s announced that Mary has come to see her, and then Tavia’s all “Ohcrap!” And then she prostrates herself in front of Mary and is all like, “Please forgive me! etc.”
And it turns out Charmaine had simply told Mary Tavia was trying to accelerate her recovery by abusing her medicine-taking routine. Charmaine was so nice, she thought of all the good times with Tavia before she became a concubine, and she gave in…
Tavia’s actions just goes to show how paranoid she was of her doings – she knows she was wrong. And she was… ‘sam hui’… xin xu… 心虚… Yeah I couldn’t find the right English terms xD But yeah. ^^;
I was surprised Charmaine returned the evidence to Tavia, but Charmaine really trusted that Tavia would put behind her misunderstandings with Selena and all. It was horrible to see Tavia smirk evilly to herself as she burnt the evidence. She wasn’t touched by Charmaine’s good deeds and ‘saving’ her from trouble. I thought she’d be grateful or relieved at least, but she was just glad her plans would never be found out.
On to Michelle/Susanna/Vin!
That was such a dirty trick of Michelle D: What a waste of Susanna’s efforts! And to think of the consequences. She could’ve destroyed the alliance between the two countries! I’m secretly glad that Vin got the blame in place of Susanna, because I was sick of Susanna getting picked on. Darn Michelle’s jealousy. Poor Vin and all, but he was lucky Susanna was so selfless.
Michelle was so happy to see Susanna might get the death penalty, ugh. Thank goodness Moses came to the rescue
The Emperor’s word is law 8D
I remember as the episode finished, I was beginning to really not like Vin. Even if he thought she was his ‘father”s murderer. I didn’t like the look on his face as he was going to hit her D:
Poor Susanna DD: she had her hopes up when she thought Vin was coming to save her. What a way for Vin to repay Susanna’s selfless deed!
It was funny when Tavia was reassuring herself and Yoyo that “the Charmaine I know wouldn’t be so heartless as to report me to the Grand Empress!†And then as soon as she says this, it’s announced that Mary has come to see her, and then Tavia’s all “Ohcrap!†And then she prostrates herself in front of Mary and is all like, “Please forgive me! etc.â€
It’s nice to give Tavia a fright. XD When that scene happened, I’m sure everyone knew Charmaine didn’t report the incident..
Tavia’s actions just goes to show how paranoid she was of her doings – she knows she was wrong.
Yup..if she was guilt-free she wouldn’t have to worry about anything!
It was horrible to see Tavia smirk evilly to herself as she burnt the evidence.
Very..nasty >.<.. It's such a scary grin….I blame all the make-up she's wearing too!
And to think of the consequences. She could’ve destroyed the alliance between the two countries!
See, that’s why Michelle isn’t very smart… it would have caused so much trouble just over her petty little hatred for Susanna.. worth it? As the Head, Michelle herself would also get into a lot of trouble if it stuffed up and Susanna couldn’t fix it. Always so jealous!
I’m secretly glad that Vin got the blame in place of Susanna, because I was sick of Susanna getting picked on.

Me too!
Michelle was so happy to see Susanna might get the death penalty, ugh.
Very pathetic…..
hey ! ur entries on this show is very good! i enjoy reading them, and im also watching this show
by the way, which website do you watch hongkong dramas in? or do you watch them on the television?
Thanks May, glad you enjoy my blog entries ^_^
I watch them on DVD, borrowed off a friend ^.^;
Charmaine was such an idiot (in terms of stupidity she pons all)
Michelle was so annoying (in terms of annoyance, she pons all. Hands down. I don’t think she’s stupider than charmaine. maybe illogical.)
I wanted tavia to get caught quicker, because i saw something coming in the direction of xxx and xxx. And i really didn’t want that to happen (Coz they already killed off so much of my viewing pleasure with that one bash to ram’s skull). I happened to be right, and my viewing pleasure took even more bashings with tavia being let off T.T
Actually i did think that michelle would be glad that susanna took the blame for Vin who took the blame for her. Oh no, but there she was being happy. She’s blinded, I tell you.
Oh and Vin beating Susanna was horrible, really horrible. Worse than michelle bullying susanna. Not in terms of annoyance levels, but in terms of the act itself. Michelle pons all in this aspect lah! x.x But as you watch on, and something gets revealed, you realise that Vin whacking Susanna is not as big a sin as it seems!
Charmaine was such an idiot (in terms of stupidity she pons all)
That’s what she gets being so trusting and naive .. :{ Used.
Michelle was so annoying (in terms of annoyance, she pons all. Hands down. I don’t think she’s stupider than charmaine. maybe illogical.)
Apart from trusting Tavia, I think Charmaine is definitely smarter than Michelle. Michelle is illogical and stupid at the same time… she doesn’t make any sense and always causes so much trouble for everyone over little reasons. Charmaine is quite intelligent and has saved everyone time and again using her head. Her only flaw is her being too trusting in others, believing others think like her (which is..unrealistic) Michelle? Never..she’s only being a nuisance (so far, anyway..)
Actually i did think that michelle would be glad that susanna took the blame for Vin who took the blame for her. Oh no, but there she was being happy. She’s blinded, I tell you.
Her way of thinking is creepy I tell you… she’s one WEIRD person.
Oh and Vin beating Susanna was horrible, really horrible. Worse than michelle bullying susanna.
Definitely a heartbreaker for Susanna….. She probably wished she could yell out “I’m your mother!” :{
“Her way of thinking is creepy I tell you… she’s one WEIRD person.”
I know that she’s creepily weird. But I can understand her motivations (to some extent), not to say that she’s right, but i can understand where she’s coming from. Though i do find her helluva annoying. (oh man, i’m so contradictory)
“Definitely a heartbreaker for Susanna….. She probably wished she could yell out “I’m your mother!†:{”
Yeahh, i know. I want to say something. But i decide to keep my mouth shut. oops.
I think charmaine trusting tavia is her one fatal flaw. And a flaw that makes her stupider than michelle (yes, i’m such a rebel). Because she trusts tavia, tavia makes a mess (killing a few people along the way) and charmaine clears up the mess. But it will never be the same (you will understand why when you finish beyond). Her trusting tavia costs more harm than michelle could ever cause. She’s trust everyone, and luckily for her, most of those she trusts happen to be good angels. Oh yeahh… she has so many lucky breaks with coincidental discoveries. (I would think that anyone would have been able to think of what charmaine thought of. But they might not be able to execute it, because they are not as well liked as charmaine is. So she’s not smart. She just dares to do it) Michelle’s one fatal flaw is not trusting susanna. That’s it. And she annoys the hell out of everyone, yeah, she’s a nuisance. And she does have the power to debate/persuade (and that happens to be something that i respect a great deal) She doesn’t directly or indirectly cause the loss of human lives.
I actually wonder why i wrote such a long comment. Well, maybe it’s because i think that michelle is being labelled as stupid, when i really believe that she isn’t. (i don’t think that many people would be able to think straight in her shoes. I think i’m one of them) Maybe, I just love underdogs
Heehee, shhh xD Keep your mouth shut for a couple more episodes~~
Hmm, I never thought of Charmaine as indirectly causing more loss through her trust in Tavia, that’s something new for me XD Too used to viewing Charmaine as a good person XD
“Heehee, shhh xD Keep your mouth shut for a couple more episodes~~”
Haha, trying to stop myself from blurting it out! ^^
“Hmm, I never thought of Charmaine as indirectly causing more loss through her trust in Tavia, that’s something new for me XD Too used to viewing Charmaine as a good person XD”
but, i’m radical ain’t I? Charmaine is a good person, but she does cause alot of harm indirectly through trusting tavia. But that doesn’t make her bad, i suppose.
Glad that someone actually understands what i’m saying
haha you guys keep me interested XD Cant wait to watch the remaining eps! Then you can post as many spoilers as you want…(not yet though!) XD
charmaine is simply tooooo naiive. esp when she allows tavia to burn the paper.. she should have jus held on to it for a time being..
as for vin. i hated him for whacking susanna. i was wishing that a lightning would strike him immediately.
as for vin. i hated him for whacking susanna. i was wishing that a lightning would strike him immediately.
haha, it would have been awesome if the clouds started to become dark and thunder was approaching as soon as he hit her…then he backs off being a chicken XD
OMG charmaine is so so naive did she really think that tavia was going to turn good after all the bad things she’s done. why did she have to give the paper back??? she let tavia burn the paper. the paper was the only evidence that charmaine had against tavia for her evil deeds.
plus the more evil tavia is the more grand her costume is and the hair is heavier and so is the make up
Yeah..the hair and make-up and clothing is very noticeable.. Tavia is simply wearing toooo much, makes her look ugly.. Her clothing is getting so big, but her status/position remains that of a’s not like she’s gaining more power in the Palace, how come she gets to wear so much more as if she was the Queen? Simple, compare her make-up and outfit with Selena- without even watching any episode, I’m sure everyone can guess Selena is “good” and Tavia is “evil”
Yeah, I dunno..Charmaine was always a little suspicious and wary of Tavia ever since she plotted against June. I would have thought she would still be a bit cautious and keep it for a little while just to keep Tavia on her toes.
Isn’t having this piece of evidence to best way to make sure Tavia doesn’t go back on her words?
The scence surrounding the argument between charmaine and tavia is very worth-watching for the emotional and touching.So sad to see tavia crying but prevent to hate to how annoyed of charmaine respects. Tavia extremely look so innocent in her crying behaviour which convert to evil bitch for a moment later. Yeh, Tavia. To sum up, Tavia as gam ling still stayed on the flavourable and well like section to her screentime all .
haha, I dunno if Tavia is still that enjoyable to watch XD..she’s quite evil. But it beats watching Charmaine be a goodie goodie I suppose, its more bearable to watch.
And about Tavia…it’s kind of sad that some people don’t find Tavia evil…she looks evil, and she does evil things, but they just let her off like that? I mean…all that make up? If this was real, she’d probably be getting skin cancer or something >< Charmaine's WAYYY too nice. Which is pretty: as you can see T__T it's obviously going to result into more trouble caused by Tavia
…she looks evil, and she does evil things, but they just let her off like that?
Um..who’s “they”? You mean the characters in the show, or us? XD
XDDD NO!!!! Of course not you guys…i mean ppl like charmaine and mary hahahahaha
oh…hahaha! Thanks for clarifying XD
Well in front of Mary, Tavia has always been acting like a goddess so it’s hard for to think badly of Tavia for anything (she’s unaware of everything she’s done)- plus, since they have a similar background I think it makes her look at Tavia very favorably too.
With fever and promising to drama series around asia epsecially the ones produced by TVb, hong kong. I now in the working of a blog to consist asia drama”s information in wordpress. here is the link:
I already designed its background, head and link already but not able to write something else yet. i wait for your whole finish beyond the realm of conscience episode by dropped your final thought, so it unbearably let me to write the review for the series in the way, prevent me from accidently gave some spoiler to deceased your thinking. Otherwise, I not yet finished the series at all. Just, I watched from 1-15 and skipped to final episode in order to learn the story due to my chinese is suck and the middle part retain the twist and nice mystery, given you a translation and summary for me who didn’t understand chinese well. When you finish the whole episode of beyond’s summaries, I welcome you to be my first visiter in my blog. Bye bye.
Oh god I can’t believe he hits susanna I feel sorry for her getting beat up in two ep already I guess she feels extremely heartbroken and Tavia grrr I hated how she tricked charmaine