The official nominations listing is finally out!!

My  first reaction is “wow…”  lol I can see why they decided to extend the nominations list to 15 this year XD From a quick look I can see all the leads in Born Rich, Beyond the Realm of Conscience and The Gem of Life with sprinkles from E.U and Rosy Business!

~K for TVB‘s voting poll is now up~

**You can only vote once and will not be able to change your answers. You can vote up to three people in each category (must be done all at once though) The ticks are my own preferences ^^

As I have not watched all the series, my preferences are a bit bias.  Series which I have not watched include: DIE Again, Page of treasures, Off Pedar, Beyond the Realm of Conscience. As I have not seen Beyond and have only started Born Rich , I did not really vote for them yet…(I’m sure they’ll be awesome!) Shall update my choices as I go along hopefully ^^

Best Actor

At first glance, the  two that definitely stood out are Wayne Lai and Dayo Wong =D I believe this year should be Wayne’s year. I can’t imagine anyone else perform ‘Chau Gao’ as awesome as him. It was absolutely impressive! While it may be too early to judge (haven’t seen much of Born Rich), I currently vote for him! Dayo is a great actor and comedian~ while I love him a lot, I do not believe the award will go to him simply because he is not under TVB management. Nevertheless, I would love to see him in top 5! Other than Born Rich males, I really enjoyed Bowie’s Performance in The Gem of Life. While many of the nominees here I commend, I slightly disagree seeing Bosco on the nomination list (and not too much of a fan of Bride for a Ride- Sorry Chin Ka Lok!)

TVB 2009 Best Actor Nominations

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Best Actress

Now this category is HARD! lol The competition here is more intense..with so many more strong female leads, who will take home the award? We have the 3 sisters from Gem of Life, 2 leads in Beyond, and 3 female leads in Born Rich Grand Productions plus Sheren Tang! I must say it’s quite hard for me to choose =X Nevertheless, I was quite impressed with Sheren and Ada’s performances. I hope to see them in top 5 for sure! As foe the lovely 5 ladies on the bottom row..will just have to wait and see!

TVB 2009 Best Actress Nominations
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Best Supporting Actor

My vote goes to Michael for sure XD He is the most awesome, especially in E.U! I do hope he takes home this award ^^ I also like  Kenneth Ma in Born Rich- he is just so cute there ~ (though maybe that itself should fit in a different category lol)

TVB 2009 Best Supporting Actor Nominations
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Best Supporting Actress

Having the stronger competition for Best Female, the supporting actress nominees are just as intense lol (Mainly referring to the top row and bottom row). As I have not watched Beyond, I’ll save my vote for later. I would like to commend Linda’s performance in Gem of Life though! Hopefully she can place in top 5!

TVB 2009 Best Supporting Actress Nominations
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My Favourite TV Male Character

My two favourites go to Laughing Gor and Mak Tai Song ^^ Need I explain more? haha I don’t know who the third one will be..Wayne Lai in Rosy Business? Michael Miu from EU? Gallen from Born Rich (depending how he turns out lol) ? Kenny Wong was quite sweet in Gem of Life too ( I did not like Terrance (Moses) – thought he’d be better nominated for his role in Beyond since I heard he was quite quite and likable) I also really like Steven Ma in Sweetness in the Salt. There’s really only the “bigger” ones who will have a chance to will though.

TVB 2009 Favourite TV Male Character Nominations

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My Favourite TV Female  Character

The first thing I noticed was Gigi not been nominated with her other ‘s sister from Gem’. I’m glad…lol Her character was so frustrating to watch in Gem! My instant favourite went to Anita from Born Rich. I don’t know what exactly it is, but I really like her there lol I don’t think she will win though ^^; And wow, Charmaine nominated twice! I quite liked her character in “When Easterly Showers falls on Sunny West” too~ she seems to be getting likable characters to play!

TVB 2009 Favourite TV Female Character Nominations
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**For Most Improved, you can only vote for one (since there’s only 5 nominees)

Most Improved Actor

Hmm..not feel much for this category. I haven’t seen the two from Off Pedar. Johnson Lee was ok (I rather him as BT though). I like Raymond Wong so I voted for him, but Pierre quite deserves it as well. We’ll just have to see.
TVB 2009 Most Improved Male Artist Nominations
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Most Improved Actress I have to pick one? lol

TVB 2009 Most Improved Female Artist Nominations
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And fnally…2009 Best Series of the Year Award..

TVB Best Series 2009 Nominations
**You may vote up to 3 Best Series!
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Source:  TVB

59 Responses to “[TVB 42nd Anniversary Awards] Nominations List!”

  • chibi says:

    Oh oh! I hope Wayne wins Best male Actor for Rosy Business, and Michael Tse for Favourite Male character 😀

  • kat says:

    wow…do they nominate everyone these days? It’s not really narrowing down the field at all – they might as well just say everyone who appeared in a series this year is nominated. @@

  • Jules says:

    Wayne Lai FTW!!!! 😀

  • turtle88 says:

    yay! nomination list is out! so many contenders for each category… so many ppl from the grand series ;S

    how can charmaine can be nominated twice in the most favourite female character? it’s not that i object, if she does win, she should win with her You’re Hired character miu miu 😀 I also want to see Dayo win either most favourite male or best actor from You’re HIred as well.

    When will the rest of the lists come out?

    • KTVB says:

      It’s…out now! =D

      I think they deserve to be nominated in top 5. Will just have to wait and see!

    • Michael says:

      Actually I worried about because Charmaine had nominated for two character and it will cause the vote can’t gathered together……
      Anyway,support Charmaine Sheh !!!!!!!!!! ^^

  • FaNNy says:

    wow so many options this year and i actually think they’re all pretty good. esp the born rich, beyond the realm of conscience, and rosy business nominees. i cant wait to see who actually wins this year.

  • anonymous says:

    There are so many good choices for each category. It is really hard for me to choose. The only person that seems out of place here is Bosco. Bosco seems to be more of a supporting type in Burning Flames rather than one of the main leads. I don’t know why he got nominated for this category. No offense to any of Bosco’s fans. On the other hand, I was kind of surprise that Jessica did not get any nominations for Just Love II.

    • KTVB says:

      I agree with you here about Bosco being out of place. He fits more into Best Supporting Actor category (esp in Aimee Chan is in that category as well) if he were to be nominated.

      I agree with the Jessica bit as well~ I thought she’d at least get a nomination

    • chibi says:

      They probably threw Bosco there to make him and fans happy XD

  • hahaha says:

    although the gem of life do not hav a good rating in hk, but i think ada choi acting was great. hopefully she will win for best actress or most favourite female character.

  • 'Muff says:


    So many I’m hoping will win something!

    Dayo, Charmaine, Tavia, Wayne, Sheren, Michael (Tse)… x)

  • csfan says:

    Definitely rooting for Wayne and Sheren to win Best actor and actress respectively XD Hhaha yes im biased but i loved how these 2 portrayed their characters.. im more optimistic about wayne actually winning the award but am afraid for sheren as tavia seems to be the likely competitor due to the ratings… I mean if Beyond does so well for ratings, they (tvb) may think that no one would complain as much if the award is given to tavia!? Dont get me wrong.. tavia is one heck of an actress but imo, not up to par with sheren (dont hate me, tavia fans!)

    Anyways enough about this best actress debate… Hands down to micheal tse getting best supporting character.. Laughing Gor is the one! lol

    Best series: My pick would be Rosy Business, then BR (so far atm)…

    Well, enough spamming your comment page lol.. thanks for your post/polls.. I enjoyed voting :p

    • KTVB says:

      I think it would be disappointing if either falls short on winning the award..well, for most of the nominees~ it’s just really hard to pick only one of them

  • turtle88 says:

    Why isn’t Selena on the most improved female list ?! I was really sad and disappointed about how she didn’t win last year (in my opinion, she should have)… She’s only nominated in one category… sigh. On the other hand, I really don’t know who to vote for most improved female… please don’t let aimee chan win and also sharon chan (i don’t really see improvements… or good acting)…

    I want to see You’re Hired cast to win one of the major awards… Charmaine and Dayo!!

  • lan says:

    Susan Tse should have been nominated for her role in Beyond rather than Rosy. I really like her character in Beyond way more than in Rosy.

  • kinki says:

    I think (& hope) Beyond the Realm of Conscience will be the big winner this year! Dunno if I am just biased cos I am just loving it right now, but who cares! GO BTROC!!! Charmaine, Tavia, Moses, Michelle, Susanna, Susan, Mary, EVERYBODY!!!

    And I agree with Ian, Susan Tse should have been nominated with her role in BTROC instead of RB, I think her chance is lower in winning now. Cos I think Michelle/Susanna will win it for BTROC now.


  • Trang says:

    I love Rosy Business with Wayne Lai and Sheren Tang in it. I hope that Wayne and Sheren will win the awards and Rosy Business for Best Series :D. I’m not biased but I totally think those two deserve the awards more than others :D.

  • engsamnang says:

    i think BTROC mostly had a chance to won. it was grandproduction, aniversary and rating grown up each week. acting was on the perfect point (Michelle, sussana, susan, tavia, chamerine all did a excellent job), good producer, storyline got interesting each week like Moonlight resonance.

  • Badger says:

    I can see why they postponed the awards this year. The buzz from BTROC would have all but died by this time next year.

  • ehtfuygiytretyui says:

    What the hell no kathy chhow hoi mei for In the chamber of bliss for best actress SHIT TVB

  • Aww thanks for supporting Linda K! 🙂

  • An Pham says:

    uggg this is SOOOOOOOOO hard i really like alot of the acttress in the best acttress categories. i am rooting for maggie siu, gig lai, ada choi, sheren tang, and cathy chow…and im pretty sure charmaine, tavia, jamie chick, kenix kwok and anita yeun is going to be really good to. so idk. why cnt tvb just make the nomination list to a mininal of 5. wouldnt that be much easy…..the the two series that i’ve see is gem of life and rosy business and i really love ada choi and sheren tang………i though ada was absolutly flawless with her performenace. she wasnt overexxagerating at all. i would actually pick her over sheren but i think this is the year for sheren though……bout then all the grand porduction…………urggggggggggggggggg…this is so hard…

  • fiona says:

    Off Pedder rox! Teresa Mo rox the house… btw… u spelled off Pedder… you apelled off pedar… lol

  • Fanny Lee says:

    Ireally hope that Linda Chung will win the Best Supporting Actress on The Gem of Life for Linda Chung this time because she didn’t win last year, but she will win the TVB 42ND anniversary award this time win.

  • Jessica C says:

    My goodness, so many artists got nominated! TVB wants their bankable stars to be happy. I’m sure EVERYONE did a really job in the acting but can’t they just stick to 5, just like the Oscars or Emmys? It will be even more special for the artists themselves. Imagine the same old actors gets nominated every year but walk away empty handed….. TVB need to rethink for 2010!

  • Fanny Lee says:

    Almost there just Three weeks to go TVB 42ND Anniversary is starting and this time Linda Chung will win this time for Best Supporting Actress win win Linda Chung.

  • Chris says:

    If BTROC or Rosy wins the besst series award then I’m happy. But can someone PLEASE tell me why in the world The Wintermelon Tale was even nominated in the best series list?!?!? IT has got to be the worst drama ever produced by TVB. Its like complete crap. I can’t believe they warehoused A Great Way to Care instead of Wintermelon….

    • KTVB says:

      hehe I agree. LOL for Best Series, all series which were released on HK TV always get a spot on the nominations, so yeh..have to agree. Sometimes I think TVB pick the wrong series to Warehouse..I remember a couple years back, Phoenix Rising was an awesome series and Louisa and Kyrstal had such great performances. Sad they didn’t even get a mention because it was warehoused. Same goes with price of Greed?( can’t remember if it was warehoused or not lol)

      • Chris says:

        lol, I liked price of greed as well, the con-artists were like so cool!!

        And yes I think Price of Greed was also warehoused which was a shame.

        Fire management! XD

      • engsamnang says:

        Yes, THe Phoenix rising is excellent drama and thriller for tvb. And don’t know why it warehouse. Here in Cambodia totally loved this series as there weren’t promotion like another drama. The Fan in Cambodian also interviewed that this series made them to thought what going on wih louisa charactor. Louisa acting was so villian and perfect evil. She should won some award for that role.

    • ehtfuygiytretyui says:

      That what I was thinking about ….

  • fiona says:

    actually…I would be really happy if BTROC won…it’s a really good series. Off Pedder is really good too. imagine if when easter showers on the sunny west wins…haha…what jokes.I hated this series…the name itself was not catching, and the drama was obviously even more so…

    • KTVB says:

      lol “When Easterly Showers Falls on the Sunny West” will not win best series; but it was definitely one of the better series in 2009. It’s actually a lot better than a whole heap. I quite enjoyed that series actually-acting was great and the storyline was interesting.

  • Yan says:

    Although <> is interesting, some story scenes are making no sense. The Chamber of Bliss and Rosy Business are at least the better one

  • Yan says:

    Although Beyond the Realm of Conscience is interesting, some story scenes are making no sense. The Chamber of Bliss and Rosy Business are at least the better one

    Hopefully Sheren Tang will win as a female leading role

    • engsamnang says:

      making no sense? i thought the story allowed well and more interesting with suspected and drama better. The acting was outstanding and charactor developed well. I don’t found same scene of this drama boring. However, nothing not perfect at all. maybe i skipped some of theirs mistake. Like Moonlight resonance, it was the best one for me however, linda chung scene marked the film abit boring and unflavourable despite a lot of scene in the film were annoying and memorable( the drama that made me changed my mind from hate to like tavia yeung, fala chen, kate shui as they performed very very good instead linda made me abit boring and put most unflavourable to her as before i like her for heart of greed and foresnic hero but her acting as villian look better than good boring girl).

  • ryaw says:

    i vote for Tavia Yeung

  • ehtfuygiytretyui says:

    I’m in love with ” in the chamber bliss ” hehe

  • flora says:

    i vote for tavia yeung too hehe same as u ryaw

  • Fanny Lee says:

    I just vote for Linda Chung to win the Best Supporting Actress and I have a feeling that Linda Chung will win the Best Supporting Actress.

  • abc says:

    I hope dayo wong wins. Super <3 him. He is so cute in you're hired. Gambatae! ^^

  • june says:

    I hope the 2009 Best Series of the Year Award will be Beyond the Realm of Conscience ~!!!

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