Sooo happy when I saw this poster!! XD I’m soooo going!XD *jumps up and down in excitement* lol YAY! I can meet Raymond in real life!! ooo..there’s also Yoyo and Shirley!! =D I can’t miss this event!! For all those in Sydney, make sure you don’t miss out!! 26th about 2-3 weeks time!!

Time: 11am-4pm
Location: Belmore Park (outside Central Station at Eddy Ave Exit- Park with lots of pigeons)

12 Responses to “Raymond coming to Sydney!! X3”

  • chibi says:

    ooo.. I hope I have time to go check this out ^^ Raymond!!!

  • Karen says:

    omgomg its raymond, shirley and yoyo thats coming this year!!!

  • qing says:

    I didn’t know u like raymond K, haha, I like him too. I start to notice him when i watch 雲海玉弓緣!i love him in ancient dramas, so charming! 🙂

  • blue_angel_12 says:

    OMG!!! THEY’RE COMING TO SYDNEY!! awww but why do they have to go to Belmore Park?! 😡

  • william says:

    lol hehe… um wheres belmore park? is it where it was last year?

  • KTVB says:

    Hey qing! Ray’s my favourite!lol I started liking him in Eternal Happiness~ or maybe it was before then I can’t remember lol

    To blue_angel_12: least its easy to get to close to the station. I didn’t know you were from Sydney!
    To william: Its opposite to Central Station with all the pigeons XD

  • TB4ever says:

    dose any1 know if Ray, YoYo n Shirley going to come to Melbourne as well?

  • cecilia says:

    wahhh lucky! you have Raymond coming to Sydney. Raymond came to Toronto last year, and i got to see him.. saw him SO up close when he was waiting for his car.. but didn’t get to get his autograph or take pics with him.. HAVE FUN, THOUGH! and take lots and lots of pics.. remember to share them with your fellow blog-readers! 😉 i’m starting to like Shirley too. too bad there’s no fans meeting,eh?

  • Yukiies says:

    hey K! love your blog! well Fiona led to me your blog and i was just going to ask you about the sydney trip of TVB artistes! are they just going to sydney? are they going anywhere else in Aus?

  • haha true.. and yep! im from sydney =)  are you going to get ray anything? LOl 😛 like when he comes XDD

    i’m definitely trying to get something… i mean, it’s my first time meeting shirley.. u know how big of a shirley fan i am XD i’m thinking of a letter first.. and tell her abt my site.. and im still
    thinking about what else i should give her… hmm

  • maii..maii says:

    OMg XD Ray coming to Australia ehehe ima get to see him my its 2 daiis b4 meeh b’daii LoL

  • Twinstars says:

    oh, i miss this opportunity…
    does anyone know who’s coming this yr in 2010? if so, could u let me know pls…as i really want to participated in it this time…cheers!!! =D

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