Title: When Easterly Showers Fall on the Sunny West
Cast: Liza Wang, Joe Ma, Charmaine Sheh, Kiki Sheung, Raymond Wong, Selena Li, Edwin Siu, Evergreen Mak
Episodes: 30
Released: 27th October 2008 (HK)
Filming: March 2008
Producer: Kwan Wing Chung (Wars of In-laws, Survivor’s Law II, When A Dog Loves A Cat)
Scriptwriter: Yip Sai Hong , Choi Shuk Yin


Coming from a very humble background, POON MUK HING (Joe Ma) nevertheless is content with his lot. He works for the POONs of Dongshan as driver. His true identity of the eldest son of the family comes to light when he saves POON CHEUK WAH (Raymond Wong), the young master, in an accident. CHONG FUNG YEE (Liza Wang), the first daughter-in-law in the family, has to admit unwillingly the fact that when she married into the family she was already pregnant. His true identity revealed, HING changes his name to POON CHEUK HING according to the genealogical table of the clan. The mother and son have since been locked in a seesaw struggle.

YIP HEUNG CHING (Charmaine Sheh) came from an influential family in Xiguan. She starts selling congee on a boat for a living with her elder brother after their family has fallen into decline. CHING and WAH used to go out but YEE did all she could to separate them. Later, CHING opens a teahouse with the help and support of HING. Spontaneously, love blossoms between them. Not long afterwards, the Poon family runs into a lot of troubles. YEE and WAH are unable to handle them at all. HING seizes the opportunity to restore the prestige of the family. For the sake of the benefit of POONs, he is prepared to sacrifice his relationships with other family members, his love as well as his friends. By doing so, he also involves himself in a never-ending bloody battle of power.

Credits: Astro On Demand

Initial Thoughts:

-Joe and Charmaine really remind me of Maiden’s Vow! (Esp with that hair it’s the 2nd Generation)
-The Time Period doesn’t appeal to me..

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18 Responses to “[New Series]: When Easterly Showers Fall on the Sunny West”

  • rachel says:

    why is joe ma and charmaine sheh paired up?!? they so do not match! i thought maiden’s vow was bad enough…
    this series from the look of the costume seems very corny and somewhat stupid. their clothes are just so…i don’t know… weird and fake looking
    this doesn’t interest me at all especially seeing that the producer also produced when a dog loves a cat…bad impression for me and while i’m on a role on criticizing lol, i might as well point out that the title is so long and not easy to remember at all. maybe i’ll change my mind once i start watching it, but from the looks of it…i think not

  • cF says:

    wow i’ve never heard anything about this before.. but i think i’ll give it a miss..

  • Kes says:

    ayi… I have to jump on rachels wagon (hehehe),because I’m skeptic about this drama too.
    yikes.. from the sound of it, it does sound like a loooong dragging drama with lots of misunderstandig and hates. I think I’ll pass this drama too( unless someone proves me wrong and gives a good review ^^;)

  • sugar says:

    I saw the trailer of this in the Lighting Ceremony. It does look interesting but I don’t like the pairing, Charmaine and Joe. And wow, such a long name for the series. (;

  • chibi says:

    Charmaine and Joe…? :S Bad bad chemistry.. they dont match >.>.. neither my fav actors, either..

  • Rin says:

    First thought that came to my mind when I saw the poster was, “OMG, Maiden’s Vow?!!” Lol. I’m not a big fan of Joe Ma but I do like Charmaine so I might give this a try and if it’s not worth it then I won’t watch it.
    Somehow, I think it might be like The Silver Chamber of Sorrows… the way they dress and time period just reminds me of it & not to to mention the whole family blah blah and stuff.
    & it’s 30 episodes?! That’s kinda long, & the title is long too… hard to remember ><

  • Charmaine Fan says:

    I’m up to eps 10 already and she is paired up with the brother as of now and i think tat they are so cute together! I must agree that i dont think joe and charmaine makes a good pair, tvb should bring her bak to the brother in the end…so far the series is pretty good. i prefer this over the gem of life which besides the big stars in it that is luring me to watch it, seems to be getting a tad boring.

  • Joyce says:

    hmmm, not many of you likes this drama? but i think you all should give it a try on this drama because the plot is great.
    Although the pairing doesn’t look appealing to most of us (even me). but i like charmaine’s character in it. The story between Liza and Joe and Joe and charmaine.
    so why not give it a try?
    it’s a nice show!

  • cici fu says:

    After reading the comments posted, I must give Joe ma a big hand of support because his acting is great and I personally think he looks great with Charmaine. Even though I’m a big fan of joe ma, that does not put me in the position of liking him numbly. Why does the pairing look unappealing? This story has a very emotional plot and I greatly recommend it.

  • Miki says:

    Although the pairing is not appealing but the plot of the show is rather interesting. (^-^)

  • missLISA says:

    these type of series (setting and era) don’t really interest me, the only thing attracting my attention is mainly that charmaine’s in there ^.^ but pairing up with joe ma? i dont think thats too great actually. lol 🙂

  • loves twilight says:

    After reading all these comments there is something wrong with the drama its the pairing up y is it Joe and Charmaine there somefing wrong with the drama

  • Loves TVB darma says:

    This is a really good drama. I’m on the 7th episode and cannot wait to watch the next one. The Chinese name sounds better than the English one, the English name does sound a bit long and not “catchy”.

    I think Charmaine and Joe looks good together dispite of other’s disagreement. The era of this time is also quite interesting. If any of you like this time era, I recommend you to read “Shanghai Girls” by Lisa Lee. It’s a really good book dated in the same era based in Shanghai and Los Angeles.

    Give this show a try, you might like it. Some funny parts but it’s mostly drama.

  • Jen says:

    I first stumbled upon this series when I caught my Mum watching it on DVD a year or two ago and the promotional poster just threw me off. Joe Ma and Charmaine Sheh are two actors that shouldn’t be bundled together in at whatever costs.

    It wasn’t until a few days ago when I went through Mum’s DVD collection and fate led me to this series again. Out of respect for Liza Wang and the handsome Raymond Wong, I decided to give this a go.

    I’m currently up to episode six and I’m rather bored, everything is following a TVB’s typical storyline. Perhaps it is too early to expect any top notch drama, so I’m going to stick around longer.

    Also, being a big shipper of Heung-Ching and Cheuk-Wah, it dissapoints me that TVB once again will string the two leading characters together. It is far from the climax of the series, and already I’m bracing myself to feel sorry for Cheuk-Wah, but that’s just my two cents. Hope this series picks up soon 🙂

  • TVBAddict! says:

    I enjoyed this series a lot, but the only thing that disappointed me in the series is the fact that the aunt kept blaming her nephew and kept wanting revenge.

    I also did not like the fact that Wood Block / Muk Hing became such a bad person. He was an honest, helpful and such a down-on-Earth guy in the beginning. When the cameras close-up on their faces, you obviously know the character becomes jealous or concerned. He looked too serious with his suit and new hair too! Every step of the way, he became less and less of himself, and it was so upsetting because he was such a helpful and honest guy who wanted everyone to be happy.

    I did not want to believe he became so power-hungry and greedy, but he did. It just surprised me that he would think that his tactics would help people, but he only thought about himself the whole time, and he betrayed everyone that were once his friends. He could not even fool his fiance after a while and she was straying away from him.

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