February 2012

[New Series]: Let it Be Love (4 in Love)

English Title: Let it be love

Cantonese Title: 4 in Love

Cast: Moses Chan 陳豪 (飾余鎮東), Charmaine Sheh 佘詩曼 (飾童靄瑤), Kenny Wong 黃德斌 (飾潘俊謙), Elvina Kong 江欣燕 (飾馮姚丹), Rachel Kan 簡慕華 (飾張希妍), King Kong 金剛 (飾林力行), Tracy Ip 葉翠翠 (飾周思澄), Wai Kar Hung 韋家雄 (飾鍾炳良), Florence Kwok 郭少芸 (飾童美美), Patrick Dunn 鄧梓峰 (飾楊志華)

Episodes: 20

Airing date: 30 January 2012 (Airring after Wish and Switch)

Themesong: Fall in Love -Moses Chan (Demo Version)

Executive Producer: Chik Kei Yee (War and Beauty,  The Gem of Life, Master of Play)

Scriptwriter: Chow Yuk Ming

Official: Website

4 in Love

What makes two become one? Family background and social status? Expectations and opinions of others? Good timing? Or their physical attraction for each other? International-acclaimed artist TUNG OI-YIU (Charmaine Sheh) makes use of her die-hard supporter YU CHUN-TUNG (Moses Chan) to stop the gossips about her love affairs and thus to turn around her image. After spending a lot of time with him, she for the first time ever gets to know the taste of true love. Although she understands this is nothing more than a show, she finds it impossible to leave this man who may seem too ordinary. This is a city of a million kinds of love; some normal, some not so. Also in this drama series, sports commentator POON CHUN-HIM (Kenny Wong Tak Bun) has affection beyond friendship towards his best friend’s wife, FUNG YIU-DAN (Elvina Kong); tobacco control officer CHUNG PING-LEUNG (Wai Kar Hung) refuses to accept CHOW SZE-CHING (Tracy Ip) simply because she is five inches taller than him; investment banker LAM NIK-HANG (King Kong) and playgirl CHEUNG HEI-YIN (Rachel Kan) fall in lust then love with each other. What is love after all? An excuse or a weakness? A duty or a punishment?


10 Responses to “[New Series]: Let it Be Love (4 in Love)”

  • Lala says:

    Has anyone watched this? Is it worth watching? im only interested in Tracey Ip and Kar Hung’s story (i like him his cool~ lol) kinda over the seeing Char, Mo and Kenny… lol

    • james says:

      yer i have been watching this and i really enjoy it. many people dislike this show but if you want an no serious show that doesnt need to make much sense it is really good. i agree with you i really like the tracey ip story line it is so funny. you are almost sure to get a few laughs in every episode.

      • Celine says:

        yeahhh i actually really like this show.. at first, i was slightly like hmmmm but it’s soo.. i think cools the word? if you get what i mean.. its also quite funny 🙂

    • AC says:

      I am enjoying this series so far, and I usually don’t like a lot of Producer Chik’s series. It’s a pretty lighthearted series although it touches on topics that super conservative people may not be used to.

  • Yi jing says:

    Where can I watch the full episodes?

  • KTVB says:

    I’ve only been watching bits and pieces of the series while having dinner, but I don’t like it much lol It doesn’t make much sense and gives off a “weird’ type of feeling.

    I’m quite bored of seeing Charmaine, Moses and Kenny together in a series as well

  • angel says:

    yes i agree with K.. not a really nice show.. kinda weird.. but to watch it during free time for fun.. not too bad lor.

    btw… any idea where to get the full version of the theme song? and err.. there were some english songs in it that sounds good… but i have no idea what are the titles. =(

  • Jen says:

    Does anyone know the name of the song from chapter 3 when the old folks were dancing in the street to?? Thanks!

  • jasmine says:

    where i can download themesong “4 in love’ by moses chan? i really like that song… thanks…

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