June 2009

[New Series]: Burning Flame III

English Title: Burning Flame III

Cantonese Title: 烈火雄心III (lit foh hung sam 3)

Cast: Wong He (王 喜),  Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎) , Bosco Wong (黃宗澤) , Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) , Aimee Chan (陳茵媺) , Elaine Yiu Tze Ling (姚子羚), Ruco Chan Chin Pang (陳展鵬),  Wong Ka Lok (黃嘉樂)

Episodes: 32

Release date: 6 July 2009

Producer: Wong Sun Wai

Scriptwriter: Ng Siu Tung & Wong Yuk Tak

Official: Purchase DVD @ YesAsia.com (English Subtitles)

Burning Flame III

[poll id=”52″]


In this much-awaited third installment of “Burning Flame”, a team of firefighters continue to strive for the safety and well-being of local citizens under extreme conditions. Through rescuing the victims, the beauty of human nature and the importance of life are realized.
Encouraged by the fireman leader CHUNG YAU SHING (Wong He), young and playful FONG LEI ON (Bosco Wong) joins the team and gets to know CHEUK PAK YUE (Kevin Cheng). Unfortunately, the two of them are having lots of misunderstanding at work. ON believes that YUE has stolen SHING’s lover KO WAI YING (Myolie Wu) and causes the serious injury of SHING. However, a gruesome fire accident has drawn everyone into a twist of fate that has led them to find a deeper sense of awareness.


Comments: I’m not sure how to feel about this series since I haven’t seen  Burning Flame 1 or 2   so I really don’t know what to expect ^_^; If I’m not mistaken, most of the cast have change as well? I haven’t seen Bosco, Kevin or Myolie in a while now, so i guess its kinda refreshing 🙂

Credit: TVB.com.au

26 Responses to “[New Series]: Burning Flame III”

  • rachel says:

    yay it’s finally out, it seems like we’ve heard about this series for like forever and now it’s finally coming out in a week!!! so excited for it!

  • hyn5 says:

    The third installment is more about love and family. Whereas, the previous two were about fire fighting. I bet the big fire scenes were all shown in the trailers. So, I don’t expect much from the series.

  • Nicole says:

    2 words: CAN’T WAIT. BFI is my fave series of all time (you should give it a try!) & i love Kevin & Bosco together hehe. glad to see Wong Hei in the middle of the poster, although i heard he’ll be in a coma for 10 eps. -.-

  • stella says:

    there so many male actor i know will be showing..=D

  • nam1ra says:

    I thought Wong He was dead. How come he’s alive now? Did I miss something?

    • TVB_4eva says:

      YEAAA, thats what I thought. Which made me pissed, that the main character dies.
      But it might be those series, where he has a different role, like Michael Miu in E.U . Or or a completly different story ( not connected to the 1st) , but same cast, like Moonlight Resonance !!!! xD

    • kes says:

      yup.. my thought too.
      I thought Ah He died i no 2.

      I guess.. people liked him so much as a fireman that tvb casted him as one 😀

      • stella says:

        i don’t like him at bf3,i prefer kevin than wong he

        • e-tw (: says:

          TVB casted Wong He again (and alive) because BF3 is an indirect series. Which is what TVB_4eva was talking about, a series where it may be under the same name and have the same actors as the one before, but does not have the same storyline.

  • pipsila says:

    This is abit off topic:
    Are you going to Bosco’s autograph party/session in Sydney on the 27th July?

    I went to Sydney to see Jay Chou’s concert last week and I saw a TVB kelefe/host there. His name is 伍文生 (played the role of one of the constables in The Gentle Crackdown) and I saw him walk right past me but I was too chicken to approach him~

    • KTVB says:

      I wasn’t really aware of his autograph session, but I jsut checked out the details. It’s right next to where I work XD Unfortunately I’m out at a client that day so probably won’t be able to make it ^^;

      lol! Yea I believe 伍文生 is around Sydney a lot. My brother went to a wedding reception and the groom was a friend of his, and they invited him to be the MC! My brother really liked his character in The Gentlecrack down and he walked past him a few times that night, but was also too chicken to approach him too ^^;

      • pipsila says:

        ahhh,you never know, you might be able to make it to the event since it starts late at 7pm =]
        Sadly, he won’t be holding an autograph session in Melbourne and I can’t afford to pay $100+ to see him at the Miss Chinese Melbourne Pageant, so my only hope is to catch him at the airport when he arrives! haha…

        Hahah,that’s awesome!I would have thought your brother would be more brave than me, lol. Hope next time (if there is a next time), I will be less chicken!

  • SAMANTHA says:

    Of all the TVB actresses why did they cast Amy Chan. OMG! sucks!

  • viivan says:

    Been waiting to watch BF3 for over 10 years. when I finshed parts 2 i knew they going to come out part 3 but never expect its take over 10 years. I love part 1 and 2. I miss Easther in aprt 1 & 2 Not sure if I spell her name right. Can’t waite to watch part 3. Wonder if they still going to keep the vietnamese title “Liet hoa hung tam 3”

    • KTVB says:

      They most likely would since the Chinese Title has not changed. I reckon it would be awesome if Ester could have been in this one too..

  • Passerby says:

    Just FYI…”Kelvin” is Chan Chin Pang who is also in A Great Way to Care and Burning Flame III. He did mostly ATV stuff before this.

  • Tina says:

    Hey everyone i was wondering where is everyone watching burning flames 3 with english subtitles at?
    Would you mind sharing the websites with me?
    Email me the website ur watching burning flames 3 at plz and thanks and my email is teenuhh@hotmail.com ;D

  • stella says:

    i hate tat guy “Kelvin” & Wong He..i love kevin cheng..

  • Wingie says:

    I don’t like wong he on this drama..
    but this drama is good!

  • chibi says:

    hmm.. did not many people watch this drama?

    SO little votes in the favourite character poll XD

    I personally didn’t see it.

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