Yesterday I decided to head out to the city to attend Kristal Tin & Raymond Wong’s autograph session at Sydney Sussex Centre! It has been awhile since I’ve attended one of these ^^  I wasn’t too keen on last years since Moses came (for the 3-4th time?? XD) but I do like both Kristal and Raymond!! I loved Raymond in his role in Bottled Passion and Kristal, especially in her recent series Black Heart White Soul.

TVB Autograph Session

It was a gloomy day yesterday but luckily didn’t rain too hard. The autograph session started at 4pm, so to ensure I got an autograph I turned up at around 2.30pm haha. As expected, there was nothing set up so I went to have some food. I came back at around 3pm when they set up the banners and the signing table just outside the centre along Dixon Street.  I was first in queue lol….Shortly after, a few others joined me and since we were the first ones there, the management people asked us to take a seat at the front while we waited. They then started handing out the autograph tickets (plenty to go around! I think they were still handing them out around 4pm actually)

TVB Autograph Session

TVB Autograph Session

TVB Autograph SessionTVB Autograph Session

At 4pm, Kristal Tin and Raymond Wong came out and I was sitting right in front of them~~ YAYYY! Kristal was so elegant in real life (just like on TV actually haha) and Raymond Wong looked pretty chilled and polite. I waved at Kristal and Raymond several times who waved back ^^ Kristal mentioned a lady in Sydney called out to her “Mrs Ko” (Go- Tai) . Kristal was stunned and didn’t really know how to react to her and replied “I’m Mrs To”. The lady said “You’re Ko Chit Hung’s wife” (Roger’s wife in Black Heart White Soul) was then Kristal had realised they called her character’s name out instead haha and then said”oh yes yes, I’m Mrs Ko”. ^__^TVB Autograph Session

Kristal also joked that Raymond is now too popular so has become a snob xD It turns out that Raymond had some kind of throat infection so he couldn’t really talk. Poor thing! Hopefully he’ll get well soon!! He wanted to get well so he could sing at the TVBA Carnival. (Did anyone go to the carnival today by any chance?)

The talk with the stars was quite short, and the autograph session quickly commenced shortly after. I told Raymond I loved watching his acting and he thanked me by slighlty bowing his head. When I went to Kristal I told her I loved her acting and to add oil! XD She thanked me and told me she will!

TVB Autograph SessionTVB Autograph SessionTVB Autograph SessionTVB Autograph SessionTVB Autograph Session

And..I guess that’s it for this year.  Very happy with my photos and autographs!!  😀 😀 😀

TVB Autograph Session

For those interested, here is a summary of the previous events I’ve attended 🙂

16 Responses to “[Meet the Stars] Kristal Tin & Raymond Wong’s Autograph Session 2014”

  • Jia says:

    Great event! In the end it made all the waiting and lining up in the rain all worth it 😀

  • Chibi says:

    Nice!!!! haha, good job in getting out there in the gloomy weather to meet them 😀 Sounds like good fun 🙂

  • Badger says:

    Good for you K for getting the autographs and pics. I should have walked by Dixon Street at 3:30pm instead of Sussex Street to get a ticket.

    • KTVB says:

      Aww you didn’t end up getting one?

      That reminded me of a few years ago when I went and I didn’t realise they were signing at the food court upstairs =.=

      • Badger says:

        No I missed out. Next year I will try to remember to call Sussex Centre management to see what the arrangements are for the autograph tickets beforehand.

  • Jacoba says:

    Cool! Do you know anyone who went to the event today? I went past Burwood on Saturday and they’d already pitched up the stalls!

    • KTVB says:

      I don’t know anyone who went. I’m curious to know how the day turned out too (beautiful weather!) They said on the website that this year is supposed to be bigger and better (but who knows how accurate that is haha)

  • Sunset says:

    OMG I went too <3 Kristal and Raymond look so good in real life!!!!!

  • Jessica says:

    Went to the carnival on Sunday! They are so nice. I even got to play games on stage with them! 😀 Kristal can sing really well! ^^
    And got a bonus selfie with kristal too which made my day!! 🙂

    • KTVB says:

      ohh nice!! haha how did you end up on stage to play the games? Did you have to line up or something?

      How was Raymond Wong’s voice? Did he recover?

      What songs did they sing? Do share!! 😀

      • Jessica says:

        Well you know how the stage area has seating area that only allows vips. Its pretty much ppl who have tvb membership. And yeah theres this lady who goes around looking for people and asks if theyd like to take part in the games 🙂 and yeah I was like why not haha 🙂 like ive played in previous years.. just for fun you know :p..

        ah unfortunately raymond didnt perform anything cos he was still sick. 🙁 .. He just talked haha 🙂

        And I forgot the song names that kristal sung but the first was a mando song. I recorded it if you’d like to hear haha ~~

        And of course the weather was beautiful lol

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