Happy 3rd Anniversary K for TVB!! ^__-
As of today, 10 September 2009- K for TVB officially turns three years old ^^..and look what I got!!! : : :
A super super super KAWAII Dayo x Charmaine Artwork from Chibi ^^ omg!! Arigatou!!! *hugs* I wish I can draw like that!! <3 Dayo!!
I really like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all your support over the year (or three years for those who stuck by since the beginning :)) . I’m really excited that it’s made it to Number 3 hehe (Scary thought that I’ve been blogging for 3 years now …and I’ve gone older by 3 years too!)Â I started this blog while I was at uni..and now I’m working full time. It’s like its growing up with me!
A run down of what has happened during the year. It was my transition time from uni to work. The blog has also adapted around it by changing its focus from daily episode summary and screencaptures to…snippets of various things. It was a bit of burden off my back, was able to free up some time for ‘life’ (hehe, yes I do have a life to live outside of this blog XD) . I’m pretty content at the moment. It always happens though, that come exam time, I have to try very had to refrain myself from blogging and watching good series- like the current one- You’re Hired ^^; The other change is becoming more selective when choosing which TVB series to watch. Sadly, it didn’t feel like I had to make much ‘tough’ decisions this years to which to watch XD
Nevertheless, TVB does produce some series which I just LOVE, which stimulates the need inside me to blog and share about it ^^ I just have to VOICE IT OUT! hehe It’s great to have you guys to share it with!
Finally, a note to finish off: Many may be aware that fellow affiliate blog TVB Musings has recently retired. For those in doubt, K for TVB does not plan to retire any time soon!! XD I currently enjoy what I do/what I share, and as long as I have you guys here continously supporting me and my blog; and that TVB produces more great series (like When Easterly Showers Falls on the Sunny West, Rosy Business, E.U, You’re Hired)-I’ll be here ^^
Much love,
P.s: Bloggy Stats
Most users ever online were 76, on March 16, 2009 @ 1:21 am
1,981,550 hits as of 10 September 2009 (12am!)
Hapy bday to K-tvb! Wishing you many happy 3 years ahead
Thanks for being the first one XD
Hello there!
Happy 3rd Anniversary!
I have been visiting your site for more than a year after i chanced upon it. The artwork of Dayo and Charmaine is really cute! Cheers.
awe the drawing is just too cute.
Happy Anniversary K! Glad to hear your not retiring heh.
Congrats on the 3rd Year Anniversary!!
Glad you like the chibi artwork ^_^
Happy Birthday K-TVB.net!!!! The artwork is so cute ^^ Hope there’ll be many more years to come…
Happy Birthday!!! Even though I wasn’t here when you 1st got started, but I will always be with this site for more years to come. And Chibi arts is awesome, keep up the good work!!!
Awesome artwork..><
Thanks everyone for your kind wishes ^^
Happy Birthday KTVB! It has been a fruitful and colorful ride! Hope it never ends.
It has been awhile since I’ve heard from you alicechen! Thanks for popping by!
awesome blog and kawaii artwork XD
thanks XD your name says it all- TVB forever!
Congrats and Happy Birthday to KTVB! I haven’t been here right from the start, but it’s safe to say I’ve been reading for a year or so. Hope you continue updating and entertain readers for years to come!
First time to comment on your blog. Well, congrats on your 3 years old blog. You didn’t give up on this site and now look at what it has grown too. I’ve always been a silent visitor. Finally, I commented. Thanks for your providing downloads. I really appreciate it!!
Happy bithday K for TVB!
Congratulations on reaching your third anniversary! It’s always good to hear the thoughts of other TVB viewers, especially those in Australia!
Happy 3rd Anniversary, KTVB!!
hey i love your site and contributions..
pls carry on the excellent work..
Happy birthday~

I love this blog.
Nice to read musings of a fellow TVB-watcher
And the downloads and goodies page is awesome too ~
Keep it up~
happy bday!!! great job keeping up with eerything. hope for many more years to come and good luck in you studies/work
WOOT happy birthday K for TVB!
Wow, it looks soooo awesome now! Keep up the good work=)
Thanks so much for all your comments ^_^ It means a lot to me
Woah !!!
This is great
Happy birthday K for TVB
Keep success and God bless you
Thank you!
4more months before we turn 4 years old! XD
[…] You can see the final artwork/card here. […]