**Happy 2nd Anniversary K for TVB!!**
Today marks K for TVB‘s 2nd year online! Just two weeks ago, KforTVB has just reached the 1million hits marks! I was really moved to realise how big this blog has grown in the past two years since it first started up. It is definitely a great feeling, watching the blog grow as I have devoted a lot of time and effort into it and it has become a part of my life =) For the past year, there has been some changes to KforTVB, one being its new domain name “http://k-tvb.net” and the other being it addition of its top affiliates: TVB Musings and TVB Index. I would really like to thank all those who have stayed with me for the two years and for your continuous support and visits! I really do feel a sense of community and satisfaction here; being able to share our love for TVB series together as many have been leaving messages and comments. I don’t know how much time I will be able to invest in this blog when I start full time work, but I’m really glad to see where it has grown up to today and it wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for you guys! You guys are my inspiration and keep me going! So last, but not least, thank you chibi, my affiliates, loyal readers and visitors! I will continue to work hard and hope to bring many more great episodic summaries and screencaptures! I know it can achieve much much more in the near future Thanks and enjoy your stay!
**Special thanks to Chibi for the 2nd Year Anniversary Banner!
*Currently 1077178 hits, averaging 1800-2000 unique visitors per day.
Happy 2nd Anniversary top affiliate & blogger buddy!
May your site continue to grow and prosper! 
Happy 2nd Anniversary! I love your new layout > I love new layouts :]
Keep it up!
Happy Anniversary!!!!!~ =) you’re awesome…
Congratulations!! Happy 2nd Anniversary!!! was it really two weeks ago when you posted that you reach the 1 million hits mark? went by so fast, and your counter has gone up so rapidly! i love this site and i really hope you continue to do this for a long long time
Happy 2nd Anniversary! Time to party again
Happy 2nd anniversary..wa.. tats fast.. i’ve been know u for almost 2 yrs lioa..haha..
Happy Anniversary! Looking forward to more summaries and screencaps from you. They are wonderful.
yay, congrats for the 2 years!!
Happy Aniversary!!! A lot to look forward in the next coming year. By the way, love your new layout.
Happy 2nd Anniversary!!
Kerry, give yourselves a hard pat on your back for all this hard work!! *applauses*
Great new banner! love Raymond’s look, he’s sooo handsome!!
Long Live KTVB!~
Happy 2nd Anniversary! Here’s a toast for many 2 years ahead
Congratulations Kerry! Looking forward to more summaries & write ups!
Happy 2nd Anniversary!!
keep up d good work!! =)