Earlier in the week, I got a call from TVBA informing me that I was one of the lucky winners of the TVBA online voting poll, so was invited to attend the TVBA Jadeworld Carnival Press Conference at Market City held today! WOOT!!!
It was held at the Eight Chinese Modern Restaurant and Kenny Wong and Shirley Yeung were going to be there! I haven’t been to a TVB conference before and I didn’t really know anyone there so I wasn’t sure what to expect haha… Thankfully I was working nearby, so it wasn’t too much of a hassle to get to during my lunch break.
When I arrived, I went to sit at my allocated seat which was pretty much at the back, with the other lucky winners. They were mostly older mums, happily chatting away with each other about their favourite TVB series- how cute! XD I guess because it was a private function, there weren’t that many people there. A lot were old too, so they were nowhere as keen as I was to approach the artistes- SCORE! hahah
Soon, the guests arrived and the conference commenced….I immediately moved to stand at the front with the bunch of other photographers haha. The guests each made a little speech- Shirley was talking about the TV programmes she has been hosting in the past years; and Kenny made mentions of liking to take photos while on trips and promoted a bit on his new series “The Last Steep Ascent”. As usual, I was waving at them enthusiastically and Shirley waved back haha. Kenny acknowledged with a smile.
The lucky winners were then asked to come on stage as they presented the sponsor gifts! 10 people were presented with Holden company umbrellas. I was part of the second batch, which was one of the 4 people who received a skin care set from SASA!! We also received some cutlery, and a TVB calculator in our TVB show bags. We were then asked to stand behind the artistes for a group photo.
At the end of the conference, the guests were coming off the stage to get seated for lunch. This was when I went on stage to ask Shirley for a photo!! She’s so pretty!! (and so skinny!) She said “Sure! Oh let’s move over a bit, the lighting is not as good here” haha! The artists surely know where they look best on camera! ^^
I then went to find Kenny and asked for a photo who happily agreed and led me over, where, again- there were better lighting. He looks EXACTLY how he does on TV hahahha Very manly lol After taking pics, I went back to my table to enjoy the free yum cha lunch!
Towards the end when we were pretty much done with the food, I went to find Kenny and Shirley again at their table to asked them for autographs YAY!! I came prepared haha Shirley said she really likes the photo of her! (I like it lots too!!) I was in a bit of a rush last night to find picture of them to print and I couldn’t find a good quality Kenny pic to use so ended up using the TVB poster of “The Last Steep Ascent”. As he was signing, I mentioned I watched the first episode when it broadcasted last night- his response was “Only the first episode? So behind?” XD
I had a lot of chances to chat with them, but I was kind of out of words. I didn’t really know what to say to them ^^;
At the end, Shirley and Kenny were recording a little clip to promote TVB Jade carnival.
They then stood on stage where we lined up for more photographs with them
I have to admit I was quite star struck haha Totally the highlight of my week!!!
haha so cool!!
i don’t know if i’ll see them tomorrow… waiting till 4… was torture last year ^^
Did you end up going? =)
This sounds so awesome! I’ve always liked Kenny even though he doesn’t get many starring roles. He’s got that quiet manly thing going on which is kinda cool!
They sound like nice people, at least willing to interact with the fans. Can’t wait for the pics! 
Pics are now up! ^_^ Yea they seem pretty nice and happy to take photos and sign autographs
NO WAY!! Kenny Wong’s awesome! Haven’t seen Shirley for a while, having been watching tv lately either!
Lucky you got to meet the stars in Australia. The stars never come to my place in USA.
Omg! That is amaaazing! I’m sure you’ve just made everyone really jelly!!! Hahaha!
Great work on those photos and autographs, I’m sure you’re thrilled!
Chibi from Bali XD
That was indeed the highlight of my working week heheee ^_^
rmb to participate every year 哈哈。
Haha nice meeting you Justin
Oooh! Luckyyy! I wish I have the chance to meet them! They’re so good looking! & you’re cute too K! ^-^
XD Thanks Rin! =)
oh so lucky of you to be one of the lucky winners ^^ i should of voted too LOL. did you go to the other event?
Nope, only saw them at the press conference and didn’t go Jadeworld Carnival or the autograph session. Did you?
ohh. i didnt go to any this year. :/ maybe next year ^^
I’m curious to know how the day turned out and whether the crowd is as huge as previous years; don’t personally know anyone who went
Lucky you! It’s funny when you said this: “The artists surely know where they look best on camera!” xD
haha lucky indeed =) Wonder who will come next year~
hey k, you are so lucky to get ticket cause i enter and was not lucky. I like your pictures of the two stars. thank for uploading the photos.
Wow! Congrats K. Fantastic pictures. You are so lucky to meet and have pictures and autos with Kenny and Shirley!
Sounds like it was a great event! I am so envious — there are never any TVB functions (and never will be) in my town!
If you’re ever in Melbourne we should go on a date ;D you’re so cute