July 2007

[Heart of Greed] Episode 9-11

Today I spent about 3 hours watching episodes 9, 10 and 11 of Heart of Greed, since I missed these episodes. Its sort of funny watching it now that I’ve finished the series, its like watching backwards to fill in the gap. At these points, Susanna hasn’t turned crazily evil yet and seems to be Uncle Bor who is stirring up family problems. I loved watching their family moments (like when they go jogging) and found some moments really touching like the speech Fala gave about Moses being the red packet, the letter that Moses writes to ‘Dai Kai’ and the letter ‘Dai Bao’ write to him..
Tavia and Bosco look so good together! This is actually the first series I really like Tavia in and I think she looks really pretty. I don’t know what she’s like from episode 12-19 so I’ll have to wait and see =) Will be putting the Tavia and Bosco screencaps together^^

Linda’s character is so different from the beginning and towards the end. She matures so much later and becomes so much more likable. For now I don’t really feel that interested in seeing her with Moses, or Yoyo because the Tong family affairs is so much more interesting. Raymond’s character looks different too and the feeling I get from seeing Linda and Raymond (first time seeing him) gives me a totally different feel to their relationship because its just the start ^^; I look forward to seeing the rest (episode 12-19) to see how things go with Raymond and Linda, Bosco and Tavia.

Episode 9

Episode 10

Episode 11

4 Responses to “[Heart of Greed] Episode 9-11”

  • groovy says:

    so many screencaptures! 😀 Hehe your review is going backwards. Fala Chen is cute there and Bosco is so handsome. Yippee want to see Gil+Jackie screencaptures! ^^ Tavia is really good and pretty in this series ^^. I started liking her since Dicey Business. She also has great chemistry with Bosco in both series IMO

  • Vicki says:

    i liked the ping pong match, it was funny!

    Sai Bao has got it bad for Linda’s character, it was funny when she was making up the dramatic story on the wall

    and the Uncle is so mean!!! I hate him!!!

  • tvjunkiee says:

    lol, im watching the series with my mom and she thinks tavia is trying to cheat bosco’s money. i love them together, ever since dicey business! ^^

  • KTVB says:

    TO VIcki: Moses and Ha Yu’s moves are so planned! XD I wonder if the characters “practiced it” before lol

    The dramatic story on the wall was funny! Sai Bao tricking her back was funny too~~Just knew it was coming!

    To tvjunkiee: It would of been so bad if Tavia was only after Bosco’s money @.@

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