We start to see Raymond’s diary ‘Days without Seung Joi Sum’ and as each day goes by..both Linda and Raymond have been so down and miserable! .. its so sad…
I really hate Yoyo’s character~! Its all her fault! And seems like she actually wants Raymond to be with her rather than to make up with Linda. He really shouldn’t even meet up with her as a friend… Yoyo has found another boyfriend…its good that she’s with someone else now but it annoys me so much that she can move on as if nothing has happened, while Raymond is facing the consequences..and can’t get back with Linda. All he could do was to watch her from a far because he was scared that if he went to see her, he would make her cry again..
Moses has started dating (from an arranged one) and agrees to give the ‘Cherry’ girl a go, and gets Linda to take him shopping. ..but you can tell Moses only loves Linda…perhaps this was a way to show Linda that he has tried to move on and give a new relationship a chance? Or since his family have insisted? Linda appears to have feeling towards Moses..could it be more than friend? Or merely just the feeling when your best friend has found someone else special to them that makes her feel a bit lonely? When Moses went to find Linda after the Cherry girl had to go off on the night they planned to look at the stars, Linda seems really happy to see him. The two ended up going together and Moses learned to play another song on the saxophone…I think he truly learned to play that song for her, rather than Cherry.. I saw sparks lol They wish upon the shooting stars together~ ^^ Moses’ wish was that he hopes Linda will always have happiness ^^ *awww…*

On their way back home, Linda asked Moses if he made anymore wishes, and he said he didn’t, because he was scared that if he was being to greedy, the wishes won’t come true..One important wish was enough <3
On the other hand…Alfred’s mum dies..T_____T So tragic!! So sad!! Poor thing!! He loses his father..Linda left him..and now his mother has gone too ..he’s got no one left..!I really feel sorry for him..when he went to find Linda, he even had to tell her that he didn’t want to ‘bother’ her, but he didn’t know who he could go to… I’m soo glad he didn’t go to find Yoyo *relieved* Linda tells Raymond that she won’t leave him T_T So touching and sweet!

awww…poor Raymond =( It’s nice to see Linda being there for him but you can tell she is starting to have feelings for Mosses.
I actually think that Moses intended to take Linda out to watch the shooting stars. He had everything planned out exactly as she suggested. Poor Linda was really touched, but confused at the same time, cos she felt bound to Alfred, but she couldn’t trust him completely.
Raymond feels his loss badly, cos now even his mom has left him. He’s so upset and Linda inevitably goes back to him and promises never to leave him. Sweet!
To chibi: I know..poor Ray!! T_T
To dreyvii: hm..now that you mention, it really does seem like Moses planned it lol..maybe he didn’t even invite the other girl that night at all..did you get this weird feeling in the last shot (after that touching moment where Linda said she won’t leave him) where Moses was looking outside and seemed like he made another wish? Can’t describe it!
KTVB ~ i can screencap those movies… but, how u can make it.. by joing those picture into such big ? how u make it, join few scene together in 1 photos ?? pls teach.. thanks..
i m so happy tat, i can learn such new thing like tis.. really thanks u & Dreyvii alot…
KTVB: Haha…yeah! I had the same feeling too! But you’ll need to watch the next episode. Won’t spoil it for you til you’ve watched it = )
Summer: Hey, no probs. I need to thank K for that too…K taught me how to make the screencaps
When i saw Linda cry, i feel sad and follow her to cry, because of Raymond always hurt her. at the same time, Im really pity Raymond, esp when her mum dies! Luckily Linda can be together with him again..
Raymond improved so much at crying scene!!! By the way, if Raymond’s childhood was a little bit more developed, then the audience would have accepted his behavior. As for why, work is so much important for him, or why he cannot afford seing Linda lending money to his brother. Now that I think of it, When Linda is unhappy, she has Dak Dak Dei to support her. As for ALfred, it’s Sei Mak Mak. The difference is that Dak Dak Dei, being a gentleman, did nothing, while Sei Mak Mak made the first move to drag Alfred.
That’s a good point you have there KAmi, because even I haven’t really considered Raymond’s childhood much because there’s not that much emphasis. (There was if Alfred’s mother telling Seung Joi Sum), but there are times where I’d forget about t hat factor.
Doesn’t seem like Alfred has much close friends..
hi i was wondering: what happens to lei yi/ michelle yim, after discussing the marriage plans with the children? did she disappear ?