June 2007

[Heart of Greed] Episode 30

Hang in there Dak Dak Dei! Now that Michelle is gone off for a business trip, Moses is pretty much the only one to stand up against ‘Dai Bao’ (Ha Yu) and he’s proposed wedding with Susanna…so sad that none of the other children are willing to stand up with him. Such a close shot!! Moses and Ha Yu’s argument went quite big… the first time when Moses threatened to leave the house if he proceeded, and Ha Yu stepped back and let him have his way because he didn’t want to lose him..but then in the next time, he really didn’t care about Moses anymore T_T Susanna almost ended up successfully getting rid of Moses out of the house..I can’t believe Ha Yu said that!! So glad that Lok Yi stood out and told the truth, that Lee See Kei said “Just friends” before she dies…I guess it wasn’t a life changing secret as I thought before, but I’m glad he did..or else it would have been too late..!

Evil deceptive lady…using everyone around her..Uncle Bor, and Tavia’s money-hungry family to help convince. While pretending to compromise and marry after 3 years, she pretends to be pregnant to get Ha Yu to marry her sooner! All these were taught by the good-for-nothing Linda’s brother who Susanna is having an affair with ! Argh!!!

3 Responses to “[Heart of Greed] Episode 30”

  • michelle says:

    I finished the movie couple of days ago. Don’t wanna ruin it for you but it gets worst and the ending is pretty…. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm predictable?

  • krystal says:

    i don’t like yoyo’s charecter because she betrades her own best friend and brakes linda and raymond apart while she allready has a boyfriend stupid isn’t it???????

  • pam says:

    hi i was wondering: what happens to lei yi/ michelle yim..? did she disappear ?

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