30 June 2013- Current: A Change of Heart

TVB A Change of Heart Layout
23 october 2012- 29 June 2013: Highs and Lows
Highs and Lows Layout

10 September 2012 – 22 October 2012: Tiger Cubs: 6th Anniversary

6th Anniversary

18 December 2011- 9 September 2012: Bottled Passion

Bottled Passion Layout

10 September 2011- 17 December 2011 : K-TVB.net’s 5th anniversary

Happy 5th Anniversary
28 August 2011- 9 September 2011: Life and Times of a Sentinel  (Exactly one year after xD)

Life and Times of a Sentinel
28 August 2010-Current Growing Through Life- Raymond Lam x Zhao Ziqi- K-TVB.net’s 4 year Anniversary
Growing Through Life Layout

23 May 2009-27 August 2010: Raymond Lam- Lets get wet
Lets get wet

26 October 2008- 22 May 2009: The Four

25 September-26 October: New Layout!

10 September 2008- 24 September K for TVB’s Second Anniversary
K for TVB's 2nd Year birthday

31 July 2008- 9 September 2008 Moonlight Resonance
Moonlight Resonance Layout

17 March 2008- 30 July2008: The Master of Taichi:Vincent and Melissa
The Master of Taichi

My first Banner with the new URL: k-tvb.net!

14 December 2007- 17 March 2008: Raymond and Bernice: Xmas 2007

Bernice and Raymond Banner

I really loved this new layout and banner! It was refreshing and most visitors, like myself, like the green a lot. Raymond and Bernice were also hot favourites so this layout was very well received. Images included magazine scans featuring Bernice and Raymond about an article to do with Christmas and I thought it was very appropriate during since Xmas was approaching then. The Columns were also wide enough to allow my screen captures to fit onto a post without getting cut off as well. I was very pleased how this layout had turned out, so I kept it on for 3 months even though it was past Xmas. I was waiting for the next TVB series that would make get me hooked onto =)

25 November- 13 December : The Ultimate Crime Fighter– Gigi and Kevin in Episode 25

I felt I needed a layout change but I wasn’t sure who should be featured. The series I was watching included Word Twister’s Adventures and The Ultimate Crime Fighter. Surely, Men Don’t Cry had just finished two weeks ago, and although I like the series a lot~ the characters don’t actually look that attractive for a banner. Last night I watched episode 25 of TUCF and I quite liked the tennis scene with Kevin and Gigi. I don’t particular feel anything for this couple, and its not like I prefer the two over Moses and Gigi..I just liked the scene lol Few episodes later, I realised it was a bad choice having the two featured on my banner (in reference to what happens in the series) The New Brown layout also had its problems and inconvenience, i.e not showing up properly in Internet Explorer and there were some visitors who didn’t like this new layout. Soon, I had to change the layout to a new one.

  • 26 October- 24 November: Steps– Steven and Bernice

I used this banner a while after I finished the series Steps, but made it while I was actually watching it. The blue doesn’t seem to suit the rest of my layout but I didn’t want to change it because it suited the scenes capture above. Both very romantic Steven and Bernice scenes ^^ The highlights of the series still has to be the dancing scenes ~

  • 25 September – 25 October 2007: The Drive of Life

I found this scene very romantic lol It is the scene in episode 39 of The Drive of Life where Raymond and Myolie get together, and he grabs onto her from the back…SWEEEEEEET

  • K for TVB’s First year Anniversary 10 September – 24 September

The blog’s First Year Anniversary banner, created by Chibi!! Thanks Chibi!! Containing screnies from various series I’ve seen and layout and banner which I really like. as a bonus, Chibi drew a Chibi picture of Raymond on the banner!! <3 <3 so cute..

  • 14 June- 9 September 2007 : Raymond Lam

One of my favourite banners of all time lol Featuring Raymond <3!! With two on my favourite series which Raymond is in: Heart of Greed and Face to Fate! <3 This banner was used during the time I’ve been watching Heart of Greed~~

  • 4 May 2007- 13 June 2007: A Change of Destiny

Another favourite couple~~ from A Change of Destiny! I quickly grew to the Selena and Benny pairing in ACOD and found this couple really sweet together! This is of course before Beyny starts turning evil..still sad to see the couple end up like that..

I think i love green. It’s not my favourite colour but appears to be a preference in banners. I reckon its influenced from the nice green face to Fate and Dicey banners from before =)

  • 13 March 2007-3 May 2007: Devil’s Disciples

I love it when I’m watching a TVB series and suddenly there’s a scene I really really like. This is one of them! (I knew I wanted a banner of this scene!) Featured in episode 11 of Devil’s Disciples. I loved the fighting scene and the ‘realisation’ when the twins fought with each other..at least Sharon felt something. i also really liked Sharon’s character in the series and felt the bond between the siblings was much stronger and likable than Bosco’s pairing with Bernice, or Sharon’s pairing with Kevin,

  • 4 January 2007-12 March 2007- Dicey Business– Brotherly Love

Another personal favourite banner! I used this for more than 2 months! This was the first banner I used for the current layout: Greening v1.02. This banner was made shortly after watching Bobby and Bosco’s relationship grow. I loved the brotherly love and how Bosco felt ‘something’ when he was with Bobby. It was sad that shortly, Bosco turned and went on Michael’s side..

  • 21 December 2006- 3 January 2007: Dicey Business

The next series I fell in love with was Dicey Business! Right from the start, I was addicted to the series..the cast, storyline, casino..relationships were just so interesting. Back at the start, I really liked Michael Miu’s character..he was so cool ^^(which is why there’s a large picture of him on the right hand side) Haven’t yet seen later into the series, I ended up using the pictures from the Official TVB Website to make the banner, so I didn’t really know when the above scenes were shown. I just knew I would love the series a lot. Now looking back it feels a bit odd that I used the Bobby and Bosco picture in the middle when it was the part Bosco doesn’t like Bobby ^^; I like the golden colours used on this banner, but overall I didn’t like it as much as the Face to Fate one. Maybe black just doesn’t suit that well.

  • 9 November 2006- 20 December: Face to Fate( version 2)

One month later, I continued to love this couple lol New and enhanced, this banner is still one of my personal favourites today, featuring many romantic scenes for Ying Ye Loi and Lai Yerk Yi ^^ I love the greeeen!

  • 10 September -8 November 2006: Face to Fate (version 1)

This was the first banner for my blog. I just had something very simple. I didn’t think the blog would grow to become as big as it is today. I really loved watching Face to Fate, so by half way through the series, I wanted to make a blog just for my thoughts on the TVB series I was watching, and loving. I especially loved this pairing so i featured them as the first banner!

33 Responses to “Past Layouts/Banners”

  • the azn says:

    hi k.
    ur banners r awesum
    can u please show me how to make dem>

  • Roxxane says:

    Nice! Especially the Raymond + Selena banner, the one where they are having fun and Raymond’s hair hasn’t turned white yet. Yup, their chemistry in Face to Fate is totally cute! XD

  • sissel_402 says:

    I really liked A Change of Destiny banner and the second version of Face to Fate really nice

  • Summer says:

    can know tat u love Raymond alot..cos.. majority of e banner ..oso got Raymond lo.. haha.. any way, all ur banner is nice.. keep it up.. wait for ur new banner in future…


  • lilkobegurl24 says:

    Hi K! I love your website. It has a lot of informational stuff that I need. I love your banners and layouts. Can you show me how to make them? It looks so cool!

  • tsunami1313 says:

    WHOA!!! love ur banners!!! how do u get so good at blending?!?! and wat program do u use????

  • TVBLuver says:

    WOW ur banners are nice!! keep it up!

  • Elizabeth says:

    i love them all,
    hahha i think you should make
    one with raymond and bosco together : P

  • kinki says:

    The new banner looks so nice!
    Vincent & Melissa= sweeeeet!!~ ^.^*
    I hope they are together in the end!!~

  • Elizabeth says:

    i LOVE the new banner,
    its soo cute : )
    oh are you making one wit
    myolie & raymond since
    you said you think myolie
    is cute when she lost her
    memory and was with raymond 😀

  • KTVB says:

    To kinki: I hope they’ll end up together too!! ^^ Glad you like it!! <3

    To Elizabeth: haha, probably not ^^; I think I’ll keep this banner for the remaining Taichi series =) even though I love Ray lots xD The thought of Myolie using him (and hurting him in the upcoming episodes most likely) will be frustrating so I don’t think a banner would be appropriate XD

  • xkero says:

    Great job on the banners they look really good, a lot of them give out messages..GREAT JOB!

    I can tell you like raymond!
    Seems like we’re on the same boat because i love watching Raymond too! his voice is so good and he sings with lots of feelings!

  • Elizabeth says:

    Oh so myolie is goin to get her memory back?

  • KTVB says:

    To xkero: Thanks ^^ Most of them are inspired from particular scenes in TVB series I was watching at the time~ and yay for another Raymond fan! haha

    To Elizabeth: yup! She already has… XD

  • fanoffung says:

    lovely banners. would like to have a go at creating banners but dont know how. any tips u can share, kerry?

  • KTVB says:

    To fanoffung: Thanks for your comment =)
    Choose nice pictures, get a nice graphics program like Photoshop, and follow tutorials to learn how to use different effects to manipulate the images to make them high quality, e.g lighting, colouring etc

    Nice fonts and brushes will help too =)

  • Jessica says:

    Ur banner and layouts are awesome lols. hope maybe in future you can do one with Rayolie in it to represent tai chi =) (my opinion)..and yeah..Good site too keep it up.

  • Elizabeth says:

    Forrealz,I really want to read about The Master Of Tai Chi & i read most of it, but i haven’t watch the series so i can’t wait to watch it,urgghh is she goin back to get Vincent? So i don’t really want to read it a lot so i can actually watch it haha : )

    Reply from KTVB: Melissa will get back with Vincent, but then we don’t know if they end up together or not..

  • fanoffung says:


    Thank you so much for sharing your expertise on creating banners. I will certainly have a go at it very soon…

  • theresa says:

    Your banners are really good, it shows you put alot of effect into making them. Im a big fan of TVB so this website will become one of my must go website every week.
    Keep up the good work….

  • sugar says:

    Lol i agree. I was going to make a Men don’t cry banner and icon for a forum or for fun actually and i found it quite hard to do lol. xD But it was all funny making it anyways. :]

  • Suzuki+Kiba=:) says:

    Ignore the username. Ok, i made a banner like yours and i dont know if you know how to do this but, do you know how to apply them to the youtube accounts? Great Banners.

  • drama-addict2 says:

    ooh! i LOVE the raymond lam banner! <3 O.o

  • Jess says:

    Your banners are really adorable!
    But not only your banners, I love the whole design of your website a lot!

    Did you make it on your own?


    Reply from KTVB: aww thanks ^^

  • Jenny says:

    hey ur banners are awesome but have u thought about a fourm for like the lasted series or new, that stuff?

  • Rita says:

    Hello, would you maybe make a banner of A Journey Called Life? I know it’s been released for quite a while but I really like the series and so far I haven’t seen much of Steven and Linda together, except Virtues of Harmony I. I hope you’ll consider it. 😀

  • Elizabeth says:

    ahhh i love your new banner;;its awesome!

  • pt says:

    wt sofeware didi u use to make these nice banner?
    Can u tell me?

  • TVB-lover says:

    omg! ur banners r sooooo cool! keep up the good work,can u show me how to make them or some advice on how to make them plz?? love ur blog!!

  • bry says:

    omgg. i luv ur banners. which program do u use?

    btw, u should make one of AJCL – Linda and Steven. ^^

  • stella says:

    can u make a banner of ron,kevin,raymond & bosco?

  • Samantha says:

    Hi i like ur banners alot! Have you considered abouthaving a banner of Linda Chung and Raymond Lam??
    Your fan ..

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