Site Facts

Blog Name: K for TVB
Owned by: Kerry (aka KTVB, K)
Launched since: 10 September 2006

URL: (since February 2021)
Previously known as (since 7 February 2008 Chinese New Year – February 2021)
Highest Number of Unique Visitors per day:
2,477 (05-Dec-2009)
2,289 (07-Sep-2008) According to CQ Counter
Video Clips: KTVB’s Video Channel @ Youtube

About the Blog

K for TVB was created by Kerry- back then a 19 year old University student from Sydney, Australia. Her blog had been actively running from 10th September 2006 until about 2014. Being an Australian-born Chinese, Kerry has been exposed to a limited number of TVB series at a young age when her parents rented them on Video tapes. Along with anime that was airing back then (like Bishoujou Senshi Sailormoon), Kerry has been influenced by the Asian culture. It wasn’t until 2006 when Kerry had TVBJ satellite installed at home that she was truly exposed and aware of every series that was released. In the same year during its release, her love and obsession for TVB’s Face to Fate (2006) was evident, and she wanted to share her thoughts on the series. Thus, her TVB blog, K for TVB was created!

Since the creation of the blog, Kerry has remained dedicated and committed by posting thoughts on the TVB series she was watching on episode by episode basis each day, containing spoilers. Some of the posts would include summary, some others would just focus on specific scenes or events which left her thinking. The blog quickly grew into one of the largest TVB Blogs on the TVB online community, with increasing visitor hits, averaging over 1000 unique visitors per day since February 2008 and 1700 unique visitors during 2009. The site popularity has influenced and changed the blog more into a fan site, including: Synopsis, Screen captures, Themesong Downloads, Lyrics, Highlights and upcoming TVB series information.

Using the Blog

Using Contents from this Blog

All written content, translations and screen captures (excluding ones from the official TVB Website which has Photo (c) TVB on it) are done by the blog owner KTVB, unless otherwise stated. If you would like to use some (not all, for your blog, website or forum etc), please use common courtesy and provide full credit to K for TVB.

  • Upload the picture on your own server AND
  • Put “Screen captures credits to: K for TVB with a link back

If you like whole entries, please provide a link to the actual entry rather than copy and pasting the whole thing.

No direct linking is allowed for any of the images! Please re-upload them in your own server. Leaving a comment would be much appreciated too. I’ve seen people copy whole chunks of my summaries and thoughts and posted them on forums without giving any acknowledgement. Please don’t do that, it is really discouraging for me. I do not appreciate having my work stolen, so please show me some respect.


How to Navigate around the Blog

Some people get lost trying to find their way around this blog, but its actually quite simple. All my latest posts are on the main page at the top. Each of the posts will be allocated a “category” which you can also access on the side links. I have also created pages on this site (can be accessed via the link on the left hand side) based on substantial certain TVB series where I have compiled all related posts there for easy access. For your starting point of every post related to a specifc series, click here.


Meeting the Stars

TVB Stars I’ve met/seen in real life! 😀 Most of them are from TVB JadeWorld Carnivals held in Sydney each year 🙂

* 2007- Raymond Lam, Shirley Yeung, Yoyo Mung @ Jadeworld Carnival
* 2008- Moses Chan & Tavia Yeung @ Jadeworld Carnival
* 2009- Linda Chung & Moses Chan @ Autograph Session
*2010- Steven Ma @ Miss Sydney Chinese Pageant (Chibi went, not me)
*2010- Michael Tse, Joe Ma & Susanna Kwan @ Autograph Session
*2011- Wayne Lai & Nancy Wu @ Autograph Session
*2012- Shirley Yeung & Kenny Wong @ Press Conference ; Raymond Lam/Kate Tsui @ Sydney- Live Up my Live Concert
*2013- Moses Chan & Joey Meng <–(not going to this one!)


TVB Stuff I own

A few autographs here and there ^^ Click here to see my small collection.


Favourite TVB actors: Raymond Lam, Julian Chilam Cheung, Anita Yuen,Kenneth Ma, Selena Li, Tavia Yeung, Steven Ma, Michael Tse, Raymond Wong
Favourite TVB Series:
Some of these I’ve seen ages back and haven’t seen since, but have left me a deep enough impression for me to remember that I really liked watching it back then. So here’s the list~ until I can think of more that I’ve accidentally left off.

More recently though, I’ve grown to really like period/pre-modern/costume dramas. I initially did not like this period because of  the fashion and felt the series looked kind of boring. However, time and again, TVB prove me wrong! Some of my favourite series are in that genre, such include: Rosy Business, A Fistful of Stances, In the Chamber of Bliss, When Easterly Showers falls on the Sunny West, The Silver Chambers of Sorrow, The Master of Taichi. They fail to disappoint me and hence is the period I have most faith in TVB.

  • Line Walker (2014)
  • A Change of Heart (2013)
  • Bottled Passion (2012)
  • Tiger Cubs (2012)
  • Highs and Lows (2012)
  • Ghetto Justice (2011)
  • Relic of an Emissary (2011)
  • Grace Under Fire (2011) Buy from YesAsia!
  • Life and Times of a Sentinel (2011)
  • Growing Through Life (2010)
  • Sisters of Pearl (2010)
  • A Fistful of Stances (2010)
  • Beyond the Realm of Conscience (2009)Buy from YesAsia!
  • Born Rich (2009)
  • In the Chamber of Bliss (2009)
  • You’re Hired (2009)
  • Rosy Business (2009) Buy from YesAsia!
  • E.U (2009)Buy from YesAsia!
  • When Easterly Showers falls on the Sunny West (2008) Buy from YesAsia!
  • Legend of Demi Gods (2008)
  • Moonlight Resonance (2008)Buy from YesAsia!
  • The Silver Chambers of Sorrow (2008)
  • Love Exchange (2008)
  • Catch Me Now (2008)
  • The Master of Taichi (2008) Buy from YesAsia!
  • Men Don’t Cry (2007) Buy from YesAsia!
  • The Drive of Life (2007)
  • Heart of Greed (2007)Buy from YesAsia!
  • A Change of Destiny (2007)
  • Dicey Business (2006)
  • Face to Fate (2006) Buy from YesAsia!
  • Forensic Heroes (2006) Buy from YesAsia!
  • The Shades of Truth (2005) Buy from YesAsia!
  • Square Pegs (2003)
  • Survivor’s Law (2003) Buy from YesAsia!
  • Golden Faith (2002) Buy from YesAsia!
  • Eternal Happiness (2002) Buy from YesAsia!
  • Take My Word for It (2002)
  • Whatever it takes Buy from YesAsia!
  • Gods of Honour (2001) Buy from YesAsia!
  • Legal Entanglement (2001)
  • The Green Hope (2000)
  • Heavenly Sword Dragon Sabre (2000)
  • Crimson Sabre (2000)
  • Untraceable Evidence (1997)
  • Time Before Time
  • Demi Gods and Semi Devils (1997) Buy from YesAsia!
  • Lady Flower Fist
  • Journey to the West
  • The New Adventures of Chor Lau Heung: The Legend of Bats (1984)


Frequently Asked Questions!

1. Where do you get the screen captures from?

I make them myself =) I watch my TVBJ from the Jadeworld Satellite TV. I don’t have any MP4 or software to transfer TV contents onto the computer, so to make screen captures, I download some of the episodes after watching them (usually only series that are really good ^^). I use “EO Player” to open up the files, and screen captures are taken manually using the “Print Screen” button on the keyboard etc and are then edited and added on this blog. Screen captures taken from the EO player were of lower quality. During the [Life Art] series recently (April 2007), I’ve changed to using Media Player Classic instead.

2. How do you get the time to update so frequently? It’s almost every day!

I try to keep my frequent visitors happy with lots of update, something new to read each day. So..basically I make time! Time to watch the series, time to blog! I usually blog a lot more if I’m really into a series. The better the series, the more posts =) The main thing is staying motivated to update. The motivation is from the continuous support from the visitors by leaving comments in the posts and tagboard. It’s their encouragement that keeps me going, so I really want to thank you guys for your support! 🙂 It makes me really happy and I feel a sense of self satisfaction from maintaining this site. The visitor hits are increasing and I really like to see K for TVB keep growing!

60 Responses to “About K for TVB”

  • chibi says:

    I shall visit now and then ^_^ Have fun!

  • Leana says:

    thank you very much for keeping me up to date with all the episodes of Face to Fate, I don’t often have enough time to watch the episodes, so thanks again!

  • Miss S says:


    Love the site 🙂

  • Kiwi says:

    Hi, I’m a Sydney Girl too. nice to find a site made by an Aussie. Anyhow… This is a very nice site… love the graphic and layout… Keep up the good work…

  • Jen- says:

    Great website. I love it. I’m american born chinese. nice to see an australian. truly an asian invasion. asians are spreading everywhere.. woohoo =]

  • ellenkam says:

    I end up visiting this site everyday now .
    I like the reviews. really . and happy that Kerry , you like Bosco’s series as well.
    can’t wait to see more of his works coming out and being reviewed at your site.
    Great job !! Keep it up !! I will root for your efforts.

  • Fanny says:

    I realy like this website! From now i will try to visit this website everyday.

  • puffins says:

    Great site! I eny this site so much that I am dropping in everyday to see the updates on screen caps & comments :p
    Btw, can any1 tell me whether “UTCOL” is similar to “Life Art”? I had watched Lfe Art & wonder whether shd i watch “UTCOL” as well?

  • Summer says:

    Hi KTVB,.. is happy to found tis site and happy to know u r Bosco fans too..cos..i m oso ar.. haha.. i wil start log in to here always… thanks alot.. KTVB

  • JJL says:

    man you are good at making banners i envy you mate, how did you do it must of taken a while

  • phoenix says:

    Thanks for this site. Really well set out. And good to know it’s someone in Sydney too!

  • ryoko says:

    hi – i like lam fung alot…….the site header picture capture my attention…. its really a nice photo!! and your review on heart of greed is good too!!!!

  • emma says:

    lol luv yo banner…raymond is soo hot

  • Yuko says:

    I luv your website!!!!!!!!!! It rox so much!!!! =D

  • Sammi Ly says:

    absolutely a great tvb series.. and fanatic site ah.. i love it, it changes and gets updated (^_^) ahahah.. Kerry is Kooolll.. ahaha.. talk later enjoy your read people =]

  • bjai says:

    love the work done on the site. also the tvb themes, wished i found this site earlier. thx for the hard work (Y)

  • Roxxane says:

    Your site is so nice! And yeah, I loved Face to Fate, Forensic Heroes (I’m currently watching that now) and Eternal Happiness, and I still do! XD

  • cheung chi lam lover says:

    omg!! im sooo a chi lam cheung lover too, he iz so fab at his acting and singing, i just love him soo mch hehee. i first noticed him in ‘take my word for it’ which was absolutely fantastic!!!

  • Ly says:

    U’re awesome! I love this site. Thanks for making it!

  • kaylie says:

    Hi!!!! love ur site, it’s so detailed and all the information is there. I have a problem though, you know the Lady in red midi rar file? i can’t extract it, it said it needs the password…thanks for your help if you have time ^^

  • KTVB says:

    To kaylie: The apssword is given int eh “Frequently Asked Questions”in the Downlaods page. The password is:


  • kaylie says:

    omg thank you for your time and effort!!! hehehe cheers! ^O^

  • Gee says:

    heys, just to say great work, i see you’ve put alot of effort.

  • Jane says:

    What a nice website! thanks for sharing some TVB news for us. Have a good day 🙂

  • yvonne says:

    I love your website. Helluva good infos & spoilers! Fabulous photos & comparisons! Gave me loads of idea which drama to watch. I live in Singapore. But no chance watch cantonese drama. Had to buy them. So I have to be very selective as to which to buy & watch.

    Oh, but I have a must to recommend for you to watch!
    Point of No Return. Cast: Cheung Chi Lam, Charmaine Sheh, Angie Chiu & Damien Lau.

    I watched it 3 times! Great laughter & cry.

    Keep up the fantastic blog!!

  • sarleh says:

    hey ::
    love the effort you put into the site. it looks great! i love this site because i can catch up on eps i’ve missed, since sometimes i can miss out on lots of eps at one time!
    keep up the great work!!

    btw, i like raymond lam fung too ^_^::

  • KTVB says:

    Thank you so much for the comments ^__^

  • Jessica says:

    Hi Kerry

    This website rocks! Really appreciate all the your great and hard work, which you’ve put towards this website. I love Raymond, Bosco and Frankie therefore it’s great to read reviews about them and see their pictures everywhere on the website. Please keep up the good work!

    So far my favourite would have to be Face to Fate (watched 3 time, only interesting parts). I prefer ancient series over modern. The more fighting scenes the better but have to stir away from the computer graphics.

    I can’t wait to watch Tai Chi, hey since you’re a Raymond fan, maybe you should watch the original version of Survival’s Law. It’s got Raymond, Myolie, Bernice Lui and Samuel Chan. Great story line, Raymond is not so hot in there but so charming!

    Reply from KTVB: Aww..thanks for that Jessica 🙂 I really appreciate your nice comments/feedback! I would love to re-watch Face to Fate when I find the chance as well ahaha.. I’ve actually seen the original Survivor’s Law 🙂 It’s listed at the top as one of my favourite TVB series ^^ Currently re-watching bits of Golden Faith with Raymond in it too, he’s so cute XD I hope someday I’ll get the chance to watch Twins of Brothers..even though I heard its not that great..

  • Jessica says:

    Twins of Brothers is kind ok. Quite a lot of computer graphics but you could just watch it for Raymond. I have to say only Raymond’s parts were interesting, esp him and this Chinese actress, Li Qian. He’s so yummy in there. Ron is in there too, man he CANNOT act! So terrible, I try to skip most of his parts.

    In Golden Faith, Raymond was such a spoilt brat. Although he was quite new to the industry he could act really well.

    I am currently watching Tai Chi, it’s quite ok so far. But Myolie’s character is so different to what she usually play. Not sure if I like it….The other main character is quite cute when he’s not acting crazy!

  • nam1ra says:

    I really love this site! It is my primary source for TVB series.

    I love Raymond, Bosco, Roger Kwok, Jessica Hsuen and Myolie. My all-time fav is Eternal Happiness. I’m hoping to watch the series again but I can’t find the series with English subtitles.

    I’m from Malaysia. I watch the latest TVB drama on Astro On Demand. I will be going overseas to further my studies, I’m afraid I’ll be missing TVB a lot then 🙁

    Hey, keep up the great work!

    Reply from KTVB: Thanks nam1ra ^^

  • beng says:

    hi kerry. thanks for all the updates… i’m living in uk and just started following the TVB series about a year ago… funnily i used to live in sydney about a decade ago down in willis street near unsw…

    really appreciate the updates, especially the download for theme songs.

    keep up the good work.

    … oh btw, i facilitated raymond’s visit to malaysia 3 years ago (with myolie, sonija and ron ng…) and was part of the receiving crew for moses, joe ma, charmaine sheh and ng mei hung 4 years back… good times!

    (only problem is i didn’t appreciate them as much as i do now in london! – life!)

    Reply from KTVB: Thanks a lot Beng! 🙂 Ah..I’m so envious of those who get such close contact with TVB stars!!

  • Tammy says:


    i feel like an idiot, coz i have never been and read your info… i thoroughly enjoy your blogs. we all appreciate your hard efforts.


    Reply from KTVB: Thanks so much for your kind words Tammy!

  • Kitty says:

    hi K !

    I’m a Vietnamese girl from Melbourne. I’m a big fan of TVB and your website ! I visit this website almost every week to get updates on the new coming TVB series … I wish I could write a good blog like you 🙂

    I really appreciate your time and efforts .. thank you very much !!!


    Reply from KTVB: Thanks kitty! Really appreciate the time you spent leaving that message for me! 😀

  • So you’re a Sydneysider too! Did you enjoy the Jadeworld Carnival too? Must of missed your post, never knew it was there! missed out on the autograph session, that’s really a pity, [I missed out last year for Raymond, Shirley & Yoyo!]

  • Kitty says:

    hi K,

    have you seen “Silver Chambers of Sorrows” ? as I can’t find your blog on this series. I’m watching it now and just wondering what you think about it 🙂

    Reply from K: Hi Kitty! I actually skipped the series because I was busy back then when it was released and I won’t be watching it anytime soon. I guess you’ll be the one watching it and telling me what you think of it! =]

  • Jacky says:

    Usually I dont have time to post comments,
    but this site is really nice 🙂

    Keep up the good work ^_^

  • swetter says:

    wow very good think on your blog i think i will read many content on your blog i love it.

  • J-star says:

    yay Raymond <3
    I'm from Sydney too ^^ lol and i also took a picture with the 'three things' white board (from CNY 2008 ay?) haha
    love your site ^^ keep up da awesome work 😀

  • HP says:

    Thanks for posting, I’ll definitely be subscribing to your blog.

  • Cali says:

    Thx for making those theme songs download available!! But I was wondering if you have songs from tvb dramas produced before 2006? I’m not all that good at maneuvering around the blog…

    Keep up the good work!

  • Julie says:

    Oh yay! An Sydney-sider TVB blog that I’ve stumbled upon rather late! =(

    Loving your blog, synopsis and opinions of TVB dramas! I’m trying to find TVB-J channel via satellite but I just can’t get it! >”< Oh wells…back to the rentals I go. lol

    Thanks heaps for maintaining such a great site for so many years! ^^ Keep it up! ^^

    • KTVB says:

      Thanks Julie! 🙂 Glad you like it~ A Sydney-sider too? I’m assuming you have the other satellite dish? I think they don’t cover TVB and you can only get it through installing’s one. XD

      • Julie says:

        There’s the ‘other’ satellite? Mum installed a satellite for one of her programs…and i was secretly hoping for more…how should i say this…more “watchable and entertaining” channels…but no! =( LOL

        I’ll stick to your spoilers til i watch them myself! XP

  • cheela says:

    Kerry, you also a fan of Raymond Lam !! Don’t you think he’s a cutie? 😛

  • bubble_teas says:

    It’s nice to see that we both like watching TVB and Sailor Moon. I surprisingly saw all those series you mentioned above except Love Exchange, Face to Fate, The Green Hope, and The New Adventures of Chor Lau Heung: The Legend of Bats (1984).

  • bubble_teas says:

    My favorite actor: Julian Cheung, Steven Ma, Louis Koo, Raymond Lam, Raymond Wong, Ron Ng, Kenneth Ma, Bosco Wong, Sammul Chan, and Nick Cheung

    My favorite actress: Esther Kwan, Maggie Cheung, Jessica Hsuan, Linda Chung, Kate Tsui, Fala Chen, and Sonijia Kwok

    My favorite dramas: The Demi God and Semi Devils 1997, State of Divinity 1996, Duke of Mt.Deer 98, Justice Sung, Happy Ever After, A Recipe to the heart, Journey to the West II, Eternal Happiness, War of Bribery, and Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre 2000.

    My favorite ATV Series: Heroic Legend of the Yang’s Family 1994, Food Glorious Food, and Secret battle of Majesty,

  • bubble_teas says:

    and also The Legend of Condor Heroes 1994 for my favorite series

  • Michael says:

    have you ever watched Legend of the Condor Heroes 1983 before?

    • KTVB says:

      No I haven’t actually! I’m wanting to though 🙂

      • jadul says:

        My recommendation : you must watch LOCH 1983 also ROCH 1983, HSDS 1986, Demi Gods 1982 as well, etc. Those wuxia oldies are so damn good, much better than 90’s/2000 version TVB adaptation.

  • Im not going to say what everybody else has already said, but I do wish to comment on your information of the topic. Youre really well-informed. I cant believe how much of this I just wasnt aware of. Thank you for bringing much more details to this topic for me. Im really grateful and really impressed.

  • Blaine says:

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  • Jeffy says:

    Awesome site, great reviews, bookmarked!=]

  • Lizzie says:

    I lvoe the Green Hope, Demi Gods and Semi Devils, and the heavenly sword and dragon sabre, legend of condor hero.

  • Christie says:

    We are a group of volunteers and starting a new
    scheme in our community. Your site provided us with valuable
    information to work on. You’ve done an impressive activity and our
    entire group will be thankful to you.

  • stephanie says:

    Hi, do you know where i can watch Take My Word For It (2002) ???

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