April 2013

[A Great Way to Care II] Polls

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4 Responses to “[A Great Way to Care II] Polls”

  • karened says:

    If only Alex had a 3-sided relationship with Yoyo and Tavia in the series…that would be like a mix of Burning Flames 2 and Building Blocks of Life!!! Then again, I won’t be able to choose between the two….lol

    Somehow, i feel that the side couples’ relationship developments are being fleshed out more vividly than the main couples’, especially Tavia and Ben. Since when did they fall for each other? One moment he just found out that she was an undercover, then her helping him to ‘get rid of’ a fanatic suitor, and a few eps later the viewers are being informed of them coming together. When Tavia was facing trouble and stress from her undercover status, Alex was the one showing her support; wouldn’t their emotional connection be stronger?

    Even Alex and Yoyo’s soon-to-be relationship (i guess, fron the look of it) doesn’t sound convincing, though better dealt with than the other main couple’s. So far, Alex’s character has been mourning ah mun’s death and shows no sign of moving on. With only 5 eps to go, i wonder how they’re goingto end up together. Maybe it’s going to be another cliched ‘she falls into life and death danger, and he realises that she has grown very important to him’ ending….

    In any case, this being Yoyo’s last tvb series (or so I read..i jppe this is not true though), even if they had another sequel, her character would be written off. 🙁 i really miss the good old times where a good set of characters and setting could carry a show for many many seasons…

    • karened says:

      Pardon the typos! Typing on my phone is tough …. :/

    • KTVB says:

      I agree with you. I think Alex should have had a love story with Tavia as well. I feel that Tavia and Alex really connected; but having her automatically allocated to Ben seemed forced. They lacked a lot of chemistry..

      Yes I agree. I don’t feel they focus much on the love plots of the main leads, but there seems to be an overkill with the supporting casts. They even make a mention of how messy the relationshp between the characters are in the series.

      ahha now having seen the ending, I guess there wasn’t the typical life/death situation thing…XD

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