November 2011

[TVB 44th Anniversary] Nominations List!

The 2011 TVB Anniversary Awards nominations List is finally out!

Have your say and vote!! These won’t count towards the official thing, but it’ll be good to see who the majority of K-TVB.net followers vote for!
Do share your thoughts, and enjoy!!

You can only vote 1 for “Most Improved” Category but you can pick up to 3 (in one go only) for the others, so make sure you make the most of it! You can vote up to 5 for Best Series!

To be honest, as I was putting this nominations list I was shaking my head in disbelief… lol There were so many people on the list I totally disapproved of! My mind was constantly questioning whether there were better more worthy nominations out there XD

I guess 2011 isn’t a very strong TVB year. (Also a fall in its reputation with a number of Artist leaving) The first half of the year had some terribly bad series, but I thought it picked up towards the end. There were a handful of series which I did enjoy, but nothing as strong/impressive as No Regrets. Sad to say but there’s no one in particular I really want to win this year lol

Best Actor 2011 Nominations
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A few good candidates in this category 🙂 Other than those ticked, I quite liked Kevin in “Ghetto Justice” and Ruco in “The Other Truth” too. They’re probably going to make it in top 5 along with Michael Tse (due to his popularity). I don’t mind too much whoever wins from those I’ve mentioned, but probably least with Michael since his role was pretty much the same as his Laughing Gor character in EU. (I prefer Kenneth Ma over Michael Tse).  I think Wayne did really well in his portrayl of Pro-Sir- he seems so pro! I like his image a lot XD I thought Roger acted well in Wax and Wane although he probably won’t win because the series didn’t garner high ratings. Where is Joe Ma and Sammul’s nominations for “Relic of an Emissary” – And Bowie for “River of Wine”? It’d be interesting to see whether Steven Ma will win it this year.. :]

Best Actor 2011 Nominations
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Oh dear…such a struggle to vote!! I couldn’t even pick three! I’m surprised Elena andNancy made it in nominations as I thought they played more supporting roles. To be honest I don’t think anyone here can replace Sheren Tang in my heart XD Hmm…maybe Myolie might win for her role in “The Curse of Royal Harem”?
Best Actor 2011 Nominations
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Another category which made me think for awhile before voting. I think Pierre did well in “River of Wine” but his role was quite similar to that of “Rosy Business”. my other 2 votes go to the 2 supportings for “Ghetto Justice”. they were refreshing and interesting! I would have voted for Raymond Wong as well if he was nominted for “The Other Truth”.

Best Actor 2011 Nominations
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I really like Elena in “Lives of Omission” She was awesome there! I also think Nancy did a great job in “Forensic Heroes 3″ as the lawyer. I think Sire Ma is pretty cute but not ready for Best Supporting Actress yet- perhaps most improved? I also think Sharon Chan would will get in top 5 for Ghetto Justice. No nomination for Elaine Yiu in” Sentinel”?
Best Actor 2011 Nominations
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Woot! Favourite Character awards- I like these! XD Iouldn’t resist and cheated by voting more than 3 lol Wong Cho Lam is adorable in “Super Snoops”! I always have a soft spot for Chilam hehe and Kevin’s LA character is probably my favourite of all Kevin’s roles in the past. I also like Raymond and Ruco from The Other Truth (such ideal boyfriend material- just pick on Tavia! xD)

Best Actor 2011 Nominations
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My one and only vote goes to…Liu Xuan! XD Very cute character (and voice dubbing lol)
Best Actor 2011 Nominations
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Not much comment here, good luck boys!
Best Actor 2011 Nominations
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My heart goes to Sire Ma XD Although she annoyed the heck out of me in “Relic”, she was very cute and likable in the other series. TVB seems to be promoting her a lot this year. Cilla Kung also has high chances of winning given her recent popularity in “Yes Sir Sorry Sir”. I didn’t like the series much and she was so annoying in “River of Wine”. She had a neat role in Forensic Heroes 3 though.
Best Actor 2011 Nominations
Pick up to 5!
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Here are my top 5 favourite TVB series for the year!! Just my personal thoughts XD Although the chances of some of them wining are low (due to lower ratings), my vote still goes out to them XD I also liked “River of Wine, Wax and Wane, The Other Truth”.

19 Responses to “[TVB 44th Anniversary] Nominations List!”

  • Ri says:

    Oh wow I had a hard time voting, especially for the female categories! In a way all the series this year were on the same level so no obvious winners this year (unless Curse of The Royal Harem blows everyone out of the water at the last minute?)

    Not a really interesting Awards ceremony I reckon, but oh well can’t have a “No Regrets” every year right? Tho i wish TVB was capable of that! Sigh. I’m neutral on most of the categories but I’m surprised Ruco wasn’t nominated for Most Improved (which I’m pretty sure he would take) and straight into Best Actor? Hm, then again, it would be weird to be in Most Improved after taking a leading role this year. Oh what am I talking about, TVB has no protocol when it comes to awards nominations. Didn’t Natalie Tong win last year for Most Improved -.-

    Interesting to see who they’ll give the TV King and TV Queen award to this year. I do see more potential TV Kings (Roger, Kevin, Steven) than TV Queens (…none? Myolie maybe?) . Oh well, just have to wait and see!

    • KTVB says:

      yea..struggled a lot with the female categories!

      MM..happened to Raymond Wong last year! He was playing lead role in “When Lanes Merge” and he won Most Improved XD Tavia Yeung was also nominated in Most Improved Category during year of Moonlight Resonance and left everyone “wtf”? XD

      Hmm..I can’t say Selena improved much (esp in Life and Times of Sentinel), let alone nominated for Best Actress..then again, I could say the same for a lot of those in the nomination.

      • Ri says:

        I wish I knew how TVB picks for each category. Now that you mention it, actors/actresses in lead roles do get nominated in most improved. hmm. Plus in every interview everyone always says Ruco will win Most Improved for sure, i’m actually pretty surprised he didn’t get nominated for that. Not that being nominated for TV King is bad, it’s just that there are more deserving candidates there than him.

        I didn’t even notice that Selena was in the TV Queen category! Hm, i like her but she wasn’t exactly a breakout character in Life and Times.

        Since there aren’t obvious frontrunners this year I actually had to really think back to how the shows were throughout the year. It has indeed been a slow, mediocre year for tvb with only one of 2 exceptions. I reckon Ghetto Justice may actually pick up an award, considering how TVB is already planning for a sequel. And Kate may pick up an award too since she’s been in so many shows this year!

        • EY says:

          I agree. I guess the voting was difficult because of the way they classify the nominations, and the roles that TVB picked to be nominated (especially so for kate!)
          I actually think that Forensic Heroes is gonna win big because of the time of the year it is scheduled for broadcast. Honestly, if I were to compare Wayne’s acting in NR to FH, he seriously pales off. I mean, only Wayne can pull off a Lau Sing, but Im pretty sure Bobby Auyeung/Frankie Lam can pull off Pro Sir equally well. My pick for best actor actually goes to Joe Ma for his role in Relic. I recall thinking back then that Joe’s eyes looked a little different in his role; his acting matured and he seemed to have hit the nail on the head for his portrayal. But owell, too bad he isnt with TVB already.

    • zihwye says:

      i think Ruco wasn’t nominated for most improved cos hes been acting for some time prior to joining TVB. not sure!

  • zihwye says:

    I think Derek Kwok should’ve been nominated (for best supporting) for his role in The Reunion instead of Lives of Omission.

    And why no Roger for My Favourite Character? Hes really my favourite character.

    Agreed that it was such a slow year for TVB.

    • KTVB says:

      Ah I forgot about Roger…yea I like him too!!!! Love his character XD
      I agree about your comment about Derek too. He had better performance in Wax and Wane.

  • ... says:

    I am rather disappointed that 7 Days in Life was overlooked. I thought Steven’s character in that was much better than in Life and Times of a Sentinel as well.

    I agree that it seems to be a rather disappointing year. But I haven’t watched many of the later series.

  • Anonymous says:

    I would have prefered Kate’s role as Ada to be nominated for the above, rather than Paris. Paris character was ok lah.

    I agree with Ri as well. Female nominations seems bit weak this year.

  • AC says:

    These nominations are so weird. People seem to be getting nominated for the wrong roles! Tavia for Rippling Blossom when she was considered the main lead in all her other series that aired? Aimee for The Truth instead of FH3? No Raymond for Favorite Male but they put in Jason Chan’s character? And why would they not nominate Myolie for Ghetto Justice? It seems like a disadvantage for her now since only a few episodes have aired, but I’m still rooting for her to take the tvb best actress award this year.

  • Mui says:

    The nominees this year didn’t really stand out and I agree with the whole “difficult to choose a nominee” part because I didn’t realize it was hard until I sat there sighing ^^
    Also, where is Joe Ma nomination? Did he leave too?
    I like Kate’s character in Forensic, sadly there isn’t a nomination for her role there.

  • Lee says:

    Why is Myolie getting all the hyped when she did bad in Curse up to this point?

    • zihwye says:

      i think the role is meaty, but she isn’t doing very well in it.
      if she wins i will be quite disappointed. her acting really isn’t best actress standard yet.

  • Ri says:

    After actually thinking about it, the only series I enjoyed completely from beginning to end this yr were Ghetto Justice and The Other Truth, so I do hope one of them pick up the award. To me, The Other Truth was only marred by that STUPID ending where Tavia didn’t pick anyone, and Ghetto Justice was marred by Myolie who I don’t really like but have to admit she was pretty OK in that show. I reckon TVB will give it to either Ghetto Justice or Lives of Omission. Or Curse of The Royal Harem if the ratings go really high.

  • zz says:

    Only You – BEST SERIES

  • hannah says:

    haha, just a quick post of my thoughts before i continue studying for my exams. 😛

    my picks:
    Best actor: kevin (but i’m not sure if he will win twice, because the award he got back in 2006 wasn’t… very well-deserved lol. anyway, if he wins twice, he’ll be on the same level as louis koo, roger kwok, gallen lo and wayne lai. i guess he isn’t really there yet, imo.

    actually, tbh, i think ruco chan may win as well. he really portrayed the lawyer role with so much conviction that i saw really saz lau sz kit in him.

    best actress: like you, i don’t really have a favourite. nobody beats Sheren Tang imo. she’s the queen of acting. her acting is so convincing that i think the younger fadans are nowhere near her lvl. i can’t really pick, but if i have to, i’d probably pick maggie as well. she’s doing a fine job as dr chung. 🙂

    BSActor: ben wong, no doubt about this. he shld really get it this year. he’s the reason why i loved lives of omission so much lol. abt time too. he was pretty well-known in a kindred spirit, but i dunno what happened afterwards lol. he kinda got relegated to the not-so-impt roles.

    BSActress: elena kong/nancy wu/sharon chan. wow, competition for this is quite stiff. actually i feel that competition for both BSActor/actress are more intense than for BActor/Actress. 😛 i think the supporting roles are more memorable this year.

    fav male: ruco/kevin/michael. i have a feeling michael might win this.

    fav female: i can’t really pick, but i’d go with maggie or sharon.

    nothing to say for most improved awards

    best drama: fine with either TOT or OY winning. actually, if the ending for OY wasn’t that bad, it’d have been the best drama from 2011. i really liked the theme a lot and the side-stories were very heart-warming and yet meaningful. TOT for the awesome cases. 🙂

    didn’t really like FH3 as much as i thought though. i thought the cases were way too simple and easy to solve.

    hehe, sry for the long comment. better get back to studying. 😛

    nothing beats no regrets of course. that show is definitely the one of the best tvb dramas from the last 10 years, or one of the best from tvb. if only tvb can produce shows like NR every year… but i’ll be failing my exams lol.

  • Kelly says:

    Please also vote at tvb.com.

  • rainy says:

    i can’t believe that in AOD award, Yes sir sorry sir casts was able to win. They chose mostly the cast in live of Omison or the other truth. One of the most shock one was Jessica shuen in royal harem doesn’t get selected. It seem like new young cast mostly. The only one i feel satisfy was Wayne lai was one of the top characters. Geez, am shocked right now about the neitizen who are voting for these award. I wonder that did they watch the movies or they just like the casts and voted for it. T.T

    Yea, i agree with everyone in here that TVB this year was such a slow motion. I got bored with most of the series of TVB easily, more than that the artists news. I only enjoy a quite few series such as FH3 even they do a little bit bad at the end but it still good for me though. Relic of omisary, Ripling blossom,ghetto justice, men with no shadow,be home for dinner, and the other truth.
    I don’t know why that tavia role this year wasn’t so attract to me while that her role kind of weird.
    Myole role was so good at ghetto justice i admitted and even in rippling blossom.
    Fala chen, had no interest with her role mostly but she really improve a lot.
    Linda cheung in Yes sir sorry sir, T.T like i said b4, it doesn’t make sense to me beside she cried the last part.
    Michael Tse was good but his role are annoying me for awhile because mostly he was choking too much. TVB was promoting him this year too much. I hope that steven ma will be promote next year bcuz he was a good actor. ( recall to the old movie between him and maggie)
    Ron ng, no move that are good beside FH3 whch is my favorite.
    Kevn cheng, very good acting and his movies was mostly good plus he was promoted in bu bu jing xin so he definitely was famous for though. I love his Law ba role 😛
    Raymond lam was ok. I figure out i like him more than usual because he seem lke didn’t care for the result and he only need to do his job and his role are cool for me.
    Wayne lai obvious my favorite since rosy business. To be honest, it was a long path for him until he got promoted by TVB and i feel proud of him. His talented was able to show in FH3 and 天天天晴 and N regrets 🙂
    Sheren tang still my favorite leading role. She was extremely convincing :P.
    Girl leading this year is kind of lacking for me because it seem like TVB mostly care for guy roles instead of girl like No regret. Such a biase T.T
    I definitely chose Maggie because her acting skill always good since long time ago

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