[poll id=”9″]

*KTVB votes for Bosco and Natalie =)

6 Responses to “[The Seventh Day] Cast your Votes!”

  • guest says:

    I’d like to vote for Niki and Jack. But, that wasn’t an option. 😛

  • KTVB says:

    lol, what a cute comment XD

  • Summer says:

    i had vote la.. i actually love the pair of Niki + Kevin and oso Bosco + Natalie.. but, i had vote for Bosco and Natalie lo.. they’re cute in tis series..

  • Vaneffle says:

    I didn’t really know the others, maybe its my lack of knowledge so that leaves Niki+Kevin and Bosco+Natalie. Bosco and Natalie were just weird. the story between them doesn’t make sense to me…

  • Wingie says:

    I love the couple Kevin&Niki and Bosco&Natalie.
    But I vote Kevin&Niki. They’re a good couple.

  • Wee says:

    i like kevin n niki… they r funnier than bosco n natalie.

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