August 2007

[The Drive of Life] Episode 2

Raymond Lam makes his first appearance! His character is so cute! XD I loved watching all his scenes, his little driving adventure and encounter with Feng Shao Feng ^^ Feng offers Raymond a lift in his car for $20 and he squashes in the back seat. Raymond tells him it was getting hot and asked if he could turn on the air-conditioner but Feng tells him that the car won’t be able to support so many people. He offers a drink for $5 and Raymond takes it, realising it wasn’t cold. Feng tells him that the iced ones are $10 but they’re all sold out already. He then offers Raymond a paper fan for $2 XD

You’re pretty good at doing business
Michael Miu on the other hand continues to flirt with other girls, meeting Vivien Yeo in this episode. At the motor-race when Damien was talking to Raymond, we can see Michael in the background waving and smiling to another girl.

Damien’s threat to resign from his position was a very smart move! I wouldn’t have thought of it myself..

One Response to “[The Drive of Life] Episode 2”

  • fanoffung says:

    yes, Fung looks super dashing here. Thoroughly enjoyed his playful protrayal here. Drool..

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