June 2010

[The Mysteries of Love] Couple Poll

[poll id=”80″] The pairings’ relationship and characters are quite a contrast to one another. Which were your favourite pairing in the series? Since there are a lot of Fungyi fans out there I have a feeling they are going to win by a mile lol This is the first time I’ve seen the Raymond x […]

The 4th (and final?) promotional clip featuring Bernice and Tavia!! I didn’t think the girls would have one together 🙂 Click on the screenshot to watch the clip:

English Title: The Mysteries of love  (Previously known as Shall we state the case) Chinese Title: 谈情说案 (Taam Ching Suet On) Cast: Raymond Lam (æž— 峯), Tavia Yeung (楊 怡), Kenneth Ma Kwok Ming (馬國明),  Bernice Liu (廖碧兒) , Chan Chin Pang (陳展鵬) , Lee Kwok Lun (李國麟) , Mary Hon (韓馬利) , Law Lok Lam […]

I just came across the first promotional clip of Mysteries of love from hyn5‘s blog and I’m really excited !! Love the whole idea about love and science- its a really nicely put-together promotional clip with the mirrors, reflections and Raymond’s confusion about love. You can also hear a bit of Raymond’s themesong playing !! […]


April 2010

[A Fistful of Stances] Episode 7 Snippets

I really like watching Kenneth and Selena together <3 I found this particular scene quite cute and I enjoy their interaction. It’s a pretty lighthearted scene and reveals more of Selena’s kind-hearted nature. *** The most touching part of this episode how watching how hard Natalie tried to convince Kevin that he is their long […]


April 2010

[A Fistful of Stances] Episode 6 Snippets

Such cruelty!! Arghhh!! Tavia only had her 4 children left, yet Dominic did not let her off as Tavia wrote letters to the government in hope they could bring justice to her parent’s death. He sent people to cause trouble at the Martial Arts school/home, damaging the place, destroying her fathers ‘words’, beating up Tavia […]


April 2010

[A Fistful of Stances] Episode 5 Snippets

Episode 5 ended very emotionally!  Yuen Qiu refuses to take the operation, despite being in immense pain and  her life was at stake. Her children kept pleading her but she stood very firmly at her decision and refused to listen to them. She finally reveals at the end of the episode.. In the year her […]


April 2010

[A Fistful of Stances] Episode 1 Snippets

The two following parts were my favourite scenes in episode 1. They made me all teary and it really gained my sympathy for the characters :< A helpless pregnant woman holds an umbrella and walks in the rain at night in hope to search for her two kidnapped sons. Her parents have been murdered and […]