December 2014

[New Series]: Sour Lady

English Title: Sour Lady Cantonese Title:  醋娘子 (cho neung ji ) Cast: Myolie Wu 胡杏兒, Ron Ng 吳卓羲, Him Law 羅仲謙, Eliza Sam 岑麗香, Gigi Wong 黃淑儀, Alice Chan 陳煒, Ku Ming Wah 古明華, Jade Leung 梁琤 Episodes: 20 Airing date: 1 December 2014 – 28 December 2014 (replacing ‘Come On, Cousin‘) Themesong: Is That You? […]


August 2014

[Black Heart White Soul] Polls

Now half way through the series..which is your favourite character and pairings? 😀 [poll id=”173″] [poll id=”172″]


July 2014

[New Series]: Black Heart White Soul

English Title: Black Heart White Soul Cantonese Title: 忠奸人 Cast: Roger Kwok 郭晉安 , Kristal Tin 田蕊妮 , Ron Ng 吳卓羲, Kiki Sheung 商天娥 , Louis Cheung 張繼聰, Waise Lee 李子雄, Jason Chan 陳智燊, Matt Yeung 楊明, May Chan, Leanne Li, Claire Yiu, Lisa Lau, Vivien Yeo Episodes: 30 Airing date: 14 July 2014 – […]

*Warning: Contains major spoilers* Ruse of Engagement was a TVB series I initially skipped because of a busy schedule (I have been busy preparing for my Hawaii trip and other things while the series was airing), but recently decided to come back to give it a go based on positive reviews and recommendations (both online […]

One Episode. One screenshot. Enjoy! 🙂 Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5


April 2014

[Ruse of Engagement] Polls

Cast your vote! 😀 [poll id=”166″] [poll id=”167″] [poll id=”168″]  

  I felt that these episodes were pretty boring. A lot felt like filler episodes, but when I think about it..maybe it’s because I’m not that interested in the characters and relationships anymore. I want to see more Chilam and Myolie moments though, but they were minimal. I’m starting to feel that TITS2 is filled […]

These episodes focused a lot on Ron and Myolie which I didn’t mind at all : ) There were some very sweet scenes between the two and slowly I began to really like this couple. It felt very genuine and it became clear in episode 21 that Ron had feeling for Myolie as well. Did […]