December 2014

[New Series]: Officer Geomancer

English Title: Officer Geomancer Cantonese Title:  八卦神探 (baat gwa san taam) Cast: Johnson Lee 李思捷,Joey Meng 萬綺雯,Oscar Leung 梁烈唯,Rebecca Zhu 朱晨麗,Law Lok-Lam 羅樂林,Harriet Yeung 楊詩敏,Fred Cheng 鄭俊弘, Law Lan羅蘭 Episodes: 20 Airing date: 16 December 2014 – 9 January 2015 (Replacing ‘Overachievers‘) Themesong: Rebel 造反 -Fred Cheng Official: Website Executive Producer: Scriptwriter: Official Synopsis Police officer, […]


August 2013

[New Series]: Always and Ever

English Title: Always and Ever Cantonese Title: 情逆三世緣 (ching yik saam sai yuen) Cast: æ­é™½éœ‡è¯ Bobby Au Yeung, 關詠荷 Esther Kwan, 敖嘉年 Pierre Ngo, 黃智雯 Mandy Wong, 黃智賢 Ben Wong, 郭政鴻 Derek Kok, 朱晨麗 Rebecca Zhu, Ram Chiang Episodes: 30 Airing date: 12 August 2013 (replacing ‘Karma Rider‘) Themesong: Truly a Coincidence (實屬巧合)- Shirley Kwan (CD) * | […]

I finally finished writing my thoughts on episode 10-12! Woot! I’m aware [Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles] is currently up to episode 22, so we are about 10 episodes behind the air date. Not to worry though, I will continue sharing my thoughts as I watch so please continue to follow me 🙂 This entry focuses […]

If you haven’t already, please check out my previous entries on [Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles] episode 1-3 and 4-6. I promise you it’ll be a fun read. Okay, so let’s get started! Tavia plays “hard to get” and gets exactly what she wants.. In episodes 7, 8 and 9 of [Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles], Tavia’s disappointment […]

Hi everyone! My name is Chibi and I’ll be helping K guest blog TVB’s 2012 Grand Production series “Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles” (名媛望族) literally translated as “prominent family of high status women”. To those of you who stuck around, you may remember me covering Beyond the Realm of Conscience in 2009 co-incidentally also starring Tavia Yeung […]

English Title: Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles [Anniversay Series] Cantonese Title: 名媛望族 (ming nui mong juk) “Prominent Family of high status women“” Cast: Damian Lau 劉松仁, Idy Chan 陳玉蓮, Tavia Yeung 楊怡, Kenneth Ma 馬國明, Ron Ng 吳卓羲, Rebecca Zhu 朱晨麗, Mary Hon 韓馬利, Elena Kong江美儀, JJ Jia, Sire Ma, Shek Sau,  Ben Wong Episodes: 40 […]