September 2008

Raymond Lam’s New Album! [Your Love]

Yay!! After Raymond’s great success in selling his debut album last year, his 2nd album [Your Love] is finally out for pre-ordering! I’m really excited !!=D It is expected to be released on September 9 and this time,  it comes in two different covers: The CD will include the following songs: 01. 愛不疚 (TVB劇集「溏心風暴之家好月圓」片尾曲) Love […]


August 2008

[Moonlight Resonance] Episode 15 Thoughts

A few scenes in this episode I think are worth mentioning include: JoBao previously (when he was still with HorMa) did some operation on the eye, but after being hit by a car he temporarily couldn’t see. Grandma let HorMa get in the ambulance with him because she knew about JoBao’s previous health situations and […]


August 2008

[K for TVB] reaches 1,000,000 hits!

I’ve suddenly come to a surprise when I scrolled down the page to see that K for TVB has passed the 1 million hits mark! (Currently 1,000,760 as I type)  yay!! That itself has been one of the most rewarding feeling ever XD I’m really really happy at the moment! 😀 Thank you all visitors […]


August 2008

[Moonlight Resonance] Episode 12 Thoughts

Chung-Jai is forced to go home, and Ah Ka(Moses) decides to move out. When Grandma finds out from Susanna that Chung-Jai is secretly going back to HorMa’s place, Grandma starts raging. She forces her grandchildren to return or else she’ll starve herself to death =_= seriously, my response was simply ‘go die then’ XD I […]


August 2008

[Moonlight Resonance] Episode 8 Thoughts

The highlights of this episode would have to be the court scene and the scene where HoMa goes to beg Michelle to let Ah Sa off from being sued. I thought the whole truth revealing thing was dramatic as usual 🙂 I was a little surprised the court scene came so early in the series. […]


August 2008

[Moonlight Resonance] Episode 7 Thoughts

HoMa calls JoBao out to discuss the way he is raising up Ah Ka because she is really concerned he’ll waste his life by indulging into the risky stock market. However, Jo Bao gets really fussed, denying there was anything wrong with it. I was surprised that although JoBao appears that he doesn’t care about […]


August 2008

[Moonlight Resonance] Episode 6 Thoughts

There were some entertaining funny moments in this episode =) One would be the dinner scene where SaYi treats them dinner saying she will be leaving to go overseas for the Court Trial and the kids were implying that the sooner she leaves, the better ‘lets quickly eat then, so she could be on her […]


August 2008

[Moonlight Resonance] Episode 5 Thoughts

This is episode focuses on Tavia who decides to move out of the house mainly because of SaYi, and the fact that she is only a adopted daughter and doesn’t truly belong in the family. The fact her grandpa implied that she wasn’t really part of the family really hurt her and felt she was […]