November 2014

[New Series]: Overachievers

English Title: Overachievers [Grand Production- Anniversary Series] Cantonese Title:  名門暗戰 (ming moon am jin) Cast: Wayne Lai 黎耀祥,Raymond Wong 黃浩然,Edwin Siu 蕭正楠,Power Chan 陳國邦,Raymond Cho 曹永廉,Nancy Wu 胡定欣,Maggie Shiu 邵美琪,Susanna Kwan 關菊英 Episodes: 30 Airing date:  4 November 2014 – 14 December 2014 (Replacing Tomorrow is Another Day) Themesong: 真實謊言 True Lies– Susanna Kwan | Sub […]


June 2014

[The Ultimate Addiction] Polls

[poll id=”170″] [poll id=”171″]  


June 2014

[New Series]: The Ultimate Addiction

English Title: The Ultimate Addiction (previously known as ‘Midas’) Cantonese Title: 點金勝手 Cast: Bosco Wong 黃宗澤 , Kate Tsui 徐子珊, Nancy Wu 胡定欣, Sharon Chan 陳敏之, Ben Wong 黃智賢, Elena Kong 江美儀, Toby Leung 梁靖琪, MC Jin 歐陽靖 Episodes: 30 Airing date: 2 June 2014 – 11 July 2014 (after ‘Never Dance Alone‘) Themesong: Challenge […]


February 2014

[New Series]: Gilded Chopsticks

English Title: Gilded Chopsticks Cantonese Title: 食為奴 (sik wai no) Cast:  Wong Cho Lam 王祖藍 , Joey Meng 萬綺雯 , Ben Wong 黃智賢 , Nancy Wu 胡定欣 , Louis Cheung 張繼聰, Stephanie Ho 何雁詩, Ram Chiang 蔣志光, Bob Lam 林盛斌 Episodes: 25 Airing date: 10 February 2014 (Replacing Queen Divas) Themesong: Loyal Subject (忠臣)- Wong Cho […]


December 2013

[New Series]: Coffee Cat Mama

English Title: Coffee Cat Mama Cantonese Title: è²“屎媽媽 (maau si ma ma) Cast:  Bosco Wong 黃宗澤, Michelle Yim 米雪, Eliza Sam 岑麗香, Nancy Wu 胡定欣, Vincent Wong 王浩信, Koo Ming Wa 古明華 , Mimi Lo 羅敏莊, Siu Po 小寶 Episodes: 20 Airing date:  23 December 2013 (Replacing ‘Bounty Lady“) Themesong: Speed Competition (鬥快) by Hurbert Wu  […]

English Title: Triumph in the Skies II [2013 Grand Production] Cantonese Title: è¡ä¸Šé›²éœ„II (chong seung wan siu II) Cast: Francis Ng 吳鎮宇, Julian Chilam Cheung 張智霖, Myolie Wu 胡杏兒, Fala Chen 陳法拉, Ron Ng 吳卓羲, Kenneth Ma 馬國明 , Nancy Wu 胡定欣, Elena Kong 江美儀 Episodes: 43 Airing date: 15 July 2013 (replacing ‘A Change of Heart‘) […]


February 2013

[New Series]: Season Of Love

English Title: Season Of Love Cantonese Title: 戀愛季節 (luen oi gwai jit) Cast: 馬國明 Kenneth Ma, 胡杏兒 Myolie Wu, 徐子珊 Kate Tsui , 吳卓羲Ron Ng, 胡定欣Nancy Wu, 羅仲謙 Him Law, 梁烈唯 Oscar Leung, 梁靖琪 Toby Leung, 王浩信 Vincent Wong Episodes: 20 (5 episodes per season) Airing date: 11 February 2013 (Replacing ‘Inbound Troubles’) Themesong: Little […]


December 2012

[The Confidant] Overall Thoughts

Warning: Contains Spoilers The Confidant was a series I had anticipated after knowing Wayne Lai and Michelle Yim were going to be the leads in it. Their performance did not disappoint and the drama explored many interesting themes. I felt the story was very well crafted and I could foresee a lot of character development […]